Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thursday, October 31

Science: Took notes on Newton's 1st Law of Motion, 1st hour labs were returned and we discussed lab corrections. Lab corrections for all classes are due on Monday.

Geometry: Continued working on reflections, the reflection practice is homework. Reflection quiz is on Tuesday.

Corrective Reading:  Logs due on Monday.

R. Room Math:  Packets/test next Friday.  Study X facts daily!

Humanities: Students worked on Chapter 6 storyboards in class. No homework.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Any work from 1.2 due tomorrow. Flashcards for 1.2 due Monday. Happy Halloween and Día de los muertos

Spanish 2: only homework is studying vocab on pg 241

French I: Homework is begin studying new words on pg 73: the purple words

ELA - For Day 3 of our Literary Analysis Writer's Workshop, students worked on finding evidence to support their theories. We explored different ways of using evidence, rather than always quoting.  Band students missed the last few periods and I will not see them tomorrow on the 1/2 day.  Please have them work on this assignment over the weekend.  Happy Halloween!

Course 3: No homework tonight!!  

Algebra:  Happy Halloween!  We took our Chapter Test today.  Hopefully, it wasn't too scary!!

Pre-Algebra: More multi-step equation solving practice. HW: none Chapter 2 Test Tuesday, November 5th 

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday, October 30

Science: Continued Investigation 2-A, exploring the Law of Inertia. 5th-7th hour labs were returned and lab corrections were discussed. Lab corrections are due on Monday if they are going to make it on to this cardmarking. 1st & 3rd hour will get their labs back tomorrow or Friday.

Geometry: Investigated reflections using construction tools. Homework is to complete the reflection in the coordinate plane investigation. Reflections quiz will be Tuesday, Nov. 5. Here's a good website to demonstrate reflections. 

C. Reading: Reading logs for corrective reading are due Monday.

R.R. Math: Math packets for R. Room math are due next Friday.

Humanities: Students were introduced to the causes of the American Revolution by beginning a KLW in class. No homework.

Chinese: Create a Chinese first name, and learn to write"my name is...." in characters.

Spanish (Tomlinson): In-class folder packets--due Friday 11/1. Flashcards--1.2 due Monday, 11/4

Spanish II: If you owed me any of the exercises due yesterday and today, please make sure that they are finished for tomorrow, since we will be going over them.

French I: Chapter 1 test is tomorrow. Study your pronouns and verb endings

Art 7/8: Students are still completing the 9 part motif inspired painting with choice of intermediates, complementary or analagous color family. Students worked on a topsey turvey doodle drawing and a zoo animal drawing while I was at the MAEA Conference.

Advanced Art Grade 8Shattered value drawing is completed, graded and proudly displayed in the showcase in the front hallway. Students have now picked a still life item, made a view finder and will be drawing 6 different views of their chosen still life. Six different art mediums will be used!

Pre-Algebra: Multi-step equation solving. Remember to "keep, change, change" and collect like terms berfore solving for the variable. HW: Pre-Algebra By Design Equation Solving worksheet (you may skip problems that have a variable on both sides of the equation)

Course 3: Homework-worksheet 5.2, #6 - 9, 18 - 21, 25.

Algebra:  Test Tomorrow!  see attached answers to review stations and stations part 2.

ELA -  We learned how to take notes on a short story we are analyzing yesterday, due to the high number of students that were absent yesterday I will be reteaching this lesson tomorrow during lunch.  Many students have already signed up for this. Students showed their Entrance Slip of the Elements of a Short Story filled out on the short story they will be analyzing.  We practiced how to create a theory about our characters and find evidence in the story to support that theory. Homework: Write three theories for the story the student is analyzing, find evidence to support all theories (as much as possible), and write bigger meaning for each - Journal #44


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tuesday, October 29

C. Reading:  Reading logs are due on Monday.

R. Room Math:  Packets and (X) sheet are due next Friday.

Humanities: Students took chapter 5 test in class today. No homework.

Science:Finished Multiple Intelligence Posters and began investigation 1-A, looking at how mass affects speed of a car on the flat track. Homework is to make sure your binder is organized!

Geometry: Introduced transformations and rigid motions and practiced identifying transformations and identifying rigid motions. Homework is practice  on page 38-39 of the packet (#1-15).

Algebra:  Test coming up this Thursday!!  Attached are the answers to the wksts. 6-4, 6-5 as promised.  Also attached are the Review Station problems and answers (page 1 and 2).  Homework:  Chapter Review for 3/6 part 2 (also attached)

Chinese: Find a Chinese last name through reading handout. Learn to pronounce and write it. 

Spanish (Tomlinson): Test--1.1 tomorrow Review due tomorrow (this is in addition to the one from yesterday). Flashcards for 1.2 due Monday

Pre-Algebra: Today we started solving one-step equations using addition and subtraction. HW: 2nd hour - additional review packet page. 3rd hour - One-Step Equation Solving worksheet (found in packet)

ELA - Students listened to me model reading "The Gift of the Magi" for analysis.  Stopping to think about Big Ideas, looking up words we were not familiar with, pausing after an important event was described and "wondering" what that meant to our main characters.  Students then re-read their packets making markings on the side noticing the same types of things.  Students should choose a story that "speaks" to them from their Text Packet to use as their Independent Text (the story they will analyze for their final Literary Analysis Paper). For tonight's journal entry, students should write the "Big Ideas" of their independent text and fill out the Short Story Elements worksheet given to them in class.  This will be checked as an "Entrance Slip" tomorrow. Homework: Journal Entry #42 (directions above) and READ! Lit Analysis
 End of Marking Period Deadlines:
Thursday - Personal Journals with 45 entries, a table of contents, and in the proper format.
Thursday - 5 AR quizzes for 1st Marking Period.

