Thursday, May 29, 2014

Friday, May 30


Science: Quests were returned and students were able to do quest corrections. Corrections are due on Monday. Students then began working on the final exam review- it is due on Tuesday! Final exam is on Wednesday, June 4. 

Geometry: Students took the chapter 12 test. Final exam is on Monday, June 9.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday- 5 days.

R. Room Math:  Test is 6/6/14.  Homework packets are due on or before 6/6/14.  Red group, finish workbook pages if you did not in class today.

Humanities: Students  worked on 19.1 in class. Homework for Friday is to complete 19.1 free choice for Monday.

ELA - Hand in Credos and Rubric - volunteers may present Credo to class.  Read

Technology - Work on Create for Family Budget.

Course 3: Review is due on Monday!

Algebra - Homework: Finish the review packet (ch 9-12)

Pre-Algebra: Students received and began working on a review for the final exam. HW: Review due on Tuesday, June 3rd. Polynomial Check-Up on Monday, June 2nd.

Creative Writing: I Believe statements are due Monday. Notebook check will be Monday also. Must have all Reader's workshop lessons and associated writing for notebook check. Any missed lessons must be made up. Here are the PowerPoint slides if anyone needs them.

Spanish I: FINAL EXAM INFO:  We will be reviewing for the Final Exam every day until 6/9.  We will have multiple review sheets and packets.  They are designed for YOUR BENEFIT!!!  Do them for practice.  The exam covers EVERYTHING from the first day of school!
**** You may bring a notecard (5x7 maximum) with ANY info on the back and front that you believe will help you-- vocab, conjugations, etc.   I will collect ALL PHONES at the beginning of the Final and give them back to you at the end.  If you do not finish, you must remain with me to finish the Final to be fair to everyone else taking it. There will be no leaving the room once the Final has been distributed. TEXT BOOKS ARE DUE ON 6/9 --- IF YOU LOST YOUR BOOK IT IS $61 TO REPLACE.

Thursday, May 29

Science: Took the "Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum" Quest. We will begin reviewing for the final tomorrow! 

Geometry: Went over the Chapter 12 Practice Test- homework is the Chapter 12 review in the book. Chapter 12 test tomorrow! 

Chinese: We are going to present the story books students make last week, and then continue review for the final.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday- 5 days.

R. Room Math:  Test is 6/6/14.  Homework packets are due on or before 6/6/14.  Purple group, finish workbook pages if you did not in class today.

Spanish 2: Chapter 6.1 test tomorrow. Both worksheets are due tomorrow.

French I: Chapter 8 unit quizzes tomorrow

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 18 tests and discussed current events in class. No homework for Thursday.

ELA - Final work on Credos - due tomorrow illustrated with color, final draft format (NON ERASABLE, no pencil lines, neat, with all requirements).  Final Journal due - 50 entries.  Final AR quiz due date extended to June 6th. Homework: READ - Credo final draft, Journal entry #50

Technology - Kennedy - Work on Create for Family Budget.  We will begin presenting on Tuesday.

Algebra - Homework: ch 8 of the review packet (#8-27)

Course 3: We started to review for our final exam.  It is on June 5th and 6th.  Tonight students should make sure they are done through number 44 on the review.  All should be done by Monday.

Creative Writing: I Believe statements are due Monday. Notebook check will be Monday also. Must have all Reader's workshop lessons and associated writing for notebook check. Any missed lessons must be made up. Here are the PowerPoint slides if anyone needs them.

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed some practice problems for a short quiz students will complete on Monday over Polynomial addition, subtraction and multiplication. Students should have a foldable that reviews the steps for solving problems like these and may use this to help them prepare for the quiz. HW: Equation Solving Practice worksheet

Spanish I: We reviewed yesterday's study guide and received another study guide, very similar to the test. TEST -- tomorrow 5/30. Please finish classwork packets, study guides, and any missing HW for chapter 3.2. FINAL EXAM INFO:  We will be reviewing for the Final Exam every day until 6/9.  We will have multiple review sheets and packets.  They are designed for YOUR BENEFIT!!!  Do them for practice.  The exam covers EVERYTHING from the first day of school! **** You may bring a notecard (5x7 maximum) with ANY info on the back and front that you believe will help you-- vocab, conjugations, etc.  I will collect ALL PHONES at the beginning of the Final and give them back to you at the end.  If you do not finish, you must remain with me to finish the Final to be fair to everyone else taking it. There will be no leaving the room once the Final has been distributed. TEXT BOOKS ARE DUE ON 6/9 --- IF YOU LOST YOUR BOOK IT IS $61 TO REPLACE.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday, May 28

Final Exam Dates: 
Science- Wednesday, June 4
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday, June 5 & Friday, June 6

Pre-Algebra- Thursday, June 5 & Friday, June 6
Spanish II & French - Friday, June 6 & Monday, June 9
Chinese- Friday, June 6

Science: Went over the refraction homework and practiced drawing angles of reflection. Homework is "WavesTown". Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum Quest is tomorrow! 

