Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday, March 5

Science: Students began working on the review for next week's electricity unit test. The review is due on Tuesday. Evidence of work on the circuit is due tomorrow, students can bring in a picture or their actual circuit. Tomorrow is a project work day, students can work on their circuit or the paper.
Friday, March 13: Electricity Unit Test
Monday, March 16: Circuit & Paper Due

Geometry: Did more practice with trigonometry and solving right triangles. Anything not finished in class is homework. Quiz tomorrow. 

RR Math: Homework packets are due tomorrow. Study tonight for your test tomorrow.

RR English: Logs are due Monday.

Humanities: Students reviewed tests and projects in class. No homework. Students will work on 11.1 section assessment in class tomorrow. 11.1 and a current event are due Monday.

ELA - Students wrote an on demand writing - a compare and contrast on To Kill a Mockingbird movie vs book. Homework: Journal 3.31 and READ!

Technology - we continued to work on Family Budget Projects.

Algebra: Open note quiz tomorrow (sections 9.1-9.5). Homework 9.6-9.8 homework (due end of the hour tomorrow)

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