Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday, September 28

Science: Practiced conversions in the metric system. Students came up with their own mnemonic device to help them. King Henry Died By Drinking Chocolate Milk is the example we worked off of. We then used our mnemonic devices to do some conversions in the metric system. We will have our first quiz on Tuesday, October 4. Quizzes are open note & homework, meaning students may use any of their notes or homework worksheets to help them on the quiz. Lab corrections are due on Monday, October 3.

Geometry: Went over the 2.1 notes (inductive reasoning, conjectures & counterexamples) and the Chapter 1 test in class. 2.1 worksheet is homework. 2.1-2.4 quiz will be Friday, October 7.

Algebra (Hill): Today we continued our discussion regarding the distributive property. Homework Section 2.5 Problems 4-40 Multiples of 4

Algebra(Graham) Worked on the distributive property. No homework!

Language Arts: Students have been writing and rewriting Science Fiction Stories all week. We held Peer Conferences with those that had their rewrite done for class. Next week will begin our first novel unit The Giver by Lois Lowry....I know many students have heard this book read as a read aloud, please encourage them to read the chapter sections and make notes in their reader's journals as there are many mature topics that I'm sure previous teachers didn't touch on (euthanasia, communism, etc). The first of three AR quizzes should have been taken by last Friday, I have been encouraging students to get this done while we didn't have a class novel unit....most didn't take my suggestion to get on AR quiz under their belt and we are almost halfway through the marking period. I did enter zeros for those that haven't taken one yet to light a fire under the students. These quizzes are not due until the end of the marking period, but there is slim to no chance for a student to take 3 of these quizzes in one week. Please speak to your student about this and the factor of time management. I have been trying to guide the students, many feel they can get it all done at the end and that worries me. Homework: Read, Finish any revisions needed for Science Fiction paper

Pre-Algebra: We worked on subtracting integers. Homework-worksheet 1.6, evens.

Spanish I: Flashcards on 1.2 (pg 69) are due by next Wednesday.

Humanities: Students finished values presentations and shared current events in class. No homework.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tuesday, September 27

Science: Today we learned how to calculate velocity, distance and speed. After doing several practice problems in class the Speed Worksheet was assigned for homework. Lab Correction due date has been pushed back to Monday, October 3!

Geometry: Today we worked on the "Hexagon Train" problem solving task. Later in this unit we will analyze all the different ways possible to solve this problem. 2.1 notes are homework. The chapter 1 tests are graded, the class average was 89%, nice work for the first test of the year!

Pre-Algebra: We took a quiz on lesson 1.1 - 1.4.  Students worked on worksheet 1.5 all.  It is homework if they didn't finish.

Spanish I: Vocab quiz tomorrow (words on pg 47)

Algebra (Hill) Today we explored the distributive property in class. Home work finish the 1st page front and back of your 2.5 notes.

Humanities: Students shared values presentations in class. Current events due tomorrow.

Algebra (Graham): No homework!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Monday, September 26

Mrs. Petersen is home sick today.

Science: Students completed jigsaw notes for pages 13-16. No homework, lab corrections are due on Wednesday.

Geometry: Students took the Chapter 1 test.

Humanities: Students reviewed IB traits, were introduced and worked on the final project for our values unit. Homework is to complete a three to five paragraph essay in which you do the following: Paragraph one-Intro self, story and value. Paragraph two-five-Tell story-use vivid detail. Final Paragraph-Answer IB question-How do values affect our world? Papers will be presented in class Tuesday and Wednesday. Current events due Wednesday.

Spanish I: vocab quiz this Wednesday on pg 47 words 

Art 7/8 : Students have now completed sketchbook covers. We are moving onto an "embossed" aluminum project. Students will spend today creating their geometric designs for this project.
Advanced Art grade 8: #2 daily still life continued. Most students have formulated their "PUN" for their flowers and have moved onto the final drawing using ebony pencil.

