Friday, October 30, 2015

Ramin - ELA

Grammar: Unit 1 (1.3 & 1.4)

Read (avg/30 min. a night)

Important Dates
M 11/2: Notebooks due (an updated Table of Contents & all Workshop lessons are available on
W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due


Geometry- Friday, October 30

Classwork: Investigated rotations in the coordinate plane and discovered the rules for rotations.

Homework: Finish rotation practice

Discussion Starters: We've finished Unit 2! We have one more quiz on Monday and then the test for unit 2 is Friday, November 6- how are students feeling about this unit compared to unit 1?

Science- Friday, October 30

Classwork: Students worked on typing the final draft of their lab in Google Classroom. They can access this account from any computer that has internet access and continue working on it over the weekend. This is a 50 point summative assessment grade.

Homework: We will also be typing on Monday, but the lab is due on Wednesday, November 4 by 5:00.

Discussion Starters: How much of the lab was your student able to get typed today? The goal was to finish procedures.

Dixon Language & Literature

Classwork: Grammar Unit 1, Lessons 3 and 4
Homework: Finalize composition notebooks (due Monday). A Table of Contents and all PowerPoints are available at

Canvasser 10.30.15 Friday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (11.2.15)
Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
Do not forget the short reader's response section, along with a parent signature!

RR Math- Students took their math test today. If you did not turn in your math homework, I will accept it on Monday for late points ( late points are better than no points!!)   

Happy Halloween and have a great weekend!!

Individuals and Societies

-Students took our chapter four assessment in class today.
-No homework.
-Happy Halloween!!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ramin - ELA


Survive Writing Challenge – winners announced!

Grammar: Unit 1, Lessons 1 & 2



READ (avg/30 minutes a night)

Free Write


Important Dates

M 11/2: Notebooks due

W 11/4 All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due

Geometry- Thursday, October 29

Classwork: Investigated rotations using geometry software on the graphing calculators. We then went through rotation constructions.

Homework: practice #1-3

Thursday, October 29

Classwork: Worked on the conclusion and data analysis portion of the lab.

Homework: Finish lab planner, we'll be typing final drafts tomorrow in Google classroom

Discussion starters: Have students used Google classroom to submit assignments before?

Dixon Language & Literature, 10/29/15

Classwork: Survive Writing Challenge Warp-up, Grammar Unit 1- Lessons 1 and 2
Homework: One page free write (1.33)
*Composition notebooks due Monday
*AR quizzes due Nov. 6

Individuals and Societies

-Students reviewed for our chapter four assessment in class.
-Homework is to study for the test tomorrow.

Canvasser 10.29.25 Thursday

RR ELA- Reading Logs are due Monday (11.2.15)
Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
Don't forget  the short reader's response section, along with a parent signature!

RR Math- Homework packet is due on/or before Friday (10.30.15)
Students should be studying daily! The homework packet,workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!  

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Ramin - ELA


Round 2 of Survive Writing Challenge



READ (avg/30 minutes a night)


Important Dates

M 11/2: Notebook check

W 11/4 All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due


Canvasser 10.28.15 Wednesday

RR ELA- Reading Logs are due Monday (11.2.15)
Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes (5 days a week)
* Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math-  The homework packet is due on/or before Friday (10.30.15)
Study daily! the homework packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!   

Science- Wednesday, October 28

Classwork: Students worked on graphing the data that was collected yesterday and wrote the data analysis portion of their lab. We also looked back at the examples of labs that students saw at the beginning of the unit.

Homework: Finish graphs and data analysis if not completed in class.

Discussion Starters: What trends or patterns did students find in their data? Do they think that trend would have continued or would their motion likely change in some way over time?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dixon Language and Literature, 10/27/15

Classwork: Survive Writing Challenge
Homework: One page free write

Ramin - ELA

Round 1 of Survive Writing Challenge - first round winners will be announced in class tomorrow!

