Friday, January 30, 2015

Friday, January 30

Humanities: Students continued to work on projects that are due Monday. Homework is to complete the projects (paper, visuals and presentation) by Monday.

Science: Practiced using a multi-meter to measure voltage and current. Students then built circuits with potentiometers (dimmer switch) and used the meters to measure voltage across a bulb while observing the relationship between voltage and brightness.

Geometry: Took the 5.1-5.3 quiz, no homework.

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 4 Test. No homework :)

ELA - Readers Workshop Day 6 - Students reviewed the Notice and Note Sign-Post "Words of the Wiser". Students were then given the remainder of the class to read their books. Homework: Read through chapter 12

Algebra: We did section 8.3 today (negative exponents-ugh!) I also offered an extra credit assignment-which I hardly ever do. Extra credit is due Monday and it must be COMPLETE to get any extra credit. Homework: wkst 8.3 (evens) Extra credit is attached.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Thursday, January 29

Geometry: Investigated diagonals of parallelograms, diagonals of parallelograms handout is homework. Quiz tomorrow.

Science: Did our first section of notes for electricity and looked at example of circuit diagrams. Homework is the energy flow & circuit diagram practice.  

ELA - RW Day 5 - Students learned about the Goals and Techniques that Narrative Writers use when creating a piece of written work. Homework: Journal 3.10 & Read Chap 9

Technology - Students turned in (through Google Classroom) yesterday's Netiquette assignment. We then continued in our online classroom with 21 Things - Digital Footprint. There are 5 self guided assignments within this unit. All due dates and links are on the classroom website. All work for this unit is due no later than Friday, February 13.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, February 2
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, February 2
TEST: Monday, February 2

French 2 midterm is continued tomorrow.

Humanities: Students worked on writing rough drafts for our projects that are due Monday. Homework is to work on projects.

Pre-Algebra: Today we went over the review and answered any student questions. Detailed answers to the review are available at . Chapter 4 Test tomorrow!!! I told students they are allowed to have a 3 x 5 index card/piece of paper, front and back, with notes to use on the test.

Algebra: We took a quiz today. No homework.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Wednesday, January 28

8th Grade Privileges Letter must be signed by a guardian and returned by Friday.

Science: We began our unit on electricity by building basic circuits and testing different materials for conductivity. While this first day may seem basic, students were pushed to extend their understanding of these simple circuits to produce energy flow diagrams.

Geometry: Worked on proofs related to parallelograms for 5-2. Homework is the sides and angles of parallelograms handout. Quiz Friday.

ELA - RW Day 4 - Students looked for the Sign-Post "Aha Moment" in their reading for today. Homework: Journal Entry # 3.08 and Read chapter 8. Technology - Students worked on and turned in their Netiquette Essay on Google Classroom. When done they are to continue their Touch Typing review on Typing Web.

Chinese: Assignment due tomorrow, please check the class blog.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, February 2, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, February 2, 2015
TEST: Monday, February 2, 2015

Algebra: Quiz tomorrow covering sections 8.1-8.2. Homework: 3 questions from ISN and review worksheet (evens only)

Pre-Algebra: Today we started the Chapter 4 Review. Students had the hour to complete this and ask questions. This is due tomorrow. The Chapter 4 Test is on Friday, January 30. Extra practice is available at my website (Textbook Resources, Chapter 4). This site will check the answer for the student and tell them if they are right or wrong. I will post answers to the review Thursday night on my website.

Humanities: Students checked their notes and began to outline papers for projects due Monday. Homework is to finish an outline for the project.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday, January 27

Geometry: Began section 5.2 and went over the results from the midterm, no homework.

Science: Took the midterm

French 2: The French 2 midterm is this Thursday and Friday.