Algebra (Graham) Handed back their quizzes.  Finished up section 2.4. Homework: worksheet 2.4B (all).

Pre-Algebra: We reviewed for our quiz tomorrow on lessons 1.1 - 1.4.  We also started talking about adding integers.  Homework-Study for your quiz tomorrow. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Friday, September 23

Please don't forget to turn in your donations for the Norup PTA Fun-Run!

Science: Went over the "Scientific Processes" worksheet and took the first daily science quiz. Labs were returned and lab corrections were discussed. Lab corrections are due on Wednesday, September 29.

Geometry: Went over the practice test. Chapter 1 Review, pages 60-63, odds is homework. Chapter 1 test Monday!

Spanish I worksheet is due on Monday. Vocabulary quiz on words on pg 47 is next Wednesday.

Pre-Algebra: We talked about last nights homework on powers and exponents. Students were given a practice quiz to finish for homework by Monday. Quiz is Tuesday.

Humanities: Students concluded our PBIS expectations, reviewed IB traits and answered several questions related to the values found in our IB traits. Homework is to complete the IB questions if you did not do so in class.

Algebra (Hill): Today we studied problem solving strategies, and rules for manipulating real number expressions. Homework: Study for Mondays quiz on sections 2.1, 2.2, and 2.3, Page 82 problems 3-8

Algebra (Graham) Took a super easy quiz today. After the quiz, the assignment was to complete the notes from section 2.4. There are 2 story problems that are causing some stress. That's okay. Problem solving can be stressful. Give them a chance to talk it through, develop a plan, get started and see where they land. If they cannot finish it, we will go over them in class. Have a great weekend!


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday, September 22

Science: Students worked on Investigation 1-B (Systems, Energy & Change) as groups in class. We will go over the Scientific Processes homework tomorrow and labs will also be returned tomorrow (I'm 2/3 of the way done grading!). No homework (exception is 3rd hour, who is a day behind due to the Peace Day Parade yesteday).

Geometry: We discussed the 1.7 homework from last night. The Chapter 1 Practice Test is homework. Chapter 1 Test is Monday, September 29.

Pre-Algebra: We talked about integers and absolute value (lesson 1.4).  Homework is out of the book, page 25, #18 - 50 evens.

Language Arts: Students turned in their vocabulary sentences. We reviewed the notes taken on Science Fiction yesterday and started Future Tense by Robert Lipsyte. We practiced writing in a Reader's Journal while reading a story and will continue tomorrow. Homework: READ - Study for Vocabulary Quiz

Humanities: Students received homework folders, discussed grades and shared current events in class. No homework.
Spanish I: Vocabulary quiz next Wednesday, Sept 28th on the words on page 47

Physical Education: SEPTEMBER FITNESS QUESTION- Describe in detail how physically active you were over the summer. Highly active = 2 or more hours a day; Moderately active = 1 or more hours a day; Low activity less than an hour most days of the week. You have been pre-tested in push ups, sit ups, sit n reach, shuttle run and mile run for the Presidential Fitness Test. What areas do you most need to focus on to show improvement? You can compare your scores to the chart posted in the gym. Essays should be of high quality, informative, neat and completed on time. Papers are due on or before Monday, September 26, 2011.

Algebra (Graham): Homework tonight is to make 4 flash cards of the 4 Addition Properties (commutative, associative, identity and inverse).  I showed them what I expected to see on the cards.  Study for the quiz (2.1 to 2.3) which is tomorrow!!

Algebra (Hill): Today we discussed absolute value as well as several properties related to manipulating algebraic expressions. Homework:  2.1 problems 2-36 even and 54, 2.2 Problems 5-55 multiples of 5

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wedensday, Sept. 21

Science: Today we completed the jigsaw notes for pages 6, 8, 9, 11 & 12. Homework is to complete the Scientific Processes Worksheet.