READ (avg/30 minutes a night)

Important Dates
M 11/2: Notebook check
W 11/4 All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due

Geometry- Tuesday, October 27

Classwork: Completed translations

Homework: Translations Handout, practice constructions for tomorrow's quiz.

Discussion Starters: If students are struggling with constructions did they come get help at lunch today? Here is a video demonstrating theis construction, students can make their own to practice:

Science- Tuesday, October 27

Classwork: Collected data for "How Fast Am I?" lab.

Homework: Calculate speed & averages if necessary. Make motion diagrams based on your data.

Discussion Starters: Did students have fairly constant speed or were they accelerating?

Canvasser 10.27.15 Tuesday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (11.2.15)
Students should be reading five days a week for at least 20 minutes and then filling out the log.
Parents need to sign all five days!

RR Math- Homework packets are due on/or before Friday (10.30.15)
 *Math test will also be on Friday (10.30.15)*
Homework packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!

Individuals and Societies

-Students reviewed project guides, 4.3 guided notes and began to work on 4.4 section assessment in class.
-Homework is to complete 4.4 section assessment.

Monday, October 26, 2015

Geometry- Monday, October 26

Classwork: Began translations by investigating vectors & constructions.

Homework: Translation Practice #1-9

Discussion Starters: Do you have these important dates on your calendar? Wed, Oct 28 Translation Quiz, Monday, November  2 Rotation Quiz & Friday, November 6 Unit 2 test?

English - Kennedy

Just a reminder that all assignments are posted on the Google Classroom.
End of the marking period due dates:

Personal Journal 33 Entries - Monday November 2
RBR 1-4 Friday - November 6 (no afternoon classes)
4 AR quizzes or 50 points - Friday November 6 (no afternoon classes)

Science- Monday, October 26

Classwork: Students began planning the inquiry assessment for Unit 1- How Fast Am I? They wrote the purpose and hypothesis in class and some students also worked on the research and procedures sections.

Homework: Come prepared with procedures written and any supplies for data collection in class tomorrow. A copy of the lab planner can be found in the science folder. 

Discussion Starters: What is your student doing for the experiment? Did they hypothesize a constant speed, positive acceleration or negative acceleration?

Canvasser Monday 10/26

Happy Monday!

- Logs were due today. If you forgot, please turn them in tomorrow for a late point. Better than a zero!
-New reading logs were passed out today and will be due Monday 11/2/15. Five days of reading (at least 20 minutes) and then fill out your log. Parents need to sign!
-You can use your AR book for the reading logs.

RR Math: Homework packets are due on or before the test date-10/30/15. Do not forget to fill out the multiplication sheet and have a parent sign! Study daily.
Blue group- if you did not finish your workbook pages in class, please finish them by tomorrow.

Individuals and Societies

-Students were introduced to our "Year 3-8th grade Project" in class today.  We also checked 4.3 and continued our review of the American Revolution in class today.
-Homework is to review the project packet and to come to class tomorrow with any questions regarding the project. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

Ramin - ELA

- AR Quizzes for The Giver
- Writing Challenge - Day 1

- M 10/26: Rough draft of writing challenge paragraph due

Important Dates

- M 10/26: 2 Reader's Book Records due

- W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due


Dixon 8th Grade Language and Literature 10/23/15

Classwork: Students took the AR quiz for The Giver and started a writing activity that will take us through next week.
Homework: Independent reading (3 AR quizzes due November 6)

Geometry- Friday, October 23

Classwork: Perpendicular bisector theorem

Homework: Reflection Practice

Discussion Starters: What is an isosceles trapezoid?

Science- Friday, October 23

Classwork: Last day of graphing distance(position) vs time and speed vs time. We used familiar fairy tales and graphed the motion of The Big Bad Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood and the Tortoise & The Hare.

Homework: Write the story to go with the graph of Tim asking Caroline out on a date (#4 on the graphs without numbers sheet). See Science folder for a copy.

