Thursday, December 3, 2015

Canvasser 12.3.15 Thursday

RR ELA- The reading logs are due Monday (12.7.15)
Students should be reading for a minimum of 20 minutes ( 5 days a week)
Make sure you are doing the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all 5 days!
Make sure you accept the Google classrooms invite and also complete the first activity by Friday (12.4.15)

RR Math-  Blue group can finish day 1 week 2 workbook pages if not completed in class. Red group worked on their test and homework corrections.
Homework packets were passed out today for the blue group and will be due on/or before Tuesday (12.15.15) 
Make sure you accept the Google classrooms invite and also complete the first activity by Friday (12.4.15)

LRC 5th and 6th Hours-
Make sure you accept the Google classrooms invite and also complete the first activity by Friday (12.4.15)

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