Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday, March 31

Science: Took notes on wave interactions, quiz Thursday (Wednesday for 6th & 7th hour).

Geometry: 7.2 Notes, Constructing Circumscribed Circles.

RR ELA: Turn in late logs. Read.

RR Math: Work on packet and study.

Humanities: Students checked 13.2 and worked on 13.3 free choice in class. Homework is to complete 13.3 and a current event for tomorrow.

ELA - Students worked on Lesson 7.2 Participles and Participial Phrases in class. Tomorrow we will complete the unit with Infinitives. Thursday is the quiz. If your student will not be here on Thursday please be sure they take the quiz tomorrow. Homework: READ, Journal #4.02

Tech - Students worked on their "Footprint" quests from 21 Things and keyboarding. All assignments are on the Google Classroom with Due dates. Thursday the High School Counselors are coming in to help students register for next year's classes. Please be sure the High School Scheduling sheet is turned in to Mrs. Helms, if your student will not be at school on Thursday, please be sure that they meet with Mrs. Helms in the PYP lab tomorrow (Wednesday) at lunch.

Algebra: 2nd hour: Vertex form homework 10.5 ext (all). 4-7th hours: Quadratic Formula homework (all)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Monday, March 30

Science: Investigated how waves move and interact with boundaries. We also observed waves moving "through" mediums, like in a wave pool. We will have a quiz on waves on Thursday, anyone who will be absent should try to take it on Wednesday instead of waiting until we return from vacation. 

Geometry: Continued practicing central and inscribed angles. Homework is the central and inscribed angle handout

Humanities: Students checked 13.1 and began to work on 13.2 in class. Homework is to complete a 13.2 free choice.

RR Math: Work on homework packet, study problems learned in class.

RR ELA: Read daily. Logs due today. If you did not turn your log in, please get it in tomorrow. No new log this week.

ELA - Students worked on Verbals with Grammar Chapter 7 Lesson 1. We then read to be sure we were on track for reading this final marking period. Students should have a book finished by the time they return after Spring Break. Quiz on Verbals Thursday. Homework - Read, Grammar 7.1, Journal #4.01

Technology - Students were given their Classroom Practices and Expectations. Please sign and have back by Wednesday for an A on their first assignment. Typing Web sign ins were also handed out. With our standardized testing now on the computer, keyboarding skills are imperative.

Algebra: 2nd hour homework (12 problems of your choice from review worksheet) 4th - 7th hours homework (10.5 ext.)

Pre-Algebra: Today we worked on solving one and two step equations with fractions. Students learned how to use the multiplicative inverse (reciprocal) to isolate the variable. Homework is 1-25 every other odd. Notes and homework are available at http://norupstein.weebly.com/pre-algebra-notes-and-homework .

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26

Science: Continued discussing properties of waves, and how the formula we used to find speed earlier in the year (V=D/T) is related to the formula for speed of a wave (S=WxF) by substituting (Yeah Algebra!) for frequency. Students then worked on the Properties of Waves & Waves handout. This is due on Monday. 

Geometry: Began unit 7 on Circles by investigating central angles. Homework is the central angles handout. 

RR Math: Homework packets due after vacation.

RR English: Read daily- logs are due on Monday.

ELA - Students worked on their posters, read, and took AR quizzes. With all of the March Miracles mayhem it was good that we only had a work day. 1/2 day flip day tomorrow. I will be in the PYP lab until 12:00 for those last minute AR quizzes.

Technology - last day for Tech :( We finished up Warhol images and any late work. Next week this group moves on to Health and a new Technology group comes to me. If there is any late/missing work remaining it needs to be to me by Wednesday at the latest.

Algebra: Hours 4-7 your homework of 10.5B (1-9, 10-18 evens, 19) is due tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Wednesday, March 25

Science: Students worked together to take notes on properties of waves, which we observed via an investigation yesterday. 

Geometry: Took the Law of Sines & Cosines test.

RR ELA: Logs are due Monday- read daily.

RR Math: Students can begin their homework packets due after vacation.  

Pre-Algebra: Today we practiced dividing fractions. We investigated why multiplying by the reciprocal is a generalization and practiced using the process to divide fractions. The homework is 1-33 every other odd. This can be done on the same sheet. Notes and homework are available at http://norupstein.weebly.com/pre-algebra-notes-and-homework

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Tuesday, March 24

Science: Began observing wave properties with slinkys. Projects must be taken home by Thursday, any circuit project corrections are due by Thursday.