Discussion Starters: Try to make a position/time graph that would represent something you did this weekend. Can you also make a speed/time graph to go with it?

Canvasser 10.23.15 Friday

RR ELA- Reading Logs are due Monday (10.26.15) Students should be reading 20 minutes (5 days a week)
*Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math- Homework packets are due Friday (10.30.15)
 Math test will also be on Friday (10.30.15)
The homework packet, workbook pages and notes are great study tools.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Geometry- Thursday, October 22

Classwork: took the reflection quiz.

Homework: angle bisect and indirect proof handout

Science- Thursday, October 22

Only 2nd & 3rd hours met today due to the half day for parent/teacher conferences.

Canvasser 10.22.15 Thursday

RR ELA- Reading Logs are due Monday( 10.26.15)
Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week) Do not forget the short reader's response section.
The due date for AR quizzes is November 4 , students can read their AR book for the reading logs.
Students were given time in class today to read their AR books

RR Math- The  homework packet is due on/or before Friday (10.30.15)
The math test will also be on Friday (10.30.15)
The homework packet, notes and workbook pages are great study tools.

Individuals and Societies

-Students worked in the media center to complete current events and 4.3 guided notes.
-Current events and guided notes are due Friday.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Ramin - ELA

Students wrote an on-demand response where they discussed what they think Lois Lowry (author of The Giver) is trying to teach us about society.
 Important Dates

- M 10/26: 2 Reader's Book Records due

- W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due


Science- Wednesday, October 21

Classwork: Continued our experience with position vs time graphs using some virtual simulations.

Homework: 2nd & 3rd hour none, 4th-7th hour Speed Time Graphs

Discussion Starters: Try to find some other distance/time and speed/time simulations.

Canvasser 10.21.15 Wednesday

RR ELA- Reading Logs are due Monday (10.26.15)
Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes (5 days a week)
*Do not forget the short reader's response section* 

RR Math- Homework packets are due Friday (10.30.15)
*Math test will also be on Friday (10.30.15)*

Individuals and Societies

-Students checked 4.2 and began work on 4.3 guided questions.
-4.3 guided questions and current events are due Friday.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Geometry, Tuesday, October 20

Classwork: Discovered the coordinate rules for reflections.

Homework: Rest of reflection practice.

Discussion Starters: Did your student come in at lunch over the past 2 days to go over their test? If not, why didn't they take advantage of that opportunity?

Science- Tuesday, October 20

Classwork: Continued discussing graphs of motion.

Homework: Distance Time Graphs Practice (see science folder for a copy).

Discussion Starters: Why does it not make sense to have a vertical line on a distance/time graph?

Individuals and Societies

-Students checked 4.1 guided notes and began to work on 4.2 section assessment in class.
-Homework is to finish 4.2 section assessment.
-Current events are due Friday.

Ramin - ELA

- RW Science Fiction - Day 6 (Nuanced Characters)

- Read chapters 18 - end of book

Important Dates

- M 10/26: 2 Reader's Book Records due

- W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due

Canvasser 10.20.15 Tuesday

RR ELA- Reading log due Monday (10.26.15)
Make sure you are using your AR book for the reading logs!
 AR quizzes are due in just a few short weeks
*Do not forget the short reader's response section on your reading logs*

RR Math- Red group finished workbook pages today. Grades for the math test are posted to Skyward
   Both groups can start day one in homework packet
*Homework packet is due Friday (10.30.15)*

Monday, October 19, 2015

Geometry- Monday, October 19

Classwork: Investigated reflections through constructions. We also discussed test re-takes: Students must come in at lunch Monday or Tuesday to go over the concepts they struggled with on the test in order to qualify to take the re-take. Re-takes are offered Wednesday & Friday at lunch this week.

Homework: Homework is the reflection practice #1-8.

