Geometry: Took the chapter 11 test. No homework!
Science: Watched Bill Nye "Waves". Waves quiz is Wednesday.
Pre-Algebra: We started to work on probability. We conducted experiments with dice. No homework.
Spanish I: Vocabulary sentences were due today. make sure you do them by tomorrow if you have not yet done them. 3.1 flash cards are due by this Wednesday. Skits will be presented this Friday.
Humanities: Students received homework folder grades, checked 15.1/15.2 and began work on 15.3 free choice in class. Homework is to complete 15.3 for tomorrow.
ELA: We began our Historical Fiction Unit today by reading Baseball Saved Us and discussing the differences between Historical Fiction and Realistic Fiction. I then introduced the two books we are reading; In My Father's House by Ann Rinaldi and With Every Drop of Blood by James Lincoln Collier and Christopher Collier. Student's chose the book they wanted to read and we reviewed the requirements for the Reader's Journal. Due to multiple books being read, Class Discussions are now changed to Book Clubs where students will discuss the current chapter section while I circulate to answer any questions their classmates cannot. Homework: All due dates for this unit are listed on the Reader's Journal. Tuesdays and Thursdays we will also be doing grammar instruction.
Tech: Students presented projects and worked on their projects. Today was the last "free" day for working while presentations are going on. Starting tomorrow projects are considered late if the student is either working on it in class or is not ready to present when called on. Late projects are "charged" 5 points each day they are late beginning tomorrow.
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