Geometry: Went over the review for tomorrow's test.

RR Math: Students can start their homework packets. Student got their test back.

RR English: Read daily. Logs are due Monday.

ELA - Students are working on their Child Labor Posters, due Thursday. AR Quizzes are due Friday at noon.

Technology - we are working on a Photoshop project, a little glitchy so it may or may not be completed by the end of the week.  

Humanities: Students took our chapter 12 test and shared current events in class. No homework. Current events are due Thursday.

Pre-Algebra: Today students practiced 5.1-5.4 using BuzzMath. This had students work with different models to solve fractional problems. Students were also introduced to a reciprocal. On my website, http://norupstein.weebly.com/pre-algebra-notes-and-homework/pre-algebra I have attached a list, in order, of what students can practice on BuzzMath.

Chinese: Test Tomorrow!! The test covers mini story 2.1 and 2.2.

Algebra: Homework: re-do problems 9-11 from yesterday's homework.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Monday, March 23

Science: What is Safe projects were returned and corrections were discussed. If students are choosing to do corrections they must be turned in by Thursday to count for the card marking. We then discussed the 8th grade trip to Cedar Point and permission slips were passed out. Permission slips due Wednesday, April 1. Students were then able to start working on the Period & Frequency handout, this is homework.  

Geometry: Started working on the Law of Sines & Cosines review, review is due tomorrow. Law of Sines & Cosines test is Wednesday, March 25. 

ELA - Students turned in their Journals and were introduced to our final project for Iqbal and the issue of child labor. This project is due Thursday, March 26. Homework: READ! AR quizzes due Friday, March 27th

Technology - We will print survey charts today. Students should either email me or bring in a flash drive with a digital image of themselves. If they do not have one we will take photos in class. We will be working in Photoshop this week!

Humanities: Students had a second day of review for our chapter 12 test tomorrow. Homework is to complete the review sheet and terms and names for tomorrow's test. Current events are due Friday.

RR ELA: Logs are due today. Your new log was passed out due on Monday. Turn in late logs tomorrow. Read daily.

RR Math: Late homework should have been turned in today. Your new homework will be passed out today or tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: Today we went over 5.4, multiplying mixed number and improper fractions, some with variables. The homework is 5.4, 1 - 27 odd. Try to have a picture for number 27. Notes and homework available on http://norupstein.weebly.com/pre-algebra-notes-and-homework .

Chinese: Homework: Mini story 2.2 Hanzi Writing Day 2. Due tomorrow, March 24

Friday, March 20, 2015

Friday, March 20

Science: Took notes on cycles, period & frequency as related to harmonic motion. We then did our first "flash" assessment to determine understanding of a cycle and what factors affect the period of a pendulum.

Geometry: Continued Law of Cosines. Homework is the Law of Sines & Cosines Handout. 

RR ELA: Logs are due Monday- read daily!

RR Math: Homework was due today. If you did not turn it in, please do so by Monday.

Humanities: Students reviewed for our chapter 12 test on Tuesday. Homework is to study and work on the terms and names found in each of the four sections of chapter 12.

Algebra: We took our Chapter 10 mini-Test today. I also offered 2 extra credit problems that were due at end of the hour. No homework

Chinese: Homework for this week:
1) Hanzi Writing - 5 characters
2) Finished drawing the pictures after your read the story (mini story 2.2 xiao he de sheng ri)
3) Read the mini story 2.2 (xiao he de sheng ri) to your parents or guardians and ask them to sign on the last page.
TEST- We are going to have a test coming Thursday (March 26). The test covers mini story 2.1 and 2.2. It includes reading comprehension and writing.

ELA - We finished reading Iqbal and wrote a page reflection on the Power of One. We then watched this video on work inspired by Iqbal Masih with actual footage of the boy himself.http://youtu.be/t0D6K18wq8A

Homework: READ! 46 Journal entries due Monday

Technology - students finished up their surveys and began formatting them in Excel. We will print charts on Monday. Students should either email me or bring in a flash drive with a digital image of themselves. If they do not have one we will take photos in class. We will be working in Photoshop next week!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Thursday, March 19

Science: Continued investigating pendulums by experimenting with variables that affect it's period.