Course 3: Homework is worksheet 5.2, # 1 - 5, 15 - 17.

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: We went to the lab, and worked on the vocabulary and grammar concepts from Chapter 1.1. Please visit the following site for further practice:  HOMEWORK: Study for the Unit 1, Chapter 1 Test tomorrow.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, October 28

Science: Students got new groups based on  Gardner's multiple intelligences. Groups worked together to develop a poster representing their group.

Geometry: Students worked on the group test for quadrilaterals and constructions. Homework is the read page 35 in the Transformations packet and answer the reflection questions. We will begin our unit on rigid motion tomorrow.

C. Reading:  Logs are due today.  If you did not turn in your reading log, turn it in tomorrow for late points.  New reading log will be passed out today and due in one week on Monday.

R. Room Math:  Math homework packet will be passed out today and it will be due next week.  Practice your (X) facts daily!

Humanities: Students reviewed for our chapter 5 test tomorrow. Homework is to study for the test. Attached is the test and criterion A rubric. 

Spanish 2: Quiz on weather and tener expressions tomorrow. 3.3 chapter test next Tuesday, Nov 5th
French 1: Chapter test this Wednesday, Oct 30th.

Spanish (Tomlinson): TEST-Wednesday. Do Review sheet (due tomorrow). Return Voki permission slip

Chinese: Continue taking 1st conversation quiz. Learning he/him; she/her in pinyin and characters; say my/your/his/her name is.

Course 3: I am out of the building for an IB meeting today.  Students did a review in class today.  It is not homework.

ELA - Students reviewed the plot plan for a story, story elements, and figurative language. We then read our Text Packets that will be used for the Literary Essay.  There are two packets to allow students to have a variety of short stories to choose from (I have not posted these on my web page or the blog as they are lengthy). Please remember the deadlines for this week:
Today - The Giver/Utopian Society (at the beginning of class)
Thursday - Personal Journals with 45 entries, a table of contents, and in the proper format.
Thursday - 5 AR quizzes for 1st Marking Period.
Homework: Finish Reading Text Packet, Journal entry #40

Spanish (Farah): What we did today: Today, students were given a Test Review Packet that includes notes and exercises. Homework: Complete Test Review Packet for review tomorrow. Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Vocabulary List:
Title: En Español 1: 1-1
English     Spanish
1. and 1. y
2. also, too 2. también
3. but 3. pero
4. or 4. o
5. not 5. no
6. much, many 6. mucho/mucha/muchos/muchas
7. place 7. el lugar
8. contest 8. el concurso
9. welcome 9. bienvenido/bienvenida
10. to work 10. trabajar
11. to skate 11. patinar
12. to swim 12. nadar
13. to read 13. leer
14. to write 14. escribir
15. to run 15. correr
16. to eat 16. comer
17. to sing 17. cantar
18. to dance 18. bailar
19. He (She) likes... 19. Le gusta...
20. You like... 20. Te gusta...
21. house 21. la casa
22. apartment 22. el apartamento
23. Let me introduce you to... 23. Te presento a.../Le presento a...
24. You are welcome. 24. De nada./De nada
25. Thank you. 25. Gracias./Gracias
26. Terrible. , Awful. 26. Terrible./Terrible
27. So-so. 27. Regular./Regular
28. How is it going? 28. ¿Qué tal?
29. How are you? 29. ¿Cómo estás?/¿Cómo está Usted?
30. country 30. el país
31. world 31. el mundo
32. community 32. la comunidad
33. they 33. ellos/ellas
34. you (familiar plural) 34. vosotros/vosotras
35. we 35. nosotros/nosotras
36. you (formal plural) 36. ustedes
37. you (formal singular) 37. usted
38. she 38. ella
39. he 39. él
40. you (familiar singular) 40. tú
41. I 41. yo
42. police officer 42. el policía/la policía
43. teacher 43. el maestro/la maestra
44. student 44. el estudiante/la estudiante
45. doctor 45. el doctor/la doctora
46. Miss 46. la señorita
47. Mrs. 47. la señora
48. Mr. 48. el señor
49. woman 49. la mujer
50. boy 50. el muchacho/el niño/el chico
51. girl 51. la muchacha/la niña/la chica
52. friend 52. el amigo/la amiga
53. to be from... 53. ser de...

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25

Science: Students were give the opportunity to go back over their science tests or finish if necessary. Labs were collected. No homework!

Geometry: Took the test on Quadrilaterals & Constructions. No homework!