ELA - Reader's Workshop Realistic Fiction Day 3 - Students looked at a passage from TKM from another character's perspective. We then chose what we observation we liked best and placed it on a sticky note and on a chart in the room. We were able to see our thinking and discuss it with each other. Homework: Journal #3.04 & Read Chapter 7

Technology - Students worked on their Keyboarding skills and turned in Practices and Expectations. This was sent in an email last week and is posted in the class on Google Classroom.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, February 2, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, February 2
TEST: Monday, February 2

Humanities: Students checked in questions and resources for our projects and began to take notes in class. Notes are due tomorrow and projects are due Monday.

Chinese: Please check our class blog for assignment.

Algebra: We talked about dividing fractions (section 8.2). Homework: worksheet 8.2 (all)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Monday, January 26

Welcome to the 2nd semester- 8th grade is 1/2 over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Science: Went over the review for the midterm. Homework is to study for tomorrow's test.

Geometry: Went over the midterm, and then started Unit 5- Symmetry. The Symmetry Handout is homework.

Humanities: Students turned in political cartoons and were introduced to inquiry projects in class. Please review the project rubric that was sent home today. Homework for the week will be to work on the project. Projects are due Monday, February 2nd.

Algebra: We started chapter 8 today. Attached are completed notes and the homework.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday, January 23

Science: 5th-7th hour worked on the midterm review, the review is due Monday for all classes. Science midterm is Tuesday.

Geometry: Took the second half of the midterm and shared breakfast (Thank you Nathan for the pancakes and Gabe for the donuts!)

ELA - 1/2 Day flip day - students were given the opportunity to read To Kill a Mockingbird (TKM) and ask any questions they may have about the book. No teaching point. Chapters 1-4 due Monday. Technology 2nd & 3rd hr - We begin on Monday! New Typing Web logins will be given. Please bring a folder for class papers and a folder to be used for handing in projects (Design Folder).

French 2: Study for the midterm on Thurs and Friday

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 26, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Friday, February 26, 2015
TEST: Friday, February 26 

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Thursday, January 22

Science: Played jeopardy to review for Tuesday's midterm. Midterm review is due on Monday.

Geometry: Day 1 of the midterm.

Humanities: Students reviewed "expansion" questions and began to work on political cartoons in class. Homework is to complete the political cartoons and to think of a topic for next week's historical inquiry project.

ELA - Reader's Workshop Realistic Fiction Day 1 - Students received their To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. We read the first chapter together and discussed any unfamiliar concepts (Southern living in the 1930s) and customs. Chapters 1-4 are due finished by Monday. This unit will entail reading at least one chapter per day with an analysis paper as the Summative Assessment.

Pre-Algebra: Students were given their 4.1 - 4.1 quizzes back. Quiz corrections are due Monday with parent or guardian signature. We also reviewed the 4.6 homework from last night. The homework for the weekend is 4.6 2-28 even due Monday on a separate sheet of paper.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 26
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Thursday, February 5
TEST: Thursday, February 5

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Wednesday, January 21

Science: Quests were returned and students had an opportunity to do quest corrections in class, quest corrections are due tomorrow. Midterm review is due on Monday, midterm is Tuesday.

Geometry: Went over unit 4 on the midterm review. Midterm starts tomorrow! Homework is to study.

Humanities: Students studied graphs and maps on pp. 288/289 of the text. Homework is to answer the guided questions for pp. 288/289 (see attached).

Pre-Algebra: Today we took notes over 4.6. The homework is 4.6, 1-27 odd. This is due tomorrow on a separate sheet of paper. The notes and homework can be found on .

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 20

Midterm Exam Schedule- Thank you Mrs. Graham for these helpful studying hints! 
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science: Began reviewing for the midterm, the review is due Friday. 

Geometry: Went over unit 2 & 3 on the midterm review, homework is to finish unit 4. 

Algebra: Midterm starts tomorrow. Students have 2 reviews with the answers. Study!!!

