Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday, November 30

Caring & Sharing Breakfast food drive is this week. Hat Day Friday, bring in $1.00 to wear a hat and to help raise money for Caring & Sharing!

Science: Worked on writing up the data analysis & conclusions portions of the "Is the Force With You?" lab. Tomorrow we will work on the critique reflection and rough drafts, see yesterday's post for a copy of the lab planner. Rough draft for peer review is due on Friday, December 2 & the final draft of the lab is due on Tuesday, December 6. The Unit 2 Test is Friday, December 9.

Geometry: Went over the 5.2 homework and completed the 5.3 notes (Incenter & Angle Bisectors). 5.3 worksheet is homework. Chapter 5 quiz is on Friday.

Pre-Algebra: Today students worked on a practice quiz.  We will review tomorrow.  Most students finished the quiz in class.  It is homework if it is not done.  Quiz is Friday.

Spanish I: Finish the worksheet you got in class yesterday. This will be due tomorrow. Don't forget you have a unit test on 1.3 on Monday.

Language Arts: Students worked quietly on Grammar #10 - Run ons and Fragments. They were given time to work on their AR quizzes (first one due today) and read their next book. We then moved to our Writer's Workshop Corner to reflect on our Launching Unit (notes attached and on my webpage on Berkley website) . We reflected on wether we truly gave ourselves to the workshop or if we just went through the motions. If we progressed as writers and met the goals we set on Day 1 or if we were just trudging through. How we can work on meeting those goals in the future, as we are all writers, no matter what profession we aspire to. Homework: Finish Grammar #10, read, and write in journal.

Humanities: Students checked 5.1 section assessment and shared current events in class. No homework.

Algebra (Hill): Homework finish the section 6.7 worksheet all problems.

Algebra (Graham): We have our chapter test this Friday. I have attached some of the reviews (Pre-Test WarmupReview) that students will get in class. We reviewed today and tomorrow. Happy Studying!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tuesday, November 29

Science: Completed collecting data and made graphs for "Is the Force With You?" lab. Research is homework, tomorrow we will work on the data analysis, conclusion & critique reflection sections of the paper. Rought drafts are due on Friday, December 2 for peer review, final drafts are due on Tuesday, December 6. The Unit 2 Test is Friday, December 9.

Geometry: Went over the 5.1 homework and 5.2 notes (perpendicular bisectors & circumcenter). 5.2 worksheet is homework & chapter 5 quiz is Friday.

Pre-Algebra: We continued with lesson 3.3. The students are doing so well! Homework is worksheet 3.3, #3,4,10-14,21,22.

Spanish I: No homework today, apart from studying for the unit 1.3 test on Monday.

Algebra (Hill): (Optional) Page 275 Chapter 4 Chapter Test All Problems

Algebra (Graham): We graphed inequalities with 2 variables. Homework is worksheet 6.7. Chapter Test this Friday! We will be reviewing Wednesday and Thursday.

Humanities: Students finished presentations and began to work on 5.1 in class. Homework is to complete 5.1 section assessment and finish a current event by tomorrow.

Language Arts: Students handed in Grammar Lesson 8 Complements: Subject Complements. We then began Grammar Lesson 9: Complements: Objects of Verbs - we as usual, did the first page together and they finished the rest. We then convened to the Writer's Workshop corner, we discussed getting stuck on one topic and then wrote "Stream of Consciousness" starting with a different topic than we have written about in our journals. Homework: Grammar Lesson 9, Write, READ! FYI: the first AR quiz for 2nd Marking Period is due tomorrow.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Monday, November 28

Science: Today we started data collection for "Is the Force With You?". Tomorrow we will complete data collection and begin working on graphs, which will continue on Wednesday. Completion of research is homework and rough drafts for peer review must be complete by Friday. Final drafts will be due on Tuesday, December 6 & the Unit 2 Test will be on Friday, December 9.

Geometry:  Today we completed an investigation regarding the midpoints of triangles and took the notes on 5.1 (Midsegment theorem & Coordinate proofs). 5.1 worksheet is homework and chapter 5 quiz will be Friday.

Pre-Algebra: We started to solve equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign.  Homework-worksheet 3.3, # 5-9.

