Geometry: Continued our discussion of quadrilaterals by investigating relationships in rectangles, rhombusses and squares. Homework is the 8.4 worksheet
Pre-Algebra- 2nd Hour - Today we completed our Mixed Number Operation Quiz and began taking notes on 2.1 which discusses how to use the properties of addition and multiplication to solve problems in an easier way, putting our "number sense" to work. (No homework assigned. We will not meet until Thursday due to MEAP.) 3rd Hour- Today we also began chapter 2 and took notes on section 2.1. HW: 2.1 Homework page, Mixed Number Operations quiz Wednesday, finish Fraction Multiplication and Division worksheet, if not done.
Algebra: We are reviewing for our test which will be on Friday. 2nd hour's test will be on Monday (due to MEAP and Fun Run). Homework (4th - 7th): Equations and Inequality review [attached]
Spanish: No class Tues/Wed (MEAP). Subject pronoun/verb packet sheets--due Thursday, Subject Pronoun quiz-Friday (grammar quiz canceled)
Humanities: Students checked atlas work and were introduced to a summative assessment
for chapter 4.
Summative assessments are due on Thursday. Instructions and rubrics for the assessment are attached.
Spanish II: Start studying the first set of new words on pg 241.
French I: Study for the Unit 1.2 quiz this Wednesday
Corrective Reading: Logs due today. New logs are due next Monday. If you did
not turn your log in today, please do so tomorrow for reduced
R.R. Math: Packet due Friday.
R.R. Math: Packet due Friday.
Course 3: We are still working on Distributive Property and combining like terms. Homework- 1st, 3rd and 5th- Do the like terms side of the worksheet. 2nd and 4th-worksheet 2.7, #7-27.
Chinese: We started to make flashcards on pinyin combinations containing j, q, x, zh, ch, sh, r, z, c, s, y, w. Students are to finish making those 12 flashcards by tonight as homework.
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