Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30

Science: Took a Daily Science quiz and then used the jigsaw method to read and take notes on Newton's 1st Law of motion. 

Geometry: Students had the opportunity to finish the Transformation Test.

Humanities: Students analyzed political cartoons in class. No homework.

RR English: Read every evening, eading log is due Monday, November 3, parents must sign reading logs.

RR Math: A section of math should be completed each night, math packet is due Tuesday, November 4. TEST: Tuesday, November 4

French 2: Keep studying clothing vocabulary and practice writing it.

Algebra: We started notes on 4.2. No homework!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Wednesday, October 29

Science: Graphed and analyzed the data on mass and speed that we collected yesterday.

Geometry: Took the unit 2 test.

Humanities: Students continued to work on their "Causes of the Revolution" quiz and watched a video on the investigation of the Boston Massacre. No Homework.

RR English: Read every evening, reading log is due Monday, November 3, parents must sign reading logs.

RR Math: A section of math should be completed each night, math packet is due Tuesday, November 4. TEST: Tuesday, November 4

French 2: Practice writing about clothing.

Pre-Algebra: Today we completed our 2.5 notes. The homework is 2.5 Practice C, 1-24 all. The notes and homework are available on .

ELA - Students checked over their Grammar 3.2 and we moved on to Grammar 3.3 "Pronouns as Objects" we have seen Objects twice now so the students should be able to question themselves like we practice in class to find the Direct Object, Indirect Object, or the Object of a Preposition.  Tomorrow's assignment will include two lessons as I do not see my afternoon classes on Friday. Homework: Grammar 3.3, READ! AR quizzes are due by noon on Friday (I will be in my room for students to take quizzes after the half day).

Algebra: Discussed function notation, domain and range, and rewriting equations. Homework: wkst 4.1,4.7, 3.8

Chinese: Check the class blog for assignment detail.

Spanish I: WHAT WE DID TODAY: The field trip to Mexican Town was a big success! Students had the opportunity to learn about the Día de los muertos holiday through art, observation, and listening to stories told by lifelong residents of Mexican Town. Thank you parents, for supporting this very important and culturally rich educational opportunity. Thank you also, to the chaperones who made this event possible! When we returned to NIS, we had a wonderful discussion about all that we'd learned. I will be sending a link to view pictures. Thank you again to everyone who made this very special day possible! HOMEWORK: The Día de los muertos packet will be due on Monday. Please finish the crossword puzzle for tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday, October 28

Science: We began our unit on Newton's laws of motion by investigating the relationship between mass and speed on the flat track. Students collected data, tomorrow we will graph the data and talk about trends. 

Geometry: Went over the review for tomorrow's test. Homework is to study.

RR English: Continue working on reading logs, due Monday, November 3, 2014, remember parents signature.

RR Math: Math homework packet due on Tuesday, November 4, test day November 4

Humanities: Students took the "Causes of the American Revolution" quiz in class today. No homework.

Algebra: We discussed functions and function notation today. Homework: finish Function Sort in ISN, purpose of function notation worksheet, and intro to Chapter 4 homework.

French 2: Practice writing about the clothing you are wearing, and study the purple words for 10.1

ELA- Students checked in their Grammar 3.1, we went over the answers and then moved on to Grammar 3.2. Students were given the hour to work with my help and/or read. Ar quizzes are always available on the 3 classroom computers. Journals were handed in and will be returned tomorrow. AR quizzes are due by Friday, no extensions as we will be setting personal goals according to points earned for first Marking Period. In order to give students the full marking period to read I have to do this during the first week. Homework: Grammar 3.2 & Read

Spanish: Dear Parents, If you are planning to accompany our class on tomorrow's field trip to Mexican Town, please be sure to print, fill out, and submit the attached Parent Chaperon form (if you haven't already). I will also hand out hard copies to students in today's class. Thank you!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Monday, October 27

Science: Unit 1 tests were returned and discussed,  learning styles were discussed and groups worked on posters to present their learning styles. Lab corrections are due tomorrow.