Geometry: Worked on the chapter 12 practice test, chapter 12 test is Friday.

Humanities: Students took our chapter 18 test in school today. No homework.

Spanish 2: The verb packet is due tomorrow. The 6.1 chapter test is this Friday
French I: The 8.1 worksheet is due tomorrow.

C. Reading:  Logs were passed out.  Five days will be due on Monday 6/2/14.  Read daily.

R. Room Math: The homework packet will be due on or before, your choice, 6/6/14.  Your test will be 6/6/14.  Red group, please finish workbook pages for Wk 3, Day 2 that we started in class today, due tomorrow.

Algebra- Today we took the Chapter 11 test.  Homework tonight is the first page (front and back) of the review packet.

Pre-Algebra: Review of last night's homework, multiplying polynomials. Slate review for final exam. HW: no new homework assigned. Students retaking the Percent Applications Quiz tomorrow need to have their original quiz with corrections. 

Spanish I: Today we went to the lab.  You received a green study guide (just to read). Bring pink Study Guide to class to complete tomorrow (Thursday). We will also work on classwork packets for 3.2 due Friday. Check Family Access and get missing work in. 3.2 Test--Friday

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday, May 27

Final Exam Dates: 
Science- Wednesday, June 4
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday, June 5 & Friday, June 6

Pre-Algebra- Thursday, June 5 & Friday, June 6
Spanish II & French - Friday, June 6 & Monday, June 9
Chinese- Friday, June 6

Science: Completed notes on The Electromagnetic Spectrum, and then students worked with their tables to develop a mnemonic device to help memorize the spectrum. Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" Thursday, May 29.

Geometry: Finished chapter 12 with 12.7 notes. Homework is the 12.7 worksheet. Chapter 12 test is Friday, May 30.

Humanities: Students checked chapter 18 assessment and reviewed for our chapter 18 test in class today. Homework is to study for the chapter 18 test for tomorrow.

Course 3: Iowa Algebra Aptitude test today.  No homework.   Final Exam is June 5th and 6th.

C. Reading:  Logs are due today.  If you forgot your log, I will take them tomorrow for late points.  New logs are due 6/2/14 and were passed out today.

R. Room Math:  Students with have their next test/homework packet due date on 6/6/14.  Students should practice what they are learning in class at home daily.  Purple group needs to complete Week 3, Day 2 workbook pages if they did not finish them in class.

Algebra- Chapter 11 Test tomorrow.  Attached are the review and answers

ELA - Students typed and printed their final draft of their "This I Believe" statements (all color printers are out of order so these will be hand illustrated), I wanted students to have time to illustrate before the due date of Friday. Homework: illustrate, Journal entry #49, READ!

Technology - Kennedy - Family Budget Rough Drafts are due tomorrow.  Students will compile all print evidence in a Design Folder, each section separated (Investigate, Plan, Create, Evaluate) to check what belongs in each section please see the project packet directions.

Pre-Algebra: Today we created a foldable for our ISN to review the steps of Polynomial addition and subtractions. We also looked at two different methods for multiplying polynomials (FOIL and boxes). Students may use either method to complete their homework. HW: Multiplying Polynomials worksheet (1-10). Final Exam will be on Thursday, June 5th - we will spend lots of class time reviewing. Students scoring below a C- on the Percent Applications Quiz will retake during lunch on Thursday, May 29th. Students must have their original quiz with corrections.  

Spanish I: Today we took a practice test and a Grammar Quiz.  I also distributed Fiesta, for extra credit (complete, correct, and by Thursday-no exceptions).  See me for extras--not on blog. Wednesday--LAB and 3.2 Vocab re-take

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Thursday, May 22

Final Exam Dates (Subject to change depending on what grade wins the spirit trip):
Science- Wednesday, June 4
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday June 5 & Friday June 6

Pre-Algebra- Thursday, June 5
Spanish II & French - Thursday & Friday June 5 & 6
Chinese- Friday, June 6

Science: 1st hour completed the investigation from yesterday and will catch up with everyone else tomorrow. Took notes on refraction and started discussing the electromagnetic spectrum. Homework is the refraction worksheet. Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum will be Thursday, May 29.