Geometry: Introduced Law of Cosines, homework is to complete the next two problems from the notes.

RR English: Logs due Monday- read daily.

RR Math: Homework due tomorrow. Test tomorrow. Study!

 Algebra: Test tomorrow on sections 10.1-10.3. We know everything there is to know about parabolas. Homework: Chapter 10 Part 1 Practice Test (all)

 Chinese:  Finish Mini Story 2.2 Reading Exercise. You need to read the story and draw the pictures. Due date is tomorrow.

 ELA - We checked in last night's reflection on Iqbal then continued reading with chapters 12-13. Students answered questions on the chapters as their in class journal entry. Tonight's journal entry is a free write. Homework: READ! Journal Entry #3.45
Upcoming due dates:
Child Labor Project (not given out yet) Thursday, March 26
Journals with a minimum of 46 entries due Monday, March 23
AR quiz goals due by noon on Friday, March 27

Technology - Students finished up Evaluations of their Family Budgets. We then moved on to an Excel Survey. Students first completed a practice sheet on how to format data for display in a chart by completing the Pictogram assignment. They then developed their own survey which we will also depict with a Pictogram. Personal Surveys should have 10 items to choose from and they should survey at least 100 people.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Wednesday, March 18

Science: Continued our discussion of harmonic motion by coming up with a definition of cycle and timing one cycle (the period). 

Geometry: Continued practicing solving problems related to the ambiguous case (SSA) with law of sines. Law of sines & cosines test Tuesday, March 24.

RR Math: Test Friday. Homework packet due on or before Friday.

RR ELA: Read daily. Logs due Monday.

Humanities: Students checked 12.2 free choice and began to work on 12.3 in class. Homework is to finish 12.3 free choice.

Pre-Algebra: Today we went over 5.2, adding and subtracting fractions. The homework is 5.2, 1 - 33 odd. The two story problems MUST HAVE A PICTURE TO MATCH THE WORK for full credit. Notes and homework available on http://norupstein.weebly.com/pre-algebra-notes-and-homework .

ELA - We read chapters 10-11 of Iqbal and did a few activities. Have your student show you our "Literacy Code" it was a lot of fun! Tomorrow we will be reading 12-13. Homework: Journal # 4.43 & Read
Upcoming due dates:
Child Labor Project (not given out yet) Thursday, March 26
Journals with a minimum of 46 entries due Monday, March 23
AR quiz goals due by noon on Friday, March 27

Technology - last day of Family Budget Presentations - if student has not presented they will need to make an appointment with me to present before school or at lunch. We will be moving on to our next project.

Algebra: Section 10.3-we graphed parabolas using graphing calculators. (use desmos.com at home if you don't have a graphing calculator) Homework: 10.3 (evens only)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Tuesday, March 17

Science: Began our unit on waves and sound by observing the motion of a pendulum. Students came up with definitions of cycle, period and frequency. We will continue tomorrow by experimenting with variables that affect the period of the pendulum. 

Geometry: Continued the Law of Sines by investigating the ambiguous case (where there could be more than one value for the length of a side of a triangle). Homework is the ambiguous case practice.

Humanities: Students checked 12.1 and began to work on 12.2 free choice in class. Homework is to complete 12.2. Chapter 12 test is next Tuesday.

RR English: Read daily. Reading logs due Monday.

RR Math: Test Friday. Homework packet is due Friday- but try and get it in early so you can use it as an extra study tool!

ELA - Students learned the connection between the Irish immigrants, indentured servitude, and the American Civil War from an Irish historian. Ms. Grund is an 8th grade parent and very knowledgeable about the true Irish story. Homework: READ! Journal entry #3.40

Technology - Students showed their Family Budget project and worked on their typing skills. 

Algebra: Graphing more parabolas using intercept form. Homework: 10.2 extension (all)

Monday, March 16, 2015

Monday, March 16

Science: Project presentation day!

Geometry: Began Law of Sines & Law of Cosines mini-unit. Homework is the Law of Sines practice.

Humanities: Students checked 11.4 and began to work on 12.1 section assessment in class. 12.1 section assessment is due tomorrow. We will have a chapter 12 test one week from tomorrow.