Geometry: Worked on the review for the Transformations test and rotation quizzes were returned. Homework is to finish the review, Transformation test is Wednesday.

ELA - Students began their study of Pronouns today with a Schoolhouse Rock video :)  We then went over the first page of Grammar Chapter 3 Lesson 1 (GR 3.1) and the students had the remainder of the period to work on grammar and/or read. Homework: Journal 1.45, Grammar 3.1, Read. Please remember these other important Summative Assessment due dates:
* Tuesday, October 28th - Journals - 45 entries with table of contents to match (home and school entries combined)
* Friday, October 31st (1/2 day) - 5 AR quizzes taken and passed (one book every two weeks for the marking period)

RR English:    Reading Log due Monday, November 3

RR Math:   Homework due Tuesday, November 11 , TEST  November 11

Humanities: Students reviewed for the Causes of the Revolution quiz we are having tomorrow. Homework is to study for the quiz. A study guide is attached.

Pre-Algebra: We took notes over 2.5. The homework is Practice B, 2.5, 1 - 31 odd. Notes and homweork are available at .

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday, October 24

Science: We discussed lab corrections and students were given time to work on their corrections, lab corrections are due on Tuesday, October 28. Unit 1 tests will be returned on Monday.

Geometry: Took the rotation quiz- no homework. Transformation test on Wednesday, October 29.

RR English: Logs are due Monday. 5 completed days with parent signature.

RR Math: Homework packets are due on 11-4-14. This is when our next test will be.

Chinese: Check the class blog for the assignment detail.

ELA - Dystopia Sharing! Students turned in their Utopia/Dystopia projects and those that wanted to shared. Very interesting to see what each student considered a Utopia! Yesterday in my haste I made a mistake in the list below - correction in bold :) Please remember these other important Summative Assessment due dates:

* Tuesday, October 28th - Journals - 45 entries with table of contents to match (home and school entries combined)

* Friday, October 31st (1/2 day) - 5 AR quizzes taken and passed (one book every two weeks for the marking period)

Humanities: Students reviewed for our "Causes of the Revolution" time line test on Tuesday, and shared current events, in class. Homework is to study for the test on Tuesday. A list of causes is attached. Choose ten causes, put them in chronological order and use a sentence or two to describe each.

Pre-Algebra: TOday we worked on section 2.4. The homework is 2.4 1 - 31 all. The homework is available at .

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday, October 23

Thank you to the parents who came to conferences last night! Today, conferences are from 12:30 - 3:00 or 5:30 - 8:00.

Science: 1st & 2nd hours worked with their new groups to create an image to represent their shared intelligence strengths. We will discuss lab corrections tomorrow, please make sure to bring your lab to class with you tomorrow if you got it back at conferences! Lab corrections will be due on Tuesday, October 28.

Geometry: Attached is the key for that rotation practice homework. Rotation quiz is tomorrow, Transformation test is Wednesday, October 29.

Humanities: Students reviewed causes of the American Revolution, were introduced to 4.1 of the text and worked on a time line for the section. Homework is to finish the time line and complete a current event for Friday.

ELA - It was great seeing many of you last night at parent teacher conferences. I look forward to seeing more of the parents tonight. 1st hour was given until tomorrow, the beginning of the hour, to turn in their projects (hoping some will work on their project today with the half day). This gives another work day in class to 4th and 6th hours.
To clarify Project due dates/times:
1st Hour - Friday at the beginning of class
4th Hour - Friday at the end of class (COW in class)
6th Hour - Friday at the end of class (COW in class)
Please remember these other important Summative Assessment due dates:
* Tuesday, October 28th - Journals - 43 entries with table of contents to match (home and school entries combined)
* Friday, October 31st (1/2 day) - 5 AR quizzes taken and passed (one book every two weeks for the marking period)

RR English: Logs are due Monday.

RR Math: Homework packets were passed out.  

