Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thursday, April 30

Science: Students continued investigating how amusement park physics relates to research conditions at NASA. 

Geometry: Completed Section 8.1. Homework is the practice. Circle & parabola equation quiz on Tuesday.

RR Math: Teal group finish workbook pages. Red and Teal work on your homework packet.

RR ELA: Read daily. Logs due Monday.

Humanities: Students discussed 16.2 and watched a video on the Civil War in class. No homework.

Algebra: We worked on simplifying radical expressions. We ended at different spots each hour. homework:
3rd hour: pg. 23 (b,c,d,1,2)
4th hour: pg. 22 (d, 1, 2)
5th hour: pg. 22 (c, d, 1, 2)
7th hour: pg. 22 (c,d,1,2)

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Wednesday, April 29

Science: Began amusement park physics with a pre-test and began discussing how amusement park physics relates to NASA.

Geometry: Continued practicing completing the square to find the center and radius of a circle. Homework is to finish the Finding the Radius and Center Handout. 

RR Math: Work on homework packets, not due this week though. Red group finish any pages we worked on in class that are not finished.

RR ELA: Read daily. Logs due Monday.

Humanities: Students checked 16.1 and began to work on 16.2 section assessment in class. 16.2 is homework.

Algebra: We took a quiz today on chapter 11. homework: factoring practice (all)

ELA - Students conducted their final Book Club for their Historical Fiction Books. They then took their AR quiz and turned in their books. We then began a basic informational meeting on their project for this Unit - Civil War Journalism. Many students have not ready any books other than the Historical Book Club book. I will be entering the percentage of their goal points students have read so far this marking period. This will not effect their grade (it is marked as NO COUNT) but is there as a wake up call. Homework: READ! Journal #4.30. Reader's Workshop Day 13, Writer's Workshop Day 1, Civil War Journalism Organizer & Civil War Project

Technology - Students checked in their Investigate. This was a credit or no credit check in - meaning I gave feedback on realistic expectations and missing print evidence for expenses/income. All project information including rubric is located on the Google Classroom. Homework: Rough Draft Due Friday, May 1

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Tuesday, April 28

Science: Students took the sound and waves unit test, no homework.

Geometry: Began Unit 8 by reviewing completing the square and discussing the standard equation of circles. Students need to complete the last three problems in the notes/packet from today. Here's a link for help with completing the square.

RR Math: Homework packets were passed out today. Red group finish any workbook pages started today. Test grades are posted.

RR English: Read daily. Log due Monday (5 days). 

Algebra: Quiz tomorrow (11.1-11.3) We discussed shifts of hyperbolas and how to tell based on the equation. Notes and homework attached.

Humanities: Students turned in chapter 15 assessment and began to work on 16.1 section assessment in class. Homework is to finish 16.1 section assessment.

ELA - Students discussed theme today during Day 12 of their Reader's Workshop. Tomorrow is their final Book Club meeting with WIR3 due. Homework: Read, WIR3, Journal Entry 4.28

Technology - tomorrow students need to have their Investigate done. I will be checking in their print evidence showing the line item and where they got their numbers, their spreadsheet matching their print evidence, and their bibliography. Any questions please consult the Google Classroom.

Pre-Algebra: Today we explored 6.3, the method of solving proportions using cross products. The homework is 6.3, 1-27 odd on a separate sheet of paper with work. The notes and homework are available at .

Monday, April 27, 2015

Monday, April 27

Science: Went over the review for tomorrow's test. Homework is to study.

Geometry: Took the Unit 7 Test. No homework.

RR ELA: Logs due today. If you did not turn your log in, please make sure to turn it in tomorrow. New logs were passed out and are due Monday. Read daily.

RR Math: Test today. If you forgot to turn in your homework packets that were due today, please make sure I get that tomorrow. E2020 student- 20 minutes.

Humanities: Students took the M-STEP during class today. No homework.