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 26, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Thursday, February 5
TEST: Thursday, February 5

Humanities: Students received grades from Friday's chapter 8 test, and shared current events in class. No homework.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Friday, January 17

Midterm Exam Schedule- Thank you Mrs. Graham for these helpful studying hints! 
January 20- Chinese Listening
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science: Took the Unit 3- Energy Quest. No homework! We will start reviewing for the midterm next week.

Geometry: Went over unit 1 on the midterm review. Homework is to complete units 2 & 3 on the review. 

Humanities: Students took our chapter 8 test today in class. Homework is to complete a current event for Tuesday.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Tuesday, January 20
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Tuesday, January 20
TEST: Tuesday, January 20

Algebra: Review for Midterm. Packet should be completed by Tuesday. Have questions ready! 

Pre-Algebra: Today we worked more with factors and what they mean. We played an interactive game where students had to use the factors of numbers to decide the strategy of winning the game. I have attached the link to the applet if your child wants to practice this over the weekend . The homework is to complete any missing work from this week.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Thursday, January 15

Tentative Midterm Exam Schedule
January 20- Chinese Listening
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science:Completed investigation 10B and went over the efficiency homework from yesterday. Students then worked on the Forms of Energy review that they received yesterday. Forms of Energy (ALL) is homework. Energy "Quest" tomorrow.

Geometry: Worked on the midterm review. Units 1  from the review is due tomorrow.

Humanities: Students reviewed for our chapter 8 test tomorrow. Homework is to study for the test. Current events are due Tuesday.

French 2: Chap 12 test on Friday 23rd, which is a flip day, so students will have French 2.

Pre-Algebra: Today, students were given a chance to finish/look over their quiz. We started notes on 4.5. The homework is 4.5, 1 - 33 odd. Notes and homework are available at .

Algebra:  We took our Chapter 7 test today. Homework : midterm exam chapters 1 and 2 review. 

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Tuesday, January 20, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Tuesday, January 20, 2015
TEST: Tuesday, January 20, 2015

ELA - Students continued their study of Verbs with Grammar 4.5 Irregular Verbs and 4.6 Simple Tenses. Journals are due Wednesday, January 21 - 60 entries for 2nd Marking Period. AR points are due Thursday, January 22 - adjusted per student. Homework: GR 4.5-4.6, Journal # 2.59, Read

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday, January 14

Tentative Midterm Exam Schedule
January 20- Chinese Listening
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science: Watched "The Eyes of Nye: Nuclear Energy" and students worked on some review for Friday's quest. This is not homework (yet).

Geometry: Took the Unit 4 Similarity test. Students began working on the midterm review after the test, it is NOT homework (yet).

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Tuesday, January 20, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Tuesday, January 20
TEST: Tuesday, January 20

Humanities: Students checked 8.4 and began to review for our chapter 8 test on Friday. Homework is to study for the test on Friday.

Pre-Algebra: Today I answered questions about 4.1 - 4.4 and students took the 4.1 - 4.4 quiz. There is no homework.

ELA - Students were given the opportunity to resubmit their papers.  We had computers available and I quickly reviewed (I did not grade papers I glanced at them and told students what I saw regarding format and citations) and gave a few pointers.  Students have until Midnight tonight to make any changes and resubmit.  All students were given Grammar 4.3-4.4 due tomorrow. Journals are due Wednesday, January 21 - 60 entries for 2nd Marking Periond. AR points are due Thursday, January 22 - adjusted per student. Homework: GR 4.3-4.4, Journal # 2.58, Read

Algebra:  Test tomorrow!!!  Homework:  Practice Chapter 7 Test (answers attached). 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Tuesday, January 13

Tentative Midterm Exam Schedule
January 20- Chinese Listening
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science: Completed the unit 3- Energy notes as well as reviewed efficiency and friction. Homework is the efficiency worksheet

Geometry: Went over the unit 4- similarity review. Test tomorrow!