Geometry: 12.6 notes, surface area of spheres. Homework is the 12.6 worksheet. Chapter 12 test is Friday, May 30.

C. Reading:  Reading logs are due on Tuesday, 5/27/14.  All five responses need to be complete and your parent needs to sign off on it.

R. Room Math:  Your new homework packets will be passed out today and tentatively be due on 6/6/14.

Chinese: We are going to continue making the story book with illustration in them. Students are to complete the book today.

Spanish II: Study for the verb quizzes next week.

French I: Study for the unit quizzes next week

Humanities: Students checked 18.2/18.3 in class today. Students began to work on chapter 18 assessment in class today. Chapter 18 assessment is due Tuesday and students will have time to work on it in class tomorrow. Chapter 18 test is on Wednesday.

Course 3: Inequality test today.  No homework. 

Spanish I: THIS POST IS FOR 5/22 and 5/23. Today (Thurs) we are reading about BĂ©isbol (pp 212-213) and answering questions (see 8th grade blog)--due Friday 5/23. We will play tic tac toe (ta ta ti) and work on the Repaso at the end of chapter 3.2. There is no HW over the weekend BUT Repaso is due Tuesday 5/27. We will have class Friday from 9:21-10 and then go to the Spirit Assembly

Algebra - Chapter 11 Practice Test due tomorrow for 2nd hour, Tuesday for hours 4,5,and 7.  The answers are attached as well.  Our Test is Wednesday, May 28 (choir students can take it on the 27th or 29th)

Pre-Algebra: Polynomials...What is a polynomial and how do we add them? HW: Adding Polynomials worksheet (Addition side only 1-10). Have a great Memorial Day!

ELA - Students continued with our "I Believe" statement.  Day 6 we expanded our seed ideas by questioning ourselves on our credo we wrote yesterday.  We are working our way to writing our own "Life Credo" or "I Believe" statement. Rough sketches of credo statement and illustration are due on Tuesday. Homework: READ! Journal entry #47
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued their "Family Budget" project. Remember all jobs require a maximum of 4 years college, be available in the city and state the student picked, and be entry wage.  No lawyers, doctors, professional athletes, or famous performers allowed. Homework: Rough drafts are due Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday, May 21

Final Exam Dates (Subject to change depending on what grade wins the spirit trip):
Science- Wednesday, June 4
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday June 5 & Friday June 6

Pre-Algebra- Thursday, June 5Spanish II - Thursday & Friday June 5 & 6
Chinese- Friday, June 6

Science: Continued investigating properties of light by observing how light reflects and refracts in a prism.  Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" Friday, May 30.

Geometry: Made prisms & pyramids with congruent bases to investigate the relationship between volume of a prism and volume of a pyramid, followed by 12.5 notes (volume of pyramids & cones). Homework is the 12.5 worksheet. Chapter 12 test Friday, May 30.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Tuesday with five responses.  Happy Reading!

R. Room Math:  Purple group should complete the two workbook pages they started in class if they did not finish them, due tomorrow.  Red group, no homework.

Humanities: Students finished working on 18.2 and began to work on 18.3 in class. Homework is to finish 18.2 and 18.3 for tomorrow. Please remember, we will have our chapter 18 assessment on Wednesday, May 28.

Spanish II: Book exercises pg 405 #8,11,12 & 13. due tomorrow.

French I: Study vocab and new verb.

Spanish I: Today we are doing a Lab Activity on comparisons/inequalities HW--check Family Access and find your missing assignments/classwork

ELA - Students continued with our "I Believe" statement.  Day 5 we wrote about "I hate it when" in our journals to see if we can find what really inspires us.  We are working our way to writing our own "Life Credo" or "I Believe" statement. Homework: READ! Journal entry #45

Technology - Kennedy - Students continued their "Family Budget" project. Remember all jobs require a maximum of 4 years college, be available in the city and state the student picked, and be entry wage.  No lawyers, doctors, professional athletes, or famous performers allowed. Rough draft sheets are in the room, sketch out what your visual aid is going to look like and write a rough draft of your speech. Homework: Rough Drafts of project are due Tuesday.

