Friday, September 30, 2016

Ramin - ELA

Today we celebrated our narrative poems with a mini Poetry Slam!

Have a great weekend! :)


Today we reviewed the metric conversion power point from yesterday. We also reviewed our results from both parts of investigation 1-B. Students were given time to finish up review questions and their IB Learner Profile, which both should be in their notebooks.

Reminder: First Daily Science Quiz on Wednesday, October 5th.


Classwork: Today we played a proof matching game and revisited the BHS game. Students also started working on "More Practice with Proofs about Line Segments and Angles".

Homework: Finish More Practice with Proofs about Line Segments and Angles

Coming Soon! Unit 1 Test Tuesday October, 11 and Constructions on Thursday, October 13

Spanish 2

Students presented their ¿Quién soy yo? projects. We will start Unit 5 when we return to school on Wednesday.

Canvasser Friday (9.30.16)

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Wednesday (10.5.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- Blue group can finish workbook pages ( day 3) if not completed in class. The signed math packet and multiplication sheet are due Monday (10.10.16) students should be studying their multiplication facts daily. The math test will also be on Monday (10.10.16) the math packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!

* Bring your AR books to class and home daily*

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students shared current events in class today.
-No homework.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Ramin - ELA

Narrative Poems are due tomorrow! :)


Spanish 2

Students worked on the visual portion of the ¿Quién soy yo? presentation in class.

Homework: Finalize visual and memorize script for presentations tomorrow. All digital visuals must be submitted through Google Classroom.


Classwork: Completed the Conclusions & Proof Practice

Homework: Proofs about line segments and angles handout

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students checked tests and watched student news in class today.
-Homework is to complete a current event for tomorrow.
-Current event sheets can be found on Ms. Stein's website.  Just go to the link on the blog. 


Today we are discussing the metric system and how to convert from one unit to another. We went through the discussion with a Power Point presentation and then practiced conversions. If students did not finish the conversions they need to finish the last page of the packet (both sides) as homework due tomorrow.


Reminder: We do not have school Monday & Tuesday. Our first Daily Science Quiz will be Wednesday, October 5th. Students are allowed to use their Daily Sciences #1-18 on the quiz so they should check them over to be sure they are complete.

Canvasser Thursday (9.29.16)

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Wednesday (10.5.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week! Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Red group can finish workbook pages ( day 2) if not completed in class. The signed math packet and multiplication sheet are due Monday (10.10.16), students should be studying their multiplication facts daily! Your notes, workbook pages, and homework packet are great study tools!

* Bring your AR book to class daily*

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Math 8 - Stone

I missed seeing you today. You should have completed most of your packet today in class. Come prepared to discuss it tomorrow.

Homework: Complete the Additional Practice math packet tonight. You should be feeling confident about finding the equation of a line with all that practice!

Ramin - ELA

- Students formed peer response groups to provide feedback on each other's narrative poems.  


- Read for an average of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Important Dates
F 9/30: Narrative Poems Due (on Google Classroom)
F 10/7: Reading Goal Halfway Check (less than two weeks away!!)
W 11/2: AR Points Due



Today we discussed various science tools and what they are used for in experiments. We reviewed our results from the first part of our investigation yesterday on systems. Ask your student: What was the one variable we investigated yesterday and how did it affect the car's speed?

Today we did the second part of the investigation by completing steps #7 & 8. If students did not finish reading and taking notes from pages 3-9 in the science book, they need to finish this as homework.

Our first Daily Science Quiz will be next Wednesday, October 5th. Students will use their Daily Sciences #1-18 from our daily class use to help them with this quiz.


Classwork: Continued our discussion of proofs and extended our understanding with the segment addition postulate, angle addition postulate and vertical angels theorem.

Homework: Introduction to proofs (1.6 notes addition) # 7-12 on pages 4-6.

Coming soon! Unit 1 test Tuesday, October 11

Canvasser Wednesday (9.28.16)

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Wednesday ( 10.5.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- The signed math packet and multiplication sheet are due Monday  (10.10.16) . Students should be studying daily, and practicing their multiplication facts. The homework packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools!

*Bring your AR books daily*

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-After two days of review, students took chapters 1-3 open book/note test in class today.
-If students did not finish, they can complete the test at home and turn it in tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Spanish 2

Students practiced conjugations and verb meanings to prepare for the conjugation quiz that they will take tomorrow.


Classwork: Began section 1.6 on proofs by playing the BHS game and working through algebraic proofs. Quizzes were returned and students were reminded that quizzes are low-stakes assessments meant to help practice. We also talked about the philosophy of teamwork during partner quizzes.

