Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday, April 30

Science: Took the Waves & Sound unit test.

Geometry: Notes on 11.3 (area and perimeter of similar figures), homework is the 11.3 worksheet. Quiz on 11.1-11.4 on Friday.

Chinese: We are going to review the Unit 4 quiz, and make corrections as class/homework.

Humanities: Students finished reviewing chapter 16 in class. Students also had a final review for chapter 16 summative assessment in class. Homework is to study chapter 16 terms and names for our test tomorrow.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.  All five days need to be complete and signed.

R. Room Math:  The math test is tomorrow.  Please study tonight.  If you have questions, you can see me during lunch tomorrow before the test.  Also, homework is due.  The red group needs to turn in their homework packet tomorrow including the multiplication sheet and reflections.  The purple group has to do the two pages in their workbook that we circled, along with the multiplication sheet.

Spanish I: In lab, we took several quizzes on Ser vs. Estar. HW is worksheets 7 and 8 (print from 8th grade blog or - due Friday. Work from sub (Tues) is due Friday also - Crucigrama and WS# 5 and 10 (on blogs also). Tuesday - 5/6 is 3.1 TEST and classwork packets are due then too.

Algebra - We introduced the Quadratic Formula today.  Attached is the homework 

ELA - Students brought their Revised Rough Drafts to class to publish their papers for our Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop.   Paper due Friday, May 2nd, AR2 due Friday, May 2nd. Homework: READ! Journal #28
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued with their Moodle work with Module 1 Part 1, by watching "Did You Know" and discussing how technology has changed our world.  Students then read a NYT article "Globalization: The Challenge to America" by Thomas L. Friedman and took notes.  Tomorrow we will log in to Career Forward (directions are on the Moodle course if your student would like to try it) and watch three more videos.  Students will then analyze the information and produce a paper on the effects of technology and globalization. Paper due Monday, May 5th

Pre-Algebra: More percent application practice: Sales tax, tips, discounts and markups. HW: 7.6 (9-17 odd)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29

Science: Went over the review for tomorrow's test. Homework is to STUDY!!!!

Geometry: Began our unit on area by going over the 11.1 & 11.2 notes on area of triangles, parallelograms, kits and trapezoids. Homework is to complete worksheets 11.1 & 11.2 - odds.

Humanities: Students reviewed 16.3 in class today. Homework is to study for our chapter 16 assessment, which will be on Thursday.

Spanish II: Exercises #6,7 & 8 pg 374. Due tomorrow
French I: Write ten sentences using the blue words on pg 225. Due tomorrow.

Algebra - We covered Vertex Form today.  Homework is attached (all)

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.  5 days.

R. Room Math:  Homework packet/test - Thursday 5.1.14.

Spanish I: I am on my daughter's field trip in Lansing today. Your homework is exercises 16 and 17, from yesterday. Check the blog archive for more details. We are going to the lab tomorrow.  Adios.

Creative Writing: Students continued working on their compare/contrast essays. A completed rough draft, either typed or neatly handwritten, is due tomorrow. The final draft is due Monday, May 5th.

ELA - Students brought their Rough Drafts to class to participate in Peer Editing for Day 6 of our Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop.  Tomorrow we will begin publishing our final draft. Paper due Friday, May 2nd. AR2 due Friday, May 2nd. Homework: READ! Journal #2
Technology - Kennedy - Students continued with their Moodle work by taking a quiz that tests the METS (Michigan Educational Technology Standards) students recognize and analyze.

Pre-Algebra: Today we looked at how a percent of change can be applied to real world scenarios such as markup, discount, tax, tip, etc. HW: 7.6 (1-7, 16)

Course 3: We talked about rational and irrational numbers today.  Homework is worksheet 9.2, all.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, April 28

Science: Played Jeopardy to review for Wednesday's test. Test review from Friday is due tomorrow.

Geometry: Took the Unit 8 Test, homework is to complete the 11.1 notes.

C. Reading:  Logs were due today.  If you did not bring your log to class, make sure you get it in tomorrow for late points.  Your new log was passed out today.  It will be due a week from today on Monday 5.5.14. 