Spanish (Tomlinson): Do: repaso pp. 44-45 (#1-4); do it carefully!! Test on Wednesday (1.1)

Spanish 2: Quiz on Tuesday on the weather and tener expressions

French I: 1.3 unit quiz on Monday and the first chapter test on Wednesday

Algebra:  We talked about absolute value inequalities today.  Our test on sections 6.4 to 6.6 will be next Thursday.  Homework:  wkst 6.6 (all)  There are a couple of Youtube clips that may be helpful.  Go to Youtube and search "Absolute Value Inequalities"  the first two listed should be from Khan Academy and Yaymath.  Check them out if you have time!  Have a great weekend.

R.R Math:  Homework is due today.  No homework over the weekend.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 5 in preparation for a test on Tuesday. The test and rubric are attached. Homework is to use the text, notes and friends to answer all test questions.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we practiced possessive nouns in grammar and discussed Reader's Workshop-Lesson 2 with our book club members.  Homework: Read


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 24

Science: 1st & 3rd hour took the Unit 1 test, anyone who didn't finish the test yesterday or today will be able to finish tomorrow. "How Fast Am I? Labs are due tomorrow, click here the checklist that students used for peer review and the IB rubric.

Geometry: No class meeting today, study properties of quadrilaterals and constructions for the test tomorrow!

Creative Writing: No class today due to conferences. Homework: Read

Spanish (Tomlinson): Test--Oct 30. Review "ser," "ser + de," subject pronouns, gustar (used object pronouns NOT subject pronouns) & vocab. No written practice tonight

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 5.1/5.2 in class today.  Students were also introduced to, and began to work on, 5.3 in class. 5.3 section assessment is due tomorrow.

Algebra:  2nd hour only  2 worksheets (worksheet 6.5 and homework 6.4)

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.

R.Room Math:  Test will be on Friday and homework packet will also be due on Friday. The homework is a great review for the test.

ELA - No classes met today, but students should be working on their projects, reading, and writing in their journals.  Journal entry #39. Projects are due Monday (no class time to work on Monday, it is hand it in and move on to Literary Essay). See you all tomorrow.

Spanish 2: study vocab on pg 241 for a quiz on Tuesday, Oct 31st.
French 1: study for the 1.3 quiz on Monday and the chapter test on Wednesday

Course 3: 3rd hour-Grid math if they didn't finish.  No homework for all other classes. 

Pre-algebra: Today we reviewed the simplifying expressions homework. We also reviewed area and perimeter of shapes and how to solve area and perimeter problems that involve expressions.  HW: 2.3 (21-24) show all work and be sure to label #21 a-d. 2.1-2.3 quiz Monday, October 28th.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wednesday, October 23

Science: 1st & 3rd hour went over the Unit 1 test review, test is tomorrow. 5th-7th hours took the Unit 1 test. All labs are due on Friday, see last Friday's blog post for the rubric.

Geometry: Reviewed for the quadrilateral test. Homework is to review properties of quadrilaterals and constructions. Test is Friday.

C. Reading:  Logs due Monday for homework points.  Remember, you can use the novels you are reading in class to fill out your weekly logs.

R. Room Math:  (X) and homework packets due Friday.  We will have a test Friday.  If you are able to do your homework, you should do well on the test.  Please see me before Friday if you want me to check your homework or review any concepts with you so you can do well on your test.

Humanities: Students finished projects, turned in 5.1 and 5.2, and shared current events in class. No homework.

Spanish 2: Ex #4 pg 225, #7 pg 227, & #11 pg 229.  Due tomorrow.

French I: Worksheet on 1.3 due on Friday.

Chinese: We learned 4 classroom expressions from handout p.46. We learned to write 5 characters from Lesson 5 (WB p. 12), and class work is to write each one 3 times in sequence.

ELA - Students were given the hour to Read, take AR quizzes, and work on their final projects for our Science Fiction Unit.  Today is the last day to take the AR quiz for The Giver or SciFi book (if tested out of The Giver). Homework: Read, work on project, Journal entry# 38
*due dates
- Monday October 28th Projects due at beginning of the hour (Summative Assessment/test grade)
- Thursday October 31st Journals due - 45 Home and School Journal entries (Summative Assessment/test grade)

Course 3: 1st and 2nd hour-Test tomorrow.  Extra practice on pages 102 - 106. 3rd through 5th hours-Test today.  No homework.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Gustar sheet (10 sentences; use Text p.39 for help). Unit 1.1 test-10/30

Pre-Algebra: 2.3 Simplifying Variable Expressions - more practice today. HW: 2.3 (2-20 even) Simplify each expression. Follow the steps from our notes. All work should be shown on the "2.3 answer sheet". 2.1-2.3 Quiz on Monday 10/28 (addition/multiplication properties, distributive property, evaluating/simplifying expressions)

Algebra:  2nd hour: odds only half sheet 6.5  4th -7th  Worksheets 6.5 and 6.4 (due Friday). Click here for 6.5 homework, 6.4 homework and 6.5 worksheet

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we practiced lesson one of reader's workshop, exploring the world described in each of our dystopian books. We talked as a group about possible theories and decided the amount of pages that will be read by Friday. Homework: Read  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday, October 22

Science: 1st & 3rd hour played Jeopardy to review for the test, the test review is due tomorrow and test is Thursday. 5th-7th hours went over the review, test is tomorrow. Labs are due on Friday, the rubric was posted last Friday.