Geometry: Completed notes on section 1.7 (perimeter, area and circumfrence of cirlces and polygons). 1.7 worksheet is homework. Chapter 1 test is Monday, September 26.

Language Arts: Students wrote sentences for each of their Vocab #2 words and then labeled each with the part of speech. This is to be finished as homework. We then continued our class read of Rain, Rain, Go Away by Isaac Asimov. Homework: READ! Finish Vocab Sentences tonight for homework. First of three AR Quizzes for First Marking period should be taken by the end of this week, Monday, Sept 26th the latest.

Pre-Algebra: We finished notes on order of operations. Homework-worksheet 1.3, # 11 - 27 (odds).

Physical Education: SEPTEMBER FITNESS QUESTION- Describe in detail how physically active you were over the summer. Highly active = 2 or more hours a day; Moderately active = 1 or more hours a day; Low activity less than an hour most days of the week. You have been pre-tested in push ups, sit ups, sit n reach, shuttle run and mile run for the Presidential Fitness Test. What areas do you most need to focus on to show improvement? You can compare your scores to the chart posted in the gym. Essays should be of high quality, informative, neat and completed on time. Papers are due on or before Monday, September 26, 2011.

Algebra (Hill): Today we participated in the peace day parade...No homework!

Algebra (Graham): Discussed properties of addition (2.2), Homework p. 65. (5-55 multiples of 5). Quiz over sections 2.1 - 2.3 on Friday!

Humanities: Students watched a video on, and discussed, peace day. Current events and Core Democratic Values packets due tomorrow.

Spanish I: Flashcards from page 47 are due by Friday. They will not get any credit if not done by this Friday.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday, September 20

Science: Today we learned how to do "Jigsaw" note-taking by taking notes on pages 6, 8, 9, 11 & 12. Click here for a copy of the Unit 1 notes.

Geometry: Completed the 1.6 notes (polygons), 1.6 worksheet is homework. Chapter 1 test is Monday, September 26.

Language Arts: Students used their Vocabulary words in their Journal entry What is your most prized possession? Explain why it is so important to you. What do you think would happen if all the clocks and watches in the world started going backwards. Your own topic. We started the Science Fiction Unit in our Anthology. Students took notes on what Science Fiction is, and we began reading "Rain, Rain, Go Away" by Isaac Asimov. Homework: READ!

Pre-Algebra: We started notes today on order of operations. Homework - worksheet 1.3, # 1 - 9.

Spanish I: flash cards on 1.1 (pg 47) must be done by this Friday, or you will not get a grade for them. Today's homework sheet is due by tomorrow (and you have one week to complete it)

Art 7/8: Students are completing the marker portion of their sketchbook covers. They are putting the sketchbooks together today.

Advanced Art grade 8: Today we begin still life #2. Yesterday first still life was graded. Students are also brainstorming ideas for their "Flower Pun" drawings. Thumbnail sketches will be completed today.

Humanities: Students reviewed current events and worked on a current events packet in class today. Peace day tomorrow...please wear blue and white. Homework is to complete current events and core democratic value packets by THURSDAY.

Algebra (Graham) Finished section 2.1. Ask your son or daughter, "What is the difference between an irrational and a rational number?" Homework: worksheet 2.1B (all)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, September 19, 2011

Science: Students recieved science books or CD's today and did a textbook scavenger hunt to get acclimated to their new textbooks. "Candy Coated" lab was turned in and I am hoping to get the labs all read and returned to students by Friday. No Homework!!!!

Geometry: Quizzes were returned, students may do quiz corrections for 1/2 credit. Quiz corrections must be on a separate sheet of paper (or the back of the quiz) and have work shown or explanation for each question. We also went over the 1.5 notes, 1.5 worksheet is homework. Chapter 1 test will be Monday, September 26.

Pre-Algebra-We talked about powers and exponents today. Homework-worksheet 1.2, odds.