Discussion Starters: Talk to your student again about how they did on the test and how they feel about their placement in advanced mathematics. I encouraged them to reflect on this and think honestly about their progression through to Calculus AB/BC or Calc 3 senior year. While their grade doesn't matter in terms of GPA at this point, if they are seriously struggling in advanced math now that is not likely to improve next year in algebra 2 and beyond when GPA will be relevant. This group of students has a unique opportunity to revisit 8th grade math with CMP, which is completely different from the algebra class they took last year if they are interested in improved mathematical understanding over all.

Science- Monday, October 19

Classwork: Students worked in table groups matching graphs of motion with potential data and stories that would make sense with the graph. We will continue working with these graphs all week to wrap up the unit.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: What is the difference between describing a line simply as "straight" versus "horizontal"?

Canvasser 10.19.15 Monday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due today. Students can turn in late logs tomorrow (10.20.15)
New Reading logs are due Monday (10.26.15) Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
*Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math- Blue group started day one today. Students can start homework packet.
Students finished homework packet and test corrections today.

Individuals and Societies

-Students worked on 4.1 guided questions (attached) in class.
-Homework is to finish the guided questions.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Ramin - ELA


- Discussed chapters 6-8 of The Giver

- RW Day 4 - Paying attention to how characters evolve as a result of their experiences



- Read chapters 9-11


Important Dates

- M 10/26: 2 Reader's Book Records due

- W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due


Geometry- Friday, October 16

Classwork: Began unit 2- Transformations by reviewing what students remember about functions, input, output, domain and range from algebra. We investigated the effects of different transformations on a triangle and used that to help define rigid motions (isometries).

Homework: Practice #1-15

Discussion Starters: Tests were returned, how did your student do? Do they think they should do a re-take next week Wednesday?

Science- Friday, October 16

Classwork: Students finished their notes today by taking our conversations regarding constant speed & acceleration and applying that to graphs. We will continue to work with graphs of motion next week which will conclude the unit.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: How does the work we're currently doing with graphs relate to what students have been doing in 8th grade math?

Canvasser 10.16.15 Friday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.19.15)
Students should read a minimum of 20 minutes (5 days a week)
*Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math- Grades are in the system for the math test
Students reworked problems they got wrong on the homework packet and test today. 

Have a great weekend

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Ramin - ELA

- Discussed chapters 3-5 of The Giver
- RW Day 3 - Paying attention to how characters evolve as a result of their experiences

- Read chapters 6-8
- Free write topic: Using your Venn Diagram from yesterday, write a descriptive paragraph about the similarities and differences between our world and Jonas'.

Important Dates
- M 10/26: 2 Reader's Book Records due
- W 11/4: All AR quizzes due; 3rd RBR due


Geometry- Thursday , October 15

Construction test

Science- Thursday, October 15

Class work: Students used the data collected yesterday from the flat track, uphill and downhill to make motion diagrams.

Homework: Acceleration practice, see science folder for a copy

Canvasser 10.15.15 Thursday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.19.15)
Students should read a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
* Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math-  Students took their section assessment today
* If you did not turn in your math homework, you can turn it in tomorrow (10.16.15)*

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Ramin - ELA

- We discussed chapters 1 & 2 of The Giver, including students' theories about the Community so far.
- RW Science Fiction - Day 2: Learning Alongside the Characters (1.26)

- Read chapters 3-5 of The Giver

Geometry- Wednesday, October 14

Classwork: Lines & Angles Test.

Homework: Prepare for tomorrow's construction test.

Discussion Starters: How did the test go?

Science- Wednesday, October 14

Classwork: We collected time data on a flat track, uphill track, and downhill track. Students then used this data to calculate the speed of the car on the track at 4 points and discussed whether we expected acceleration to be positive, negative or zero on each track.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: What are some real life examples of objects with positive acceleration? Negative acceleration?

Individuals and Societies

-Students worked on the 3.4/3.5 summative assessment in class.
-Homework is to complete the summative assessment.