Geometry: Finished discussing constructions of quadrilaterals. Homework is to complete the quadrilaterals review. Quadrilaterals test will be Friday and Monday.

Spanish (Tomlinson): martes--went to lab; took "ser" quiz. Para miércoles 10/23-no HW (preview gustar p.39)

Corrective Reading:  Log due Monday

R.Room Math:  Math packet due Friday and mini test Friday.

Humanities: Students presented projects and worked on 5.2 guided notes in class. 5.2 guided notes and current events are due tomorrow.

Spanish 2: The weather project is due on Monday, Oct 28th.

French I: Start studying for the 1.3 quiz on Monday, Oct 28th. The chapter test will be next Wednesday, Oct 30th.

Chinese: Practice conversations for Quiz on Conversation(greetings).  Rubrics is shared and discussed during class. Students copied the rubrics.

ELA - Students were given the hour to Read, take AR quizzes, and work on their final projects for our Science Fiction Unit. Homework: Read, work on project, Journal entry# 37
*due dates
- Wednesday, October 22 - AR quiz for The Giver or SciFi book (if tested out of The Giver)
 - Monday October 28th Projects due at beginning of the hour (Summative Assessment/test grade)
- Thursday October 31st Journals due - 45 Home and School Journal entries (Summative Assessment/test grade)

Course 3: 1st and 2nd hour-chapter review.  Test Thursday. 3rd through 5th-No homework.  Test tomorrow.

Algebra:  2nd hour - no homework  4th-7th - 1/2 sheet on 6.5 odds only (attached)

Monday, October 21, 2013

Monday, October 21

Science: 1st & 3rd hour peer-reviewed rough drafts of the "How Fast Am I?" labs, rubrics were posted to the blog on Friday. 5th-7th hours played Jeopardy for review. The test review is due tomorrow for 5th-7th hours and is due on Wednesday for 1st & 3rd hour. Unit 1 test is Wednesday for 5th-7th hour and Thursday for 1st & 3rd hour. All labs are due on Friday.

Geometry: Today we investigated constructing quadrilaterals using various tools (patty paper, compass/straightedge, and TI Inspire). Homework is the first e parts of the Quadrilateral Review (through constructions). Test on Quadrilaterals will be Friday and Monday, Friday will be the individual test and Monday will be the group test.

C. Reading:  Reading logs are due today.  If you did not turn one in, make sure you get it to me by tomorrow for reduced points.  New logs will be handed out today and are due next Monday.

R. Room Math:  Homework due Friday.

Humanities: Students discussed college choices and shared projects in class. No homework. Current events due Wednesday.

Spanish 2; Vocab quiz tomorrow on 3.3

French 1: vocab quiz tomorrow on 1.3, 1.3 worksheet due Wednesday, Oct 23rd (change of date)

ELA- Day 7 of Reader's Workshop for Science Fiction discussed metaphorical dragons and how they effect our main characters.  We then looked at the metaphorical dragons for the end of the book and updated our list of conflicts and resolutions from Day 5 and made sure they were updated through the end of the book.  Hopefully many students made a connection with this novel and some may continue on through the series by Lois Lowry: Gathering Blue, Messenger, and Son all are science fiction and are part of this series. We looked at our final project and discussed the timeline for the next two weeks. Homework: Read, Journal entry #36

 *due dates
- Monday October 28th Projects due at beginning of the hour (Summative Assessment/test grade)- Thursday October 31st Journals due - 45 Home and School Journal entries (Summative Assessment/test grade)

Chinese: Practice Doing more listening exercises of pinyin initial-final combination. Practice using the 8 greeting phrases from last Friday. homework: Making correction on dictation of numbers from last Friday. 

Spanish (Tomlinson): Complete "ser" sheet. Quiz tomorrow!!  Conjugation of "ser"

Algebra:  2nd hour-we took our chapter test  4th-7th we went over the test from Friday (great scores-average of a 94%) and started compound inequalities.  No homework.

Pre-Algebra: Today we discussed the parts of an expression and the steps for simplifying variable expressions. We took notes and completed examples in our Interactive Student Notebooks. HW: 6 expressions to be simplified (copied down in class, see attached). **3rd Hour students may retake their Mixed Number Operations quiz on Wednesday, Oct 23rd during lunch if they received a C- or below on their quiz. They must make corrections to their original quiz in order to retake.

Creative Writing: Today in  Creative Writing we practiced direct and indirect objects during grammar, assigned book club groups, and distributed new books to each group. Homework: Begin reading your new book. 

Course 3: 1st and 2nd hour-worksheet 2.8, #13-15, 18-20.  Test Thursday. 3rd-5th hour- Test Wednesday.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday, October 18

Science: 1st Hour worked on their conclusion and critique reflection. I noticed that many students did NOT have their data analysis completed, which means they have a lot to finish this weekend! 3rd hour had the option to either work on their rough drafts or the test review. 1st & 3rd hour rough drafts are due on Monday for peer review.  5th-7th hour peer reviewed their rough drafts. Attached is the checklist used for peer review as well as the grading rubric.  Next week 5th-7th hour will take the Unit 1 test on Wednesday and 1st & 3rd hour will take the test on Thursday. Final drafts of the lab for all classes are due on Friday.

