Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, February 28

Science: Finished the notes relating to current electricity and discussed electrical safety systems in our homes & electricity distribution. Homework is to find the circuit breaker box (or fuse box) in your home and either take a picture or draw it. Electricity quiz corrections are due on Tuesday.

Geometry: Continued practicing with the Laws of Sines & Cosines. Homework is the Law of Sines ambiguous case. Law of Sines & Cosines test on Wednesday.

R. Room Math:  Practice your X facts!

C. Reading:  Log due Monday-all five responses need to be complete.

Humanities: Students checked 12.4 and reviewed all of chapter 12 for our test on Tuesday. Homework is to use our chapter 12 pretests to begin to study for the test on Tuesday. Please remember to answer the question "Was Jackson a good president? Why/why not?"

Spanish I: Due Monday 1.Restaurant Skit (dialogue) 2.Interrogatives Sheet (song is on the back). Due Wednesday 1.TEST on 2.2 - 2.Escuchar and Vocab packets- 3.Conjuguemos crossword

Spanish 2: The chapter test has been moved to Tuesday. The review packet is still due on Monday. 

French 1: The worksheet packet and flash cards are due on Monday 

Pre-Algebra: We explored how linear relationships can be displayed by using various representations (graphs, tables, equations, contexts). We also started an exploration of how we can write equations and represent word problems involving linear relationships by using equations, graphs, and tables. HW: Chapter 8 Test Corrections due Monday

Algebra - quiz over sections 8.1-8.2.  Homework: 8.3A (odds only)

Chinese: We watched 3 videos of Opening of the Silk Road, Marco Polo's journey to China, and The Missionary with Confucius Garb. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Thursday, February 27

Science: Read and took notes on parallel circuits, short circuits and AC/DC. Homework is series and parallel worksheet.

Geometry: Continued our discussion of the Law of Cosines by applying the law to story problems. Homework is to complete the Law of Cosine story problems. Law of Sine and Cosine test is  Wednesday next week.

C. Reading:  You received your new log.  It is due Monday 3/3/14.  All five days and five responses need to be filled out!  Parents also need to sign it.

R. Room Math:  Math test today.  If you did not turn in your homework, you need to by tomorrow for late points.

Spanish I: Complete: ¿Qué vas a hacer? sheets-due tomorrow. Time Test--tomorrow. Restaurant Skit-due Monday. 2.2 Test-Wednesday

ELA - Wednesday we then continued our Grammar study with Chapter 5 - Adjectives and Adverbs.  Students were given time to work on Grammar 5.4-5.5 - many seemed to struggle with this so we will go over it in detail today.  We will then move on to 5.6-5.7 today.  The quiz scheduled for Friday will be moved to Monday so we can review Adjectives and Adverbs tomorrow. Homework: Grammar 5.6-5.7, Journal #26, READ!
Technology-Students continued their hybrid online unit in Moodle.  We Moved on in Module 2 with Students completed a graphic Organizer in "Who Am I". We began investigating Holland's Personality Types and watched a video on what careers suited different personality types.  We will investigate the Career Pathways and prepare for our Career Cruising lessons next week.

Spanish II: Review worksheet is due on Monday. Study for the chapter 5 test on Monday

French I: 5.1 worksheet is due on Monday. Flash cards on 5.1 are due tomorrow

Humanities: Students reviewed 12.3 and began to work on 12.4 in class. Homework is to complete 12.4 guided notes.

Chinese: We started Lesson 9 Text 2, and class work is having a conversation about siblings and work.

Pre-Algebra: Today we went over the Chapter 8 test, discussing common errors and difficult problems. We also reviewed the homework that covered how to write an equation for a line when given the slope and a point on the line. HW: Finish Writing Linear Equations worksheet (odds)

Algebra - Quiz tomorrow.  Make sure you check your homework (see attached)

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wednesday, February 26

Science: Took the electricity quiz.

Geometry: Investigated the Law of Cosines. Homework is to complete the Law of Cosines practice.

C. Reading:  You received your new log.  It is due Monday 3/3/14.  All five days and five responses need to be filled out!  Parents also need to sign it.

R. Room Math:
  Your homework is due this Thursday 2/27/14.  Your test is also on Thursday 2/27/14.  Please remember, if you turn your homework in by Wednesday morning, I will check it and return it to you in the afternoon so you can use your homework to study for the test with correct answers!!  STUDY this week prior to the test this Thursday!!  I am also available during lunch if you have math questions.