Algebra - Last lesson of the year!!  12.1 Inverse Variations.  Hwk:  12.1 (evens)

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed last night's homework page, "Linear Word Problems". We discussed how to write and graph the equations for word problems. We also began notes on Polynomials in our ISNs.  No homework was assigned today.  FINAL EXAM WILL BE June 5TH! We will spend a good amount of time reviewing and preparing. 

Course 3: We have a quiz tomorrow on inequalities.  Extra practice in the textbook on lessons 3.5, 3.6, 6.5,  and 6.6.

Chinese: We are working on translating the story book today in class.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, May 20

Final Exam Dates (Subject to change depending on what grade wins the spirit trip):
Science- Wednesday, June 5
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday June 5 & Friday June 6
Spanish II - Thursday & Friday June 5 & 6
Chinese- Friday, June 6

Science: Students worked collaboratively to read and take notes on the law of reflection and other ways that light interacts with surfaces. Homework is the Law of Reflection. Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" is Friday, May 30.

Geometry: Took notes on 12.4, volume of cylinders & prisms, homework is the 12.4 worksheet. Chapter 12 test is Friday, May 30.

Corrective Reading:  New logs were passed out yesterday and are due (5 days filled out) on Tuesday 5/27/14.

R. Room Math:  Test today!  Homework due today!  If you forgot your homework, please turn it in by tomorrow for late points!  Your new homework packets will not be passed out until Thursday, enjoy!

Algebra- homework: Simplifying Radical practice (all)

Spanish II: Practice preterite verbs for the quizzes next week and the test next Friday, May 30.

French I: Study Chap 8 vocab and the new verb for quizzes next week.

Course 3: We practiced inequalities with distributive property and problem solving.  Homework is a two-sided worksheet.

ELA - Students continued with our "I Believe" statement.  Day 4 we listened to and read some "This I Believe" statements from MPR then wrote how they spoke to us.  We are working our way to writing our own "Life Credo" or "I Believe" statement. Students then began their own rough draft of their statement. Homework: READ! Journal entry #43

Technology - Kennedy - Students continued their "Family Budget" project. Remember all jobs require a maximum of 4 years college, be available in the city and state the student picked, and be entry wage.  No lawyers, doctors, professional athletes, or famous performers allowed. Homework: all Investigate due by Wednesday; spreadsheet, bibliography, and print evidence.

Spanish I: Today we continued comparisons.  Classwork: p209 #16 and #18 (we listened to #17). We also worked as tables making comparisons about school years. Tomorrow --we are in the lab and the VOCAB QUIZ makeup will take place.

Per-Algebra: Today we review some prerequisite skills needed for our next unit. We worked on using exponent rules and graphing linear equations. HW: Linear Word Problems worksheet (front and back)

Humanities: Students reviewed 18.1 and began to work on 18.2 in class. No homework.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Monday, May 19

Final Exam Dates:
Science- Wednesday, June 5
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday June 5 & Friday June 6
Spanish II - Thursday & Friday June 5 & 6
Chinese- Friday, June 6

Science: Investigation 22-B - The Law of Reflection was completed in class today. Light & The Electromagnetic Spectrum Quest Friday, May 30.

Geometry: 12.3- Surface area of prisms & pyramids. Homework is the 12.3 worksheet. Chapter 12 test Friday, May 30.

Chinese: We are going to take post-test, and then continue making the story book.

Corrective Reading:  New logs were passed out today and are due (5 days filled out) on Tuesday 5/27/14.  If you forgot your log today, please turn it in tomorrow for late points.

R. Room Math:  Test on/homework packets due 5/20/14.  Please study!!!  You wrote wrote pages to study on the front of your workbook.

Humanities: Students finished presenting Civil War projects and began to work on 18.1 in class. Homework is to finish 18.1 free choice.

Spanish II: Study your verbs for the test next week.

French I: Begin studying your new vocab and make flash cards for the words on pg 259

Pre-Algebra: Percent Applications Quiz (no homework assigned)

Algebra - homework (2-12 evens)

Spanish I: Today we learned about making comparisons and the verb "saber"--to know facts or how to do something (different from "conocer" -to know people. be familiar with). Please look through pp.207-209 if absent and do the notas (8th grade blog). HW-comparaciones sheet (blog) and do #15 on p. 209 on the back of the sheet; due tomorrow. TEST--5/30

ELA - Students continued with our "I Believe" statement.  Day 3 we read more quotes and wrote how they spoke to us.  We are working our way to writing our own "Life Credo" or "I Believe" statement. Homework: READ! Journal entry #41
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued their "Family Budget" project. Remember all jobs require a maximum of 4 years college, be available in the city and state the student picked, and be entry wage.  No lawyers, doctors, professional athletes, or famous performers allowed. Homework: all Investigate due by Wednesday; spreadsheet, bibliography, and print evidence.

