Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4

Science: Completed the notes for electricity and discussed the requirements for the testing and revisions log. No homework, although students should be working on their circuit projects! Upcoming Due Dates:
Friday, March 6: Evidence of Circuit Due; Project Work Day
Tuesday, March 10: Project Work Day
Friday, March 13: Electricity Test
Monday, March 16: Circuit Project & Paper Due

Geometry: Continued trig with solving right triangles. Homework is the solving right triangles practice. Trig & Solving Triangles Quiz Friday. Unit 6 test Friday, March 13.

ELA - Students finished watching the movie To Kill a Mockingbird and took notes watching for similarities and differences between the movie and the book. Tomorrow we will be writing an On-Demand paper comparing and contrasting the two. Students should be half-way through an independent novel and should be finished by this Friday. We will be doing a community read over the next few weeks with Iqbal a story about child labor in Pakistan. This will be read aloud in class allowing for yet another independent novel to be read at home! Lots and lots of time to read :) Homework: Read & Journal #3.28

Technology - Students worked on and checked in their Investigate for their Family Budget. All should be started on the Design/Plan portion of the Design Cycle - in this part of the process students are making task lists (in the Design Folder Packet) and making a rough draft of their project. Design/Plan should only take a day or two - these will be checked in on Friday. Create (publishing) will be done by Wednesday, March 11th (pushed three days due to class interruptions) with presentations beginning then.

Pre-Algebra: Today students completed a square root and perfect squares check up. This went into the Skyward as a quiz grade. Homework: 9.4, 1-18. There is a challenge on the back for extra practice :)

Algebra: More Factoring Fun!! Homework is to finish the problems on the notes.

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