Pre-Algebra: Today we started 2.4. We worked on picture representations of story problems to support algebraic thinking. There is no homework today. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Wednesday, October 22

Conferences are today and tomorrow:
Wednesday: 5:30 - 8:00
Thursday: 12:30 - 3:00 and 5:30 - 8:00

We hope to see you there!
Student Council - Friday is MSU vs UM day - wear your team's spirit wear or both colors to earn Spirit Points for your grade. Hats are allowed for a donation of $1.00 to Susan G. Komen

ELA - Students worked on projects today. We had the COW to publish final drafts.
Homework: Journal #1.43 & Read Projects due
Thurs end of class for 1st Hour
Fri beginning of class for 4th & 6th

Science: Students watched ESPN's sports figures as an introduction to our next unit on Newton's Laws of Motion and then came up with questions they had about the unit. We also created new lab groups based on the multiple intelligence inventory they completed after the test yesterday. We will discuss how the multiple intelligences relate to our learning strengths and weaknesses and how we can use that information to help us be more successful. Tests will be returned on Friday.

Geometry: Finished exploring rotations, homework is to finish the rotation practice that was started in class. Rotation quiz is Friday, transformation test is Wednesday, October 29.

RR English: log due Monday 11.3.14 (follow readers response and get parents signature

RR Math: homework packet due Tuesday 11.4.14

Humanities: Students checked 3.5 in class today and then used that information to write an argumentative paragraph on what they believe to be the most important cause of the American Revolution. Students then debated the causes of the Revolution. No homework.

French 2: 10.1 worksheet is due on Monday

Pre-Algebra: Today we took the 2.1 - 2.3 quiz. There is no homework tonight.

Algebra: Friday is our chapter test (6.4-6.6). Homework: Chapter Review. Answers are also posted here for classes that do not meet on Thursday.

Spanish: Good afternoon Spanish 1 families: If you, or someone you know, are interested in hosting an exchange student, please contact me for details. There is a Berkley High School freshman from Spain who is looking for a family. It would be a wonderful way to practice your Spanish skills, and learn about the Spanish culture!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21

Parent-Teacher Conferences: 
Wednesday 5:30-8:00
Thursday 12:30-3:00 and 5:30-8:00

Student Council - Friday is MSU vs UM day - wear your team's spirit wear or both colors to earn Spirit Points for your grade. Hats are allowed for a donation of $1.00 to Susan G. Komen

ELA - Students worked on projects today. Homework: Journal #1.42 & Read. Projects due Thurs end of class for 1st Hour, Fri beginning of class for 4th & 6th

Science: Took the unit 1 test in class today. After the test students were asked to complete a multiple intelligence inventory. We will use this inventory to learn more about ourselves and what our learning strengths (and weaknesses) are as well as make new groups based on the results. We will continue discussing this for the remainder of the week. Labs will be returned at conferences, if on one attends conferences students will get their labs back on Friday and we will discuss lab corrections in class on Friday. Tests will also be returned Friday.

Geometry: Students were given a few minutes to complete quizzes if needed, but in the future students need to come to class and start immediately when there is a guest teacher. The substitute indicated that it was very difficult to get class started yesterday. We also began rotations in class today- rotation quiz is Friday. Transformation test will be next week, Wednesday, October 29.

RR Math: Homework packets will be passed out today and will be due 11/4/14. Red group- Finish any workbook pages we went over today by tomorrow. Practice those X facts!

RR English: Late logs need to be turned in by tomorrow. New logs were passed out Monday and are due next week on Monday.

Humanities: Students received test grades and worked on 3.5 in class. 3.5 section assessment is due tomorrow. Current events are due Friday.

Algebra: Finished up Absolute Value Inequalities. Homework: 6.6 worksheet (all) Test on Friday (6.4-6.6)

Pre-Algebra: Today we went to the lab to practice the distributive property, combining like terms and simplifying variable expressions. The homework from yesterday is 2.1 - 2.3 Review, all. The homework can be found at . There is a quiz tomorrow, Wednesday, October 22. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, October 20

Parent-Teacher Conferences: 
Wednesday 5:30-8:00
Thursday 12:30-3:00 and 5:30-8:00.

Science: Students went over the review for tomorrow's test, the answer key is attached. Homework is to study for the test! 

Geometry: Students took the translations quiz.

