Monday, December 7, 2015

Canvasser 12/7 Monday

RR ELA:  Reading logs were due today.  If you did not turn yours in, they are due tomorrow for reduce credit- better than a zero!

             New reading logs were passed out and are due Monday 12/14.  Read at least 5 days per week for 20 minutes and answer the response questions.  Do not forget to have someone sign your log.

RR Math:  Test grades are posted.  The red group worked on homework and test corrections today in class.  The Blue group should finish day 2, week 2 workbook pages.  New homework packets were passed out to both groups.

RR Math, RR ELA, LRC:  By now you should have accepted my Google Classrooms invite and answered the welcome question.  If you did not, please do so by tomorrow.

Happy Monday.

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