Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18

Science: Today we continued with investigation 1-A and learned how the cars can be used on the track with photo-gates. No homework.

Geometry: Today we are wrapping up chapter 1 with 1.7 notes on area and perimeter formulas. We will spend the remainder of the week reviewing for the chapter 1 test on Monday. Next week we will be using the notes only occasionally and will be exploring geometry through student discovery.

C.Reading:  Reading Log

R. Room Math:  Math packet and X facts

Humanities: Students took the Constitution post-test and discussed Core Democratic Values in class today. No homework.

ELA - Day 4 of our Writer's Workshop Launching Unit.  We discussed figurative language and it's uses in writing.  We then practiced using these literary devices (figurative language) in our own writing and shared these poems with the class. Homework: READ! Journal entry #7

Spanish II: The verb sheets that we started today in class will be due on Monday, Sept 23rd. Check my blog for the list of verbs and book pages. Remember that you can use your new verb app if you have a smart phone, or else go to to find the conjugation.

French I: Continue practicing your vocabulary for the quiz on Monday, and practice memorizing your skit. You will act out the skits tomorrow

Spanish (Tomlinson): Prepare for retake (study questions you answered incorrectly); continue to review flashcards and Etapa Preliminar for test on Wed. 9/25.  Flashcards and letter to a friend were collected!  

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we wrote a journal prompt and discussed several ideas for a middle school newsletter. Homework: Begin researching articles on your assigned newsletter topic. Begin organizing your facts/interview questions. Read your book.  

Algebra:  We took our quiz today.  Homework:  worksheet 2.1 (attached)

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