Conferences are today and tomorrow:
Wednesday: 5:30 - 8:00
Thursday: 12:30 - 3:00 and 5:30 - 8:00
We hope to see you there!
Student Council - Friday is MSU vs UM day - wear your team's spirit wear or both colors to earn Spirit Points for your grade. Hats are allowed for a donation of $1.00 to Susan G. Komen
ELA - Students worked on projects today. We had the COW to publish final drafts.
Homework: Journal #1.43 & Read Projects due
Thurs end of class for 1st Hour
Fri beginning of class for 4th & 6th
Science: Students watched ESPN's sports figures as an introduction to our next unit on Newton's Laws of Motion and then came up with questions they had about the unit. We also created new lab groups based on the multiple intelligence inventory they completed after the test yesterday. We will discuss how the multiple intelligences relate to our learning strengths and weaknesses and how we can use that information to help us be more successful. Tests will be returned on Friday.
Geometry: Finished exploring rotations, homework is to finish the rotation practice that was started in class. Rotation quiz is Friday, transformation test is Wednesday, October 29.
RR English: log due Monday 11.3.14 (follow readers response and get parents signature
RR Math: homework packet due Tuesday 11.4.14
Humanities: Students checked 3.5 in class today and then used that information to write an argumentative paragraph on what they believe to be the most important cause of the American Revolution. Students then debated the causes of the Revolution. No homework.
French 2: 10.1 worksheet is due on Monday
Pre-Algebra: Today we took the 2.1 - 2.3 quiz. There is no homework tonight.
Algebra: Friday is our chapter test (6.4-6.6). Homework: Chapter Review. Answers are also posted here for classes that do not meet on Thursday.
Spanish: Good afternoon Spanish 1 families: If you, or someone you know, are interested in hosting an exchange student, please contact me for details. There is a Berkley High School freshman from Spain who is looking for a family. It would be a wonderful way to practice your Spanish skills, and learn about the Spanish culture!
Spanish: Good afternoon Spanish 1 families: If you, or someone you know, are interested in hosting an exchange student, please contact me for details. There is a Berkley High School freshman from Spain who is looking for a family. It would be a wonderful way to practice your Spanish skills, and learn about the Spanish culture!
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