Friday, November 11, 2011


Science: Collected data on the incline track to investigate how the car's acceleration changes as it moves down the track. No homework. Unit 2 quiz on Wednesday, November 16.

Geometry: Went over the 4.4 homework, proofs are getting so much easier! YEAH! Completed the 4.5 notes (proving triangles congruent by ASA & AAS). 4.5 worksheet is homework. Quiz on Monday, chapter 4 test Tuesday, November 22.

Language Arts: Students completed their The Giver final tests, read AR books and turned in any late books or Reader's Journals. It was a nice calm day!  Have a great weekend.

Spanish I: vocab quiz on 1.3 on Monday, November 14th, rough draft of All About Me due Monday. Nov 14th

Humanities: Students discussed Veterans Day, reviewed and worked on 4.1 and finished a video on the Salem Witch Trials in class. Homework is to complete a section assessment or questions for 4.1.

Algebra: Homework, worksheet 4.2 (1-10 only). Have a great weekend!

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