Humanities: Students reviewed 12.2 and began to work on 12.3 in class. Homework is to complete 12.3 guided notes.

Algebra- Exponent rules using quotients.  Homework: 8.2 worksheet (attached).  Quiz on Friday.

Chinese: We practiced how to ask personal questions in speaking, and homework is writing Lesson 9 Text 1 characters 3 times in steps.

Spanish II: Finish the reflexive verb worksheet for tomorrow.

French I: Finish the 5.1 worksheet for Monday. 5.1 flashcards are due this Friday.

Spanish 1: Telling time test--Friday (know son las or es la; a las or a la; quarter after or quarter to; midnight and noon). ¿Qué vas a hacer? sheets --due Friday. Telling time notes was due TODAY. Restaurant Skit--due Monday. 2.2 Chapter test --Wednesday 

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed Function Notation and completed an ISN page on two ways we learned to graph lines. HW: Writing Linear Equations WS (evens front and back)

Course 3: We learned to graph equations using the slope and the y-intercept.  Homework is worksheet with 12 questions with graphs.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, February 25

Science: Compared voltage and current in series and parallel circuits by completing investigation 14-A. Electricity quiz is tomorrow!

Geometry: Continued investigating the Law of Sines by applying it to an ambiguous case. Homework is to complete the two practice problems on Law of Sines in the packet and page 491 #1-7. Law of Sines and Cosines test is Monday.

Spanish II: Study for the 5.1 chapter test on Monday

French I: Finish the 5.1 worksheet, due Monday

Spanish I (Tomlinson): Que vas a hacer manana--due Friday. Continue working on Restaurant Skits-due Monday. TEST-telling time/time words ONLY-Friday 2/28

C. Reading:  You received your new log.  It is due Monday 3/3/14.  All five days and five responses need to be filled out!  Parents also need to sign it.

R. Room Math:
  Your homework is due this Thursday 2/27/14.  Your test is also on Thursday 2/27/14.  Please remember, if you turn your homework in by Wednesday morning, I will check it and return it to you in the afternoon so you can use your homework to study for the test with correct answers!!  STUDY this week prior to the test this Thursday!!  I am also available during lunch if you have math questions.

Chinese: We learned 6 radicals in Lesson 9, and practiced how to ask and answer yes or no questions.
Classwork is on work book p.82, writing 6 radicals 3 times.

Stein Health 8What we did today: Today we read the laws on smoking bans. We also read an argument promoting laws that enforce a smoking ban, and an argument against laws that enforce a smoking ban. Students were asked to get into pairs and choose an argument, for or against, and develop and argument with evidence. All links are available on Edmodo. Homework: There is no homework today. 

Course 3: We continued to talk about slope.  Homework is worksheet 11.6, #1 - 16, 21, 22.  You must show your work.

Humanities: Students reviewed 12.1 and began to work on 12.2 in class. Homework is to complete 12.2 free choice.

ELA -  We then continued our Grammar study with Chapter 5 - Adjectives and Adverbs.  Students were given time to work on Grammar 5.2-5.3, due tomorrow.  Quiz on Friday. Homework: Grammar 5.2-5.3, Journal #24, READ! (AR2 for 3rd Marking Period is due on Feb 28th)
Technology- Students turned in any late submissions for their Globalization Essay, again.  Students turned in Topic 6 Task- 5 terms and their definitions created in a properly formatted chart. We Moved on in Module 2 with "Who Are You? It Matters For Your Future" watched another video on Career Forward and answered questions in a classroom blog.  Students then completed a graphic Organizer in "Who Am I".

Pre-Algebra: Today we had a quick concept review of Exponent Rules. We also looked at Function Notation [f(x)] .  HW: 8.7 (1-12) 

Algebra- We continued our discussion of Properties of Exponents.  Homework:  8.1B evens (5th hour has all)

Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday, February 24

Science: Jigsaw notes on conductors & insulators, resistance and series vs. parallel circuits. Electricity quiz is Wednesday, February 26.

Geometry: Began our mini-unit on the Law of Sines and the Law of Cosines. Homework is Law of Sines practice #1-6.