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Tuesday, January 13, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Tuesday, January 13, 2015
TEST: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 

Pre-Algebra: Today students went to the Avery Computer Lab to practice 4.1 - 4.4. There will be a quiz tomorrow, Wednesday January 14, over these sections. The review that was passed out yesterday is due on Wednesday as well. The review and answers are available at

Humanities: Students checked 8.3 and began to work on 8.4 section assessment in class. Homework is to finish 8.4 section assessment. There is a chapter 8 test on Thursday.

ELA - Students began their study of Verbs with Grammar Chapter 4 Lessons 1 & 2. This is due tomorrow. Position Paper due tomorrow turned in through Google Classroom. We will have another Grammar lesson tomorrow, but I will leave time to work with students if they encounter problems with turning in. There will be NO time for typing. Please attempt to turn in your paper tonight, if you have issues I can help you tomorrow. Journals are due Wednesday, January 21 - 60 entries for 2nd Marking Period. AR points are due Thursday, January 22 - adjusted per student. Homework: Position Paper turned in, Grammar 4.1-4.2, Journal entry #2.57, Read.

Algebra: homework: 7.6 (2-18 evens) and ch.7 pre-test warm-up (all) due tomorrow. Chapter 7 Test on Thursday

Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday, January 12

Tentative Midterm Exam Schedule
January 20- Chinese Listening
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science: Compared the potential energy to the kinetic energy of the car on the track before and after bouncing off a rubber band. We will use this data to calculate the efficiency of the system. Daily science quiz tomorrow. 

Geometry: Began reviewing for Wednesday's test on similarity. Review is due tomorrow.

Humanities: Students reviewed 8.2 and were introduced to 8.3 in class today. Homework is to finish 8.3 section assessment. There is a chapter 8 test on Thursday. Current events are due Friday.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Tuesday, January 20, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Tuesday, January 20, 2015
TEST: Tuesday, January 20

Pre-Algebra: Today students received a 4.1 - 4.4 Review, as there will be a quiz on Wednesday January 14 over these sections. The review is due on Wednesday as well. Tomorrow is a lab day - PLEASE DRESS FOR THE WEATHER AS WE WILL BE WALKING TO AVERY!!!!!!! The review and answers are available at

ELA - students are all logged in to their Google classroom. All information for the project (Writer's Workshop lessons and rubric) can be found in my Google classroom. This is where they must turn in their papers by Wednesday. We reviewed MLA format and students began typing their papers in Google Drive. We will not have another lab day, my room is open everyday but Wednesday (Student Council meeting in my room), students should take the time to finish typing their papers during the school day or at home. Homework: Paper, Journal entry 2.56, Read. FYI- The marking period ends next Friday but my last day with morning classes is Thursday.

Physical Education: Essay
The March Miracle event at Norup helps to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  The money raised helps fund cancer research for a cure to leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and melanoma.  This is only one of many great causes.  Your assignment for this month is to write a one to two page paper on an organization (other than our March Miracles event) that uses a physical activity to help raise funds.  Include: the name of the organization; the activity the participants do; why you chose this event and why the money is raised.
Papers should be of high quality, informative, 1 – 2 pages in length.
- Double check your spelling.
- A typed paper is preferred.
This homework is due on Tues., Jan. 13thYou may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Friday, January 9

Tentative Midterm Exam Schedule
January 20- Chinese Listening
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science: Continued our discussion of conservation of energy and took notes on The Law of Conservation of Energy, using & conserving energy, friction & efficiency.

Geometry: Worked with groups on "The Floodlight Problem". No homework.

Humanities: Students reviewed the Louisiana Purchase and discussed current events in class. No homework.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 12, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Tuesday, January 20
TEST: Tuesday, January 20

Chinese: Please check the class blog to see the details of the mid-term exam.

Algebra: Great job on the quiz!! We discussed the solution to systems that have infinite solutions and no solutions. Homework: worksheet 7.5 (all)

Pre-Algebra: Today we finished 4.4. The homework is to complete the 4.4 homework page passed out yesterday, due Monday. The notes and homework can be found at .