R. Room Math:  Test Thursday.  Please turn in your homework packets by Thursday or before.  If you turn it in before, I will check it and return it so you can use your packet to study.  If not, please take home your workbook to study.  Also, see me for lunch/LRC if you have questions.

Spanish II: Write ten sentences using the superlative form. Due tomorrow.

French I: Write ten sentences using the blue words on pg 225. Due tomorrow.

Chinese: We are reviewing Friday's work, and then start to take Unit 4 Quiz.

Algebra - Homework: Completing the Square and Square Rooting (evens only)

Humanities: Students checked 16.2 and were introduced to 16.3 in class. Homework is to complete 16.3 free choice.

Pre-Algebra: Today we looked at how to calculate a percent of change and how to use a percent of change to calculate a new amount. HW: 7.5 (font page)

ELA - Students continued the Writing Process with Day 5 of our Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop - Revising.  We copied the body paragraphs, introductions, and conclusions out of our journals and on to loose leaf paper.  This process guarantees at least one revision :).  Tomorrow we will perform Peer Editing sessions. Paper due Friday, May 2nd, AR2 due Friday, May 2nd. Homework: READ! Rough Draft, Journal #25

Technology - Kennedy - Students continued with their Moodle work by learning how to utilize the resources provided, complete an assignment, save it properly and submit it through Moodle.  This assignment will show up as M0.1 (Module 0 Task 1).  This is due by midnight tonight - tomorrow we will take a quiz that tests the METS (Michigan Educational Technology Standards) students recognize and analyze. Homework: finish and submit M0.1

Course 3: Today we talked about square roots.  Homework is worksheet 9.1, all.

Spanish I: HW--p188 #16 and 17--Write in complete sentences. We went over Gustar + Infinitive in class today (we did WKST#9 in class)--print from 8th grade blog or SraTom blog. We also reviewed using Ser vs. Estar in class

Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 25

Science: Classes voted on whether or not they wanted to watch Bill Nye Sound while they worked on the sound and waves test review. The review is due on Tuesday.

Geometry: Reviewed for Monday's test by having students make practice test problems.

Chinese: Due Upstander activities, our unit quiz is postponed to be on Monday. We are reviewing this unit together during class.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday- all 5 days!

R. Room Math:  Study!!  Test on Thursday 5/1/14.  See me during lunch or LRC with questions.  Also, your homework packet is due on or before 5/1/14.

Mrs. Petersen mistakenly did not post Mrs. Kennedy's blog post yesterday. I apologize for any inconvenience

ELA - Students worked on body paragraphs during Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop Day 3.  The body paragraphs should be done by class tomorrow so we can work on our Introductions and Conclusions.
Homework: Body Paragraphs, read, Journal #22

Technology-Kennedy- Students had more time to complete their Internet Scavenger Hunt/Bibliography work. Due at the beginning of the hour tomorrow.

Algebra - Tricky lesson today!  We discussed Solving quadratics using the square root method.  Attached is the homework.

Spanish I: We learned "venir" and "acabar". HW --3.1 #4 and venir.acabar (if you need help, look at pp. 184 and 185 in text)

Spanish II: The Reflexive verb project and dream house project will be due by Monday. So is the verb packet.

French I: The 7.1 worksheet is due Monday.

Course 3: No homework.  Test on Chapter 8 today.

Pre-Algebra: 7.1-7.4 Quiz. No Homework

ELA - Students worked on introduction and conclusion paragraphs during Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop Day 4.  These paragraphs should be done by class Monday so we can work on our rough Drafts.  Peer Editing will be on Tuesday, and publishing will occur Wednesday-Friday. Homework: Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs, READ
Technology-Kennedy- Students printed their Internet Scavenger Hunt/Bibliography.  We then moved on to the online classroom world of Moodle.  Students received their logins and passwords to Berkley Schools Moodle. We explored the rules of Netiquette and how very important keeping private information private, both personal and other's information and photos.  Staying safe while on the internet and involving parents when dealing with others online.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday, April 24

Science: Completed the sound unit notes, homework is the properties of sound worksheet. 

Geometry: Unit 8 review for Monday's test. 

