Thursday, February 25, 2010

Thursday, February 25

Science: Notes on pages 306-310. Ohm's Law #1-12 is homework. Students must make problem solving boxes!

Geometry: Chapter 7 practice test. Chapter 7 test is Tuesday.

Algebra 2: Practice for Chapter 8 Test on Friday. Students did Chapter 8 Test in book, this assignment is due on Friday.

Algebra: Took Chapter 7 Section 1-4 Quiz, in class. No homework.

Course 3: We checked 7.3 and did practice problems. No homework. Austin- We took notes on lesson 7.3. Homework-Worksheet 7.3, # 1 - 12.

Pre Algebra: We checked 6.1 Day 1 and then finished the notes for 6.1. Students do not have any homework.

LA - Journal #29- Fatima is a very spoiled girl. Show that she is spoiled without saying she is "spoiled" by describing what happens when she doesn't get a car for her birthday. Model and discuss thesis statement for literary novel analysis paper (due 3/12). HW - Study for grammar quiz DO/IO 2/26. Journals are due at 3:30pm - 2/26. (30 entries, 150points). TKM Ch19-24/WGTB 11-13

Journalism - worked on final articles. HW - none.

Humanities: students shared current events, discussed 11.1 and were introduced to 11.2 in class. no homework.

Spanish 1: Students performed the conversation today. This prepares them for a small (10 point) oral quiz on Monday in which they must retell the plot of the section from their own points of view. They must say 5 sentences about the section. They can use language from the section.
Homework for tomorrow: Mirada a 2-2 (look at 2-2).

Spanish 8: Today students presented the dialogue between Raúl and Lupe. There is no homework for tomorrow.


There are only seventy days left of middle school for 8th Graders at Norup International School. Spring is quickly approaching and March is going to be a busy month.

Mrs. Weiss visited all of the 8th Grade Language Arts classes today to speak with students about upcoming events. Most importantly, students will be visiting Berkley High School’s College and Career Fair on Monday, March 1st during 2nd hour (8:50 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.). The event is free of charge and all 8th grade students are required to attend.

Transportation will be provided via shuttle bus to-and-from Norup International School. Students must return a signed permission slip to Mrs. Weiss’ office TOMORROW, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26th. They will receive credit in Mrs. Klein’s Language Arts class for returning their permission slip on time.

Attached to this posting are copies of the permission slip, as well as a copy of upcoming events in the month of March.

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