Language Arts: Students discussed the new Vocabulary List (#2) and were given the definition. Work from last week was handed back (Friday's are too crazy for hand back day so I'm going to try out Mondays).  Students were reminded that we will be starting our first novel unit next week, therefore they should have at least one book read and tested by the end of the week. All 8th grade students should have an AR book with them daily for "free time" reading. Three books are due by the end of the marking period...which is October 28th. Homework: READ

Humanities: Students shared college essays and reviewed the Core Democratic Values in class. Homework is to write about which value is most important to you and why. Be sure to share and discuss your choice with somebody at home.

Algebra (Graham): I handed back the quizzes from Friday. Please look them over to clear up any misconceptions before the Unit test. Please contact me if you have any concerns. We started section 2.1 today. We will finish it tomorrow. No homework tonight!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday, September 16

Geometry: Students took the 1.1-1.4 quiz. Completing the 1.5 notes is homework (we will go over the notes on Monday). Students need to use their textbooks to help them complete the notes, the examples in the notes are very similar to the examples in the book.

Science: Today we completed Investigation 1-A by collecting data with the cars and the tracks. Students investigated how changing distance between photogates (independent variable) affects the amount of time it takes for the car to travel between the photogates (dependent variable). Homework is to complete the "Candy Coated" Lab, final draft is due on Monday, this is a TEST grade!!!!!!!

Language Arts: Students took a "MAZE" reading assessment. Our first vocabulary quiz went very well. Students need to remember to have their AR book with them every day, as when they are done with their quiz or classwork they may use that time to read. The AR computer was open and many students used this time to get up to date with their quarterly 3 book requirement. Great Job 8th Graders! Homework: READ!  New Vocab on Monday and the beginning of our Science Fiction Unit.

Pre-Algebra: We finished talking about lesson 1.1.  Homework is worksheet 1.1 2 - 28 evens.

Humanaties: Students reviewed constitutional values, discussed the pursuit of happiness as found in the Declaration of Independence and related it to a conversation about higher education. Homework is to complete a three paragraph "college entrance essay." Paragraph one is to list the college you would like to attend and why. Paragraph two is to say what you would like to do/be when you grow up and why. Paragraph three is to tell why the college should choose you above all others.

Algebra (Graham) Quiz today - no homework. Have a great weekend!

Algebra (Hill): Today we completed our first quiz covering chapter 1. Homework: Read through each of the example problems in section 2.1 of the textbook. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday, September 15

Science: Today we peer reviewed the "Candy Coated Lab". Final draft is due on Monday, September 19. Click here for a copy of the rubric.

Geometry: Completed the 1.4 notes (measuring angles & angle bisectors). 1.4 worksheet is homework. 1.1-1.4 quiz tomorrow!

Language Arts: Due today - Text Reading Strategies Students made "Cootie Catchers" with their vocabulary words. They then practiced their words. We then worked on long reading selection test taking skills. Students have a packet of a sample test to take tonight and we will review it tomorrow. Homework- Study vocabulary words, Reading Test Model - "Finding a Bit of History". Tomorrow - Vocabulary Quiz - Review Reading Test Model.

Art 7/8: Sketchbook covers continued. Most students are on the black marker portion.

Advanced Art grade 8: Day 3 of still life. Value bars will be completed today. Demonstration on blending stumps and into about "Flower Pun" drawings.

Spanish I: Alphabet quiz on Tuesday, Sept 20th.  Retakes on today's vocab quiz can be at any lunch time starting tomorrow. Date homework is due tomorrow.

Humanities: Students celebrated Constitution Day and discussed how this document provides use with shared values. No homework.

Pre-Algebra: We started new notes on variables and expressions.  Students were given a take home quiz on stem-and-leafs and box-and-whiskers.  They can use any notes or homework assignments to complete this.  It is a quiz grade.

Algebra (Graham): Homework Worksheet 1.5B (evens only), Quiz tomorrow over sections 1.1-1.5. I can feel the high stress level in our discussions about the upcoming quiz. They can look over problems and examples in the textbook, look over their notes, and come and see me in the tech room at lunch (they need to get a pass first).