Spanish I: Exs 1-5 pgs 90-91 are due tomorrow. Unit test 1.3 is on Monday, December 5th

Language Arts: Students completed Grammar #8 (Subject Complements) and were given time to read and take AR quizzes. Don't forget, Wednesday is the deadline for the first AR quiz for this marking period. We then moved on to Day 5 of the Writer's Workshop. We spoke about truths and how they make writing more interesting. Attached is the note sheet from today's meeting.

Algebra (Graham): We went over our "problem solving workshop" problems that were handed in last week. We are working hard to get past the idea if it is a word problem, it must be too difficult. We discussed direct variation (finding the constant of variation) and graphing lines using 3 different methods. Chapter Test this Friday!!! Homework: worksheet reviewing slope and y intercept.

Algebra (Hill): Homework finish the section 4.5 packet
Humanities: Students presented their colonies project in class.No homework.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tuesday, November 22

Geometry: Took the chapter 4 test, no homework! Congratulations Geometry students on a 98% Test Average!

Science: Today we planned out our next inquiry lab "Is the Force with you?". Students will begin collecting data next week so they need to come prepared with any materials they need on Monday. No homework, but students could begin working on the research portion of their lab.

Spanish I: Exs 16, 17 and 18 pg 83. Due Monday, Nov 28. 1.3 unit test will be on Monday, Dec 5th. Study guides are on the blog and on my Berkley website. Click here for study guide.

Pre-Algebra: We did a mini assessment of lessons 3.1 and 3.2.  No homework.

Algebra (Hill): Homework finish the section 4.5 and 4.6 worksheet

Algebra (Graham): Finished up section 4.5. No homework... enjoy the long weekend! Our next test is scheduled for Friday, Dec. 2. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Language Arts: Students worked on Grammar #8 Subject Complements. We then moved on to our Writer's Workshop. I read an example of a "shareable piece" to the class and they commented on where there was a lack of detail and gave me good insightful comments on my piece. We then broke up and conferenced with our partners. NO HOMEWORK - We will finish Grammar #8 on Monday. No required journal entries required but students are encouraged to write about their Thanksgiving as it will be full of "moments" for our journal entries. Have a great Thanksgiving.

Humanities: Students finished the Geography Bee, shared current events and watched Student News in class. No homework. Have a happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday, November 21

Geometry: Went over the practice test and started working on the Chapter 4 review. Chapter 4 review (pages 282-285) odds is homework. Chapter 4 test is tomorrow!

Science: Completed the notes for Unit 2 and practiced calculating momentum. Homework is the momentum worksheet (# 1, 2, 5, 7 & 9), students MUST make problem solving boxes!

Humanities: Students turned in colonies projects and participated in the first rounds of the Geography Bee in class. No homework.

Language Arts: Students handed in their work from Friday. Grammar Lesson 7 was distributed. Students were given time to read or take AR quizzes. We continued our Writer's Workshop with Day 4 and discussing conferencing. Homework: Finish Grammar Lesson 7. Look through jottings in our Writer's Journal. Expand on one piece that we are willing to share with our partner. We will be conferencing tomorrow (Tuesday) so be prepared with a piece that is ready for a conference.

Pre-Algebra: We continued to work on 2-step equations.  Today we focused on using these equations to find the perimeter of figures.  We also worked on story problems.  These are very difficult to do.  Homework-worksheet 3.2, #14 - 20, and 22.

Spanish I: The 1.3 test will not be until the week of Dec 5th (probably on Dec 5th). We will finish the book exercises this week, and will do review exercises next week. The study guide will be handed out next week, but it will be on the blog and my Berkley website by the end of this week. Today's exercises #13, 14, and 15 on pgs 82-83 are due tomorrow.

Algebra (Hill): Homework section 4.3 problems 5-27 odd page 229 in your textbook and section 4.4 problems 19-31 odd page 240 in your textbook

Friday, November 18, 2011

Friday, November 18

Geometry: Went over the 4.8 homework and practiced writing proofs. The chapter 4 practice test is homework. Chapter 4 test is Tuesday, November 22.

Science: Completed investigation 3-A, momentum and the 3rd law. Quizzes were returned and quiz corrections were discussed. Quiz corrections are due on Tuesday, the quiz correction form is attached.

Art 7/8 : Andy Warhol inspired photo tinting continued. Most students are on picture two of themselves. Next week each student will do a photo of a staff member!

Advanced Art Grade 8: Shattered Value drawing continued. These should be completed before Thanksgiving break.