Physical Education: Essay
The March Miracle event at Norup helps to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  The money raised helps fund cancer research for a cure to leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and melanoma.  This is only one of many great causes.  Your assignment for this month is to write a one to two page paper on an organization (other than our March Miracles event) that uses a physical activity to help raise funds.  Include: the name of the organization; the activity the participants do; why you chose this event and why the money is raised.
Papers should be of high quality, informative, 1 – 2 pages in length.
- Double check your spelling.
- A typed paper is preferred.
This homework is due on Tues., Jan. 13thYou may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Today we finished the translations that we started yesterday, and reviewed what we've learned so far in Chapter 3 by completing exercises 1-4 on page 91.

If you did finish today's in class work, finish it at home and turn it in on Monday, January 12. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Thursday, January 8

Tentative Midterm Exam Schedule
January 20- Chinese Listening
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science: Practiced calculating potential and kinetic energy and used the idea of energy conservation to predict how fast the car should go based on its drop height. We then compared these predicted speeds to the actual speed data collected on Monday and discussed any discrepancies. Potential and Kinetic Energy worksheet is homework-many students did NOT do the homework yesterday, so they have twice as much to do tonight. 

Geometry: Went over the solving problems with similarity homework from yesterday and did some additional practice with similarity. Similarity and triangles worksheet 2 is homework

Pre-Algebra: Today we continued notes on 4.4. The homework is 4.4 1-6, 13-18, 21, 23, 25 on a separate sheet of paper. This is due tomorrow. The notes and homework are available at .

Humanities: Students reviewed 8.1 and 8.2 in class. No homework.

Algebra:  We took a quiz today.  No homework.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 5, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due January 20, 2015
TEST: Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE DID TODAY: We started translating the Fotonovela script that we've watched in class. Most students completed approximately half of the script. We will complete the translation tomorrow, and watch the Fotonovela again. There will be no language lab tomorrow.
HOMEWORK: Students should be reviewing the vocabulary and concepts from Chapters 1, 2, and the first half of 3. There will be a midterm exam in the beginning of February.
Have a wonderful evening. Stay warm!

Physical Education: Essay
The March Miracle event at Norup helps to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  The money raised helps fund cancer research for a cure to leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and melanoma.  This is only one of many great causes.  Your assignment for this month is to write a one to two page paper on an organization (other than our March Miracles event) that uses a physical activity to help raise funds.  Include: the name of the organization; the activity the participants do; why you chose this event and why the money is raised.
§  Papers should be of high quality, informative, 1 – 2 pages in length.
§  Double check your spelling.
§  A typed paper is preferred.
  This homework is due on Tues., Jan. 13thYou may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Wednesday, January 7

Tentative Midterm Exam Schedule
January 20- Chinese Listening
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science: Students read and took notes on energy, work & potential and kinetic energy. Homework is the work & potential/kinetic energy worksheet

Geometry: Using similarity to solve problems. 

Algebra:  Quiz tomorrow!  Homework:  quiz practice

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed 4.3, reducing fraction monomials with variables. We started notes on 4.4, finding the least common multiple using prime factorization. There is no homework. The notes can be found at .

ELA - Students checked in their Revised draft of their Position Paper. We then focused on conclusions (Writers Workshop Day 5) for argument/position papers.  What should be included and then revised each other's conclusions.  Polish papers if needed tonight, we will be looking at MLA in-text citations tomorrow, be sure you have your draft and your bibliography tomorrow. Homework: Journal #2.51, READ!  