Course 3: Worksheet 6.6, all.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday, May 16

Final Exam Dates:
Science- Wednesday, June 5
Geometry- Monday, June 9
Choir- Thursday, June 5
Spanish I- Monday, June 9
Algebra- Thursday June 5 & Friday June 6
Spanish II - Thursday & Friday June 5 & 6
Chinese- Friday, June 6

Science: Used the jigsaw method to read and take notes on pages 478-483. Electromagnetic Spectrum "Quest" Thursday or Friday, May 29 or 30. 

Geometry: Completed the 12.2 notes, surface area of prisms & cylinder. Homework is the 12.2 worksheet.  Chapter 12 test Friday, May 30.

C. Reading:  Logs are due on Monday.  All five days need to be filled out and signed.

R. Room Math:  You will have a test on 5/20/14.  Please take home your math workbooks so you can study over the weekend!  Also, your homework packet is due on 5/20/14 or before.  Remember, I encourage you to turn in your homework early so you can use it as another study tool.  I am available during lunch/LRC to also assist with questions prior to the test.  If you study, you will do great!  Purple group, if you did not finish today's workbook pages in class, that will also be homework due Monday. Have a wonderful weekend.

Algebra - Homework: 11.2 (evens only)

Spanish I: HW -- check Family Access with a parent, if necessary, and see if you have missing work for TERM 4.  Print from 8th grade blog OR use your text and turn in Monday.  There is NO NEW HW. Use this chance to catch up!!! ¡QuĂ© tengan un buen fin de semana!

Humanities: Students continued to present Civil War projects in class today. No homework.

Chinese: We are staring to make a story book in Chinese and English in class. Classwork will be writing draft of the story in Chinese pinyin.

Spanish II: 6.1 Vocab quiz on Monday, 23 verb sentences due on Monday.

French I: No homework

Course 3: Today we worked on two-step inequalities.  Homework is inequality worksheets, all of the odds.

Pre-Algebra: Today we had a Markup/Discount problem solving workshop. First we practiced on slates together and then students volunteered to share the story problems they created. HW: Percent of Change worksheet (finish evens). Quiz Monday on percent applications (See attached for a review checklist)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday, May 15

Science: Today we began our last unit of the year, Light & The Electromagnetic Specturm by completing Investigation 22-A-Light & Color.

Geometry: We began our last unit of the year on polyhedron with notes on section 12.1. Homework is the 12.1 worksheet. Chapter 12 quiz will be Wednesday, May 21 and the chapter 12 test will be Friday, May 30.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday!  All five responses need to be filled out.

R. Room Math:  Homework packets due on or before 5/20/14.  The test will be on 5/20/14.  Study!  See me during lunch or LRC with extra questions you may have :)

Humanities: Students presented Civil War projects in class today. No homework.

Spanish II: Write a sentence for each of the irregular preterite verbs. Use different pronouns. Due on Monday,

French I: Study for the second part of the chapter 7 test tomorrow.

Algebra - We started discussing simplifying radicals (11.2).  No homework.

Spanish I: Today we watched the 3.2 video and worked on the Video Activity sheets. We practiced stem-changing verbs. VOCABULARY quiz is TOMORROW!!! If you are absent, go to the 8th grade blog and print missing work. There will be time tomorrow after the quiz to work on Video Activity and other classwork.

Creative Writing: Poetry rough drafts will be checked in tomorrow. Final poems are due Monday, stapled on top of the rough draft.