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday, 4/28/14.  All five responses need to be completed.

R. Room Math:  Test/HW packet due on Thursday 5/1/14.  Try and turn your homework packet in early so I can check it.  This way, you can use it as another tool to study for your test next week.  Also, I am available during lunch time if you have questions.

Spanish II: The preterite verb worksheet is due on Monday.
French I: The 7.1 worksheet is due on Monday.

Chinese: We are reviewing Unit 4 by doing exercises on workbook p.123, 126, and 127.

Spanish I: Today we read/heard/talked about el coquí - -the Puerto Rican tree frog. Escuchar (listening portion completed). Ser/estar/tener --info and worksheet (classwork only). HW--textbook p 182 #6 (write all 10 complete sentences following the model)-due Friday.

Humanities: Students reviewed 16.1 in class today. No homework. Homework for Friday is to complete 16.2 guided reading.

Pre-Algebra: Review for tomorrow's quiz over 7.1-7.4
Be able to:
  • convert fractions to percents and percents to fractions
  • convert decimals to percents and percents to decimals
  • solve percent problems using a proportion (is/of = %/100)
  • solve word problems involving percent (i.e.: commission)
HW: Complete Review "Mid-Chapter Quiz" 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday, April 23

Science: Talked about sound and the properties of sound. Students took notes on sound after watching a variety of videos and other demonstrations on sonic booms, the Doppler effect and hair tricks!

Geometry: Reviewed solving systems of equations. Homework is the systems practice. Test Monday.

C. Reading:  Logs were passed out and all five days are due Monday 4/28/14.  Happy Reading!

R. Room Math:  THE TEST DATE AND HOMEWORK PACKET DUE DATE CHANGED!!  We will now have our test on Thursday 5/1/14.  Your homework packet will be due 5/1/14 unless you want to turn it in early.  If you turn it in early, I will check it and you can use it as another study guide!  I suggest this :)

Humanities: Students were introduced to chapter 16 in class today. Homework is to complete 16.1 notes.

Chinese: We are working on p.94 on textbook together in class, and students are doing class work on work book p.122.

ELA - Students worked on Organization during Compare Contrast Writer's Workshop Day 2.  This should be completed by tomorrow in order to begin their body paragraphs tomorrow. Homework: Organization sheet (page 1 & 2), read, Journal #20

Technology-Kennedy- Students completed their Internet Scavenger Hunt/Bibliography work. Due at the end of the hour tomorrow.

Spanish II: Write 5 sentences on what you did last weekend. Due tomorrow
French I: Write about yourself and your family. Describe them all. due Monday.

Pre-Algebra: Looking at how the proportion used to solve percent problems relates to the percent equation. HW: Activity 45 - Algebra by Design

Spanish 1: Finish conjuguemos activities from lab. Do 3.1 worksheet #2

Algebra - We took Chapter 10 part 1 test today.  Homework: complete notes from 10.4

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

April 22

Science: Quizzes were returned and students took the Legacy Day Survey.

Geometry: Reviewed properties of quadrilaterals, which we then applied to our recent review of slope to complete coordinate proofs. Homework is the coordinate proofs practice. Test Monday. 

Humanities: Students continued our introduction to the Civil War in class. No homework. 

C. Reading:  Logs are due today.  If you did not turn in your reading log, I will accept it tomorrow for late points.  Your new reading log is being passed out today and will be due Monday 4/28/14.  You still need to have five days filled out, even with the short week.  Pick a weekend day!

R. Room Math:  Your test is Monday 4/28/14.  Your homework packet is also due 4/28/14.  Please turn in your homework early if you want me to check it prior to the test.  It is a great tool to study from!

Spanish I: STUDY for VOCAB quiz--TOMORROW!!!!  (Wed). We will take it in the lab and then work on lab activity

Spanish II: Study your preterite verbs

French I: Make flash cards for the chapter 7 words.

Pre-Algebra: Today we delve more into using a proportion (is/of = %/100) to solve problems involving percent. HW: 7.2 (odds, 4, 8, 12) FYI...Quiz on Friday (4/25) over 7.1-7.4

ELA - Students began their Writer's Workshop - Compare Contrast with Day 1.  Historical Fiction AR quizzes are due today.  The next AR quiz is due May 2nd. Homework: Read, Journal # 18.
Technology - Kennedy - Students began an internet search and bibliography project.  They are to search the answers and enter a bibliography for each item.