RR English:  Logs are due today.  Your next log is due Monday 10/27.  If you forgot your log today- please turn it in tomorrow for late points.
RR Math:  Test will be passed back out today.  If you still did not turn in your math homework, please make sure I get it by tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: Today we finished notes on 2.3. The homework is 2.1 - 2.3 Review, all. Notes and homework can be found at . There is a quiz Wednesday, October 22.

ELA - Students were given the hour to work on their Dystopian Society projects, read, or take AR quizzes.  I will collect Giver books tomorrow. Homework: Journal entry #1.41, read (5 books due by Friday, October 31st)

French 2: Vocab quiz on the purple words on Monday, Oct 27, 10.1 worksheet is due Monday, Oct 27th

Humanities: Students were introduced to 3.5 in class today. Students had the opportunity to begin to work on the section assessment in class, but the section assessment is not due until Wednesday. Current events are due Friday.

Algebra: We started Absolute Value Inequalities. We are spending 2 days on it. 2nd hour's homework is to finish the notes. The rest of the hours were assigned the homework worksheet.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Friday, October 17

Science: Today we played jeopardy to review for Tuesday's test. The review that students started yesterday is due on Monday. We will go over the review on Monday- the review serves as the study guide for our test. Science labs will be graded by Wednesday and will be returned to guardians at conferences next week, otherwise they will be returned to students in class on Friday.

Geometry: Continued practicing translations, the translations quiz is Monday.

RR Math:  Test today.  Homework packets were due today.  If you forgot, please turn it in Monday for a late point.

RR English:  Logs are due Monday- 5 days.  Follow what the response asks you to do!

French 2: Start studying the purple words for unit 10

Humanities: Students reviewed chapters 1-3 tests and discussed current events in class. No homework.

Chinese: Check the class blog for homework.

Algebra: Happy Friday! We spent a second day on section 6.5 Absolute Value Equations. Homework: 6.5 worksheet

Pre-Algebra: Today we started 2.3. The homework is 2.3 2-16 even. There is a study guide for this section attached to the homework. There is a 2.1 - 2.3 quiz on Wednesday, October 22. The notes and homework can be found at .

Spanish: WHAT WE DID TODAY: We reviewed for, and took the second half of Test 1.
TAREA: If you'd like to get a head start on Chapter 2, make flashcards for the vocabulary words.
¡Tengan un muy buen fin de semana!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thursday, October 16

Science:  Students worked on the review for Tuesday's test, it is due on Monday. Tomorrow we will play jeopardy for review. 

Geometry: Investigated translating figures, homework is to complete the translation practice. Translation quiz is Monday.

Humanities: Students turned in work for chapter 3 and took our chapters 1-3 test in class today. No homework.

RR English: Reading logs are due Monday- 5 responses.

RR Math: Students should study for their test tomorrow. Homework packets are also due tomorrow for those that did not turn them in early.

ELA - Students had the hour to work on their Projects. Homework: Journal #1.40 (free write or work on project in journal) &  Independent Read (Marking Period ends October 31st).

Algebra: We started absolute value equations today! Lots of notes in our journals. Homework: odds only

Pre-Algebra: Today we finished notes on 2.2. The homework is Practice B, 2.2, 1 - 23 odd. The notes and the homework can be fond at . There will be a 2.1 - 2.3 quiz on Wednesday, October 22.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday, October 15

Science: Students had time to work on the final drafts of their "How Fast Am I?" lab, the final drafts are due tomorrow, see yesterday's post for copies of the rubric. 

Geometry: Investigated how perpendicular bisectors are related to reflections. No homework.

French 2: Start studying the purple words for Unit 10, pg 321

RR Math: Students have a test this Friday. Please study each night- we talked about how to study for math. Homework packets are due ON or BEFORE Friday. If you turn it in early, you can use it to study for your test.

RR English: Logs are due Monday. Following what each response asks you to do.

ELA - Students discussed the deeper meaning or theme of dystopian literature, usually making a statement about our society. We then formulated theories about what each student thought The Giver was trying to say about our society and backing it up with evidence from the text. We then wrote a final draft as our second On Demand Writing for Day 8 of our Writer's Workshop. Homework: Journal #1.39 (free write or work on project in journal) Independent Read (Marking Period ends October 31st).

