Monday, May 18, 2015

Monday, May 18

Science: Practiced drawing ray diagrams and observed the law of reflection, good protractor practice! 

Geometry: Took the unit 8 test- no homework.

RR ELA: Logs were due today. If you did not turn yours in, please do so tomorrow. New logs were passed out and will be due Tuesday 5/26.

RR Math: Work on homework packets. Please finish any workbook pages we did in class that you did not complete.

Humanities: Students checked 17.2 and began to work on 17.3 section assessment. 17.3 is due Wednesday. Chapter 17 test is on Thursday.

ELA - Students turned in their projects (or worked on a laptop to do the final turn in). We then looked through the writing folders that have housed their writing for as long as they have been in Berkley School District. Tomorrow we will be working on our Performance Task Spring Writing Assessment. Homework: READ!!! Journal entry #4.47

Technology - Today our Seniors returned to tell the truth. The horrible life of a successful High School Student presented on Friday was false, Adam does sleep and is going to a different school than reported. Marshall Deeds joined him to discuss his advice for incoming 9th graders. The students had very good questions and were relieved to hear that Adam is not quite so crazy :) Work on your TypingWeb account - you should finish all sections.

Algebra: We talked about surveying today. Homework: Come up with 1 survey question

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