Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thursday, May 15

Science: Took the Amusement Park Physics Post-Test & began our notes on Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum. Daily Science Quiz is tomorrow.

Geometry: Completed the 12.5 activity, comparing the volume of pyramids and prisms. Homework is the 12.5 notes.

Humanities: Students checked 17.1/17.2 and worked on 17.3 summaries or section assessments in class. Homework is to complete 17.3. No current events this week.

Technology 8 - Orlando: What we did today: Students continued working on their business websites using Homework: No homework

Tech 8 (Stein): Turn in Family Budget (1st and 3rd hour); Research Mentoring with Mr. Greer's 5th Grade, Project Due 5/20 (2nd Hour)

Spanish I: no homework

ELA - Students continued their study of Historical Fiction with time-lines.  We recognized the correlation between the major events in the story to the major events during the Civil War, reinforcing the historical portion of Historical Fiction. Homework: READ! Journal Entry #38

Algebra: Test tomorrow.  I have attached some practice.  Study!!!! (Chapter 10 Practice test, Answers to chapter 10 practice test, Extra Review)

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