RR English: Logs are due today. New logs were passed out and are due on Monday. Turn in late logs tomorrow. Read daily.

RR Math: Math packets are due by 3.20. Please turn them in early if you can. I will check them and return to you as an extra study tool for your test on 3.20.

Algebra: We started Chapter 10, graphing parabolas. Homework: 10.2 (odds only)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday, March 11

Science: Students went over the review for Friday's test. Homework is to study! Circuit project and paper are due on Monday, March 16.

Geometry: Students went over the review for Friday's test. Homework is to study!

Humanities: Students checked 11.2 and began to work on 11.3 section assessment. No homework.

Algebra: We took our chapter test today. No homework!

RR English: Read daily, logs due Monday.

RR Math: Start working on HW packets due next week.

ELA - Lunch was open to Band students that missed yesterday's read aloud of Chapters 2-3. Today we read Chapters 4-6, no in class journal entry and no assigned home entry - free write tonight. Homework: READ! Journal entry 3.36

Technology - Students were given another day to work on their Final Draft. Many have yet to check in their Rough Drafts, a very important step in the process as their format needs to be checked before they create their final draft. This is a very short class so each step needs to be checked, no time for fixes!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tuesday, March 10

Science: Project work day- most students worked on the paper for their "What is Safe?" circuit project using Google Classroom. Paper and final circuits are due on Monday, March 16. Electricity unit test Friday, March 13.

Geometry: Worked on trig test review, review is due tomorrow. Trig test Friday, March 13.

R. Room Math: Homework was passed out and will be due the day of the next test: 3/20/15. Please try and get your homework packets in early, I will check them, and you can use your packet as an extra study tool!

R. Room English: Logs are due Monday. Read daily.

Humanities: Students checked 11.1 and worked on 11.2 in class. Homework is to finish 11.2 section assessment.

Pre-Algebra: Students went to the Avery Lab to study for the quiz tomorrow. The quiz will be over 9.1-9.4. Homework: Study for the quiz. You may go on the following websites for extra practice:
Practice lessons 1 through 4.
2. http://www.ixl.com/math/grade-8 . Here, they can practice any of the topics under “Pythagorean theorem” as well as the following topics under “Exponents and roots”:
  • F.13 Square roots of perfect squares
  • F.14 Positive and negative square roots
  • F.15 Estimate positive and negative square roots
  • F.16 Relationship between squares and square roots
  • F.17 Evaluate variable expressions involving squares and square roots
ELA - Students continued with their Community Read on Child Labor. Chapters 2-3 of Iqbal were read to them and they answered questions regarding the characters in the book. Another homework journal entry tonight. Homework: Read & Journal Entry 3.35

Technology - Family Budget Work. Presentations will begin tomorrow.

Algebra: Chapter 9 test tomorrow. No official homework tonight, but try the evens from the Practice test. Attached are the answers to the Pre-test warm-up.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March 9

Science: Played jeopardy to review for Friday's test and band students turned in their review. Electricity test review is due tomorrow (it will be passed back on Wednesday). Tomorrow is also our last project work day and the last opportunity for students to get help from me on the circuit project. Electricity unit test Friday, March 13, What is Safe Circuit Project and Paper due Monday, March 16.

Geometry: Notes on area formula, homework is area practice. Unit 6 test Friday, March 13.

Humanities: Students received high school scheduling information, checked 11.1, and shared current events in class. No homework.

RR English: Logs are due every Monday. New logs were passed out today. Please follow what the log asks you to do. We have reviewed this in class several times. Late logs need to be turned in tomorrow.

RR Math: Math packets will be passed out today or tomorrow and will be due 3/20. Late math homework from last week still needs to get turned in as well.

ELA - We began reading Iqbal for our community read. Students created a See, Think, Wonder chart from examining the front cover of the book. We then read the first chapter. Students will write predictions abut the book's main character. This journal entry will be checked in as homework tomorrow. Homework: Journal entry #3.33

Technology - Students finished up and checked in their rough drafts of their Family Budget Presentation. Presentations will begin on Wednesday.