Algebra (Hill): Today we studied problem solving strategies as they apply to story problems. Homework: Page 32 problems 14-18

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Wednesday, September 14

Geometry: Today we completed section 1.3 notes with a discussion and explanation of the distance formula (pythagorean theorem in disguise!). Homework is to complete the 1.3 worksheet. 1.1-1.4 quiz on Friday.

Science: We continued with investigation 1-A with a discovery of how two photogates can work together and how they collect data from a car on a track. Rough draft of the "Candy Coated Lab" is due tomorrow for peer review. Final draft is due on Monday, September 19. THIS IS A TEST GRADE!

Spanish I: vocab quiz tomorrow. Alphabet quiz on Tuesday

Pre-Algebra: We finished our double stem-and-leaf plots. Homework- worksheet 12.2, # 1 - 5, 9 - 15, 17

Language Arts: Students used all their vocabulary words in sentences and then shared. We then continued our reading strategies with learning what to look for in a text book. If not finished this is due for homework. Second hour also had our magazine strategies on "Modern Cowboys" to complete today as we had assemblies yesterday and Monday. Homework: "Minders, Ranchers, and Cowhands" text book reading strategies worksheet, study for vocabulary quiz on Friday, and READ!

Physical Education: SEPTEMBER FITNESS QUESTION- Describe in detail how physically active you were over the summer. Highly active = 2 or more hours a day; Moderately active = 1 or more hours a day; Low activity less than an hour most days of the week. You have been pre-tested in push ups, sit ups, sit n reach, shuttle run and mile run for the Presidential Fitness Test. What areas do you most need to focus on to show improvement? You can compare your scores to the chart posted in the gym. Essays should be of high quality, informative, neat and completed on time. Papers are due on or before Monday, September 26, 2011.

Algebra 1(Hill) Today we used box and whisker plots to compare sets of scientific data. Homework review your notes from section 1.1-1.4, there is a quiz on 1.1-1.5 on Friday.

Algebra (Graham) We worked in groups solving problems on p.27 in the textbooks. There is no homework tonight! Remember, Quiz on Friday.

Humanities: Students reviewed current event expectations, worked on a "practice" current event and discussed freedom of press in preparation for Constitution Day. Homework is to have parents sign expectations sheet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Tuesday, September 13

Geometry: Began taking notes on section 1.3 (midpoint and distance formulas). We completed the first half of the notes, through the midpoint formula. Homework is to complete #1-15 on the 1.3 worksheet. First quiz will be Friday, September 16!

Science: Today students were introduced to some of the equipment we will be using this year, such as photogates and timers. Tomorrow we will break out the cars and tracks and see how the photogates are used to collect extremely accurate data. Homework is to complete a rough draft for the "Candy Coated Lab" for peer review on Thursday. The final lab is due on Monday, September 19.

Art 7/8 : Students continue working on sketchbook covers. Today I will demonstrate adding black marker to the drawing.

Advanced Art grade 8 : This is day 2 of still life drawings. Students will also work on creating 2 value bars today. One will be blended and the other textured.

Pre-Algebra: We continued to work on Box-and Whisker plots. We were making double Box-and Whisker plots with partners in class. We did not get finished. No homework.

Spanish 1- Reminder: Spanish I vocab quiz this Thursday

Algebra (Hill): What we did today, Today we studied how to represent and solve inequalities. Home work: Section 1.3 Problems 3-33 only the multiples of three

Algebra (Graham): We started notes on section 1.3. Their assignment is to do the problems on the back of the notes. Quiz Friday! (sections 1.1 to 1.5)

Language Arts: We had another assembly during 2nd hour, so work was light so 2nd hour could catch up with the rest of us :) Please use 3-4 vocabulary words in your journal entry. Write at least a half a page on one of the following prompts:  Would you rather be a dog or a cat? Give at least three reasons why. Who or what makes you laugh? Why? Topic of your choice. Students discussed and answered questions on strategies of reading a Magazine article. Silent reading time for AR requirements. Reminder: Friday is our first Vocabulary quiz, please work on studying and using the words.