Geometry:Today we worked on constructions of quadrilaterals using various construction tools (calculators, patty paper and compass/straightedge).  The take home quiz is homework. We will begin the quadrilateral test on Wednesday and finish on Friday next week.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.  Happy reading!

Humanities: Students presented colonies projects in class today. No homework. Have a great weekend.

Chinese: Take a dictation on numbers in Chinese characters. Learn to count to 99 and write in characters.

Spanish II: study words on pg 241 for a quiz on Tuesday, Oct 22nd

French I: begin studying the orange words on pg 45 for a quiz on Tuesday, Oct 22nd

P.E.: Flag football test Monday. Remember to return your concussion handout to your teacher.

Pre-Algebra: 2nd Hour - Review of the Distributive Property. HW: 2.2 Homework page in Chapter 2 packet **Students that scored a C- or below on the Mixed Number Operations Quiz will have the opportunity to retake on Monday, if they make corrections to the original quiz. 3rd Hour - Closer look at the Distributive Property, area and perimeter with variables, and simplifying expressions. HW: none

Spanish (Tomlinson): Finish "ser" packet from Thursday/ Re-do of #13-if not completed in class. Do #3 on p45 for practice conjugating "ser". Quiz Tuesday on the conjugation of "ser".

Course 3: 1st and 2nd and 5th hour-Worksheet 2.8, #1 - 12. 3rd hour- worksheet 2.8, #1 - 15, 18 - 20. 4th hour-Grid math.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we read two dystopian short stories and discussed. Homework: Read! 4 books need to be read for the card marking by Oct. 30th.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thursday, October 17

Science: 1st hour worked on graphing and data analysis, 3rd hour worked on writing conclusions and critique/reflection, and 5th-7th hours began working on the review for the unit 1 test. Rough draft for peer review is due tomorrow for 5th-7th hour and Monday for 1st & 3rd hour. The unit 1 test will be on Wednesday for 5th-7th hour, and Thursday for 1st & 3rd hour. Final drafts of all labs are due on Friday, October 25.

Geometry: Took notes on section 8.6, 8.6 worksheet is homework. 

Spanish II: study words on pg 241 for a quiz on Tuesday, Oct 22nd

French I: begin studying the orange words on pg 45 for a quiz on Tuesday, Oct 22nd

Humanities: Students turned in colonies projects, read section 5.1 and began to work on 5.1 guided questions. 5.1 guided questions are due tomorrow. Project presentations begin tomorrow.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Finish classwork on pronouns and "ser" if not completed. Re-do #13 on p.38, if not completed in class. (The above are great preparation for BOTH quizzes). Quiz-on subject pronouns STUDY!!! Quiz-Tuesday on "ser".

Chinese: Students are reading a handout on Numerals and answer questions accordingly. Students also do exercises on Chinese numbers in workbook.

C. Reading:  Logs due Monday

R.Room Math:  Test Friday and worksheet packet due Friday.

ELA - Students will continue their study of Science Fiction with Reader's Workshop Day 5. Many students are done with their book and have taken their AR quiz.  These students should be reading another book. Homework: The Giver chap 16-19, Journal #34

Pre-Algebra: 2nd Hour - Today we finished up notes on 2.1 discuss the properties of addition and multiplication and how we can use them to solve problems "smarter not harder."
HW: 2.1 Homework Worksheet. 3rd Hour - Today we discussed section 2.2 which begins exploring the distributive property. HW: "2.2 Homework" page in chapter 2 packet

Course 3: Homework: 1st hour-worksheet 2.7, #7-27. 2nd, 3rd, and 5th hours-worksheet labeled Let's See What We Know!! 4th hour-worksheet 2.8, # 1 - 15, 18 - 20.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we learned about Issac Asinov and read independently. Homework: Read

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wednesday, October 16

Science: 1st hour did not meet today due to the MEAP. 3rd hour worked on graphs, data analysis is homework. 5th-7th hours worked on conclusions and critique reflection. 5th-7th hour's rough drafts are due for peer review on Friday, 1st & 3rd hour rough drafts are due on Monday for peer review.  5th-7th hour will take the Unit 1 Test on Wednesday, October 23, 1st & 3rd hour will take the test on Thursday, October 24. All labs are due on Friday, October 25. 

Geometry: Investigated kites and trapezoids, homework is the 8.5 worksheet. Quadrilateral test will likely be on Friday, October 25. 

R. Room Math:  Packet due Friday- test Friday.

Corrective Reading:  Logs are due Monday.

Humanities: Students took the final portion of the MEAP test in first and second hours today. During third hour, students had a chance to work on colonies projects that are due Thursday. Projects were assigned Monday and are due tomorrow. Project rubrics and instructions are attached.

Spanish (Tomlinson): No class again today due to MEAP. Fun Run (7/8 grades) tomorrow during class. HW sheets from Monday due Thursday, Quiz-Friday on subject pronouns, Quiz-Tuesday on verb "ser"

Algebra:  We did Stations today.  More review problems.  There is no official homework tonight.  In preparation for the test on Friday (Monday for 2nd hour), check out and try problems from sections 3.1-3.6 and 6.1-6.3.  Attached are two of the review packets (review part 1 and review stations).