Algebra: Test on Wednesday! Today students were provided with answers to the Practice Test. Homework: Pre-test warm-up

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: Today, we reviewed the (tener/venir) questions again from the Think, Puzzle, Explore routine from last Thursday. Students also worked on their Test Review sheets. TAREA: Complete Test Review worksheets for tomorrow's class. The Chapter 3 TEST has been moved to Friday, March 13 due to a field trip and a half day of school.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6

Science: "What is Safe" rubric was passed out and students had time in class to work on their projects (circuit or paper) or review. Review is due on Tuesday (Monday for band students) and electricity test is Friday, March 13. Final circuit project and paper due Monday, March 16. 

Geometry: Took the trig and solving right triangles quiz. Homework is the "developing area" handout examples 2 & 3. 

RR English: Reading logs are due Monday. Please make sure you follow what each journal is asking you to do.

RR Math: No homework. If you forgot to turn in your math packet today, you will need to do so please on Monday.

ELA - Students were introduced to our community read Iqbal. We investigated different products that are obtained or made through child labor. Students then learned about 3 other products. We will begin to read he book aloud on Monday. STUDENTS HAVE HOMEWORK FOR THE WEEKEND: Discuss the four products your student learned about, brainstorm how to help stop child labor. Students must write a journal entry on this family discussion.

Technology- Students worked on their family budget project. Rough Drafts are due Monday, presentations will begin Wednesday.

Algebra: We took a quiz today. Homework for this weekend is the Chapter 9 practice test (odds only)

Chinese: Who couldn't finish writing your story in the class, it will become your homework. Due date is March 9, Monday.

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: anguage Lab- If you are taking the tener/venir makeup quiz, complete it, then do the following lessons. If you are not taking the tener/venir makeup quiz, you may begin this lesson right away.
  • Read through the material on Possessive Adjectives, and take notes (You may do this alone or with a quietly with a partner)
  • On the left side of the screen you will see a series of links
  • Take the Basic Quiz, and the Mini Test
  • Print out your scores and give to me. This will be graded as homework, not as a Quiz or Test.
  • If you have time leftover, you may get a ‘Country Study’ sheet, and complete it. Keep it in your binder for future labs. If you previously started but did not complete a country study, you may complete it today. Keep it in your binder.TAREA:
Chapter 3 test has been postponed until next week. Many students needed more work with the tener/venir verbs. The test will be on Wednesday, March 11.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday, March 5

Science: Students began working on the review for next week's electricity unit test. The review is due on Tuesday. Evidence of work on the circuit is due tomorrow, students can bring in a picture or their actual circuit. Tomorrow is a project work day, students can work on their circuit or the paper.
Friday, March 13: Electricity Unit Test
Monday, March 16: Circuit & Paper Due

Geometry: Did more practice with trigonometry and solving right triangles. Anything not finished in class is homework. Quiz tomorrow. 

RR Math: Homework packets are due tomorrow. Study tonight for your test tomorrow.

RR English: Logs are due Monday.

Humanities: Students reviewed tests and projects in class. No homework. Students will work on 11.1 section assessment in class tomorrow. 11.1 and a current event are due Monday.

ELA - Students wrote an on demand writing - a compare and contrast on To Kill a Mockingbird movie vs book. Homework: Journal 3.31 and READ!

Technology - we continued to work on Family Budget Projects.

Algebra: Open note quiz tomorrow (sections 9.1-9.5). Homework 9.6-9.8 homework (due end of the hour tomorrow)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wednesday, March 4

Science: Completed the notes for electricity and discussed the requirements for the testing and revisions log. No homework, although students should be working on their circuit projects! Upcoming Due Dates:
Friday, March 6: Evidence of Circuit Due; Project Work Day
Tuesday, March 10: Project Work Day
Friday, March 13: Electricity Test
Monday, March 16: Circuit Project & Paper Due

Geometry: Continued trig with solving right triangles. Homework is the solving right triangles practice. Trig & Solving Triangles Quiz Friday. Unit 6 test Friday, March 13.

