Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday, May 15

Science: Today we began our last unit of the year, Light & The Electromagnetic Specturm by completing Investigation 22-A-Light & Color.

Geometry: We began our last unit of the year on polyhedron with notes on section 12.1. Homework is the 12.1 worksheet. Chapter 12 quiz will be Wednesday, May 21 and the chapter 12 test will be Friday, May 30.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday!  All five responses need to be filled out.

R. Room Math:  Homework packets due on or before 5/20/14.  The test will be on 5/20/14.  Study!  See me during lunch or LRC with extra questions you may have :)

Humanities: Students presented Civil War projects in class today. No homework.

Spanish II: Write a sentence for each of the irregular preterite verbs. Use different pronouns. Due on Monday,

French I: Study for the second part of the chapter 7 test tomorrow.

Algebra - We started discussing simplifying radicals (11.2).  No homework.

Spanish I: Today we watched the 3.2 video and worked on the Video Activity sheets. We practiced stem-changing verbs. VOCABULARY quiz is TOMORROW!!! If you are absent, go to the 8th grade blog and print missing work. There will be time tomorrow after the quiz to work on Video Activity and other classwork.

Creative Writing: Poetry rough drafts will be checked in tomorrow. Final poems are due Monday, stapled on top of the rough draft.

Pre-Algebra: Practice with finding the price of an item before a discount or markup. Students are to write their own story problem to share with their peers tomorrow. We also reviewed how to find a percent of change and its relation to discounts and markups. HW: Percent of Change worksheet (odds) - be sure you label each percent as an "increase" or "decrease" 

ELA - Students began their last Writer's Workshop of the year with our "I Believe" statement.  Day 1 we discussed values and what is important to each of us and why. Homework: READ! Journal entry #37
Technology - Kennedy - Students started their "Family Budget" project.  Today's assignment was to find a job in Career Cruising and save the evidence of it.  All jobs require a maximum of 4 years college, be available in the city and state the student picked, and be entry wage.  No lawyers, doctors, professional athletes, or famous performers allowed. Homework: have income information for self and spouse or ex-spouse for tomorrow's class.

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