ELA - Students will continue their study of Science Fiction with Reader's Workshop Day 4. All should be halfway done with their books. Homework: The Giver chap 13-15, Journal #32

Spanish II: study words on pg 241 for a quiz next week.

French I: begin studying the orange words on pg 45

Chinese: We learn to write numbers in characters from 1-10, and homework is to write each number 5 times.

Course 3: Homework: 3rd and 5th hour-worksheet 2.7, #7-27. 1st, 2nd, and 4th hour-No homework.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we practiced with predicate nouns and adjectives in grammar and read a science fiction short story. Homework: Read

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, October 15

Science: 1st hour did not meet today due to MEAP. 3rd hour collected data for "How Fast Am I?". 5th-7th hours worked on graphs and data analysis for "How Fast Am I?". 

Geometry: Went over the 8.4 notes and quadrilateral investigation, we then began investigating kites and trapezoids. Homework is 8.4 worksheet. 

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we read and took notes on the new unit, science fiction. We will also begin reading "Rain Rain Go Away" by Isaac Asimov. Homework: Read

Spanish (Tomlinson): No class today or tomorrow.  Do pronoun/verb sheet from Monday (due Thursday). Quiz-subject pronouns on Friday, Quiz- on "ser" on Tuesday 10/22

R.R. Math:  Packet and X due Friday.

C. Reading:  Logs due Monday.

Spanish II: No written homework. Begin looking at new vocabulary on pg 241
French I: Study for the 1.2 unit quiz tomorrow

Pre-Algebra: Today we only met for a short time and had a slate review in preparation for tomorrow's quiz. HW: Review for tomorrow's Quiz (Mixed number operations) **Be sure you are keeping up with homework assignments. If you have a missing assignment, turn it in for late credit. If you have been absent, be sure you are completing and turning in your missed assignments. 

Humanities: Students took the math MEAP test in first hour, and worked on projects in 3rd hour today. Homework is to complete our projects (chapter 4 summative assessment) by Thursday. Directions and rubrics are attached.

Algebra:  attached is the review for the chapter test on Friday (Monday for 2nd hour).  The review is due tomorrow (Wednesday).

ELA - Today we continued our Science Fiction Unit with Day/Session 3.  Attached are all the Reader's Workshop teaching points and active engagement, each activity counts as a journal entry. Homework: Read Chapters 9-12, Journal #30

Course 3: MEAP testing in the morning.  No homework today.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Monday, October 14

Science:Most classes collected data for "How Fast Am I?". We will continue working on this lab for the remainder of the week.  Students should calculate speeds. 3rd hour wrote their procedures and will be collecting data tomorrow.

Geometry: Continued our discussion of quadrilaterals by investigating relationships in rectangles, rhombusses and squares. Homework is the 8.4 worksheet

Pre-Algebra- 2nd Hour -  Today we completed our Mixed Number Operation Quiz and began taking notes on 2.1 which discusses how to use the properties of addition and multiplication to solve problems in an easier way, putting our "number sense" to work. (No homework assigned. We will not meet until Thursday due to MEAP.) 3rd Hour- Today we also began chapter 2 and took notes on section 2.1. HW: 2.1 Homework page, Mixed Number Operations quiz Wednesday, finish Fraction Multiplication and Division worksheet, if not done.

Algebra: We are reviewing for our test which will be on Friday.  2nd hour's test will be on Monday (due to MEAP and Fun Run).  Homework (4th - 7th): Equations and Inequality review [attached]

Spanish: No class Tues/Wed (MEAP). Subject pronoun/verb packet sheets--due Thursday, Subject Pronoun quiz-Friday (grammar quiz canceled)

Physical Education: Study for flag football test coming up on Friday or Monday, rules are attached (page 1, page 2)

Humanities: Students checked atlas work and were introduced to a summative assessment for chapter 4.
Summative assessments are due on Thursday. Instructions and rubrics for the assessment are attached.

Spanish II: Start studying the first set of new words on pg 241.
French I: Study for the Unit 1.2 quiz this Wednesday

Corrective Reading:  Logs due today.  New logs are due next Monday.  If you did not turn your log in today, please do so tomorrow for reduced points.

R.R. Math:  Packet due Friday.

Course 3: We are still working on Distributive Property and combining like terms. Homework- 1st, 3rd and 5th- Do the like terms side of the worksheet. 2nd and 4th-worksheet 2.7, #7-27.

Chinese: We started to make flashcards on pinyin combinations containing j, q, x, zh, ch, sh, r, z, c, s, y, w. Students are to finish making those 12 flashcards by tonight as homework.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, October 11

Science: Today we planned the "How Fast am I?" Lab. Students need to have their procedures written for Monday's data collection. (3rd Hour is a day behind due to MEAP, homework for 3rd hour is the Graphs of Motion w/o Numbers Worksheet)

Geometry: Completed the Parallelogram on the TI Inspire to investigate the relationships & properties of parallelograms. Homework is the 8.3 worksheet.

Spanish (Tomlinson): No practice
lunes--lab and gustar/no gustar
martes/miercoles--no hay clase
jueves--grammar review

viernes-grammar quiz

Humanities: Today students worked in the US History atlases to review the similarities and differences between the colonial regions. No homework.