Algebra (Graham): Finished section 4.4. Homework 4.4 worksheet and problem solving worksheet (1-6). 4.4 worksheet is attached. Have a great weekend.

Humanities: Students turned in 4.4 and worked on a colonies project in class. The project is due Monday. Please see the attached rubric for expectations.

Spanish I: Ex 10, 11, & 12 pgs 80-81. Due Monday.

Pre-Algebra: We started lesson 3.2 (multi-step equations). Homework is worksheet 3.2, # 5, 6, 8, 10.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thursday, November 17

Science: Investigation 3-A, Momentum and the 3rd Law. Quizzes are graded but there are a few students who still need to complete the quiz, so I will pass them back tomorrow. Students will have an opportunity to complete quiz corrections.

Geometry: Went over the 4.7 homework and 4.8 notes (congruence transformations). 4.8 worksheet is homework. Chapter 4 test is Tuesday.

Language Arts: Students worked on Grammar Lesson #3 Verbs - Read and took AR quizzes at the beginning of class. We then moved on to Day 3 of Launching an essay in Writer's Workshop. All notes are attached. Homework: finish Grammar Lesson #3, write, read.

Pre-Algebra: We continued with 2-step equations.  Today we had to write an equation from a story problem and then solve it.  Homework is worksheet 3.1, #23 - 27.

Humanities: Students finished sharing current events, were introduced to 4.4 and began to work on a "free choice" for 4.4 in class. Homework is to complete the free choice by tomorrow.

Algebra (Graham) We did a basketball problem solving exercise today. Our focus this year in math is to help our students become excellent problem solvers. I have attached a copy of the exercise, if you are interested. We started section 4.4 today-didn't get very far. No official homework tonight, however, I did assign some more problem solving work that is due on Monday.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wednesday, November 16

Science: Took the Unit 2 quiz, no homework!

Geometry: Went over teh 4.6 homework and took notes on 4.7 (Isosceles & Equilateral Triangles). 4.7 worksheet is homework. Chapter 4 test is Tuesday, November 22.

Language Arts: Students worked on a Grammar worksheet on Simple Subjects and Predicates, if it was not completed in class it is homework. We then continued our Launching of Writer's Workshop. I read an excerpt from Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris (if you have read this I edited it) and then discussed hopes and regrets. Students then wrote about their own hopes and regrets in their Writer's Journal. Tonight's journal entry can either be a continuation of the entry started in class or another topic all together. Either way they must write tonight as well. Homework: Grammar Lesson 2 - Simple Subjects & Predicates. Write in Writer's Journal. Read AR book.

Spanish I: Ex 6 and 7 pgs 78-79. Due tomorrow

Pre-Algebra: We worked some more on 2-step equations.  Homework-worksheet 3.1, #2 - 22 evens.

Humanities: Students discussed 4.3 in the text and shared current events in class. No homework.

Algebra (Graham) Discussed x and y intercepts and what they mean in a real life example. Used the "cover up" method to find them when equations are in standard form. Homework: Review worksheet (manipulating equations and review of order of operations)

Algebra (Hill): Finish the four assigned challenge proplems you copied down in class today.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday, November 15

Science: Went over the Mass vs. Weight worksheet and had a conversation about perserverance and the importance of taking the time to read over examples and apply what we've learned to a new situation. Took notes on Speed vs. Time graphs and connected those notes to the data we collected on Friday. Unit 2 quiz is tomorrow, students are allowed to use notes & worksheets from this unit to help them on the quiz, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't study! The use of notes & worksheets is only helpful if students are familiar with and understand the information.

Geometry: Went over the 4.6 notes (Using corresponding parts of congruent triangles) and quizzes were returned. 4.6 worksheet is homework. Chapter 4 test is Tuesday, November 22.

Language Arts: Students handed in their Grammar Homework sheet. We then began our Writer's Workshop by talking about the Goals, and how to Launch an Essay. Students are to bring their Writer's Notebook to and from class/home each day. Every night students are to set aside some time to write. This is homework every night. This writing is not formal, it is "moment gathering" or "topic gathering" for later formal writing.  Attached are the goals we discussed today and the strategies we discussed. These should both be written down in your student's Writer's Journal as well. Happy Writing! Homework: Read and Write!

Spanish I: Exs #3,4, and 5 pgs 76-77. Due tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: We started to practice 2-step equations. No homework.

Humanities: Students reviewed 4.2 and worked on 4.3 in class. Homework is to finish 4.3 in class. Current events are due tomorrow.

