Monday, September 14, 2009

Sept. 14

Science: Today we worked on graphs and data analysis for the candy coated lab. Rough draft for peer review is due Wednesday.

Geometry: Checked 1.1 homework and completed 1.2 notes. 1.2 worksheet is homework. 1.1-1.4 quiz Friday.

Algebra: 1.3 Homework. Quiz tomorrow on 1.1-1.3

Pre Algebra: 1.2 Homework

Algebra II: 1.5 and 1.6 Homework, Quiz tomorrow on 1.1-1.5

Course 3: Went over Order of Operations worksheet and started 1.2. We also did MEAP review.

Language Arts: Journal #3: Where would you go if you had the change to take one trip in a time machine? Why? We went over and looked at different types of texts. How to recognize these texts and how to adjust if don't understand what you are reading. HW: finishing up their journals.

Journalism: Class did not meet today - assembly for dress code and magazine kick-off

Humanities: Geography Handbook assessment (p. 20-all) due Wednesday. Current event due Wednesday.

Spanish: Please make sure you have the classroom vocabulary memorized and can speak the small paragraph about the day. The basic paragraph is:

Rellena los blancos (Fill in the blanks)
Feliz ______________________________ (the day of the week). _______________ (today) es el _______________ (date) de _____________________ (month). Ayer fue _______________ (the day of the week) y _______________ (tomorrow) es ______________________ (the day of the week).
Otherwise there is no written homework. ¡Feliz lunes!

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