Humanities: Students took the chapter 12 pre-test and were introduced to chapter 12 in class. Homework is to complete 12.1 section assessment.

C. Reading:  You received your new log today.  It is due Monday 3/3/14.  All five days and five responses need to be filled out!  Parents also need to sign it.

R. Room Math:  Your homework is due this Thursday 2/27/14.  Your test is also on Thursday 2/27/14.  Please remember, if you turn your homework in by Wednesday morning, I will check it and return it to you in the afternoon so you can use your homework to study for the test with correct answers!!  STUDY this week prior to the test this Thursday!!  I am also available during lunch if you have math questions.

Spanish II: Draw a person/monster and write 5 sentences about body parts that hurt.
Study for the 5.1 test on Monday, Mar 3. Study guide and practice links are on my blog.

French I: Work on the 5.1 worksheet, due Mon Mar 3rd. No vocab quiz this week.

ELA - Students turned in their Novel Portfolio and we closed out our study of To Kill a Mockingbird with a quick study of "walking in another man's shoes" and wrote a journal entry on the activity.  We then continued our Grammar study with Chapter 5 - Adjectives and Adverbs.  Students were given time to work on Grammar 5.1, due tomorrow.  Homework: Grammar 5.1, Journal #23, READ! (AR2 for 3rd Marking Period is due on Feb 28th)

Technology- Students turned in any late submissions for their Globalization Essay.  We then moved on with Career Related terms, getting students ready to do a "self study" to find their strengths and weaknesses.  Topic 6 Task- 5 terms and their definitions created in a properly formatted chart. This assignment can be found in their Moodle classroom.

Chinese: We are starting Lesson 9 Occupation today, and we are learning a few occupations in Chinese. Students will review a few phrases in characters first in class, and then practice asking whether someone does certain type of jobs. Classwork will be writing down new vocabulary from Lesson 9 3 times in pinyin.

Course 3: Today we reviewed and started talking about finding the slope of a line given two ordered pairs.  Homework is a review sheet labeled Chapter 11 warm up.

Pre-Algebra: Today we spent some time reviewing the procedure for multi-step equation solving. Students completed 10 problems and scored them for accuracy. This is a good indicator of how well they have mastered this skill. HW: Complete and turn in Mixed Equations worksheet if you have not already done so.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Telling Time packet--due Wednesday, 2/26, 2.2 test (time ONLY)-Friday 2/28
restaurant skit-due Monday, 3/3


Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, February 14

Science: Electricity Webpage. After completing the first page visit some of these:

Humanities: Students shared bio. cards and discussed great African Americans in history during class. No homework. Have a wonderful break!

Spanish II: Study for the 5.1 chapter test after the break
French I: Study the new vocab (purple words) on pg 167

Algebra - Have a wonderful week off!

C. Reading:  No logs over vacation except three of my students- you know who you are :)  Everyone else should still continue to read over vacation without filling out a log.

R. Room Math:  Your math test will be Thursday 2-27-14.  Your homework packet will also be due Thursday 2-27-14.  If you turn your homework in before Wednesday, I will check it and return it to you with correct answers so you can use it to study!!  Take advantage.

Course 3: We worked on tessellations in class today.  No homework.  Enjoy your break!!

Spanish (Tomlinson) HW:  2.2 Review 

Happy Valentine's Day!!  Have a wonderful and relaxing vacation!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday, February 13

Science: Watched Disney's Imaginarium - Electricity and went over the Ohm's Law homework and Circuit Diagrams. 

Geometry - Took the trig test. No homework! 

C. Reading:  The few students that did not turn in a log, will have one due Monday after vacation.  The rest of you....enjoy reading without a log!

R. Room Math:  We will review for the test after vacation.  The test will be on Thursday 2/27.  Your homework packet is also due on or before 2/27.

Spanish II: Study the reflexive verbs and negative tú commands for the chapter test on Thursday, Feb 27th

French I: Study the purple words (first set) on pg 167

Humanities: Students recognized Black History Month by working on biography cards of great African Americans in class. Biography cards are due tomorrow.

Chinese: We learned about nationalities, and learn to write 5 characters from Lesson 8 Text 2.
Classwork is on Work book p. 78.

Algebra - Chapter 7 Test today.  No homework.  Have a great winter break!