Algebra (Hill): Finish you section 4.1, 4.7, and 3.8 homework packet .

Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, November 14

Science: Completed investigation on Newton's 2nd law and shared results. Lecture notes on mass vs. weight, free all & gravity. Homework is Mass vs. Weight worksheet (#6 is different on the worksheet handed out in class than here). Quiz on Wednesday.

Geometry: Went over the 4.5 worksheet and multiple ways to do the last proof & took the chapter 4 quiz. 4.6 notes are homework. Chapter 4 test is Tuesday.

Humanities: Students reviewed 4.1, were introduced to 4.2 and began working on "quiz" questions and answers in class. Homework is to complete the questions.

Algebra (Hill) Today we studied how to rearrange equations into point slope form. Students need to finish their sec 4.1, 4.7 and 3.8 home work packet.

Pre-Algebra: Students took the chapter 2 test.  No homework
Language Arts: Many students were out due to a field trip today, so we Read and took AR quizzes.  Students did a quick review of Subject and Predicate on a worksheet. Please remind your students to come to school prepared each day. In English students should have: Binder, pen or pencil, an AR book, any novel the class is currently reading. Students are coming to class expecting to be able to run back to their locker....daily. Students are not allowed to go to their lockers after class has started. Students need to be in the habit of being sure they have their supplies before they come to class.

Algebra (Graham): We had a surprise quiz today. Finished up section 4.2. No homework tonight.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Science: Collected data on the incline track to investigate how the car's acceleration changes as it moves down the track. No homework. Unit 2 quiz on Wednesday, November 16.

Geometry: Went over the 4.4 homework, proofs are getting so much easier! YEAH! Completed the 4.5 notes (proving triangles congruent by ASA & AAS). 4.5 worksheet is homework. Quiz on Monday, chapter 4 test Tuesday, November 22.

Language Arts: Students completed their The Giver final tests, read AR books and turned in any late books or Reader's Journals. It was a nice calm day!  Have a great weekend.

Spanish I: vocab quiz on 1.3 on Monday, November 14th, rough draft of All About Me due Monday. Nov 14th

Humanities: Students discussed Veterans Day, reviewed and worked on 4.1 and finished a video on the Salem Witch Trials in class. Homework is to complete a section assessment or questions for 4.1.

Algebra: Homework, worksheet 4.2 (1-10 only). Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thursday, November 10

Science: Went over Newton's 1st & 2nd law as well as the formula for the 2nd law, practiced solving problems. Newton's 2nd Law worksheet is homework, students must be careful to use the correct units (force in Newtons (N), mass in kilograms (kg), and acceleration in meters/second/second (m/s/s)). Another hint is that acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s/s.

Geometry: Went over the 4.3 homework and 4.4 notes (proving triangles congruent by SAS & HL). 4.4 worksheet is homework. Chapter 4 quiz on Monday, November 14, Chapter 4 test Tuesday, November 22.

Algebra (Graham): Finished up discussion about functions. We focused today on solving for a variable (section 3.8).  Homework: worksheet practicing that skill.

Algebra (Hill): Finish the graphing using function notation work sheet.

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed for our chapter 2 test.  It is tomorrow.

Spanish I: Vocab quiz on 1.3 on Monday, Nov 14th

Language Arts: Students handed in their Reader's Journal, The Giver book, and took their final test on our novel.  Those that did not complete their test will be given time to complete it tomorrow.  All students should have an AR book to read in class tomorrow (for a grade).

Humanities: Students shared current events, reviewed chapter 3 and watched a video on the Salem Witch Trials in class. No homework.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, November 9

Science: Completed notes on Newton's 2nd law (pages 35-38) using the jigsaw method. No homework. Unit 2 quiz on Wednesday, November 16.

Geometry: Went over the 4.2 homework, completed an activity to demonstrate SSS triangle congruence, and then completed the 4.3 notes (SSS triangle congruence). 4.3 worksheet is homework. Chapter 4 quiz on Monday, November 14. Chapter 4 test Tuesday, November 22.

Pre-Algebra: Students were given a review for their test on Friday.  We will review tomorrow.  Homework is to finish the review.

Language Arts: Students reviewed for their final test on The Giver with a "Vocabulary/Character Bee" students were able to show their vocabulary and story line prowess while earning WOW tickets. Tomorrow: Final Test on The Giver and Vocabulary lists 4-7, Reader's Journal due - all chapter section notes filled out - cover art illustrated, Book turn in for The Giver.