ELA - Last day of M-STEP! With the disruptions we did our Reader's Workshop Day 11 and read. Many students are done their book, don't forget we have our final Book Club on Wednesday - with WIR3 due then as well. Homework: Read, WIR3, Journal #4.26

Technology - Students worked on their Investigate for their Family Budget. Any questions or missing work can be found on the Google Classroom. 

Pre-Algebra: Today we took notes over 6.2, solving proportions using multiplication, division and algebra. The homework is 1-25 odd on a separate sheet of paper. The notes and homework are available at .

Algebra: We are having a quiz this Wednesday covering sections 11.1-11.3. We started chapter 12 today. No homework.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Friday, April 24

Science: Students had time to work on their review, which is due on Monday. Waves & Sound test is Tuesday, April 28. The following are some websites that demonstrate sound and waves:

Geometry: Went over the Unit 7 review, Unit 7 test is Monday, April 27.

ELA - Students made time-lines of the Civil War and of their characters' lives in their Historical Books in their Reader's Workshop Day 10. The Civil War Time Line should have the events leading up to the war and will fill in the events they learn about in Humanities as they progress. The two time-lines may not match up- but both should be complete by May 11th. Homework: Read, WIR# (due Wed)

Technology - Students continued their Family Budget Investigation. All directions and rubric are located conveniently on the Google Classroom. Students should be keeping a Design Folder with evidence of their Investigate, Design, Create and Evaluate.
Investigate- Spreadsheet, print evidence of expenses, bibliography.
Design - Task list from packet, rough draft of speech and visual aid.
Create - final print out of project, Process Journal from packet
Evaluate - Rubric and after project is presented hand back in with Evaluation Essay
Due dates:
Investigate - Wednesday, April 29
Design/Plan - Friday, May 1
Presentations will begin Tuesday, May 5

RR Math: Test Monday. Please study your notes and math problems in your book. Remember the strategies I taught you for how to study math. Math packets are also due on Monday.

RR English: Read- 5 days. Signed logs are due Monday.

Humanities: Students checked chapter 15 assessment and shared current events in class. No homework. Please note that current grades in skyward are not accurate. Due to a computer situation, all grades are registered as E's. Homework completion is accurate, but percentages are wrong. This problem will be fixed early next week. I apologize for any confusion.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Thursday, April 23

Science: 1st, 2nd, 5th & 6th hour students did the mathematics performance assessment for M-step. 7th hour finished the review. Review is due on Monday, April 27 & the Waves & Sound test is Tuesday, April 28.

Geometry: Worked on the Unit 7 review, which is due tomorrow. Unit 7 test is Monday, April 27.

ELA - Students read and worked on their journal entry for today, Historical Fiction Day 9. M-STEP again, and we will be missing some students tomorrow with the Chicago Trip. Please be sure to check the blog tomorrow for any work missed. Homework: READ, WIR3, Journal #4.23

Technology: Students worked on their Family Budget, we reviewed how to find their earnings and how to track all of their sources throughout this project. All information can be found on the Google Classroom

RR ELA: Read daily. Logs due Monday.

RR Math: Test Monday and homework packet due Monday.

Algebra: We worked on section 11.3 (solving radical equations). Homework: odds

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Wednesday, April 22

Science:  8th graders participated in a lesson to prepare them for the mathematics performance assessment of the M-Step. They then took a survey to indicate what they'd like to do for legacy day as well as help make their Cedar Point groups. 

Geometry: Took a points of concurrency pop quiz! Students then began reviewing for Monday's test.

RR ELA: Read daily. Signed logs due Monday.

RR Math: Finish any workbook pages assigned today and work on your homework packet due 4/27.

ELA - Students held their Book Club Meeting #2 today. They are really doing great with this, I will have to add more next year! The next and final meeting is Wednesday, April 29th. WIR3 is due same day! Great job boys and girls! Homework: READ! WIR3 & Journal #4.2. Historical Fiction Day 8a

Technology - We began our Family Budget today with our Lottery of Life - students picked out of a cup four aspects of their pretend life: City, State; Married or Divorced; how many and ages of boy children; how many and ages of girl children. It is a fun day! All other information and hand outs for the project are located conveniently on our Google Classroom!
Due dates:
Investigate - Wednesday, April 29
Design/Plan - Friday, May 1
Presentations will begin Tuesday, May 5

Humanities: Students checked 15.3 and began to work on 15.4 in class. Homework is to finish 15.4 free choice. Students will work on chapter 15 assessment in class tomorrow. This assessment will count as an open book quiz, and is due Friday.