Humanities: Students had a second day of review for our test tomorrow. Homework is to study for the test. A study guide is attached.

Algebra: We caught up on section 6.4 and passed back the PSW. We have several students that need to take the chapter test so I did not hand them back, but results are on Family Access. Homework: finish worksheet 6.4A

Pre-Algebra: We started 2.2, the distributive property. The homework is Practice B 2.2, 2-22 even. There will be a quiz on sections 2.1 - 2.3 on Wednesday, October 22. Notes and homework can be found at .

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday, October 14

Student Council - Pink Out tomorrow Wednesday, October 15th. Student council will be selling pink and white bracelets to support Breast Cancer Research. Wear pink and then go support our football teams at the Blue vs White game at 7:00 on Hurley Field.

ELA - Students reviewed internal conflicts or metaphorical dragons that we face on a daily basis and that Jonas faces in the book The Giver in Day 7 of our Reader's Workshop. We then had over 35 minutes to finish reading the book. The students reviewed the charts from the last few days, Jonas' Life Map, Conflicts and Resolutions, and Nuanced Characters to be sure they are all filled in to get appropriate credit for the Journal Entries. Home journal entries can be rough drafts for different sections for the Project! That way a little is getting done each night and journal entries are being done. Double bonus! Homework: Journal entry #1.37 Finish The Giver. The Giver Final Project is attached. 

Science: Students peer-reviewed rough drafts of "How Fast Am I?" labs today. Final drafts are due on Thursday, October 16- tomorrow is the last in class work day. The rubric used for peer review as well as the rubric I will use for grading are attached

Geometry: Finished discussing theorems related to angle bisectors, homework is the indirect proof and angle bisector handout.

RR Math: Test Friday- study! Homework packets are due on or before Friday.

RR English: Logs are due Monday.

Chinese: Test on this Friday (Oct 17). Check the class blog for details.

Pre-Algebra: Today we went to the Avery Lab to work on concepts on the computer. We will be using the lab every Tuesday to reinforce concepts. No homework today, unless you have missing assignments.

French 2: Unit 9 test tomorrow.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapters 1-3 in preparation for our test on Thursday. Homework is to study for the test. A study guide is attached.

Spanish: WHAT WE DID TODAY: Today, we will work on the Question words, and how we use them to form sentences. We will review the Práctica homework on page 22. Please see previous posts for tutorials on the Question words. HOMEWORK: Complete Exercise 4 on page 23, and exercise 6 from our worksheet (page 6) if not completed in class today.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday, October 13

Student Council - Pink Out this Wednesday, October 15th. Student council will be selling pink and white bracelets to support Breast Cancer Research. Wear pink and then go support our football teams at the Blue vs White game at 4:00 on Hurley Field.

ELA - Students continued their study of Science Fiction with Reader's Workshop Day 6. We discussed nuanced characters and charted the nuances in three characters. I introduced the Final Project for Dystopian Society Science Fiction. Students are to create their own Utopia complete with map, rules, and a dystopian downfall.

Science: Students worked on the rough draft of their "How Fast Am I?" lab. Rough drafts must be printed and ready to go when students arrive in science class tomorrow- we will not be able to print in class tomorrow! Rough drafts do not have to be typed, but final drafts do.

Geometry: Began discussing angle bisection theorems and indirect proofs.

RR English: Reading logs were due today. If students forgot, they may turn it in tomorrow for a late point. New reading logs are being passed out today and will be due 10.20.14.

RR Math: Students have a homework packet due Friday and a test Friday.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapters 1 and 2 in class today, and began to work on 3.4. 3.4 free choice is due Tuesday. We will have a chapter 3 assessment on Thursday. No current events this week.

Pre-Algebra: Today we finished the notes on 2.1. The homework is 2.1, 1-13 all. The work may be done on the homework page. The notes and homework can be found at .

