Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday, September 16

Science: Today we took some of what we have experienced with the car moving down the track to discover the formulas involved in calculating speed (velocity), distance and time. Quiz on Monday, September 22.

Geometry: Practiced copying and bisecting angles before using what we knew about congruent angles to discover a construction for parallel lines. Homework is to complete the two practice parallel line constructions. Constructions quiz on Friday, quiz corrections are also due on Friday.

RR Math: Students have a math test Friday- study! Math homework packets are due on OR before this Friday. Blue group- finish any workbook pages that you could not get done today-due tomorrow.

RR English: Tomorrow is the LAST day I will accept late logs that were supposed to be turned in yesterday, Monday. Your new reading log was passed out yesterday and will be due Monday 9.22.14. Read!!

Humanities: Students were introduced to 1.1 in the text, and began to work on 1.1 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 1.1 section assessment.

Pre-Algebra: Today we continued 1.3, writing and evaluating expressions from story problems. We took notes together in class. We got through the next two pages of notes. I have the class notes, completed class notes and homework uploaded at http://norupstein.weebly.com/pre-algebra-notes-and-homework . The homework tonight is 1.3 Practice A, 27, 28 and Practice B, 21, 22, 23. This is due tomorrow at the beginning of the hour. Please do all work on a separate sheet of paper. Note: there is a quiz over 1.1 - 1.3 on Friday, September 19.

French 2: Passé composé quiz on Thursday. Passé composé translations due Thursday. 9.1 worksheet packet due Monday.

ELA - Students continued with their Writer's Workshop Launching Unit with Day 2, we looked at the elements of Narrative Poetry and found these elements in mentor poems. We then practiced this with our own poems and discussed with an elbow partner. Homework: Journal entry #1.8 & Read. Six Elements of narrative verse is attached. 

Algebra: We covered section 2.5 today. Homework: worksheet 2.5

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