Monday, October 31, 2011

Monday, October 31

Science: Began Unit 2: Newton's Laws of Motion with Investigation 2-A, which involved collecting speed data for cars of varying mass on a flat track. No homework!

Geometry: Went over the 3.4 homework and 3.5 notes (equations of lines using slope-intercept and standard form) and quizzes were returned.. This section should come very easy to students as it is all review from algebra. 3.5 worksheet is homework. Chapter 3 test is Friday

Humanities: Students discussed chapter 1-2 quiz, were introduced to English colonization and worked on atlas sheets in class. No homework. Current events due Wednesday. Happy Halloween.

Spanish I; Ex2 8, 10, 11 due tomorrow. 1,2 unit test will be either next Monday, november 7th or Tuesday, November 8th

Pre-Algebra: We reviewed for a quiz tomorrow on lessons 2.1 - 2.3.  Students were given the review sheet last Wednesday.

Language Arts: Students received their final group of vocabulary words for their Science Fiction/The Giver Unit. Journal for chapters 20-23 is due Thursday - every student should include their theory on what the end of the book means....we will be debating/discussing that next week (as there is no "right" answer). Chapters 20-23 quiz is Friday as usual. Final test for The Giver will begin NEXT Thursday, November 10th. This will include vocabulary from all chapter sections as well as content questions.  Please remember, with a new marking period come 3 new AR books due. If your student is reading a book a month and taking the quizzes, he/she should be on track. Homework: Read

Algebra (Graham): Homework: finish 2 problems on notes from 6.6, Test over sections 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 will be on Thursday! Have fun Trick or Treating!

Algebra (Hill): Today we talked about solving expressions containing an absolute value  Homework: Study your 6.5 notes

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