ELA - Students were given the hour to take their AR quiz on To Kill a Mockingbird and work on their Novel Portfolio (with me there for any questions). I will not see ELA tomorrow due to the 1/2 day.  Please be sure to read over break as you should be ready to take your second AR quiz when we return. 
Tech- Kennedy - Mrs. Helms spoke to the students about requirements for the High School and gave them the schedule of events for Berkley High School.  The first being a parent meeting on February 26th. Globalization essay submitted through Moodle due tomorrow.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Re-do 15,17,18 (due yesterday) being sure to follow directions in text (2.2). Turn in 10 questions if you were absent today.

Stein Health 8: What we did today: Today, Ms. Helms spoke with the class regarding next year's scheduling. The high school counselors will be coming April 2nd to help students complete scheduling. Homework: There is no homework today.

Pre-Algebra: Chapter 8 Assessment. HW: none - 3rd hour bring Chapter 8 Review tomorrow to be checked in

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Wednesday, February 12

Science: Took notes, watched a video and practiced Ohm's Law.  Homework is the Ohm's Law worksheet.

Geometry: Went over the test review and did review stations. Homework is to review for tomorrow's test.

C. Reading:  The few students that did not turn in a log, will have one due Monday after vacation.  The rest of you....enjoy reading without a log!

R. Room Math:  We will review for the test after vacation.  The test will be on Thursday 2/27.  Your homework packet is also due on or before 2/27.

Humanities: Students shared current events in class today. No homework.

ELA - Students were given time to take their To Kill a Mockingbird AR quiz, work on their portfolio, and view the classic movie based on the book. TKM AR quiz due tomorrow.  Portfolio due Monday, Feb 24th (the day we get back from break). Homework: Journal entry #20, READ!

Technology- Students worked in Career Forward and watched more videos on globalization. Using notes from yesterday's work and today's work students will write an essay on the impact of technology on globalization. Homework: Essay due Friday.

Spanish II: Begin studying your reflexive and negative tú commands for the chapter test after the break.
French I: Begin studying the purple words (first set) on pg 167. Flash cards will be due after the Monday after the break.

Spanish (Tomlinson): 2.2 Vocab--tomorrow (Thurs). 10 questions due tomorrow

Algebra - Test tomorrow.  Answers to the review stations are attached.

Stein Health 8What we did today: Today we finished working on our anti-tobacco advertisements. The directions and rubric can be found on Edmodo. These were due today by the end of the hour. ** Tomorrow, Ms. Helms will be speaking with the class regarding next year's scheduling. The high school counselors will be coming in early April to help students complete scheduling. Tomorrow is simply informational.
Homework: The advertisement is homework if it was not completed in class today.

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed for tomorrow's assessment on Unit 8. Students received a checklist of things to know and a review sheet. HW: Finish either evens or odds on the Unit 8 Review. Use your checklist to study for tomorrow's test! Happy Studying!

Chinese: There will be an information meeting of 2015 Spring Break China Trip tomorrow night at 7pm in BHS's media center. Yesterday we learned how to address family members by creating an imagination family within class. Today we are doing some workbook exercises on P.76 and 77. Homework is P. 77. 6

Course 3: Today we graphed using the x-intercept and the y-intercept. Homework is worksheet 11.5, #2-14,evens.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tuesday, February 11

Science: Jigsaw notetaking on voltage, current and resistance. Homework is 13.1 & 13.2 worksheet.

Geometry: Trig test review is due tomorrow, trig test is Thursday.

C. Reading:  If logs were not turned in today, then you will have one to do over vacation.

R. Room Math:  Packet/Test on Thursday 2/27

Spanish (Tomlinson): Due tomorrow -- Ex. 15,17,18 pp 136-137. Due Thursday--10 sentences for speed dating. VOCAB QUIZ--THURSDAY (extra day given!) Restaurant Skit info given --not due until March 3

Stein Health 8: What we did today: Today we continued working on our anti-tobacco advertisements. The directions and rubric can be found on Edmodo. These will be due Wednesday, February 12 by the end of the hour. Homework: There is no homework today. 

Course3: We had a quiz today.  No homework.

Spanish II: Finish the Señor Wooly packet
French I: No homework

Pre-Algebra: Quarterly II- HW: Be sure you have completed your assignments from Unit 8. I will be checking in 8.5 all tomorrow (if I have not already checked yours in) . Unit 8 Test Thursday! Start preparing by reviewing your notes, ISN pages, homework and classwork.