Chinese: We continue making pinyin combination flashcards beginning with b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, g, k, h; practicing pronouncing them in 4 tones.

Spanish II; First test is this Monday, Oct 14th. use the blog to study:  All links have been posted today to get to each section quickly

French I: Study for the 1.2 quiz next week on Thursday.

Corrective Reading:  Logs due Monday.

Algebra:  2nd hour: homework wkst 3.5/3.6 evens only [attached] ;  4th-7th: homework proportion and special equation practice (all) [attached]

ELA- Students continued  their study of Science Fiction with Reader's Workshop Day 1 Teaching point.  We discussed the first few chapters of the book, and enjoyed about a half hour per class period of quiet reading time.  So nice! If students "tested out" of reading The Giver they should divide their book up into 8 equal sections so that they have a goal number of pages per day and are finished reading by October 21st.  FYI: There will be a project due on October 28th. Homework: At least up to Chapters 1-4 due for Monday but you may continue reading as far as you can!

Pre-Algebra: Today we had a "Slate Review" of mixed number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). Homework: Review homework sheets and 4-square in preparation for Mixed Number Operations Quiz, 2nd Hour -  Quiz Monday, 3rd Hour - Quiz Wednesday. The attached pages (Add/Subtract Mixed #'s and Multiply/Divide Mixed #'s) are great review and have plenty of examples of problems similar to those you will see on the quiz. 

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we peer edited our literary essays and made revisions. Homework: Type final drafts of the literary essays. Turn in on Monday. Read!

Course 3: Homework: 1st and 3rd hour-Distributive worksheet. 2nd and 4th hours-Like terms worksheet

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thursday, October 10

Science: Today we continued investigating distance/time & speed/time graphs using the following websites: Position/Time Graph, Position Time Graph 2, and Position/Time & Velocity/Time. Remember that quiz corrections are due tomorrow, except for 3rd hour which are due on Monday.

Geometry: Today we continued discussing definitions of quadrilaterals and use the TI-Inspire calculators to investigate the properties of a parallelogram. Homework is to complete 8.2 notes.

Corrective Reading:  Reading logs are due Monday

R.Room Math:  Math test tomorrow and homework packet is due tomorrow.  Please review your homework packet that we will discuss as a great review for your test.

Humanities: Students checked chapter 4 assessment and shared current events in class. No homework. I will not be in tomorrow as my mother is having surgery. Students will work on atlas worksheets in class. Atlas worksheets will be due on Monday.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we continued writing/revising our literary essays. They must be typed and brought to class tomorrow. Homework: Type literary essays and read. 

Spanish 2: Study for the test on Monday. Finish all three worksheets for Monday. The conjugation worksheets passed out yesterday in 4th hour and today in 1st and 2nd hour are not homework. They are extra credit if you want to finish them.
French 1; Study your new vocab: the blue section on pg 45. The 1.2 worksheet packet is due Monday. the 1.2 unit quiz will be on Thursday. We will have a practice quiz on Monday.

Spanish 1 (Tomlinson):  jueves-el 10 de octubre - Vocab quiz tomorrow! Study.

ELA - As many students feel that they have read The Giver  I am allowing them the opportunity to "test out" of reading the book.  They may take the AR quiz and if they get at least a 80%, they may choose a Science Fiction book to read during this Reader's Workshop.

Chinese: Practice speaking pinyin combinations beginning with b, p, m, f, d, t, n, l, g, k, h

Pre-Algebra: Today we finished up our review of fraction operations. Students will have a "mini" quiz next week (2nd hour - Monday, 3rd Hour- Wednesday). Homework:
2nd Hour - finish Mixed Number Multiplication and Division worksheet (both sides)
3rd Hour -Mixed Number Multiplication and Division worksheet (fraction side only)

Course 3: We are working on the Distributive Property.  We have different homework for various classes due to MEAP testing.
 1st and 3rd hour-Worksheet 2.7, # 1 - 6. 
 2nd and 4th hours-Worksheet labeled distributive property.  Do not do the side labeled Like Terms.
 5th hour-No homework.

Algebra:  2nd hour took a quiz;  4th-7th discussed rates, ratios and proportions.  Homework is evens only on worksheet 3.5/3.6 (attached)

Spanish (Farah): What we did today: Today we took notes on the verb 'ser,' and played 'dedos locos,' a vocabulary game in preparation for our quiz tomorrow. Homework:

If you did not complete the 'ser' worksheet, complete at home and hand in at beginning of hour Friday. Study for Vocab Quiz tomorrow. 

Wednesday, October 9

Humanities: Students took the MEAP test in hours 1 and 2. During third hour, our second hour class worked on chapter 4 assessment. Homework is to complete chapter 4 assessment and a current event.

Spanish 2: study for the test on Monday. Finish all three worksheets for Monday.
French 1; Study your new vocab: the blue section on pg 45

ELA - Some classes finished "Rain Rain Go Away" by Isaac Asimov, all classes began reading "Future Tense" by Robert Lipsyte.  We will have all The Giver by Lois Lowry books distributed by the end of the week.  Homework: READ! Journal #24 (If students are having a hard time coming up with Journal topics please check my webpage for the 114 Things to Write About...or just download it here)

Science: We continued our discussion of speed vs. time and distance vs. time graphs using fairy tales. The Graphs of Motion without Numbers worksheet is homework. 

