Algebra (Graham): Students took a practice test for Part I Chapter 10 today. They were given the answers at the end of the hour. We have a short test on Monday, very similar to the practice test they took today. Have a good weekend.
Technology (Graham): We took a look at a variety of website for local businesses. We are working towards making our own "pretend" business websites. We are also mentoring Norup's 5th grade classes. We are helping them with research and note taking for their pollution presentations.
Geometry: Went over the 12.2 homework and 12.4 notes (volume of prisms and cylinders). Homework is the 12.4 worksheet, 12.1-12.4 quiz is on Tuesday.
Science: Took notes on sound, pages 447 &454-456.Quizzes will be returned on Monday, and we will also start the research project for our waves and sound unit next week.
Pre-Algebra: Students were given a review for there chapter 6 test on Tuesday. We will review on Monday.
Spanish I: Worked on restaurant skits, and made new ones. Practice memorizing your lines for next Friday.
ELA: We held our first "Book Club" session today. The students did such a great job! Performing their duties and having informative and deep conversations about their Civil War Novels! How wonderful! Next week we will continue our Civil War Unit, Monday- reading time, Tuesday - grammar studies, Wednesday - reading time, Thursday - grammar studies & Reader's Journal due, Friday - Book clubs.
Tech - We finished presentations for our Family Budget and had a "down day" the students worked so hard and deserved it!
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