Spanish I: Vocab quiz on 1.3 on Monday Nov 14th.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 3, turned in homework folders and shared current events in class. No homework.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, Nov. 8 - DON'T FORGET TO VOTE!

Science: Students completed the Newton's 2nd law lab by comparing the acceleration of the car on the flat track compared to the level section. We also went over the Acceleration homework from Friday. No homework. The Unit 2 quiz will be on Wednesday, November 16.

Geometry: Went over the 4.1 homework and 4.2 notes (triangle congruence). Proofs will be a major part of this unit, students struggling with proofs are encouraged to take advantage of the help Mrs. Petersen offers Mon-Thurs during lunch. 4.2 worksheet is homework. 4.1-4.5 quiz will be on Monday and the Chapter 4 test will be on Tuesday, November 22.

Algebra (Hill): Chapter 6 test today no homework.

Algebra (Graham) Finished notes. Assigned worksheet 1.6,1.7,4.7 (1-21) which I have attached

Pre-Algebra: We started to solve simple equations with decimals.  Homework-worksheet 2.7, # 2 - 21, 31.

Language Arts: Students were given reading time and AR quiz time. We then checked the vocab review flip charts for lists 4-7. Together we made a character review flip chart, taken directly from the final. I read the essay options to the students so they could start formulating good 8th grade responses.Homework: - Study vocab for vocab bee tomorrow. Get an AR book - that is Friday's grade.

Spanish I: Vocabulary quiz 1.3 is on Monday, November 14th. Anyone who was absent today must take the 1,2 unit test at lunch time by this Friday.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7

Science: Investigation 2-B part 1, Newton's 2nd law and acceleration. Unit 2 quiz is scheduled for Wed. November 16. No homework.

Geometry: Began chapter 4, triangles, with the 4.1 notes. 4.1 worksheet is homework. Chapter 4 quiz is scheduled for Friday. Chapter 3 tests were returned and we briefly discussed the test. Students are always welcome at lunch if they have additional questions.

Pre-Algebra: We worked on lesson 2.6, multiplying and dividing with a variable. Homework-worksheet 2.6, # 1 - 20.

Language Arts: Students began their review for The Giver test on Thursday. We made "flip charts" for vocabulary lists 4, 5, 6, & 7. These are due for a homework grade tomorrow. We will also be making charts for the characters in The Giver and having a vocabulary bee on Wednesday. Thursday: The Giver Test & Reader's Journal due (all entries, vocab, and final draft illustration). Students will also be handing in their novels on Thursday as well. Homework: READ! Make vocab "Flip Charts" for lists 4-7.

Algebra (Hill): Chapter 6 Test Tomorrow. Homework finish even review problems in your chapter 6 review.

Spanish 1: All work assigned last week while I was absent is due by tomorrow. 1.2 Unit test is tomorrow.

Humanities: Students checked 3.2 notes, were introduced to 3.3 and began to work on 3.3 in class. Homework is to complete 3.3 notes for tomorrow. Folders are due tomorrow. Current events are due Wednesday.

NOV. P.E. QUESTION: How does the food we eat impact our health? Describe a healthy diet in detail by giving a three day example. Papers should be at least one page in length, completed on time, information accurate and neat. Papers are due on or before Monday, Nov. 21.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4

Science: Took a daily science quiz and watched Bill Nye: Forces & Motion. Acceleration worksheet is homework.

Geometry: Took the chapter 3 test, no homework!

Language Arts: Today's quiz was only Vocabulary. Class discussions were so animated and interesting yesterday we never got to the end of the book! We will be finishing our discussions today. Completed Reader's Journal and Cover Illustrations due Thursday, November 10th, The Giver Final Test Thursday, November 10th. "Read In" Friday, November 11th (Quiet Reading, a time for students to get a good head start on their AR books for 2nd card marking)

Algebra (Hill): Homework finish all odd problems in your test review packet.

Humanities: Students shared 3.1 section assessment, were introduced to 3.2 and worked on guided questions for 3.2 in class. Homework is to complete 3.2 guided questions.

Spanish I: Please check my blog today for notes ans messages. 1.2 test is still on Tuesday, November 8th

Pre-Algebra: We worked on lesson 2.5.  We are solving for the variable.  Homework-worksheet 2.5, # 1 - 15

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Thursday, November 3

Science: Began the unit 2 notes with a jigsaw notetaking activity. Click here for the unit 2 notes blank outline. 

