Thursday, October 27, 2016

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students turned in their "Top 20 Causes" of the Revolution, and went to the lab to continue to research IB Project Proposals in class today.
-Students should begin to study the Top 20 terms and names for an assessment on Tuesday, November 1st.
-IB Proposals are due Monday, October 31st.
-IB Proposals should be three typed paragraphs.  They can be written in first person and no citations are needed.  Please use the following outline:
1st Paragraph-What problem/need in a community would you like to address? Why is this issue important to you?
2nd Paragraph-What evidence is there that this is an issue?  Provide specific examples, research, websites, statistics, etc.
3rd Paragraph-If you cannot work on your first choice, what two other options would you like to work on (you do not need to provide evidence for these choices).

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