Chinese: We are practicing speaking and writing about personal questions during class, and class work is on p.93:9. Unit 4 quiz will take place on this Friday.

Algebra - Test tomorrow!  (sections 10.1 - 10.3)  attached is the Practice Test (omit #8 and remember we changed #7)

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday, April 17

Science: Students investigated properties of sound by visiting different sound stations.

Geometry: Investigated slope and perpendicular lines, homework is the slope and perpendicular lines practice.

C. Reading:  Reading logs got passed out Monday.  All five days, filled out completely, will be due Tuesday 4/22/14.

R. Room Math: 
Homework packets were passed out Monday.  Tentative due date is Monday 4/28/14.  If we keep that date, that is when our next test will be as well.  Keep up on your X facts!  This is part of your homework packet. Red group should finish their workbook pages if they did not in class today.

Humanities: Students completed our chapter 15 assessment in class today. No homework.

Spanish I: Today we are beginning our classwork packets, starting with Escuchar. HW--3.1 WKST #3 (ser vs. estar review)--due Tuesday. 3.1 vocab quiz-Wednesday.

ELA - Historical Fiction Day 9 Teaching point- Power. Students finished up their Historical Fiction books with reading the Author's notes and discovering the how much of the book was fiction and how much was actual historical fact.  AR quizzes for the Historical Fiction books are due Tuesday, April 22 (when we get back from the long weekend). Please take the long weekend to talk to your student about the Compare and Contrast Project, we will begin work next week. Homework: READ! READ! READ!

Technology - Kennedy - Students printed their surveys and posted them in the hall. 

Spanish II: Study for the vocab quiz on Tuesday.

French I: Begin flashcards for chapter 7.

Chinese: We are going to continue practicing how to ask and express how and when someone goes somewhere by what transportation in speaking and writing. We are learning to write L12 Text 2 characters. Class/home work will be writing L12 Text 2 characters.

Pre-Algebra - Today we discovered a proportion that can be used to solve percent problems. We completed examples in which a proportion was used to solve. (is/of = %/100). HW: Daily Math 4/14-4/17 will be collected Tuesday

Course 3: We started lesson 8.8.  Homework is worksheet 8.8, #1 - 4, & 10.

Algebra - Homework is 10.3  Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday, April 16

Science: Took the "Waves" quiz today, no homework! 

Geometry: Took quiz on circles & parabolas, homework is slope and parallel lines practice.

Spanish I: Flashcards--due tomorrow. La leyenda azteca--due tomorrow (this is from BEFORE break). 3.1 WKST#1--handed out today; get it from 8th grade blog or -- due tomorrow

Spanish II: The verb worksheet is due on Tuesday.

French I: Continue studying for the second part of the test tomorrow.

C. Reading:  Reading logs got passed out Monday.  All five days, filled out completely, will be due Tuesday 4/22/14.

R. Room Math: 
Homework packets were passed out Monday.  Tentative due date is Monday 4/28/14.  If we keep that date, that is when our next test will be as well.  Keep up on your X facts!  This is part of your homework packet.  Purple group should finish their workbook pages if they did not in class today.

Algebra - Collected IB assessment.  Continued our discussion of graphing quadratics.  Worksheets for 10.2 (first 2 pages only) and extension 10.2 are due tomorrow. Test on Chapter 10 Part I next Wednesday.

ELA - Day 8 of our Historical Fiction Reader's Workshop.  Students should be finishing up their books and thinking about their Compare Contrast paper.  We will begin the Writer's Workshop for their Compare Contrast on Tuesday. Homework: Read, Journal entry #15

Technology- Kennedy- Students finished up their surveys and created their bar charts, due tomorrow. 