Canvasser 10.14.15 Wednesday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.19.15)
Students should be reading a minimum of 20 minutes(5 days a week) 
* Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math- Homework packet due on/or before Thursday (10.15.15)
*Math test is on Thursday (10.15.15)*
Students should be studying daily. The homework packet, workbook pages and notes are great studying tools.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Ramin - ELA

- Students wrote in their journals about what a perfect world, in their opinion, would look like (entry 1.23), then we discussed their responses.
- Students were introduced to the Science Fiction/Dystopian genre
- Reader's Workshop - Day 1: Setting (1.24)
- Students had time to begin reading The Giver in class

- Read Chapters 1 and 2 of The Giver
- Free Write Topic (1.25): Based on what you've read so far, begin formulating a theory about the Community and explain why you think that in your journals.


8th Grade ELA

We began The Giver by Lois Lowry this week.  Please remember to check Google Classroom for the daily assignments.  There is an app that will send you reminders and updates on your phone.  You can then access your classroom from anywhere :)

Ginger Kennedy
6th-8th Tech & 8th Grade English
Norup International School
Berkley School District

Geometry- Tuesday, October 13

Classwork: Went over the practice test/review

Homework: Review for the test tomorrow:  See the practice proofs I've posted on previous days, make flashcards with the different postulates and theorems (they are all in your notes) that might be used.

Discussion Starters: How can you be prepared for tomorrow's test?

Science- Tuesday, October 13

Classwork: We practiced applying the formula for acceleration with student generated problems, focusing on positive and negative acceleration, units and coming to a stop/starting from rest.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: Ask your student what is the difference between positive and negative acceleration.

Individuals and Societies

-Students reviewed the causes of the American Revolution in class today.
-Homework is to study for the summative assessment tomorrow.  The causes (need to know six) can be found in sections 3.4 and 3.5 of the textbook.

Canvasser 10.13.15

RR English: Student reading logs were due on Monday-late logs need to be turned in ASAP. New logs were also passed out on Monday. Students need to read at least 20 minutes 5X/week and do each readers response. Please remember to get a parent signature, as that is part of your grade. Logs will be due on Monday 10/19/15.

RR Math: Students have a test Thursday. Study each night. Cover up problems, and re-work them! Students have a homework packet, multiplication sheet (that needs to be signed) also due on Thursday. If you turn your homework in early, I will check it and give it back so you can use that as another study tool!

Monday, October 12, 2015

Ramin - ELA - 10/12

Today students turned in their narrative poems and completed a poem reflection writing assignment. Some students had time to read silently while I worked with others on getting their Google Classroom accounts situated.
- Read (30 minutes a night!). 

As a reminder, the reading expectation for the first quarter of ELA 8 is 4 books or 50 points. All first quarter AR quizzes are due by November 4th, but students should not wait until this date to take all of their quizzes. For best results, students know they should take an AR quiz as soon soon as they finish each book. They can take their quizzes in class and/or in the library before school, during lunch or after school.

Students should be reading at home an average of 30 minutes a night and should aim to complete a book about every two weeks. Based on this expectation, students should have read at least two books by this point in the quarter; therefore, I have begun entering grades in Skyward so students can see where they stand. Zeros have been entered into the gradebook for those students who have not yet taken their first quiz. These zeros are not permanent, but it is important for students to understand the significance of the 8th grade reading requirement and how not fulfilling this expectation can affect their grades. I will continue to update the AR quizzes in my gradebook throughout the next couple weeks. Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Science- Monday, October 12

Classwork: Continued to deepen our understanding of acceleration by reading, taking notes, and teaching each other about the definition, units and formula related to acceleration.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: Which car is accelerating faster, one that goes from 0-60 mph in 10 seconds, or one that goes from 30-90 mph in 10 seconds?

Geometry- Monday, October 12

Classwork: Continued talking about proofs and how practice is how we improve. Students then started working on the review/practice test.

Homework: Finish the review/practice test. See the math folder for a copy.

