Monday, March 26, 2012

Monday, March 26

Geometry: Checked 11.1 homework and took notes on 11.2. Homework is 11.2 worksheet, 11.1-11.4 quiz is Thursday. 

Science: Took notes on harmonic motion.

Pre-Algebra: Today we continued to work on similar and congruent figures.  Homework is worksheet 6.4, #1-12.

Algebra (Graham): Factoring!! Homework 9.5 (all)
Algebra (Hill): Finish the even problems in your 9.6-9.8 worksheet. If you are having trouble factoring quadratics with grouping section 9.6 in the online textbook offers additional interactive examples.  

Technology (Graham): Design Folders for Family Budget unit are due on Thursday.

Humanities: Students checked chapter 12 post test, reviewed chapter 13 and worked on 13.4 guided notes in class. Homework is to complete 13.4 guided notes.

Spanish I: Finish the packet on practice writing for the 2.e exam. This is due tomorrow.

ELA: Students were given time to nail down their final TKM project, make sure that they have their TKM packet complete (due Wednesday, 3/28 for a Summative Assessment).  Tomorrow is movie day!  We will start watching the movie "To Kill a Mockingbird" with Gregory Peck as excited.
Tech- Design for The Family Budget is due tomorrow.  Create is due by April 9th.  We will begin showing projects when we return from break.

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