Thursday, October 24, 2013

Thursday, October 24

Science: 1st & 3rd hour took the Unit 1 test, anyone who didn't finish the test yesterday or today will be able to finish tomorrow. "How Fast Am I? Labs are due tomorrow, click here the checklist that students used for peer review and the IB rubric.

Geometry: No class meeting today, study properties of quadrilaterals and constructions for the test tomorrow!

Creative Writing: No class today due to conferences. Homework: Read

Spanish (Tomlinson): Test--Oct 30. Review "ser," "ser + de," subject pronouns, gustar (used object pronouns NOT subject pronouns) & vocab. No written practice tonight

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 5.1/5.2 in class today.  Students were also introduced to, and began to work on, 5.3 in class. 5.3 section assessment is due tomorrow.

Algebra:  2nd hour only  2 worksheets (worksheet 6.5 and homework 6.4)

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.

R.Room Math:  Test will be on Friday and homework packet will also be due on Friday. The homework is a great review for the test.

ELA - No classes met today, but students should be working on their projects, reading, and writing in their journals.  Journal entry #39. Projects are due Monday (no class time to work on Monday, it is hand it in and move on to Literary Essay). See you all tomorrow.

Spanish 2: study vocab on pg 241 for a quiz on Tuesday, Oct 31st.
French 1: study for the 1.3 quiz on Monday and the chapter test on Wednesday

Course 3: 3rd hour-Grid math if they didn't finish.  No homework for all other classes. 

Pre-algebra: Today we reviewed the simplifying expressions homework. We also reviewed area and perimeter of shapes and how to solve area and perimeter problems that involve expressions.  HW: 2.3 (21-24) show all work and be sure to label #21 a-d. 2.1-2.3 quiz Monday, October 28th.

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