RR English:
     Read every evening
     Reading log is due Monday, January 5, 1015     
     parents must sign reading logs
RR Math:
     A section of math should be completed each night
     Math packet is due Friday, January 20    
     TEST:  Tuesday, January 20

Physical Education: Essay
The March Miracle event at Norup helps to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  The money raised helps fund cancer research for a cure to leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and melanoma.  This is only one of many great causes.  Your assignment for this month is to write a one to two page paper on an organization (other than our March Miracles event) that uses a physical activity to help raise funds.  Include: the name of the organization; the activity the participants do; why you chose this event and why the money is raised.
§  Papers should be of high quality, informative, 1 – 2 pages in length.
§  Double check your spelling.
§  A typed paper is preferred.
This homework is due on Tues., Jan. 13thYou may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday, January 6

Tentative Midterm Exam Schedule
January 20- Chinese Listening
January 21- Algebra & Chinese Reading
January 22- Geometry & Chinese Writing
January 23- Geometry
January 27- Science
January 29 & 30- French 1 & 3, Spanish 1

Science: Graphed the data that we collected yesterday, and then discussed how height affected speed. This led to a discussion of potential and kinetic energy and transfer of energy. Students then were introduced to the formula for potential energy & the concept of energy conservation. We will eventually use this to predict the speed of the car and compare that to the actual speed. energy Quest on Friday, January 16.

Geometry: Finished 4.4- similarity and triangles notes. Homework is the similarity and triangles handout. Unit 4 test on Wednesday, January 14.

Humanities: Students were introduced to chapter 8 and began to work on 8.1 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 8.1 section assessment.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 12, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed 

Pre-Algebra: Today we started 4.3 - Equivalent Fractions. We took notes and the homework is 4.3, 1-29 odd due tomorrow. Notes and homework are available at .

ELA - WW Position Papers Day 4- Students reviewed their own papers and worked on the tone. Rewrite due tomorrow - include all revisions. Homework: Rewrite as Journal entry 2.49, READ!

Spanish (Farah): Welcome back, I hope you had a restful winter break! Today we watched a Fotonovela from the textbook and filled out an accompanying worksheet. (Un domingo en familia) If you did not finish the Fotonovela worksheet, please finish at home this evening and bring with you tomorrow. 

Algebra: We discussed the method of Elimination for solving systems of equations. Homework: finish the problems from the notes (each class did different problems)

Physical Education: Essay
The March Miracle event at Norup helps to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  The money raised helps fund cancer research for a cure to leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and melanoma.  This is only one of many great causes.  Your assignment for this month is to write a one to two page paper on an organization (other than our March Miracles event) that uses a physical activity to help raise funds.  Include: the name of the organization; the activity the participants do; why you chose this event and why the money is raised.
§  Papers should be of high quality, informative, 1 – 2 pages in length.
§  Double check your spelling.
§  A typed paper is preferred.
This homework is due on Tues., Jan. 13th.

You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Monday, January 5

Welcome Back and Happy 2015! 

As we head into January it's time to start thinking about midterm exams. Teachers ATTEMPT to stagger these tests, but it isn't always possible. Here is a tentative schedule for midterms:

January 21: Algebra&  Chinese Listening
January 22: Geometry & Chinese Reading
January 23: Geometry & Chinese Writing (?)
January 27: Science
January 29 & 30: French

Science: Jumped back in to our unit on energy by collecting data on the track to see how drop height (and mass) affect the speed of the car. We began graphing this data and will continue tomorrow.

Geometry: Quizzes from before break were returned and we discussed the affect that order of transformations has on shapes mapping to one another. We then began section 4.4- similarity and triangles. Homework is to complete the two reflect questions. 

ELA - Writer's Workshop Day 3 - Students watched Bill Nye - Alternative Energy and noticed how evidence can be slanted or used to prove an argument. Students then looked at their own evidence and flash drafts, they decided which evidence proved their point the best.

Humanities: Students reviewed 7.3/7.4 of the text in class today. No homework. Current events due Friday.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 12, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night

Algebra: Welcome back! We are continuing our work with solving systems of equations. We discussed the substitution method today. Homework: 4 substitution problems and 7.1A (all). Upcoming assessments: 1/8/15 short quiz sections 7.1-7.4, 1/14/15 Chapter 7 test