Homework: Intro to Proofs 1.6 add on notes #3-6 (A,B,C)

Coming Soon! Unit 1 Test Tuesday October 11


Students should have their IB learner profiles finished with descriptions and colored pictures. This is due today for Mr. Greer and is to be in the back of notebooks for Mrs. Wilcox's classes.

Today we started our second investigation on systems, variables, and change. We finished steps #1-4. Students also did reading from the textbook on physics, systems, and variables. Their notes are in their notebook so ask your student to share these with you.

Ramin - ELA

- Narrative Poetry - Day 7. Students had time to type up their narrative poems and began thinking about the visual aspect of their final poem.

Discussion Starter: What STORY does your poem tell? What narrative elements are present? What literary devices were used?

- Finish typing your poem (if not finished in class). Be ready for peer review/teacher conferencing tomorrow.
- Read for an average of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Important Dates

F 10/30: Narrative Poems due

F 10/7: Reading Goal Halfway Check (less than two weeks away!!)

W 11/2: AR Points Due



If you would like to receive Google Classroom summary emails, please fill out this quick form here:

Canvasser Tuesday 9.27.16

RR ELA- If you did not turn in your reading log yesterday, you may do so tomorrow for late points. The new log is due Wednesday (10.5.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week. Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- The signed math packet and multiplication sheet are due Monday (10.10.16) the math test will also be on Monday (10.10.16). The  Red group can finish workbook pages ( day one), if you did not complete in class. Your workbook pages, notes, and homework packet are great study tools!

* Bring your AR book to class daily*

Monday, September 26, 2016

Math 8 - Stone

We were able to take a second look at our quizzes today to finish up anything we did not get to on Friday. I will work on getting the quizzes graded and in Skyward. Quiz corrections will be due on Friday. Make sure to take advantage of quiz corrections. Corrections could make a difference between an A or B.

During investigation 3.1 we spent a long time recognizing a non-linear function for the first time. The function of non-linear function is called a inverse variation. Notice the product of the x and y coordinates always equal the same number.

You had plenty of time in class to work on the homework.

Homework: page 69 (12-20)
#13 you do not need to graph the equation if you can figure it out without graphing.
#14 only do Part A



Classwork: Went over construction homework

Homework: Fill out the Properties of Equalities table on page 21

Spanish 2

Students practiced Spanish 1 verb conjugations and their meanings.

Conjugation quiz on Wednesday

Canvasser Monday 9.26.16

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due today! if you did not turn one in you may do so tomorrow for late points. Your new reading logs will be due Wednesday (10.5.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week. You must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math-  The blue group can finish workbook pages ( day one) if you did not finish in class. Your new homework packet is due Monday (10.10.16) students should be studying their multiplication facts daily!

* Bring your AR books to class daily!*

Friday, September 23, 2016


Today we discussed cells and their functions during Daily Science. Students finished gathering their data for the first investigation. If #10 graph and questions are not finished, it is homework for the weekend. Students were all given their school pictures during science class.


Today we discussed cells and their function during Daily Science. We then reviewed the outline note-taking method and read pages 4 & 5 from the book. We finished the class with some fun Friday hidden meanings. All students were given their school pictures today during science class.

Math 8

We completed out first partner quiz and it was a difficult one. I will be looking them over this weekend.

Homework: Read Investigation 3.1 on page 61 and complete parts A-C.

Have a great weekend!


Classwork: Constructions practice

Homework: Complete the constructions packet. Monday's quiz will NOT be open note!

Megan Throm
Science & Mathematics
Educator & Instructional Support Specialist
Berkley School District
14450 Manhattan
Oak Park, MI  48237

Spanish 2

Students practiced listening questions and completed unit 4 of the review notes.

Homework: "Spanish 1 Review Stem-changing Verbs" for 10 minutes on Conjuguemos

Conjugations Quiz next Wednesday

Canvasser 9.23.16 Friday

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (9.26.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week! Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- Students worked on their homework and test corrections today.

* Bring your AR books daily to class!*

Have a wonderful weekend!

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students completed our atlas work in class today.
-Homework is to complete any unfinished atlas work.
-Have a great weekend.


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Math 8

Today we finished investigation 2.5. This means we have all the information we need for the partner quiz tomorrow.

The structure of the partner quiz is as follows: 15 minutes on your own, 15 minutes to consult with your team of 3 or 4, and then finish up on your own. Make sure you have your notes well organized and complete so you can be a productive member on your team.


Classwork: Continued investigating constructions with perpendicular lines.

