Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Tuesday, October 25

Science: Took the Unit 1 Test. Labs are graded and will be returned to families at conferences this Wednesday & Thursday, or to students on Friday. (Mrs. Petersen is out sick today).

Geometry: Went over the 3.2 homework and 3.3 notes (proving parallel lines using angle relationships). 3.3 worksheet is homework. Chapter 3 quiz is Thursday, October 27 and chapter 3 test is Friday, November 4. (Mrs. Petersen is out sick today)

Humanities: Students corrected chapter 2 tests and listened to a presentation from Mrs. Weiss in class. Current events are due tomorrow.

Language Arts: Students worked on getting caught up, this week is going to be crazy...here is the schedule.
WednesdayThe Giver Chapters 16-19 journal due.  Class discussion in prep for Quiz. LAST chance to hand in Publishable Science Fiction Piece and Illustration to be included in "Science Fiction Anthology".  5th Hour is the only class with 100% turn-in. AFTERNOON classes - last day for AR Quizzes, your The Giver  quiz will most likely be MON. Thursday - 1/2 Day - Hours 1,2,3,4 - The Giver Quiz, last day for AR Quizzes for 1st Marking Period. Friday - 1/2 Day - Hours 4,5,6,7 (9:30-? Halloween Parade) will need to be a catch up day as not sure who I will see and who I won't.

Algebra (Hill): Today we reviewed for tomorrows Chapter 3 Test. Homework: Study your notes, review packet, and the chapter 3 review in your Algebra 1 textbook.

Algebra (Graham) Started 6.4 today-compound inequalities. Assignment- finish problems on the notes (only 2 problems)

Pre-Algebra: We talked about combining like terms.  Homework is worksheet 2.3, # 2 - 9

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