Pre-Algebra: Practice with finding the price of an item before a discount or markup. Students are to write their own story problem to share with their peers tomorrow. We also reviewed how to find a percent of change and its relation to discounts and markups. HW: Percent of Change worksheet (odds) - be sure you label each percent as an "increase" or "decrease" 

ELA - Students began their last Writer's Workshop of the year with our "I Believe" statement.  Day 1 we discussed values and what is important to each of us and why. Homework: READ! Journal entry #37
Technology - Kennedy - Students started their "Family Budget" project.  Today's assignment was to find a job in Career Cruising and save the evidence of it.  All jobs require a maximum of 4 years college, be available in the city and state the student picked, and be entry wage.  No lawyers, doctors, professional athletes, or famous performers allowed. Homework: have income information for self and spouse or ex-spouse for tomorrow's class.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday, May 14

Science: Students completed the post-test for amusement park physics and also offered suggestions/comments on the trip to help improve things in the future. The overwhelming sentiment was that the day was great, only some minor changes that might improve the experience. 

Tomlinson: Lab today --worked on 3.2 vocab and stem-changing verbs, classwork-WS#6 (from 3.1)-prepositional pronouns. QUIZ-vocab on FRIDAY

Spanish II: Study for the 6.1 vocab quiz on Monday
French I: Study for the chapter 7 test on Thursday and Friday.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday!  All five responses need to be filled out.

R. Room Math:  Homework packets due on or before 5/20/14.  The test will be on 5/20/14.  Study!  See me during lunch or LRC with extra questions you may have :)

Humanities: Students reviewed 17.4 and discussed current events in class. Homework is to complete the Civil War projects for our presentations tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: Today we discovered how to find original prices when given the sale price. 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12

Science: Last day of amusement park physics before the big day at Cedar Point tomorrow!

Geometry: Took the chapter 11 test.

Spanish 2: Study new verbs
French I: work on worksheet and study for the test on Thursday

R. Room Math:  Purple group, finish your workbook pages that we did today in class if you did not finish it in class.  Both groups, red and purple, you have your homework packet due on or before 5/20/14.  Your test is 5/20/14- study!!

C. Reading:  Logs are due today.  Your new log is due Monday 5/19/14.  If you forgot your log today, turn it in tomorrow for late points!!

Humanities: Students worked on 17.4 in class. Homework is to complete 17.4 free choice.

Spanish I: We began discussing 3.2. Listening (in text) pp. 196-201. HW-p 202 #1 and #2 (you need to refer back to 200-201 dialog). Flashcards --due today. Vocab quiz--Friday

Pre-Algebra: Today students took notes in their ISNs. We used what we know about finding discounts and markups to discover a method for finding the original price (wholesale price) when given the sale price (retail price). Additionally, we also worked on reviewing and practicing complex equation solving. No homework. Enjoy Cedar Point! See you Wednesday! 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, May 8

Tomorrow is Legacy Day for all 8th graders! They should wear their 8th grade shirts and come dressed to work (closed toe shoes, work pants, etc....) and with a bag lunch (with the exception of Harper Hospital, Romulus Memorial Cemetery & Lafayette Greens). Attached is the schedule and group assignments for tomorrow.

Geometry: Went over the 11.7 homework and started the chapter 11 practice test. I have attached the answers to the practice test so that students can check it over the weekend. Chapter 11 test on Monday.

Science: Went over the schedule for legacy day tomorrow.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday with all five days filled out/parents must sign the form.

R. Room Math: 
Homework packets due 5/20/14.  Please see me during LRC/Lunch if you have questions!!!  Your test will also be on 5/20/14.

Humanities: Students reviewed 17.3 and were introduced to 17.4 in class. No homework.

Algebra - We took the Chapter 10 part 2 test today.  No Homework.

Spanish 2: The Dream house project and the reflexive book project is due by Friday, May 16th. Study the 5.3 vocab for the listening part of the test on Monday.
French I: Study for the Chapter 7 test on Thursday.

ELA - Students were given a free reading day. Spring Reading assessments were started. Remember Legacy is Day tomorrow! Homework: READ! Journal #33
Technology - Kennedy - Students checked to be sure all of their Moodle work was turned in and up to date before we leave the online classroom environment.  We then practiced our touch typing for a break before we start our Family Budget project.

Course 3: We have no homework today.

Pre-Algebra: Completion of the Chapter 7 test and skill review. No homework. 

Chinese: Due to a group of 7th graders field trip, the remaining students are doing their missing assignments in class today.

Pre-Algebra: Completion of the Chapter 7 test and skill review. No homework. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Wednesday, May 7

Science: Students found out what their Cedar Point groups are and we ran through the schedule/plan for the day at Cedar Point.

Geometry: Went over the 11.7 notes (geometric probability), homework is the 11.7 worksheet. Chapter 11 test is Monday.