Pre-Algebra - Today we worked on defining a percent and how we can find the percent of a number. HW: Fraction/Decimal Conversion worksheet (evens)

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 15 in class today.  We also reviewed for our summative assessment for Thursday.The question for the assessment is below.  Homework is to study for this essay exam.How did the issue of slavery lead to the Civil War?  In your answer, be sure to include a minimum of three of the following terms and names.
-Economic differences between the North and South
-Wilmont Proviso
-Land session from Mexico
-Compromise of 1850
-Fugitive Slave Act
-Kansas Nebraska Act
-"Bleeding Kansas"
-Republican Party
-Dred Scott
-Lincoln Douglas Debate
-John Brown
-Election of 1860
-Southern succession
-State's rights
-Confederate States of America

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday, April 15

Science: Watched Bill Nye "Waves" to review for tomorrow's quiz. No homework, permission slips for Cedar Point are due tomorrow!

Geometry: Finished reviewing equations of circles and parabolas for tomorrow's quiz. We then began discussing slope & parallel lines. Homework is the slope and parallel lines practice #1-6. 

C. Reading:  Reading logs got passed out yesterday.  All five days, filled out completely, will be due Tuesday 4/22/14.

R. Room Math: 
Homework packets were passed out yesterday.  Tentative due date is Monday 4/28/14.  If we keep that date, that is when our next test will be as well.  Keep up on your X facts!  This is part of your homework packet.  Red group should finish their workbook pages if they did not in class today.

Spanish II: Exercises 9 and 10 pg 376. Due tomorrow

French I: Study for the chapter 6 test tomorrow. The 6.2/6.3 worksheet is also due tomorrow

Chinese: We are practicing expressing how to go to school/work/places by various transportation tools.  We will also learn to write the first 4 characters from Lesson 12 Text 1. Class work is to write characters 3 times each by steps.

Spanish I: Please finish work from sub and flash cards.  Meet in hall to go to lab tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: Quick review of multi-step equation solving. Daily Math: Cumulative Practice. ISN foldable and jigsaw activity to review converting between fractions, decimals and percents. HW: Complete the Common Percent Table worksheet.

ELA - Students are finishing up their Historical Fiction with Day 7 and scrutinized in depth descriptions.  Books should be done by Thursday with their AR quiz due Tuesday, April 22.  Cross Curricular projects were introduced so that students may start working on their Compare Contrast.  This project is due May 2nd. Homework: Read, begin research for paper, Journal #13
Technology - Kennedy - Students completed their 12 Days of Middle School Excel chart and learned how to make pictograms with a survey.  They now will be creating their own survey with a minimum of 6 items and a minimum of 50 survey subjects.

Course 3: Today we started to talk about congruent polygons.  Our homework is worksheet 8.5, #1 - 6.  Students were given plenty of time to work on it in class.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 15 in class today.  We also introduced our summative assessment for Thursday. The question for the assessment is below.  Homework is to study for this essay exam. How did the issue of slavery lead to the Civil War?  In your answer, be sure to include a minimum of three of the following terms and names.
-Economic differences between the North and South
-Wilmont Proviso
-Land session from Mexico
-Compromise of 1850
-Fugitive Slave Act
-Kansas Nebraska Act
-"Bleeding Kansas"
-Republican Party
-Dred Scott
-Lincoln Douglas Debate
-John Brown
-Election of 1860
-Southern succession
-State's rights
-Confederate States of America


Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday, April 14

Science:  Reviewed wave interactions that we were studying before break. Homework is the Wave Interaction worksheet. Waves quiz is on Wednesday.

Geometry: Reviewed formulas for circles & parabolas. Homework is the circle and parabola practice. Quiz Wednesday.

Spanish II; Write 20 sentences with the new vocabulary passed out today. Due next Tuesday.
French I: Study for the chapter 6 test on Wednesday.

C. Reading:  Reading logs will be passed out today.  All five days, filled out completely, will be due Tuesday 4/22/14.

R. Room Math:  Homework packets will be passed out today.  Tentative due date is Monday 4/28/14.  If we keep that date, that is when our next test will be as well.  Keep up on your X facts!  This is part of your homework packet.

Spanish I: Welcome back! Flash cards due Wed-3.1. Lab on Wed. Please do your best to finish the activities the sub has given you on Mon and Tues so you won't have additional homework.