Algebra: Finish the notes from section 11.2 pages 8 and 9

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday, April 21

Science: Played Jeopardy to review for next week's test. Tomorrow students will be participating in a mathematics activity to help prepare them for the last session of M-Step math testing Thursday & Friday.

Geometry: Completed notes on 7.7, homework is the Centroid Handout.

Humanities: Students checked 15.2 and were introduced to 15.3 of the text in class. Homework is to finish 15.3 free choice for tomorrow.

RR ELA: Logs are due Monday- read daily.

RR Math: Finish workbook pages from today and work on your packet due 4/27.

Algebra: We started simplifying radicals (square roots) today. Homework: 11.2A (1-15)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Monday, April 20

Science: 1st, 2nd, 5th & 6th hours took the math M-Step test. 7th hour worked on their review.

Geometry: Intersecting medians activity in class. Homework is the Incenter Handout. Unit 7 test Monday, April 27.

RR English: Read daily. Logs were due today. If you forgot, please get it in tomorrow. New logs are due Monday 4/27.

RR Math: Finish any workbook pages from today and work on your math packet due 4/27.

Humanities: Students reviewed 15.1 and worked on 15.2 free choice in class. Homework is to finish 15.2 free choice.

ELA - M-STEP again :) Students focused on theme today for our Reader's Workshop Day 6. We have worked on this quite a bit this year, looking for the message, what the book is "really, really" about. We all know the novel is not REALLY about the Civil War. Next Book Club is Wednesday, April 22nd - WIR2 is due at the beginning of the hour. Homework: READ - WIR2, Journal #4.17

Technology - M-STEP again :) We spent our time keyboarding and working on any other work they need to catch up on from other classes due to the M-STEP. Tomorrow we will begin the Family Budget project!

Algebra: We started Chapter 11 and 8th graders finished their Chapter 10 tests. Homework is Worksheet 11.1 # 13-18

Friday, April 17, 2015

Friday, April 17

Science: Students watched Bill Nye Sound and had the opportunity to start working on the Waves & Sound review if they wanted. Due to M-Step the review is not due until Monday, April 27 and the test is Tuesday, April 28.

Geometry: Began section 7.6, inscribing circles.

RR Math: Homework packet due 4/27. Work on any workbook pages not finished in class today.

RR English: Read daily. Logs are due Monday!

ELA - Major M-STEP day, students mostly read in class Day 5 teaching point is attached. Please remember that a teaching point is not a full journal entry, the Independent Practice needs to be done for an in-school entry to count :) Homework: Read, WIR2 (due Wednesday)

Technology - With M-STEP we had less than half students in class, therefore we were not in a Lab so we finished up any Quests not completed and worked quietly. This is the only day we will be in a regular classroom for the M-STEP (we hope). Tuesday is the next day I will have all students in Tech - we will begin our Family Budget on that day.

Algebra: We took our Chapter 10 test today. No Homework! Have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thursday, April 16

Science: Completed the notes for sound, the slides were posted on yesterday's blog. Homework is the Sound worksheet (except for 2nd hour, which I forgot to pass out the homework to!). We will begin reviewing for the Unit 5 test tomorrow and will continue reviewing all next week. The unit 5 test is Tuesday, April 28.

Geometry: Quizzes were returned and we completed section 7.5. Homework is the tangent handout. Unit 7 test is Monday, April 27.

RR Math: Quiz corrections due tomorrow. I will not grade them after tomorrow. Finish any workbook pages assigned to you today. Math packets were passed out but not due until 4/27/15.

RR English: Read daily. Log due Monday.

