Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday, September 13

Science: Students peer-reviewed their "How Scientists Communicate" labs. Final drafts of labs are due on Tuesday and must be completed on students' own time as we will be moving on to our next unit in class on Monday.

Geometry: Took the chapter 1 quiz. Homework is to complete the 1.5 notes. Students should use their textbooks to help complete the notes!

Spanish II: map quiz on Monday. Practice the websites you learned about today at the lab.

French I (for the 8th graders in this class): Make sure your maps are finished by Monday. Practice the websites you learned about today at the lab.

Corrective Reading:  Reading Logs are due Monday.  Remember you need to pick a different readers response activity for each day.  You need to read 5 days, and do 5 different activities.

R. Room Math:  We will begin Number Worlds Monday.  Continue working on your X facts!

ELA - Students came to class prepared with their journals personalized and their novels ready to read!  We started our Writer's Workshop Launching Unit (Day 1 attached) and began our exploration of Poetry. Please remember to read every night...weekends too :)

Spanish (Tomlinson): Continue to practice vocab; look through Etapa Preliminar (test Friday 9/20). Enjoy the weekend. Lo siento!  anade por favor: Bring in  flashcards (actual cards or email electronic version).

Course 3: We reviewed for our quiz.  Quiz on lessons 1.2 - 1.4 is on Monday.  There is extra practice at the end of chapter on in the text (pages 46 and 47).  No homework.

Humanities: Students discussed sources for current events and shared current events in class. No homework.

Pre-algebra: Today we practiced translating verbal expressions to numbers and looked at writing expressions for word problems. HW: 1.1 "classwork" worksheet (front and back)

Algebra:  Assigned our first Problem Solving Workshop (PSW#1, answer sheet 1, answer sheet 2).  It is due on Tuesday.

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we discussed partner talks and read Stargirl. We checked out a book of choice in the media center. Homework- Finish Stargirl and begin reading a book of your choosing by Monday. 

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