Geometry: Went over the Chapter 3 practice test and discussed constructions. Homework is to complete the Chapter 3 review (odds only) and to practice constructions for tomorrow's test.

Humanities: Students finished sharing current events, completed atlas work were introduced to chapter 3 and began work on 3.1 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete atlas work and 3.1 section assessment.

Language Arts: Journals were checked, vocabulary was found within the text, and our class discussion was not completed....lots to discuss and many questions. Tomorrow's quiz will be vocabulary only. Next week will be all review of The Giver. Final test will be on Thursday, November 10th. Final draft of the Reader's Journal is also due on Thursday. Students will need these to review pertinent parts of the book.  Final draft of the Reader's Journal includes all chapter sections filled out completely and with insightful entries/questions that show student was reading the book. A final draft of a cover....student's favorite scene or imagery from the book. Final draft of an illustration is something that can't be erased. If students want to use pencil (due to the black and white community) they must cover their illustration with clear contact paper or laminate so that it cannot be erased. Don't forget we have a fresh batch of AR books to be read for this marking period. 3 more books, that equates to a book a month.

Algebra (Graham): Test today! No homework.

Pre-Algebra: We went over lesson 2.4. It was pretty easy. We started the homework in class. If they did not finish, it is homework. Homework is worksheet 2.4, # 1 - 18.

Spanish I: Reminder: All work done while I have been absent is due by Monday, November 7th. you will go over it tomorrow with Ms. Campbell in class. The 1.2 Unit test is this Tuesday, November 8th and we will review for it on Monday. Chicago trip: please make your first payment of $50 as soon as you can. If you have not registered yet, please try to register by this weekend.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wednesday, November 2

Geometry: Went over the 3.6 worksheet (students need to remember to use EVERYTHING they have learned in a chapter to figure out how to solve problems sometimes, we're working on having a more zen-like attitude towards mathematics) & practiced constructions (big deep breath in, deep breath out). The practice test is homework. Chapter 3 test is Friday.

Science: Completed investigation 2-A (The Law of Inertia) by seeing how mass affects speed on a downhill compared to the flat track.

Humanities: Students shared current events, completed atlas work and finished taking notes on a video on the English colonies. Homework is to complete atlas work.

Language Arts: Students wrote for 20 minutes "stream of consciousness" on one of the three topics:

1 - What is one goal or hope you have for the future? Explain why it is important to you.
2 - Write about a superstition you believe in. Explain why you believe in it.
3 - Your topic.
We then worked on our sentence structure in our Grammar unit. Homework: READ! Completed Journal for The Giver is due Thursday, November 10th. Final Test for The Giver and Vocabulary lists #4-#7 Thursday, November 10th

Algebra (Hill): Today we reviewed how to solve inequalities that include an absolute value.

Algebra (Graham): Test over sections 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 tomorrow. We have reviewed for 2 days in class and with some work tonight we will all be ready! I have attached the review (same as yesterday's). We gave out the answers today in class. As always, I am available before school and during lunch.

Pre-Algebra: Students were given a review packet today.  It is all due tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday, November 1

Science: Continued Investigation 2-A (The Law of Inertia) by graphing the mass and speed data we collected yesterday. No homework!

Geometry: Completed the 3.6 notes (proving lines perpendicular). 3.6 worksheet is homework. Chapter 3 test is Friday.

Humanities: Students continued to work with atlases as an introduction to the thirteen British colonies. Current events due tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: Some students took the quiz on lessons 2.1 - 2.3. I gave the students the option of taking it tomorrow due to Halloween. Those who did not take it today will tomorrow. They will swap assignments. Those who did not take quiz must do pages 108 and 109, # 5 - 24.

Art 7/8: 1st hr. - Demonstration on using oil pastels and blending stumps to create our Andy Warhol inspired photos. 4th and 5th hrs.- Discuss the history of Andy Warhol.

Advanced Art grade 8: Demonstration on "shattering" the subject in their current drawings.

Algebra (Graham) Reviewed section 6.6 today. We have a test covering sections 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 on Thursday! Remember I am available before school and at lunch for extra help. I have attached the review that students will be given tomorrow if they want to get a head start. Our homework today was worksheet 6.6 which I have also included.