Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23

Please don't forget to turn in your donations for the Norup PTA Fun-Run!

Science: Went over the "Scientific Processes" worksheet and took the first daily science quiz. Labs were returned and lab corrections were discussed. Lab corrections are due on Wednesday, September 29.

Geometry: Went over the practice test. Chapter 1 Review, pages 60-63, odds is homework. Chapter 1 test Monday!

Spanish I worksheet is due on Monday. Vocabulary quiz on words on pg 47 is next Wednesday.

Pre-Algebra: We talked about last nights homework on powers and exponents. Students were given a practice quiz to finish for homework by Monday. Quiz is Tuesday.

Humanities: Students concluded our PBIS expectations, reviewed IB traits and answered several questions related to the values found in our IB traits. Homework is to complete the IB questions if you did not do so in class.

Algebra (Hill): Today we studied problem solving strategies, and rules for manipulating real number expressions. Homework: Study for Mondays quiz on sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, Page 82 problems 3-8

Algebra (Graham) Took a super easy quiz today. After the quiz, the assignment was to complete the notes from section 2.4. There are 2 story problems that are causing some stress. That's okay. Problem solving can be stressful. Give them a chance to talk it through, develop a plan, get started and see where they land. If they cannot finish it, we will go over them in class. Have a great weekend!


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