Spanish (Tomlinson): Vocab quiz--Friday Due Friday--#13, p. 38 (write out in complete sentences)

Geometry: We began our unit on quadrilaterals by coming up with our own definitions of quads and creating hierarchies of quads. 

C. Reading:  Logs due Monday.

RR Math:  Math packets due Friday.  Review math homework and ask about unclear questions and you will do great when we test Friday on this material.

Algebra:  2nd hour-we went over the material for the quiz tomorrow; 4th-7th hours-we took a quiz today and the homework is notes for Ratios, Rates, and Proportions

Course 3: We started distributive property today.  We will spend many days on this.  Homework is worksheet 2.7, #1 - 6.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we continued writing the literary essay. Many students are close to completing their first draft. Homework: Type what you have completed, save it, and bring a copy to class to revise it. We will continue to work on the essay all week. 

Spanish (Farah) What we did today: Today we took notes on the the subject pronouns, and the concept of 'familiar' and 'formal' ways to say 'you' in Spanish. Homework: If you did not complete exercises 6 & 7 (p. 34) in class, finish at home, and hand in tomorrow. Study for Vocabulary Quiz on Friday (all words).   

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Tuesday, October 8

Science: Continued working with graphs by analyzing speed time graphs. Quizzes were returned and we discussed quiz corrections. Quiz corrections are due on Friday. 3rd hour did not meet today due to MEAP testing. 

Geometry: Finished our cubes! Homework is to complete "The Cube...continued" worksheet. 

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: We went to the computer lab to practice our Unit 1 Etapa 1 vocabulary words on  HOMEWORK: Study vocabulary words for Fridays quiz. 

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we continued to write our literary essays and also read independently. Homework: Continue to work on your rough draft and read. 

Course 3: MEAP testing in the morning.  Out in the afternoon, all work was done in class. 
No homework.

ELA - After a great morning of MEAPing we took it a little easy.  Students read Rain, Rain, Go Away by Isaac Asimov to introduce them into the strange world of classical Science Fiction. Homework: READ! Journal entry #23

Corrective Reading:  Turn in you reading log if you did not do so yesterday or today for reduced points.  New reading log is due on Monday next week.

R. Room Math:  Assessment Friday- Place Value.  Homework packet is due Friday and is a great review for your test.

Algebra:  homework: worksheet "Extra practice FOR the quiz" that is tomorrow.

Spanish 2: study for the test on Monday. Finish all three worksheets for Monday.
French 1; Study your new vocab: the blue section on pg 45

Chinese: Making corrections on Quiz on Strokes, and practice listening and pronouncing pinyin combinations.

Humanities: Students worked on chapter 4 assessment in class today. Chapter 4 assessment and current events are due Thursday.

Spanish (Tomlinson): No class today-- finish yesterday's assignment.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, October 7

Science: Students worked in groups to match stories with distance vs. time graphs. Homework is to complete the distance vs. time graph worksheet. 

Geometry: Continued our work with "the cube" by building the outer cube, here is a link to the u-tube video if people need help. Homework is to complete the outer cube questions. 

Humanities: Students checked questions for 4.4, were introduced to chapter 4 assessment and began to work on chapter 4 assessment in class. Due to MEAP testing, chapter 4 assessment will be due Thursday. Current events are due Thursday as well.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Ejercicios 9, 10, 11 p. 36-37. No hay clase martes el 8 de octubre; lab en el miercoles el 9 de octubre. (no class Tuesday due to MEAP; class meets Wednesday from 10:07-11 at Avery lab-meet in front hall of Norup)

Course 3: Today we continued to talk about the commutative and associative properties.  Homework is worksheet 2.6, # 1 - 17.

Algebra:  Due to MEAP this week and teacher error, the quiz has been moved to Wednesday (Thursday for 2nd hour).  We did section 3.4/6.3 today, discussing the possibilities of getting all real numbers as a solution or no solutions at all.  Homework: worksheet 3.4/6.3 (attached)

Corrective Reading: Reading logs due today.  The next one is due next Monday.

Math:  Packets due this Friday.

Chinese: We are practicing speaking and listening to pinyin combinations, and students take a quiz on strokes.

Pre-Algebra: Today we briefly reviewed fraction operations in preparation for equation solving. Our focus was addition and subtraction. HW: Mixed Number Addition and Subtraction (front and back)
2nd Hour - due Wednesday (no math tomorrow due to MEAP)
3rd Hour - due Thursday (no math tomorrow or Wednesday due to MEAP)

P.E.: Flag Football Rules page 1, Flag Football Rules page 2

ELA- Students began their Science Fiction Unit by reading out of our Literature Anthology.  We examined non-fiction writing and were given clues as to how to take notes on the important information in non-fiction writing.  Homework: Read!  Practice making conclusions about characters based on stated facts and inferences in the books we are currently reading as Journal entry #21.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we continued writing our literary essays. Most students are completing their intro paragraphs and beginning their first body paragraph. (This is only the first draft, I'm hoping the essays will be completed by Friday.) Homework: Read! Continue writing your first draft.