Algebra - Chapter 10 test tomorrow.  Answers to today's review (chapter 10 practice test &  Extra review part 2) are attached.  Happy Studying!

Spanish II: Continue studying for the listening section of the 5.3 test on Monday.
French I: Study for the chapter 7 test on Thursday, May 15th

Humanities: Students worked on 17.3 in class. Homework is to complete 17.3 free choice.

Chinese: We are going to start a project of making a 8-page Chinese story book.

C. Reading:  Five days need to be complete and signed for Monday the 12th.

R. Room Math:  If you did not finish your workbook pages today purple group- they are homework due tomorrow!  Both groups have a math packet due 5/20/14.

Creative Writing: Narrative Poetry -- Writer's Workshop Lesson #2. We discussed how writers use poetry to express themselves and make connections to the world around them. We also looked at an example of lyrics as poetry and discussed how language can be interpreted in different ways. We then watched a few short videos that showed how three different people interpreted the same set of lyrics through choreographed dance.

Spanish I: We were in lab today . . .Everyone already received 3.2 Vocab. Flashcards are due Monday
No HW Wed, Thurs, Fri (I will be chaperoning the Bay Sails trip both days). Do the work from the sub (you MAY finish over weekend or do as classwork next week). Monday--stem changing verbs!! THERE WILL BE NO BLOG UPDATE THURSDAY OR FRIDAY

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 7 Test. We will continue working on our test in class tomorrow. I will also be collecting the review tomorrow that was assigned on Tuesday (1-27 odds).

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Tuesday, May 6

Science: Last day of reading & taking notes on amusement park physics. 

Geometry: Took notes on 11.6 (area of regular polygons), homework is the 11.6 worksheet. Chapter 11 test is Monday, May 12.

Humanities: Students checked 17.2 and worked on 17.3 in class today. Homework is to complete 17.3 free choice.

Chinese: We are working on speaking and writing colors in characters. Homework will be a set of colored flashcards. 

Spanish II: The 5.3 chapter test is tomorrow.

French I: The real quizzes for chapter 7 are tomorrow.

C. Reading:  Logs (5 days) are due Monday 5-12-14.

R. Room Math:  Homework packets due on 5/20/14 (that will also be the test date.)

Spanish I: We took the 3.1 test today. If you were absent, you MUST take the test before Thursday. 3.1 classwork packets AND any missing 3.1 assignments were due. We will go to the lab tomorrow and begin 3.2 vocabulary

ELA - Students were given the re-test of the Performance Assessment.  This assessment was given at the beginning of the year, this is the post test to show growth! Today students took notes on 3 articles, tomorrow they will write an argument essay/letter. Homework: READ! Journal #31
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued with their Moodle work and looked at Career Pathways as well as the difference between jobs and careers. Tomorrow Mrs. Helms will join us and take us through creating Educational Development Plans (EDPs) on Career Cruising.

Course 3: We took our chapter 9 quiz today.  We started to talk about inequalities.  No homework.

Algebra - We have started reviewing for our test on Thursday.  Attached is the review that is due tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: Bingo Review for tomorrow's chapter 7 test.

HW: Chapter 7 Test Review (1-27 odd)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5

Science: Continued investigating amusement park physics by reviewing Newton's laws of motion.

Geometry: Went over the 11.5 notes (partial area of circles), homework is the 11.5 worksheet. Chapter 11 test on Monday.

C. Reading:  Logs are due today.  If you did not turn it in, please get it in tomorrow for late points.  Your new log was passed out and is due Monday 5/12/14.

R. Room Math:  Your homework packet was passed out today and most likely it will be due 5/20/14.

Humanities: Students checked 17.1 and were introduced to 17.2 in class today. Homework is to complete 17.2 free choice.

Spanish I: 3.1 TEST TOMORROW (TUESDAY). Review and Repaso due tomorrow. ALL classwork due tomorrow. We are beginning 3.2 on Wednesday (making flashcards in lab) *If you are absent on Tuesday, you MUST take the test on the day you return

Spanish 2: 5.3 worksheet is due tomorrow. Quiz on preterite verb endings tomorrow, and the chapter 5.3 test is on Wednesday.

French I: Study for the practice quizzes tomorrow and the real quizzes on Wednesday.

Creative Writing: Today we began a Writer's Workshop unit on Narrative Poetry. We discussed the elements of narrative poetry and students began responding to mentor poems in their journals. Students will be composing their own narrative poems throughout the unit and will choose one or two of these poems to revise and turn into final pieces.