Humanities: Students participated in an M-STEP lesson in class today. They will use the information from today to complete a performance task for the M-STEP test tomorrow. Homework is to complete 15.1 free choice by Monday.

ELA - Students enjoyed their first Book Club Meeting. Our Reader's Workshop Day 4 went well and many students enjoyed the conversations about their books. Read the next sections. WIR2 is due Wednesday, April 22nd for our next Book Club Meetings. Homework: Read, WIR2, Journal Entry # 4.14

Technology - Mrs. Helms joined us and Career Cruising requirements were met. Students worked on their 21 Things Quests. All Quest information can be found on the Google Classroom for easy accessibility. Tomorrow we will be missing many students for the M-STEP, if you are one of them please be sure to finish your Quests over the weekend.

Algebra: Test tomorrow. Anxiety levels are high! Attached are the answers to both reviews (Practice Test & Review). Make sure you check these before coming to class. We will answer questions before the test.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Wednesday, April 15

Science: Took notes on sound (power point attached- through slide 6). We will complete the notes for our unit on Waves & Sound tomorrow. Because of M-Step testing we will spend extra time reviewing for the unit test on Tuesday, April 28.

RR English: Read daily. Logs due Monday.

RR Math: Homework will be passed out today or tomorrow. Not due this week, but can start it. Test corrections due by Friday. I will not take these late. Finish workbook pages assigned today.

Humanities: First and second hour students checked 14.4 and worked on 15.1 in class (third hour did this yesterday). Third hour took the M-STEP test (first and second hours did this yesterday). Because we are taking the M-STEP Thursday (in class lesson) and Friday (computer assessment), 15.1 is due Monday. There will be no other homework for the week.

ELA - Students continued reading their Historical Fiction books and filled in their Write in Response 1 sheet (WIR1) for tomorrow's book clubs. M-STEP continued :) Homework: READ, WIR1 due at the beginning of class, Journal #4.12

Technology - Students worked on their Quests, tomorrow we will be in our lab but we will be completing our Career Cruising requirements. Friday we will have no computer access so please be sure your student comes to class with paper/pencil work. I will not be checking in Quests until Monday to allow students the weekend to work on Quest 4 and 5. We will be starting our next project - The Family Budget!

Algebra: Attached is the review that was assigned. Some students missed math today because of M-Step testing. Please print it out a copy and have it completed for class tomorrow (skip page 4 and 5).

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Tuesday, April 14

Science: Investigated properties of sounds using instruments, tuning forks, etc.... Quiz corrections are due tomorrow.

Geometry: Took the 7.1-7.4 Quiz. No homework.

RR Math: Missing homework needs to get turned in tomorrow.

RR English: Read daily. Logs are due Monday.

ELA - The M-STEP has begun. The Reader's Workshop lessons will be a Teaching Point and Independent Practice. Our first Book Club Meeting will be Thursday - Write In Response 1 (WIR1) sheets are due complete when students enter the class. Homework: READ! Work on WIR1 and Journal Entry # 4.10

Technology: Students worked on their Quests and read silently as internet use is to be kept to a minimum during the M-STEP. We will not have computer access tomorrow please complete as much work as possible at home.

Humanities: Students in first and second hours took the M-STEP test in class. Third hour students checked 14.4 and began to work on 15.1 free choice. Homework for third hour is to finish 15.1. First and second hours will work on 15.1 tomorrow, while third hour will take the M-STEP. All classes will turn in 15.1 on Monday, as we are taking the M-STEP Thursday and Friday.

Algebra: We covered the last section of Chapter 10 today. We spent the hour discussing the flight of a baseball and putting equations in vertex form. We will finish the notes tomorrow. No homework tonight.

Pre-Algebra: Today we practiced solving inequalities with fraction terms and coefficients. Some students missed class due to M-Step testing. Please look over the notes if you were testing this morning. There is no homework. The notes are available at

Monday, April 13, 2015

Monday, April 13

Science: Reviewed properties of waves and quizzes were returned so students could begin quiz corrections. Because so many students have not yet taken the quiz students were asked to return them for now and will get them back tomorrow.