Humanities: Students continued our conversation on current events related to values in class today. No homework.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday, September 12

Geometry: Students began class by doing a problem solving puzzle related to line segments. We also discussed appropriate behavior in the office as part of the PBIS expectations. Finally, we completed 1.2 notes (Using Segments & Congruence), 1.2 ENTIRE worksheet is homework. We will have our first quiz on Friday.

Pre-Algebra: Today we started to talk about box-and whisker plots. We made on together. No homework.

Algebra (Graham) We did a problem solving activity today, ask your son or daughter about it. We are continuing to review MEAP type problems. I handed out the code for accessing the textbook online...try it out. Homework worksheet 1.3

Algebra (Hill):  Today we practiced converting patterns into expressions and translating verbal phrases into expressions. Homework:  Section 1.3 Page 18 Problems 3-12 odd, 15,16,17,and 31

Course 3 (Graham) We went over MEAP practice problems. We debriefed about our Bar Graphs and introduced histograms. We passed out textbooks today. I handed each student a code for accessing the book online. Try it out! Homework worksheet on Bar Graphs and Histogram

Humanities: Students shared 9-11 interviews, discussed the relationship between current and historic events and compared and contrasted four news sources in class. No homework.

Language Arts: We reviewed the Expectations for behavior during "Indoor Recess".  Vocabulary list #1 was presented, students copied the words into their "Vocabulary" section of their binder and then the definitions were discussed and written down as well.  Due to multiple assemblies and a field trip this week each hour will be at a different place in the lessons.  All will get each lesson planned and will be prepared for our Vocabulary Quiz on Friday.

Science: Today we worked on writing the "Conclusion" and "Critique/Reflection" sections of the Candy Coated Lab. This is the last day we will work on the lab in class. Homework is to complete a rough draft of the lab for the peer review on Thursday, September 15. The final draft will be due on Monday, September 19.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Friday, Sept 9

Science: Today we worked on making the graphs and writing the results section of the "Candy Coated Lab". On Monday we will complete our conclusions and critique reflection. Homework is to make sure that students have completed their candy research. See yesterday's post for a copy of the lab handout.

Geometry: Completed 1.1 notes. The rest of the 1.1 worksheet is homework (posted yesterday).

Spanish I students: vocabulary quiz next Thursday on the Etapa Preliminar words

Pre-Algebra: We finished talking about stem-and-leaf plots. Students jumped rope so that we could gather data. Homework-Make a stem-and-leaf plot with our "jump" data.

Humanities: Students shared "value interview" responses, discussed 9-11 and were introduced to a 9-11 interview they are expected to give parents this weekend. Homework is to complete the 9-11 interview. Interview questions are attached.

Algebra (Hill) Today we evaluated expressions,translated verbal phrases into expressions, and applied the order of operations. Homework: Review your notes from section 1.1,1.2,and 2.7 Have a wonder full weekend! (Graham) We practiced for the MEAP. Problems are in their homework section of their notebooks. Take a look at them. I got them from a search on Google "8th grade MEAP math problems" Lesson 1.2 on order of operations. Homework p. 10 (3-18 multiples of 3, 25,27,29,34,36) Sorry about the hassle of bringing the book home. I will get the code soon. It's good exercise ;) Have a great weekend and Go Blue!

Course 3: Finished our Bar Graphs. No homework.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday, September 8

Science: Today we collected data for the "Candy Coated" Lab. Tomorrow we will graph the data and work on data analysis, drawing conclusions and reflection. Students will need to have their research completed by Monday. Click here for a copy of the lab.