Homework: Finish the construction practice (#1-7) in the notes packet. Quiz corrections are also due tomorrow.

Construction Quiz moved to Monday :)

Spanish 2

Students practiced interrogatives and conjugating verbs in the present tense.

Homework: Complete "Descubre Spanish 1 Verbs" for 10 minutes on Conjuguemos if not done last night.

Upcoming Quiz: Present tense conjugations on Wednesday, September 28

Canvasser Thursday 9.22.16

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (9.26.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week! Students must also complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- The signed homework packet and multiplication sheet are due today, if you did not turn one in you may do so tomorrow for late points. Students took their math test today.

* Bring your AR books daily to class*

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Math 8

Today, we spent time going over the summary for investigation 2.3. We worked on finding the equation of a line from a graph, table, and two points. Since we spent so much time reviewing how to find the equation of the line and our homework, we did not get a chance to start investigation 2.4. It will be our homework.

Homework: Investigation 2.4 (pg 40) parts A-D

Ramin - ELA

Narrative Poetry #3: Literary Devices & Figurative Language

1) Make sure to join my Google Classroom if you haven't already. Class codes are as follows:

2nd hour: 61p1t5j

4th hour: 8tzf5j

6th hour: 5k1pjyo

2) Read for an average of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

Important Dates
F 10/7:
Reading Goal Halfway Check
W 11/2:
AR Points Due


Today we began constructing parallel and perpendicular lines. The initial parallel line construction is based on copying an angle and using the corresponding angles postulate. Students can also use properties of parallelograms (such as squares and rectangles) to create parallel lines.

Here are a few videos to further assist with our understanding of parallel line constructions. Homework is #1 & 2 in the practice.


Yesterday, students started the first investigation using timers and discovering how a photogate can be used to give specific time. Today, students are continuing the investigation discovering how two photogates can be used together. The rest of the investigation and graphing activity will be completed tomorrow.


Yesterday we learned about the outline format for taking notes and practiced reading the first two pages in our textbook. Today we will be finishing collecting data for our first investigation and graphing the results.

Graphs will be homework due tomorrow if not finished in class. Remember to label each axis, give the graph an overall title, and provide a consistent scale.

Spanish 2

Students completed an interrogative warm-up and took review notes on Unit 3.

Homework: 10 minutes on for "Descubre Spanish 1 Verbs". Be sure to hit the submit button so that the score is emailed to Ms. Dixon.

Canvasser Wednesday (9.22.16)

RR ELA- Reading logs are due Monday (9.26.16) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week. Students must complete the short reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days.

RR Math- Blue group can finish workbook pages ( day four) if not completed in class. The signed math packet and multiplication sheet are due on/before Thursday (9.22.16) the math test will also be on Thursday (9.22.16). The workbook pages, homework packet, and  notes are great study tools!

* Bring your AR books to class daily!*

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students continued atlas work in class today.  Students had all hour to complete worksheets 3/4 and 5/6.  If students finished early, they were asked to read 1.1 (pp 6-9) of the text.
-No homework.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Math 8

Homework tonight - page 45 (5, 9-12)

Check-up corrections are due tomorrow. 

The Partner Quiz on Friday may be challenging if you are not putting in the effort on your classwork and homework. Be sure to work hard these next few days!


Students turned in the quiz from last night and then worked on copying and bisecting angles. Angles handout is homework, construction quiz on Friday.

Spanish 2

Students to the telling time quiz today and practiced interrogative words.

HW: Interrogatives Cut & Paste Worksheet

Canvasser Tuesday 9.20.16

RR ELA- Students first reading logs are due Monday (9.26.26) students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week! Students must also complete the reader's response section, along with having a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math-  Students first math test will be on Thursday (9.22.16) students signed homework packet and multiplication sheet are also due Thursday (9.22.16). The homework packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools! The red group can finish workbook pages (day 4) if it was not completed in class.

* Bring your AR book everyday to class*

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students worked on atlas worksheets in class.  Our goal for the atlas work is to understand how geography relates to culture and to have an introduction to the "three worlds" that come to make up the United States.  We will continue our atlas work for the remainder of the week.
-No homework.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Math 8

Homework: 2 worksheets (odds only)

Check-up corrections due by Wednesday

Ramin - ELA

- Launching Writer's Workshop: Narrative Poetry (Day 1 - Narrative Elements)

1) Make sure you have joined my Google Classroom if you haven't already. Class codes are as follows:
2nd hour: 61p1t5j
4th hour: 8tzf5j
6th hour: 5k1pjyo

3) Read for an average of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week to achieve your AR goal

Important Dates
F 10/7: Reading Goal Halfway Check
W 11/2: AR Points Due


Spanish 2

In Class: Students created accounts on (textbook) and (vocab. practice).

