Science: Took the Electricity Unit test. The remainder of the week will be devoted to working on the circuit projects. "What is Safe?" is due Wednesday, March 21
Geometry: Went over the 10.5 homework, LOTS of questions and admissions of not looking back to the notes and examples we had done yesterday in class for guidance. Took notes on section 10.6, quadratics are back! 10.6 worksheet (evens only) is homework. Don't forget that tomorrow is Pi Day!
Pre-Algebra: Students took their chapter 5 test. No homework.
ELA: Students were given the whole hour to Peer Edit and begin work on their Final Drafts. Remember the whole packet is due either Thursday or Friday (depending on if you are going to Chicago or not). Final Persuasive Research Packet:
1. Rubric
2. Outline
3. First Draft
4. Second Draft
5. Peer Edit Sheet
6. Final Draft
7. Bibliography
Tech: Students were given the hour to complete their Investigation, all line items for their budget need to have printed evidence.
Spanish ISpanish: Ex 12,13 and 14 pgs 156-157 Due Tomorrow
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