French 2: The Unit 9 test has been moved to this Wednesday.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10

Science: We discussed the final portion of the "How Fast Am I?" lab, the critique/reflection, and then students had the remainder of the hour to work on writing their rough drafts. Rough drafts can be either handwritten or typed, but final drafts must be typed.
Tuesday, October 14: Rough drafts due
Thursday, October 16: Final drafts due
Tuesday, October 21: Unit 1 Test

Geometry: Students took the Reflection quiz today. Homework is to complete the investigate and reflect on page 12.

RR English: Logs are due Monday. Please follow what the reader's responses ask you to do!!!

RR Math: Math packets will be due one week from today- next Friday.

Enjoy your weekend!

Chinese: We have writing assignment and due date is Oct 13, Monday. Please check the blog for detail. Test is scheduled on Oct 17, Friday. All the target phrases in mini story 1.1.and 1.2. Please check the class blog for detailed information.

Pre-Algebra: Today we took notes over 2.1. There is no homework for the weekend, unless you have missing assignments. The blank and completed notes as well as old homework can be found at Enjoy your weekend!! :)

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: Today, we learned the question words and learned how to form a sentence with a question. HOMEWORK: Complete test review packet distributed yesterday. Due Monday. ¡Tengan un buen fin de semana! Question Word Chant & Organizadores are attached

ELA- Students continued their Reader's Workshop with Day 5 - discussing Problems/Conflicts and their solutions or lack thereof. We then did a quick on Demand Writing on The Giver giving a thesis on the book and backing it up from evidence found in the novel. No Journal requirements for the weekend, however if you are behind in your journal entries, the weekend is a great time to catch up or work on extra entries to gain extra credit. Homework: Read

Algebra: We took our test today. No homework.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday, October 9

Science: Today students used their data to write the data analysis and conclusions portions of their lab. Tomorrow we will wrap up with the critique/reflection and students will begin writing their rough drafts, which we will continue on Monday. Students will have access to laptops in class tomorrow and Monday to type, so they should bring flash-drives if necessary to save their work. Students may also bring in their own technology for typing up their labs. This lab is a 50 point summative assessment! 
Tuesday, October 14: Rough draft due for peer review 
Thursday, October 16: Final draft of lab due
Tuesday, October 21: Unit 1 test

Geometry: Completed our discussion of reflections by sharing the trends students noticed in last night's homework. We than practiced reflections via construction and in the coordinate plane. Homework is the reflection handout, reflection quiz tomorrow! 

French 2: Study for the unit test on Tuesday. 

RR Math: Test corrections due Friday. I will not accept late corrections. Work on your packets, due next Friday. Purple group, finish your workbook pages for tomorrow if you did not in class.

RR English: 5 reading log responses are due Monday. 

ELA - Students continued their studies of Dystopian Societies in Science Fiction with Reader's Workshop Day 4. We discussed the new events in Jonas' life and decided what should be added to his life map. I also discussed reading quizzes with students. Many students have not been keeping up on quizzes and are in jeopardy of failing that portion of the class. Please discuss this with your student as all know how many quizzes they need to take to complete this Summative Assessment. Homework: Journal entry #1.32 Read Chapters 9-11

Pre-Algebra: We finished the Chapter 1 Test. There is no homework unless you have missing assignments.

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY:
Today, students received the Test Review packet which is due on Monday, October 13. Afterward, they completed the Cultural Scavenger Hunt with partners.

Study for Test next Wednesday. Topics covered will be: the verb 'Ser,' Telling Time, Question Words, Vocabulary.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wednesday, October 8

Science: Using the data collected yesterday students made distance/time and speed/time graphs. We will continue working on the lab tomorrow, writing the data analysis and conclusions sections of our lab.
Tuesday, October 14: Rough draft of lab due for peer review
Thursday, October 16: Final draft of lab due
Tuesday, October 21: Unit 1 Test

Geometry: Taking our understanding of rigid motions students explored reflections. Reflection quiz Friday.

RR English: Your new reading log is due on Monday.

RR Math: Work on test corrections due Friday.

Red group- finish your workbook from class today if you did not have time today.