Homework: Study for tomorrow's telling time quiz 


Students took their first quiz, but since not everyone was able to finish in class they are able to complete the quiz for homework. We discussed that yes, it's possible that they might "cheat" and work with someone or find the answers elsewhere, but that since a quiz is so low stakes (20% of their grade is formative assessment) and that ultimately it's a chance for them to check their understanding they really are only cheating themselves.


Students completed an IB Learner Profile activity either today or on Friday. We will use the learner profiles throughout the school year, especially during our Lab Write ups at the end of the first two units.

We will be finishing up our first investigation today or tomorrow. We then will start reading and taking notes from the Physics book.

Canvasser 9.19.16 Monday

Happy Monday!

RR ELA-  Students should be reading daily for a minimum of 30 minutes. Your first reading log is due Monday (9.26.16) students must read for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week! You must also complete the reader's response section, along with a parent signature for all five days!

RR Math- Blue group can finish their workbook pages ( day 3) if you didn't not finish in class. The homework packet and multiplication facts are due Thursday ( 9.22.16) you must have it signed! The math test will also be on Thursday (9.22.16) your workbook pages, notes, and homework packet are great study tools!

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students concluded our discussion of the Constitution and turned in their Constitution pre-tests in class today.
-No homework.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Math 8

Due Monday: finish Inv. 2.2 on page 36 (A-D)

Friday, September 16, 2016


Today we went over the notes & homework from yesterday on the distance formula before moving on to discovering the midpoint formula. Homework is the midpoint formula practice, which is on pages 11 & 12 in the notes. Quiz on Monday will be on 1.1 (Basic Terms), 1.2 (Distance formula) and 1.3 (midpoint formula). Students may use their notes and homework on quizzes, which are low stakes formative assessments (20% of grade) with potential for corrections. Have a great weekend!

Ramin - ELA


- Book Feature: The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

- Students had time to read their independent AR novels



- Bring in a printed copy of any poem to glue in your journal; this will tie in with our lesson on Monday.

- Read for an average of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week to achieve your AR goal.


Important Dates

F 10/7: Reading Goal Halfway Check

W 11/2: AR Points Due


Spanish 2

In Class: Students took the countries and capitals quiz. They also practiced telling time in Spanish.

Homework: ¿Qué hora es? (analog clocks)

Reminder: Time Quiz on Tuesday

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students corrected Constitution pre-tests, watched a power point about the constitution and sang the Preamble in class today.
-Homework is to finish correcting the pre-test for Monday.  Answers can be found on pages 178-221 of the text.

Canvasser Friday 9.16.16

Happy Friday!

RR ELA- Students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes for five days a week! Students need to bring their AR books to all of their classes!

RR Math- The homework packet is due Thursday (9.22.16) and the math test will also be on Thursday (9.22.16). The red group can finish their workbook pages ( day 3, week one) if you did not finish in class. Your workbook pages, notes, and homework packet are great study tools!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Ramin - ELA

Reader's Workshop #4: Retell

Free Write (1.7)
Read for an average of 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week to achieve your AR goal

Important Dates
10/7: Reading Goal Halfway Check
11/2: AR Points Due


Math 8

In class: We began Investigation 2.1 and completed Labsheet 2.1

Homework: Page 45 (1 & 2)

Check your equation sheet from last night by viewing the following link

Spanish 2

In Class: Students completed a practice PowerPoint for their map quiz tomorrow. They also practiced the verb gustar.

Homework: Study for the countries and capitals quiz

Canvasser 9.15.16 Thursday

 RR ELA- Students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week. Students should also bring their AR books to class everyday!

RR Math- The homework packet is due Thursday (9.22.16) the math test will also be on Thursday (9.22.16), your workbook pages, homework packet, and notes are great study tools! The blue group can finish workbook pages( Day 2, week 2) if you did not finish in class.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016


Today we discussed adaptations during Daily Science.

Then we spent most of the class looking at examples of previous lab write ups. Students discovered the requirements of the lab as well as discussed what they would need to know, what excited them, what worried them, and suggestions they had to be successful on this project.

Tomorrow we start our unit on Motion!

Math 8

Homework tonight: Equation Worksheet

In class: We completed our first quiz. Way to go! We also had a little extra time to start our homework.


Reviewed the Pythagorean Theorem to prepare for the distance formula. The Pythagorean Theorem handout is homework. 1.1-1.3 Quiz on Monday.