Pre-Algebra: Review of decimal, fraction, percent conversions and percent application word problems. Together we discussed and reviewed these concepts in order to prepare for Wednesday's test. HW: complete both worksheets from class today (Conversions and Percent Word Problems). Chapter 7 Test Wednesday!

Course 3: We reviewed for our quiz on lessons 9.1 - 9.4.  Extra practice is on pages 510 - 511, #10 - 50.

ELA - Students were given the re-test of the Performance Assessment.  This assessment was given at the beginning of the year, this is the post test to show growth! Today students took notes on videos, tomorrow they will read articles and take more notes, on Wednesday they will write and argument essay/letter. Homework: READ! Journal #30
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued with their Moodle work by assessing themselves, their likes, strengths and recorded these on a graphic organizer "Who am I?".

Algebra - Homework: Finish notes (attached)

Friday, May 2, 2014

Friday, May 2

Science: Began reading about amusement park physics and practiced using two column notes.

Geometry: Took the quiz on 11.1-11.4, homework is the 11.5 notes. Test on Chapter 11 is Monday, April 12.

Humanities: Students worked on 17.1 free choice and discussed current events in class. Homework is to complete 17.1 for Monday.

Spanish 2: 5.3 worksheet is due on Tuesday. Study for the chapter test on Wednesday. 

French 1: 7.2/7.3 worksheet is due on Monday. Practice quizzes on Tuesday and real quizzes on Wednesday. 

C. Reading:  Reading logs are due Monday- all five days.

R. Room Math:  No homework- enjoy.

Algebra - Homework: 10.6 (all) and Vertex form worksheet

Pre-Algebra: Percent Applications Problem Solving Workshop - Working with a partner, students rotated through a variety of story problems involving percents. They were able to scan a QR code at each station to check their answer. Chapter 7 Test will be next Wednesday, May 7th. No homework was assigned. 

Course 3: We continued to talk about the Pythagorean theorem.  Homework is 8 story problems on Pythagorean theorem. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Thursday, May 1

Science: Tests were returned and students took a pre-test for our unit on amusement park physics. We then started watching a Discovery video on roller coaster physics. We will be studying amusement park physics from now until we go to Cedar Point May 13.

Geometry: Took notes on 11.4 (finding arc length), homework is the 11.4 worksheet. Quiz on 11.1-11.4 tomorrow. Students who are going to Chicago will take the quiz on Monday.

R. Room Math:  Test today and homework was due today!  If you forgot your homework, turn it in tomorrow for late points.

C. Reading: 
Logs due Monday- happy reading!

Humanities: Students completed the chapter 16 assessment, and began to work on 17.1 notes in class. 17.1 notes are due Monday.

Spanish I: Took grammar quiz and reviewed ser vs estar and feelings. HW is to finish all work for the week (no new assignment today). If you are out tomorrow (Friday)--we will do the Repaso for 3.1 in the text and begin working on the study guide, due Tuesday.You may turn it in on Monday for feedback. Test --TUESDAY 5/6, Classwork Packets -due 5/6

Course 3: Today we continued to talk about the Pythagorean Theorem.  Homework is a worksheet labeled 3-4, # 1-6 all, 8 - 18 evens.  a2 + b2 = c2

ELA - Students continued to publish their papers for our Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop.  Paper due tomorrow, Friday, May 2nd. AR2 due tomorrow, Friday, May 2nd. Homework: READ! Journal #29
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued with their Moodle work with Module 1 Part 1, by watching three more videos on the website; Career Forward (directions are on the Moodle course if your student still needs to view and take notes).  Students will then analyze the information and produce a paper on the effects of technology and globalization. Paper due Monday, May 5th

Spanish II: The 5.3 worksheet that will be passed out tomorrow when I am in Chicago is due on Monday for students who did not go, and on Tuesday for the students who go to Chicago. Remember that the chapter test is next Wednesday.
French I: The 7.2/7.3 worksheet that you get will tomorrow is due on Monday.

Pre-Algebra: Practice of percent applications in word problems. We also discussed how we can solve percent application problems in various ways. For example, for a 30% discount, I can find 30% and subtract it from the cost, or I can find 70% of the cost (what I end up paying). For tax, I can use 106% (total cost) to calculate the cost (100%) plus tax (6%). HW: Percent Word Problem worksheet

Algebra - homework: 10.7B (evens only)