Discussion Starters: Here are some additional links for practicing proofs:


Canvasser 10.12.15 Monday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due today. If you did not turn one in, you can turn it in tomorrow.
* New reading logs are due Monday (10.19.15)*

RR Math- Homework packet is due on/or before Thursday (10.15.15)
*Math test will also be on Thursday (10.15.15)*
*Students should study daily*
Students may use the homework packet, workbook pages and notes to study from.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Science- Friday, October 9

Classwork:Continued our discussion of models to represent the difference between constant speed and acceleration. Students had such great ideas! We then looked at the formal physics guidelines for modeling this motion and practiced using it. See the science folder for more information. 
Homework: None

Discussion Starters: Ask your student to explain this picture.

Geometry- Friday, October 9

Classwork: Continued working on proofs with parallel lines. 

Homework: Practice problems #1-5

Discussion Starters: Talk to your students about avoiding statements like "I have NO idea what to do"....they have a bunch of theorems, postulates, definitions and properties they can try using....those are all idea! Here's some practice, the internet is an amazing place for examples and practice! 


RR Math-Finish pg. 16-17 for Monday

Canvasser 10.9.15 Friday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.12.15)
Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
Do not forget the short reader's response section

RR Math- Homework packet is due on/or before Thursday (10.15.15)
*Math test will also be on Thursday (10.15.15)*
 The homework packet , workbook pages and notes are great tools to study for the test.

Have a great weekend! 

Individuals and Societies

-Students turned in 3.5 section assessment, watched Student News and shared current events in class.
-No homework.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Science-Thursday, October 8

Class work: Students shared their models of acceleration and constant speed. They then worked on quiz corrections.

Homework: Quiz corrections are due tomorrow .

Discussion starters: Is acceleration always speeding up?

Ramin - ELA - 10/8/15

Students had time to begin publishing their poems today. Final poems are due by Monday.


Students will:

- Submit an electronic version of their poem (with 3 examples of figurative language highlighted) to Google Classroom (Class Codes: 2nd hour: eykgp0 / 6th hour: rxulwn6)

- Submit a hard copy of their poem in class with a colorful illustration/visual.


Geometry-Thursday, October 8

Class work: More practice with segment and angle proofs.

Homework: Finish practice with segment and angle proofs.

Discussion starters: How are students feeling about proofs? If the are still concerned, what steps are the taking to improve?

Canvasser 10.8.15 Thursday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.12.15)
Students are to read a minimum of 20 minutes for 5 days
* Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math- Homework packet is due on/or before Thursday (10.15.15)
* 2nd math test will also be on Thursday (10.15.15)*
Students may use the homework packet, workbook pages and notes for studying tools.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Science- Wednesday, October 7

Classwork: Students worked in groups to describe the difference between constant speed and acceleration in 3 ways: physically, visually/pictorially/ mathematically.

Homework: None

Discussion Starters: If two cars are traveling down the road, and one has an average velocity of 25 mph and the other has an average velocity 50 mph, do you have enough information to discuss either car's acceleration?

Geometry- Wednesday, October 7

Classwork: Began discussing proofs of parallel lines.

Homework: Reflect 2a, 2b & 2c and proof #3.

Discussion Starters: Describe the difference between corresponding, alternate interior, alternate exterior and same side interior angles.

Canvasser 10.7.15 Wednesday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.12.15)
Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes (5 days)
* Do not forget the short reader's response section*

RR Math- Homework packet is due on/or before Thursday (10.15.15)
* 2nd  math test will also be on Thursday (10.15.15)*

Individuals and Societies

-Students finished working on 3.4, and were introduced to 3.5 in class.
-Homework is to finish 3.5 section assessment and a current event by Friday.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Canvasser 10.6.15 Tuesday

RR Math- Homework packets for both groups are due Thursday (10.15.15)
 *2nd math test will also be on Thursday (10.15.15)* Do not forget to study your multiplication facts daily

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.12.15)
Students should be reading 5 days a week for a minimum of 20 minutes.  