RR English: Logs are due Monday. Read daily.

RR Math: Homework was due today. If not, bring it tomorrow. Test tomorrow- please study tonight. Study workbook pages, homework if checked by me and notes.

Humanities: Students reviewed chapter 13, were introduced to chapter 14 and began to work on 14.4 in class today. Homework is to complete 14.4 section assessment.

ELA - Students chose their Historical Fiction books. We will be doing a lot of independent work due to the M-STEP schedule. If a student misses a day of ELA due to M-STEP please be sure they are checking the blog for the Daily Teaching Point and keeping up with their reading. Book Clubs will meet for the first time Thursday, April 16th, directions are attached, WIR1 is due on Thursday as well. If a student does not have WIR done they will not participate in Book Clubs. Day 1 Attachment, Book Clubs Attachment

Tech - Students created a chart to show their Technology usage during break. All Quest links can be found on Google Classroom.
Due dates are:
Quest 1 Chart Tuesday, March 31 - Presentations April 13th
Quest 2 - Monday, April 13th
Quest 3 - Tuesday, April 14th
Quest 4 - Wednesday, April 15th - Post Link to classroom
Quest 5 -Thursday, April 16th

Algebra: Welcome back! We discussed the discriminant today to help determine how many solutions a quadratic has. Our Chapter 10 test will be on Friday. Homework: 10.7B evens

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Thursday, April 2

Science: Took the Waves unit quiz today. 

Geometry: Investigated inscribed quadrilaterals. Homework is #1-4 practice on page 12 and the inscribed quadrilateral problems from the Central & Inscribed Angles Handout.

RR ELA: Read daily over vacation. Some students have a log due Monday when we return if they have not been turning them in.

RR Math: Study for your test on Tuesday when we return. Your homework packet is due on Monday when we return.

Algebra: We re-capped the methods for graphing and solving quadratics. We watched "Quad Solve" on YouTube. No homework. Have a great Spring Break!

ELA - Students turned in their Grammar Chapter 7 - Verbals quiz. Remember over break- 3 Journal entries (for a total of 6 for 4th marking period so far) and read a book. Be ready for our Historical Fiction Unit when we return! Be safe and have a great break!

Tech - Track that technology usage! We will finish up our 21 Things Unit when we return.

Chinese: During the break, spend some time to read the story of "一个数学家的故事“ You need to read the story to you parents of guardian and ask them to sign at the end of the story. Have a wonderful break!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Wednesday, April 1

Science: 1st-5th hours watched Bill Nye "Waves" while completing the Wave Interaction Handout. 6th & 7th hours took the waves quiz.

Geometry: Practiced inscribing polygons in circles. Homework is the 7.3 Practice.

ELA - Students finished their Grammar Chapter 7 packet with Infinitives. I distributed quizzes due to the amount of students that will either be absent or have March Miracles on the mind tomorrow. Many students turned them in, others opted to take them home. They MAY use their grammar packets to do this quiz, they MUST turn them in tomorrow if they took them home.

Technology - Students should be tracking their technology usage for their first Quest in their Digital Footprint unit. Today we continued on to Quest Two, students should be bringing their personal ear buds or head phones for use in class, we are watching a few videos with each Quest. All due dates and links are posted on our Google Classroom

RR ELA: Read daily. Some students were given a make up reading log over vacation due Monday when we return.

RR Math: Homework packet due Monday when we return from vacation. Test on Tuesday 4/14. Study over vacation!  

Pre-Algebra: Today students learned the "clearing" method for solving algebraic expressions with fractions and decimals. The homework is 5.6, every other even USING THE CLEARING METHOD ONLY. Number 26 is a story problem and may be done any way, however it must include a mathematical picture to explain their work. Notes and homework are available at

Humanities: Students reviewed 13.3 and shared current events in class. No homework. I am going to be out of the district tomorrow. Students should work on chapter 13 review in class (there should be time to complete the entire review, and have no homework over break, if students work well in class. Chapter 13 review is due upon our return.

Algebra: homework: 10.6B (evens)