Geometry: We began our investigation into geometry by coming up with definitions for line segments by comparing pictures of segments to pictures of non-segments and completed half of the notes for section 1.1. Homework is 1.1 worksheet #1-8.

Language Arts: Students "personalized" their Personal Journals with colored paper, pictures and drawings. When personalization was done their first entry was to be started. After Personlaizing your Personal Journal, please pick one topic and write a half a page:
1- Explain what you like and dislike about your name.
2- Write freely about your biggest fear.
3 - Topic of your choice.

Summer Reading AR quizzes were taken, a few students needed to spill into tomorrow, no worries I will open up our computers tomorrow as well.

Algebra (Hill): What we did today- Solving algebraic expressions. Homework- section 1.2 Problems 1-16 even 22-28 even and 36

Algebra (Graham): Took notes on sections 1.1/2.7. Ask what is the difference between a math sentence and a math expression??? Homework - page 5. (#3,6,9,12,26,28,35).

Course 3: Started work on Bar Graph project - no homework

Pre-Algebra: We started to talk about Stem and Leaf plots.  No homework.

Art 7/8 : Students begin sketchbook covers today using the Elements and Principles of Design. They will also incorporate their name and 1 IB Trait and 1 Attitude.

Advanced Art 8: Portfolios and sketchbooks need to be purchased. Students are currently working on a grid about the Element and Principles of Design.

Humanities: Students were introduced to our first IB question, "How do values affect our world?" and discussed values and their sources in class today. Homework is to interview parents about values. Interview questions are attached.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday, September 7

Science: Began our introductory unit "How Do Scientists Communicate?" by writing the purpose and hypothesis for A Candy Coated Lab. Students will be collecting data tomorrow and Friday! Homework is to begin working on researching the types of candy that will be used in the experiment.

Geometry: Today we began to think about reasoning and proofs by completing "Comic Proofs". These will be posted in the classroom for everyone to see tonight during Curriculum night. Students were given comic strips that were cut up and had to decide on the correct order for the comic strip and provide reasoning for their decisions. Some comics were fairly straightforward and had only one logical solution/order, while others were less obvious and some had many possible solutions. We will discover that geometric proofs often portray these same characteristics.

Spanish I:  Students will be taking home their Spanish I textbook today, an information newsletter, and a course description of Spanish I. Please read carefully, and check out my Berkley website and my Spanish blog. Both website addresses are on the newsletter going home and on my Berkley website.

Course 3-Graham: We did some MEAP review problems. We started our Bar Graph Project.
??? Ask how we sorted into groups???
Projects will be completed tomorrow.

Algebra - Graham: MEAP review problems. Assigned books, started section 1.1/2.7
???Ask what is the difference between a numeric expression and an algebraic expression???

Humanities: -Students reviewed classroom expectations, filled out information cards and received books in class today. Students need to bring something to write with, something to write on, planners and books to class every day. No homework.

8th Grade LA - We reviewed classroom procedures and did a little bit of role playing. Thursday (tomorrow) and Friday we will be decorating our Journals, and summer reading AR quizzes.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday, September 6

Fantastic first day of school! It was so wonderful to meet everyone, this is going to be an amazing year. Don't forget the Open House/Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 7.

Science: All students who return the course syllabus signed tomorrow will be entered into a drawing  to recieve a slurpee at lunch on Friday delivered by Mrs. Petersen. Click here for a copy of the syllabus.

Geometry: Click here for the geometry syllabus.

Algebra & Course 3: Click here for the Course Expectations

Language Arts: 8th Grade ELA - We went over classroom practices and expectations.  Supplies are due by Friday.  Please have parents sign the Classroom Practices and Expectations (click here for a copy).

Humanities: Welcome to the 2011/2012 school year! We had a great first day. Students were introduced to teacher, room and expectations today. No Homework. Syllabus is attached.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome Back!

School starts on Tuesday, September 6 with a 1/2 day of school (8:15-11:30).