Individuals and Societies

-Students reviewed notes on the English colonies and began to work on 3.4 section assessment in class.
-Homework is to complete 3.4 section assessment.
-Current events are due Friday.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Geometry- Monday, October 5

Classwork: Worked together to piece together segment addition and angle addition proofs. We had some great discussions regarding when segment addition made sense as a justification and when it did not. Construction quizzes were also returned, we ran out of time to go over the last question which we'll do tomorrow.
Homework: None, although students can always practice constructions!

Discussion Starters: Ask your student to explain the segment addition postulate. 

Science- Monday, October 5

Classwork: Students had an opportunity to review speed practice and the metric conversions to help prepare for tomorrow's quiz. Some students also began investigating the difference between displacement and distance. 
Homework: Practice for tomorrow's quiz. Students could make up their own speed problems or think of an experiment and practice identifying independent, dependent and control variables.

Discussion Starters: How confident do students feel about units of distance, time and speed?

Canvasser 10.5.15 Monday

RR ELA- If you did not turn in a log today, you can turn them in tomorrow.  
 New logs passed out today. They will be due on Monday ( 10.12.15) 

RR Math- Test scores are on skyward, students will re-work missed problems in class today. 

Blue Group- Homework packet will be passed out tomorrow
Red Group- Homework packet passed out today, students can start week one

Individuals and Societies

-Students worked in groups to answer questions regarding colonial regions of America.
-Homework is to finish the questions about the regions using chapter 3.1-3.4, if they were not finished in class.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Ramin - ELA - October 2, 2015

WW Narrative Poetry - Day 6: Structure and Drafting. We reviewed poetic structure, and students had time to draft a few more narrative poems in their journals.

- 10/5: Choose one of your narrative poem drafts from class that you'd like to develop further. Be ready to meet with me on Monday about your poem choice.
- Read!!! AR Quizzes for First Quarter (4 books or 50 points) due Wednesday, November 4th. Make sure you are planning your reading accordingly!
Class Website: (sign up for Remind101, view course documents, etc.)


Geometry- Friday, October 2

Classwork: Began investigating the logic of proofs. Students used simple algebra problems to show how a two column proof works. We then applied this to a simple proof using segment addition.

Homework: Segment addition and algebra proofs handout, see math folder for a copy.

Discussion Starters: How does Ms. Throm feel about proofs?

Science- Friday, October 2

Classwork: Investigated how speed of a car on the track changes after bouncing off a rubber band.

Homework: None, quiz is now on Tuesday.

Discussion Starters: Ask your students why we use a distance of 1 cm when there is a single photo-gate on the track.

Individuals and Societies

-Students finished their open book tests in class today.
-No homework.

Canvasser 10.2.15 Friday

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (10.5.15)
 Remember you need to read 5 days (20 minutes) and do the reader's response activities

RR Math-  Students took their first test today. Students can turn in the homework packet on Monday for late points, if it was not turn in today.

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Science- Thursday, October 1

Classwork: Practiced converting in the metric system using the "Ladder Method".  Here's a video that can help:

Homework: Complete the metric system problems, see science folder for a copy.

Discussion Starters: Ask your students about King Henry and how he died. Can they sing the song? How does this mnemonic device help with conversions in the metric system?

Geometry- Thursday, October 1

Classwork: Took the constructions quiz.

Homework: None!

Discussion Starters: Ask how students did on the quiz.

Individuals and Societies

-Students began their open book test in class today.
-Homework is to work on the test, if needed.
-All tests are due at the end of class tomorrow.

Canvasser 10.1.15 Thursday

RR ELA- New reading log is due on Monday (10.5.15)
Remember to read five days a week for at least 20 minutes each day and to do the five reader's response questions.

RR Math- Homework packet is due on/ or before Friday (10.2.15)
*First test will also be on Friday*
Do not forget to study!! Your homework packet, workbook pages and notes are great tools to use to study for your test.