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students shared current events in class.
-Homework is to review the syllabus and current event expectations with parents.  Signed expectation sheets are due Friday.

Spanish 2

In Class: Students completed a telling time warm-up and reviewed Unit 2 grammar concepts.

Homework: ¿Qué hora es? Worksheet

Map Quiz on Friday

Ramin - ELA


- Reader's Workshop Day #3: Artifacts. Students were given a reading log to help them plan and track their reading habits throughout the quarter.


- Read for an average of 30 minutes a night, 5 days a week to achieve your reading goal.


Important Dates

10/7: Reading Goals Halfway Check

11/2: AR Points Due

Canvasser 9.14.16 Wednesday

RR ELA- Students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes five days a week! Students should bring their AR books daily to class. Syllabus and supplies are late, get them in as soon as possible!

RR Math- Red group can finish workbook pages (day 2, week one) if you did not finish in class. The homework packet and math test will be on Thursday (9.22.16) your homework packet, workbook pages, and notes are great study tools! Syllabus and supplies are late, get them in as soon as possible!

LRC 6th and 7th hour- Your syllabus and supplies are late, get them in as soon as possible!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Today we discussed the formula for density during our Daily Science.

We reviewed results from our practice lab and set up our binders & notebooks.

The Scientific Processes homework is due tomorrow.

Curriculum Night is Wednesday, September 14th starting at 6:30. Hope to see you there!

Ramin - ELA


Reader's Workshop  #2 - Writing About Reading


- Free write (Journal Entry 1.4) - EVERY Tuesday & Thursday

- Read for an average of 30 minutes a night, 5 days a week to achieve your AR goal

Important Dates

10/7: AR Goals Halfway Check

11/2: AR Points Due


Math 8

Page 15 (3 & 4)

Check up (quiz) tomorrow, don't forget to bring your notes!

Individuals and Societies-Lyskawa

-Students discussed source bias in class today.
-Current events are due Wednesday.

Spanish 2

In Class: Students practiced writing and telling time.

Homework: Finish the countries and capitals practice for the quiz on Friday.

Canvasser Tuesday 9.13.16

RR ELA- Students should be reading for a minimum of 30 minutes everyday! Turn in late syllabus and supplies tomorrow (9.14.16)

RR Math- Homework packet is due Thursday (9.22.16). Blue group can finish workbook pages ( day one, week one) if you did not finish in class. Turn in late syllabus and supplies tomorrow (9.14.16)

LRC 6th and 7th hour- Turn in late syllabus and supplies tomorrow (9.14.16)   

Monday, September 12, 2016

Math 8

Homework that is due tomorrow: Page 15 (23-26, 29-31)

Our first open note Check Up will be on Wednesday.

Ramin - ELA

- Reader's Workshop Day #1: Signposts
- Signposts Activity/Discussion

- Read for an average of 30 minutes a night, 5 days a week to achieve your AR goal

Important Dates
10/7: Reading Goals Halfway Check
11/2: AR Points Due


Spanish 2

Students began the Spanish 1 review notes packet- we will be working through the packet over the next couple of weeks. 3rd hour students need to complete the countries and capitals matching activity due to missing part of class for Mr. Yowchuang's expectations meeting.

The countries and capitals quiz is this Friday.

Dixon LRC

Please look over and sign the weekly schedule that was filled out during class and have students bring it back to class tomorrow. If you did not receive an email from me today explaining the weekly schedule, please contact me at You can also link the class calendar to your personal Google calendar (

Canvasser Monday 9.12.16

Happy Monday!

RR ELA- Late syllabus and supplies due tomorrow (9.13.16). Students should be reading their AR books a minimum of 30 minutes daily.

RR Math- Homework packets are due Thursday (9.22.16). Red group can finish day one, week one, if you did not finish in class. Late syllabus and supplies are due tomorrow (9.13.16).

LRC 6th and 7th hour- Late supplies, contact form, and syllabus are due tomorrow (9.13.16)

* Students need to bring their AR books everyday to Mrs. Canvasser's classes!*


Today we are discussing the required jobs students will be responsible for during a science experiment and practicing the jobs, as well as the steps to the Scientific Method, through a skittles experiment. Students will be assigned a Scientific Processes homework assignment that will be due Wednesday. Please ensure you are writing in complete sentences and finishing all parts of every question. Extra copies of the assignment will be posted in the science folder. This assignment will be graded for accuracy.

Friday, September 9, 2016


Today in our Daily Science we discussed the importance of controlling variables. We then completed a Visible Thinking routine by posing Essential Questions from our first unit on motion. Ask your student to explain how the Chalk Talk routine works!