Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursday, May 28

Science:  Created mnemonic devices to remember the electromagnetic spectrum. Quest is tomorrow!

Geometry: Investigated volume of pyramids and cones. Homework is practice 10.2, 10.3 & 10.4.

RR Math: Students were given their test back today and their new homework packet that will be due 6/5/15. JG-E2020. Teal group- finish week 4 day 1 and 2 workbook pages for tomorrow. Red Group-Finish week 4 day 1 and 2 workbook pages for Wednesday.

RR ELA: Read daily. No new log this week! Turn in late logs.

Humanities: Students reviewed 19.2 and worked on 19.3 in class. Attached is a study guide for our chapter 19 test on Monday. Homework for the weekend is to study for the test.

ELA - Students handed in their take home quiz for Grammar Chapter 5. Students began their last project - a personal Credo in their "I Believe" Writer's Workshop. We discussed personal values and thought about what common values mean and which ones are important to each of us. Homework: Values and READ

Technology - With the internet down for most of the hour we discussed our last project and then worked on Homework - email a picture of self to Mrs. Kennedy (face shot with minimal background)

Pre-Algebra: Today we learned how to write equations for parallel and perpendicular lines. The homework is 8.6, 1-14 all. Notes and homework are available at .

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