Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6

Science: "What is Safe" rubric was passed out and students had time in class to work on their projects (circuit or paper) or review. Review is due on Tuesday (Monday for band students) and electricity test is Friday, March 13. Final circuit project and paper due Monday, March 16. 

Geometry: Took the trig and solving right triangles quiz. Homework is the "developing area" handout examples 2 & 3. 

RR English: Reading logs are due Monday. Please make sure you follow what each journal is asking you to do.

RR Math: No homework. If you forgot to turn in your math packet today, you will need to do so please on Monday.

ELA - Students were introduced to our community read Iqbal. We investigated different products that are obtained or made through child labor. Students then learned about 3 other products. We will begin to read he book aloud on Monday. STUDENTS HAVE HOMEWORK FOR THE WEEKEND: Discuss the four products your student learned about, brainstorm how to help stop child labor. Students must write a journal entry on this family discussion.

Technology- Students worked on their family budget project. Rough Drafts are due Monday, presentations will begin Wednesday.

Algebra: We took a quiz today. Homework for this weekend is the Chapter 9 practice test (odds only)

Chinese: Who couldn't finish writing your story in the class, it will become your homework. Due date is March 9, Monday.

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: anguage Lab- If you are taking the tener/venir makeup quiz, complete it, then do the following lessons. If you are not taking the tener/venir makeup quiz, you may begin this lesson right away.
  • Read through the material on Possessive Adjectives, and take notes (You may do this alone or with a quietly with a partner)
  • On the left side of the screen you will see a series of links
  • Take the Basic Quiz, and the Mini Test
  • Print out your scores and give to me. This will be graded as homework, not as a Quiz or Test.
  • If you have time leftover, you may get a ‘Country Study’ sheet, and complete it. Keep it in your binder for future labs. If you previously started but did not complete a country study, you may complete it today. Keep it in your binder.TAREA:
Chapter 3 test has been postponed until next week. Many students needed more work with the tener/venir verbs. The test will be on Wednesday, March 11.

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