Pre-Algebra: We started the Chapter 1 Test. No homework :)

ELA - Last night's journal entry was checked and some students shared their paragraphs. We then moved on to Reader's Workshop Day 3, we created a life map of the main character, Jonas, to be filled through out the book. We filled in the first three events as these occurred in the first five chapters. Homework: Journal entry #1.30 and Read Chapters 6-8

French 2: Unit 9 test on Tuesday

Algebra: More reviewing. Homework: Chapter Review

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday, October 7

Science: Students collected data for the "How Fast Am I?" lab. We will spend the remainder of this week making graphs and writing rough drafts. Important upcoming due dates:
Tuesday, October 14: Rough draft of lab due for peer review
Thursday, October 16: Final draft of lab due
Tuesday, October 21: Unit 1 Test

Geometry:Began our investigation of transformations and rigid motions today by classifying rigid motions. Homework is the transformation and rigid motion practice #1-15. Reflection quiz is Friday.

RR Math and RR English: Tomorrow is the last day I will accept late math homework and or reading logs that were due Monday.

RR English: Your new reading log is due on Monday.

RR Math: Work on test corrections.

French 2: Unit 9 test on Tuesday, Oct 14th

ELA - Students discussed the similarities and differences between our world and the world of The Giver, during our Reader's Workshop Day 2 Active Engagement. We then created a Venn Diagram of these similarities and differences. Students were then given about 20 minutes to read and fill in their Venn Diagrams. Tonight's journal entry should be a paragraph or two comparing and contrasting the two worlds. Homework: Journal entry (described above) # 1.28, Read Chapters 3-5

Algebra: Started reviewing for Friday's test. Homework: Review. Attached is the problem solving review and equation review

Humanities: Students worked on 2.5 section assessment in class today. Homework is to complete 2.5 section assessment if it is not finished.
*I am going to be out of the district for the remainder for the week. Homework is as follows.
Wednesday-3.1 section assessment
Thursday-3.2 section assessment
Friday-3.3 section assessment
**I will collect four assignments when I return on Monday. We will review all of chapter three upon my return.

Physical Education
Answer the following questions
·         What skill is hard for you to master in flag football? Explain why and how you might improve.
·         Where would you most like to see improvement in yourself?
·         How do you know when you really understand something?
  • Essay should be informative and 1-2 pages in length.
  • Double check your spelling.
  • A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it. Must be legible.
This homework is due on Wed.,October 8th
You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Monday, October 6

Science: Today student's planned their experiment for the "How Fast Am I" lab. This lab is a summative assessment for students to demonstrate both their understanding of the scientific method and their understanding of how distance, time and velocity are related and represented graphically. Students must have their research, purpose, hypothesis, materials and procedures written for class tomorrow and be prepared to go outside and collect data in class tomorrow.

French 2: Unit 9 quizzes tomorrow. Study the practice one from Friday, and make sure you check it against the answers on the blog.

Pre-Algebra: Today we began the Chapter 1 Cumulative Review. This is due Wednesday. The will work on this in class today and Wednesday. The Chapter 1 Test is also Wednesday, October 8. I will answer questions Wednesday before the test. For extra practice before the test, go to . This link is also available on my website. I will also post the answers to the Cumulative Review Tuesday night. The Cumulative Review is available at .

RR English: Reading logs were due today. If you did not turn one in, please do so by tomorrow. Your new reading log was passed out and will be due Monday 10.13.14

RR Math: Homework was due today. If you did not turn in your homework, please do so by tomorrow. Students took a test in class today.

Geometry: Went over the Unit 1 Test and discussed some of the terms we will investigate in Unit 2 which is on transformations.