Chinese: Welcome back! We are going to review Lesson 12 Text 1, and learn radicals from Lesson 12.
Class work is to write radicals 3 times each. We are also reviewing last Friday's work in class.

Course 3: Today we went over homework from before the break and finished our quarterly assessment.  No homework.

ELA- Students continued their study of Historical Fiction with Reader's Workshop Day 6.  We then worked in reading groups to discuss books and any confusion students may have.  The groups discussed perspective and compared thinking on the effect perspective has on the story. Homework: Read and Journal #11
Technology - Kennedy - Students reviewed the spreadsheet environment and practiced its use in the guided "12 Days of Middle School." 

Algebra - Homework: finish notes for 10-2 (due tomorrow) and work on IB assessment (due on Wednesday)

Friday, April 4, 2014

Friday, April 4

Science: Students read and took notes on wave interactions. I've attached a copy of the reading for absent students, they should take notes on these pages in their note-taking guides- LOTS OF PICTURES! 

Geometry: Practiced completing the square & then finding the equation of a circle. Here's the link to the video from Kahn academy for help completing the rest of the practice for homework.  

C. Reading:  Read!!  No log, enjoy.

R. Room Math: X facts- work on fluency.  No math packet

Course 3: We took the quarterly assessment today.  No homework.  

Spanish 2: Study vocab for the listening section of the test after the break.
French I: The 6.2/6.3 worksheet is due April 14th. The chapter test will be on Wednesday April 16th

Algebra - We did some exploring today with the graphing calculator and parabolas.  No homework.

Spanish I: No HW--qué tenga buenas vacaciones. For those of you who wish to begin chapter 3.1, Flashcards are due on 4/17 Thursday. La leyenda azteca, for those of you who did not finish it, is due on 4/17 Thursday. Vocabulary quiz (3.1)--Wednesday 4/23

ELA - Students continued with their Historical Fiction Reader's Workshop with Day 5 teaching point and active engagement.  Please follow the schedule of the chosen novel. We will have "book club" discussions when we return from break, please be sure that reading happens!  If the student finishes the book, all the better! Homework: READ and have a great break.
Technology - Kennedy - We continued with our lessons to reinforce the skills taught in previous years. We will begin Microsoft Applications and Spreadsheets when we return.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday, April 3

Science: Completed investigation 20-A, observing wave patterns in water.

Geometry: Developed the equation for a parabola. Homework is the parabola practice problems

RR Math:  Purple group-Friday is the last day you can turn in your take home test.  Remember, no work=no credit.  Both groups- all review pages that we have been working on in class are due Friday.

C. Reading:  Read- no logs!  Enjoy.

Spanish II: Study the vocab on pg 365. You will have the listening section of the test on Monday, April 14th.

French I: Study the vocab and the grammar for the chapter 6 test after the break.

Algebra - We started discussing Quadratics.  We graphed second degree equations.  We discussed our IB Box assignment (attached).  It is due Wednesday (4/16)

Humanities: Students checked 15.2 and began to work on 15.3 in class today. Homework is to finish 15.3 free choice. I will be out of the building tomorrow.  Homework for tomorrow, if not completed in class, is to finish 15.4 free choice.

ELA - Students continued with their Historical Fiction Reader's Workshop with Day 4 teaching point and active engagement.  Please follow the schedule of the chosen novel. Homework: READ, and Journal #8

Technology - Kennedy - Due to break looming in a day we decided to continue with our lessons to reinforce the skills taught in previous years. We will begin Microsoft Applications and Spreadsheets when we return.

Spanish: TEST--2.3 tomorrow (listening portion). La leyenda azteca--due 4/17. 3.1 flashcards --due 4/17. Vocab quiz (3.1)--4/22

Course 3: Today we continued to practice more difficult problems with angles and triangles.  Homework is a worksheet that I made with 5 questions. Vacation students-Page 407, # 24 - 26 and page 414, #23 - 25.

Pre-Algebra: Today we completed our 3rd Quarterly Assessment. No homework was assigned. 