ELA - Students finished watching the movie To Kill a Mockingbird and took notes watching for similarities and differences between the movie and the book. Tomorrow we will be writing an On-Demand paper comparing and contrasting the two. Students should be half-way through an independent novel and should be finished by this Friday. We will be doing a community read over the next few weeks with Iqbal a story about child labor in Pakistan. This will be read aloud in class allowing for yet another independent novel to be read at home! Lots and lots of time to read :) Homework: Read & Journal #3.28

Technology - Students worked on and checked in their Investigate for their Family Budget. All should be started on the Design/Plan portion of the Design Cycle - in this part of the process students are making task lists (in the Design Folder Packet) and making a rough draft of their project. Design/Plan should only take a day or two - these will be checked in on Friday. Create (publishing) will be done by Wednesday, March 11th (pushed three days due to class interruptions) with presentations beginning then.

Pre-Algebra: Today students completed a square root and perfect squares check up. This went into the Skyward as a quiz grade. Homework: 9.4, 1-18. There is a challenge on the back for extra practice :)

Algebra: More Factoring Fun!! Homework is to finish the problems on the notes.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Tuesday, March 3

Science: We reviewed the notes on static electricity and viewed some animations to demonstrate charging by friction/static discharge (John Travoltage) as well as polarization (balloon/sweater/wall). Student then were given the static electricity worksheet to work on while they watched Bill Nye Static Electricity. Homework is the static electricity worksheet.  Students should also be working on their circuit project. Important Dates:
Friday, March 6: Evidence of attempted circuit due, project work day
Tuesday, March 10: Project work day (paper)
Friday, March 13: Electricity unit test
Monday, March 16: What is Safe? Circuit presentation and paper due. 

Geometry: Took the Special Right Triangle & Unit Circle Quiz. Homework is the SohCahToa handout. Trig quiz on Friday, March 6, Unit 6 test on Friday, March 13.

RR English: Logs are due Monday.

RR Math: There is a test this Friday. Please study. Homework packets are due on or before Friday. Please see me during lunch or LRC for extra support.

Pre-Algebra: Today, we went to the Avery Lab and continued practice on perfect squares, simplifying square roots and Pythagorean Theorem. There is no homework.

Humanities: Students had our second day of review for our chapter 10 test (Jackson) tomorrow. Homework is to study for the test.

Algebra: We started factoring trinomials today. Homework: 9.5 (1-6)

ELA - Students watched the movie To Kill a Mockingbird and took notes watching for similarities and differences between the movie and the book. On Thursday we will be writing an On-Demand paper comparing and contrasting the two. Students should be half-way through an independent novel and should be finished by this Friday. We will be doing a community read over the next few weeks with Iqbal a story about child labor in Pakistan. This will be read aloud in class allowing for yet another independent novel to be read at home! Lots and lots of time to read :) Homework: Read & Journal #3.28

Technology - Students worked on and checked in their Investigate for their Family Budget. I extended the deadline again until tomorrow as part of today's class was taken up by the March Miracle's informative meeting.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Monday, March 2

Science: Took notes on static electricity- we will review these concepts tomorrow as a class. Students should be working on their projects and need evidence that they have made the initial circuit by Friday (it doesn't need to be finished, but a basic circuit should be done by Friday). Important Dates:

Friday, March 6: Evidence that circuit has been started due; Project Work Day
Tuesday, March 10: Project (paper) Work Day
Friday, March 13: Electricity Test
Monday, March 16: Circuit Project Due

Geometry: We began the 6.3 notes on Sin/Cos/Tan ratios. Homework is the unit circle handout. Quiz tomorrow on special right triangles and the unit circle.

RR English: Logs are due today. If you did not turn it in, please do so by tomorrow. Your new log was passed out today and is due Monday 3.9.

RR Math: Test/Homework=3/6

Humanities: Students reviewed for our chapter 10 essay exam on Wednesday. Homework is to study for the test.

Algebra: No new material today. We continued discussing the Zero Product Property and factoring. Homework: 9.2B and wkst 9.2-9.4

ELA - Students watched the movie To Kill a Mockingbird and took notes watching for similarities and differences between the movie and the book. On Thursday we will be writing an On-Demand paper comparing and contrasting the two. Students should be half-way through an independent novel and should be finished by this Friday. We will be doing a community read over the next few weeks with Iqbal a story about child labor in Pakistan. This will be read aloud in class allowing for yet another independent novel to be read at home! Lots and lots of time to read :) Homework: Read & Journal #3.27

Technology - Students worked on their Investigate for their Family Budget. I extended the deadline until tomorrow as Friday's class was taken up by the High School Scheduling informative meeting.