Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wednesday, October 30

Science: Continued Investigation 2-A, exploring the Law of Inertia. 5th-7th hour labs were returned and lab corrections were discussed. Lab corrections are due on Monday if they are going to make it on to this cardmarking. 1st & 3rd hour will get their labs back tomorrow or Friday.

Geometry: Investigated reflections using construction tools. Homework is to complete the reflection in the coordinate plane investigation. Reflections quiz will be Tuesday, Nov. 5. Here's a good website to demonstrate reflections. 

C. Reading: Reading logs for corrective reading are due Monday.

R.R. Math: Math packets for R. Room math are due next Friday.

Humanities: Students were introduced to the causes of the American Revolution by beginning a KLW in class. No homework.

Chinese: Create a Chinese first name, and learn to write"my name is...." in characters.

Spanish (Tomlinson): In-class folder packets--due Friday 11/1. Flashcards--1.2 due Monday, 11/4

Spanish II: If you owed me any of the exercises due yesterday and today, please make sure that they are finished for tomorrow, since we will be going over them.

French I: Chapter 1 test is tomorrow. Study your pronouns and verb endings

Art 7/8: Students are still completing the 9 part motif inspired painting with choice of intermediates, complementary or analagous color family. Students worked on a topsey turvey doodle drawing and a zoo animal drawing while I was at the MAEA Conference.

Advanced Art Grade 8Shattered value drawing is completed, graded and proudly displayed in the showcase in the front hallway. Students have now picked a still life item, made a view finder and will be drawing 6 different views of their chosen still life. Six different art mediums will be used!

Pre-Algebra: Multi-step equation solving. Remember to "keep, change, change" and collect like terms berfore solving for the variable. HW: Pre-Algebra By Design Equation Solving worksheet (you may skip problems that have a variable on both sides of the equation)

Course 3: Homework-worksheet 5.2, #6 - 9, 18 - 21, 25.

Algebra:  Test Tomorrow!  see attached answers to review stations and stations part 2.

ELA -  We learned how to take notes on a short story we are analyzing yesterday, due to the high number of students that were absent yesterday I will be reteaching this lesson tomorrow during lunch.  Many students have already signed up for this. Students showed their Entrance Slip of the Elements of a Short Story filled out on the short story they will be analyzing.  We practiced how to create a theory about our characters and find evidence in the story to support that theory. Homework: Write three theories for the story the student is analyzing, find evidence to support all theories (as much as possible), and write bigger meaning for each - Journal #44


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