Chinese: We are working on text P.85 questions about partners.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday, April 2

Science: Practiced drawing waves with different amplitudes and wavelengths, followed by some practice problem solving speed, wavelength and frequency questions. Homework is "Properties of Waves". Quiz on wave properties and wave interactions Wednesday, April 16.

Geometry: Investigated how to derive the equation of a circle and practiced completing the square. Click here for a video to help with completing the square.  Homework is the practice problems AND 10.7 worksheet (odds). Quiz on equations of circles & parabolas on Wednesday, April 16.

Humanities: Students checked 15.1 in class and began to work on 15.2 notes. Homework is to complete 15.2 notes.

R. Room Math:  Purple group has a take home test due Friday.  I will not take it late.  You must show your work to get credit!  Both groups should be working on X fluency!

C. Reading:  Read- no log.  Enjoy!

Spanish I: 2.3 TEST TOMORROW (and Friday). Review (distributed yesterday) is due tomorrow. CLASSWORK PACKETS (are due tomorrow). ALL WORK FROM 2.3 is due TOMORROW. CHECK FAMILY ACCESS for your missing work (if any)

Algebra - Chapter 9 test today!  No homework.

Spanish II: 5.2 test is tomorrow. The review worksheet is due tomorrow. Answers to the worksheet will be posted on my blog by tonight.
French I: The unit quizzes for 6.1 and 6.2 will be tomorrow. Study the practice quizzes we did today.

ELA - Students continued with their Historical Fiction Reader's Workshop with Day 3 teaching point and active engagement.  Please follow the schedule of the chosen novel. Homework: READ, and Journal #6
Technology - Kennedy - The High School Counselors came in and students logged in to their Student Access and chose their schedules for next year. Very Exciting!  We then continued with our lessons to reinforce the skills taught in previous years.

Pre-Algebra: We continued to practice using the Pythagorean Theorem to find a missing side of a right triangle. We also discussed how to simplify radical expressions. HW: 5 notebook problems on simplifying radical expressions (attached)

Course 3: Today we worked on lesson 8.2.  Homework is worksheet 8.2, all. Vacation students only-read lesson 8.2 in your textbook and do questions #6 - 25 on pages 413 and 414.

Chinese: We are doing exercises on p.115:15; p.116:17;p.117:19,20.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday, April 1

Science: Took notes on wave properties and speed of waves.

Geometry: Took the circles & centers of triangles test. Homework is to complete example 1- equation of a circle. 

C. Reading:  Read-  no log this week or over vacation.  However, two students have a log due tomorrow!!

R. Room Math:  We are reviewing this week.  No homework packets will be handed out.  Everyone should keep working on their X fluency.  Also, the purple group will be given a take home test today.  The test is due Friday- no exceptions.  No work shown on the test=no credit.  No calculators! 

ELA - Students continued with their Historical Fiction Reader's Workshop with Day 2 teaching point and active engagement.  Please follow the schedule of the chosen novel. Homework: READ, and Journal #4

Technology - Kennedy - Today we took our baseline touch typing test, lights off, no looking at hands.  We then continued with our lessons to reinforce the skills taught in previous years.

Pre-Algebra: Today students discover the Pythagorean Theorem using a visual representation of the theorem. We discovered that, in a right triangle, the square of a leg (a) plus the square of the other leg (b) equals the square of the hypotenuse (c). Students then used the Pythagorean Theorem to solve problems in which they needed to find the length a missing side of a right triangle. HW: Complete the blue ISN examples (all 8) using the Pythagorean Theorem

Algebra - Chapter 9 test tomorrow!  Attached are answers to the review stations,  pre-test warmup and practice test.  Good luck!

Spanish I: We took a practice "grammar quiz" and played "conjugation toss". HW is the review packet -- due Thurs (you may do it early and turn it in tomorrow). LAB--tomorrow (working on personal "a")

Spanish II: Chapter test on Thursday. Today's worksheet is due on Thursday.

French I: Practice quizzes tomorrow, and the real quizzes on Thursday. The 6.2/6.3 worksheet is due after the break.

Course 3: Homework is worksheet 8.1, all.  If you are struggling with 17 - 19, set them up as equations equal to 180 or equal to each other.