Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23

Science: Today we learned about using the jigsaw method of note-taking and began taking notes on Pages 4-9. We will continue with this process tomorrow.

Geometry: Took the Chapter 1 test.

Humanities: Students had their values paper due today. In class students worked with the American History atlas to complete some worksheets. Current events are due on Wednesday.
Spanish (Tomlinson): Study for test (Wed); countries quiz (Fri); finish classwork packet for practice (if you did not finish in class).

Corrective Reading:  Reading logs are due today.  Please turn them in tomorrow if you forgot.  I will be passing out your new reading logs today due next Monday.

R.Room Math:  Re-work last weeks homework and fill out your multiplication (X) sheet for Monday.

Algebra:  We finished up the notes on section 2.5 (distributive property).  We have 1 more section and then we are done with the first unit (ch 1/2).  We will have a short assessment on Thursday covering classifying numbers and a big unit test on Friday.  Homework:  wkst 2.5 (attached)

Course 3:We took our Chapter 1 test today.  No homework.

ELA - Students continued their Poetry writing in Writer's Workshop Day 6 lesson.  They looked in their journals (that they should be writing in nightly) for more topics they could be using for their narrative poems.  They worked on their final poem or read.  FYI students should be finished at least one novel with the AR quiz taken, they should be part of the way through their second novel.  If they are not, please be sure your child is reading nightly. Homework: Journal entry #11...READ!

Pre-Algebra: Today students took a quiz over lessons 1.1-1.4. No homework was assigned.

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