Thursday, June 6, 2013

Thursday, June 5

Science: Continued working on the eye packet and demonstrated the eye dissection. 

Geometry: Reviewed factoring. 

Humanities: Students checked 19.2 and worked on 19.3 in class. If students finished 19.3, they turned in books.  If not, all books are due by Monday. Homework folders are due Monday.

Spanish 1: Don't forget to turn in your books TO MY HAND either tomorrow Friday or on Monday. Also you need to turn in your 2 final review packets by Monday. 

Course 3: Students took final exam.  No homework.

ELA - Students took their final today, grades should be posted by tomorrow morning and I will hand them back on Monday.  Tomorrow is a full day for 8th grade.  We have the Immigration Experience all day tomorrow, which promises to be a fun filled day!  Then tomorrow night our 8th Grade Gala from 6:00-8:00! I'm so thankful for all of the help parents have provided for both events.  NIS is sending off a great group of students, whom I am sure will represent their roots well at which ever high school they attend. Homework: Live a good life, and KEEP READING!

Pre-Algebra: We finished our final exam today.  We will go over the results on Monday.
Algebra: We finished our exam today.  We have an immigration assignment due on Monday.

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