Algebra: We discussed Rates, ratios and proportions. Homework: wkst 3.5/3.6

ELA- Students took their Grammar Chapter 2: Nouns quiz. We then moved on to our Reader's Workshop Science Fiction. After The Giver by Lois Lowry was handed out we discussed the setting and read the first few pages together. Those students that said the read this book in 5th grade were given the book anyway. There are many topics that are beyond 5th grade understanding, trust me they didn't "get" the full meaning of the book. The students were given about 20 minutes to read in class. Homework: Read Chapters 1-2, Journal entry #1.26

Physical Education

8th grade
Answer the following questions
·         What skill is hard for you to master in flag football? Explain why and how you might improve.
·         Where would you most like to see improvement in yourself?
·         How do you know when you really understand something?
  • Essay should be informative and 1-2 pages in length.
  • Double check your spelling.
  • A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it. Must be legible.
This homework is due on Wed.,October 8th
You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Friday, September 3

Science: Shared the stories students wrote about Tim asking Caroline out to match the position time and speed time graphs. We then did one more review exercise and practice with both speed time and distance time graphs. Next week we will be working on the "How Fast Am I?" inquiry lab.

Geometry: Took the unit 1 Test

Humanities: Students finished working on section 2.3 in class today. Homework is to complete 2.3 if it is not finished.

RR Math: Math homework due Monday. Math test on Monday- please study! You wrote down the page numbers to study and if you turned in your homework packet early, you can use that to study as well. Also, use your notes!

RR English: Logs due Monday. Please submit on paper or the back of the log. All five days must be filled out with exactly what the response asks you to do!

ELA - Students were given the hour to read and review/finish their Grammar Chapter 2: Nouns packet. Quiz on Monday

Pre-Algebra: Today we finished taking notes on 1.8. The homework is 1.8 18-20. The Chapter 1 Test is Wednesday, October 8. The notes, homework and extra graph paper can be found at . Have a great weekend!!

Chinese: Please check the class blog for the assignments.

Algebra: We took a quiz today. Homework is the Problem Solving Workshop due on Monday

Physical Education
8th grade
Answer the following questions
·         What skill is hard for you to master in flag football? Explain why and how you might improve.
·         Where would you most like to see improvement in yourself?
·         How do you know when you really understand something?
  • Essay should be informative and 1-2 pages in length.
  • Double check your spelling.
  • A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it. Must be legible.
This homework is due on Wed.,October 8th
You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday, October 2

French 2: Vocab quiz on Monday on 9.2 and 9.3 words (blue and orange). Unit quiz on chapter 9 on Tuesday. Unit 90 test on Thursday

Science: Continued practicing graphing motion using stories. We will share our graphs and stories in class tomorrow. 

Geometry: Went over the review- homework is to study for tomorrow test! Some suggested review questions from the geometry book are pg. 60 #1-8, pg. 61 #13-19, pg. 168 #34-38, pg. 169 #40-44, pg. 167 #28 & 31, pg. 166 #19-21, pg. 160 #42, and pg. 159 #21, 37 & 41.

RR English: Logs are due Monday. 5 days. Please follow the reader's response questions for full points. Use the back of the log or separate paper to answer your questions.

RR Math:
-Red group should finish any workbook pages not completed today in class, due tomorrow.
-Both groups, homework packet will be due on or BEFORE Monday 10-6-14.
-Both groups, your test will be Monday 10-6-14. Please study.

ELA - Today we worked on our Grammar Packets, I reviewed the first four lessons (all should have been basic noun review for all). We then went over the lessons 2.5 and 2.6 that are a little bit harder. Students were then given the hour to continue their work or read. They will be given tomorrow to work on the packets as well, as many did not finish in class today. The quiz will still be on Monday. Homework: Journal entry, Read

Humanities: Students were introduced to, and began to work on, 2.3 of the textbook. 2.3 guided questions are due on Monday.

Pre-Algebra: Today, we took notes on 1.8, coordinate planes and graphing. The homework is 1.8, 1-17 all. This is due tomorrow. The Chapter 1 Test will be Wednesday, October 8. The notes, homework and extra graph paper can be found at .

Physical Education
8th grade
Answer the following questions
·         What skill is hard for you to master in flag football? Explain why and how you might improve.
·         Where would you most like to see improvement in yourself?
·         How do you know when you really understand something?
  • Essay should be informative and 1-2 pages in length.
  • Double check your spelling.
  • A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it. Must be legible.
This homework is due on Wed.,October 8th

You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.