Geometry: Reviewed for Monday's test by having students make practice test problems.
Chinese: Due Upstander activities, our unit quiz is postponed to be on Monday. We are reviewing this unit together during class.
C. Reading: Logs are due Monday- all 5 days!
R. Room Math: Study!! Test on Thursday 5/1/14. See me during lunch or LRC with questions. Also, your homework packet is due on or before 5/1/14.
Mrs. Petersen mistakenly did not post Mrs. Kennedy's blog post yesterday. I apologize for any inconvenience.
ELA - Students worked on body paragraphs during Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop Day 3. The body paragraphs should be done by class tomorrow so we can
work on our Introductions and Conclusions.
Homework: Body Paragraphs, read, Journal #22
Technology-Kennedy- Students had more time to complete their Internet
Scavenger Hunt/Bibliography work. Due at the beginning of the hour
Algebra - Tricky lesson today! We discussed Solving quadratics using the square
root method. Attached is the homework.
Spanish I: We learned "venir" and "acabar". HW --3.1 #4 and venir.acabar (if you need help, look at pp. 184 and 185 in
Spanish II: The Reflexive verb project and dream house project will be due by Monday.
So is the verb packet.
French I: The 7.1 worksheet is due Monday.
Course 3: No homework. Test on Chapter 8 today.
Pre-Algebra: 7.1-7.4 Quiz. No Homework
ELA - Students worked on introduction and conclusion paragraphs during
Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop Day 4. These paragraphs should be done by
class Monday so we can work on our rough Drafts. Peer Editing will be on
Tuesday, and publishing will occur Wednesday-Friday. Homework: Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs, READ
Technology-Kennedy- Students printed their Internet Scavenger
Hunt/Bibliography. We then moved on to the online classroom world of Moodle.
Students received their logins and passwords to Berkley Schools Moodle. We
explored the rules of Netiquette and how very important keeping private
information private, both personal and other's information and photos. Staying
safe while on the internet and involving parents when dealing with others
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