Humanities: Students checked 11.3 and reviewed chapter 11 in class. Homework is to complete a current event for tomorrow.

ELA - Students were given time to take their To Kill a Mockingbird AR quiz, work on their portfolio, and view the classic movie based on the book.  Homework: Journal entry #19, READ!
Technology- Students viewed "Did you know" and a New York Times article using provided notes pages.  We will create login's for Career Forward and watch more videos on globalization. Homework: bring headphones to class for our lesson on Globalization tomorrow.

Algebra- Homework: Practice Test for Chapter 7 (due tomorrow)

Monday, February 10, 2014

Monday, February 10

Science: Investigated the relationship between voltage, resistance and current in a circuit by test the current flowing through "mystery" resistors. 

Geometry: Developed triangle area formula based on trigonometry. Homework is to complete the practice on page 176. Trigonometry test is Thursday!

C. Reading:  Logs are due today.  Tomorrow, Tuesday, is the last day I will accept it for late points.  Reminder, if you turn in a log, you will not have one over vacation.  If you do not turn in a log, you will have one over vacation.  Make a good choice!!

R. Room Math:  PLEASE READ.  There have been some changes in dates.  You will have you math test Thursday 2/27/14.  We will have plenty of review time after vacation.  Therefore, your homework packet will not be due until Thursday 2/27/14.  Remember, I will look at your homework early and correct it before the test if you turn it in early, so you can use it as a study guide.

Course 3: We have a quiz on lessons 11.1 - 11.4 tomorrow.  We have done a ton of review.  Extra practice is on pages 636 - 638 if needed.  You can also take a practice quiz on

Chinese: We are learning 6 radicals from Lesson 8, and also practiced describing family orally. Assignment is writing the radicals 3 times from workbook p.72.

Spanish II: 5.1 quiz was moved to tomorrow. Finish the packet on the Sr. Wooly video.

French I:  Study for the second part of the midterm tomorrow.

Algebra - We are done with Chapter 7.  Homework: Systems of Inequalities (1-6) and all of pre-test warm-up (attached)

Spanish (Tomlinson): Due Wed-- Ex. 15, 17, 18 (pp. 136-7). 2.2 Vocab Quiz-Wed, 10 questions -- due Thursday, No packets (time; vocab;escuchar) are due this week

ELA - Students were given time to take their To Kill a Mockingbird AR quiz, work on their portfolio, and view the classic movie based on the book.  Homework: Journal entry #18, READ!
Technology- Students received their Moodle User Name and Password.  We then continued our Net Etiquette lessons.  Students took an online quiz on Netetiquette and posted a blog posting on the class online classroom.  Homework: bring headphones to class for our lesson on Globalization tomorrow.

Stein Health 8What we did today: Today we began creating an anti-tobacco advertisement. The directions and rubric can be found on Edmodo. These will be due Wednesday, February 12. Homework: There is no homework today. 

Humanities: Students reviewed 11.1/11.2 in class. Homework is to complete 11.3 section assessment.

Pre-Algebra: Today we practiced writing equations in Slope-Intercept form from graphs and points on a line. We also took notes on parallel and perpendicular lines. We compared their graphs and slopes to look for patterns. HW:  8.5 All (in packet). Those that did not have their 8.3 evens today need to turn it in tomorrow Chapter 8 Test on Thursday!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday, February 7

Science: Today we completed our first section of notes on electricity and Op-Ed essays were returned (with the exception of 5th hour, sorry!). Homework is to complete the three circuit diagrams passed out in class.

Geometry: Started the trig quiz, students need to finish it and the first page of developing area for homework.

Course 3: We started to review for our quiz on Tuesday.  Review is homework if it is not finished.

Spanish II: work on the Senor Wooly packet on the video with reflexive verbs. Do not do the last three pages of writing. We will do that on Monday.
French I: Study for the midterm on Monday and Tuesday. Remember that the packets I gave out this week are for practice.
  • The first packet I gave out on 4.2 and 4.3 is due on Wednesday, and only the sections we checked off.
  • The packet I gave yesterday, we will finish in class today.
  • The third packet is old quizzes that you can do if you want to.
ELA - Last day of Realistic Fiction, and last entry for our Classwork portion of the Portfolio.  Please be sure that portfolios are being added to and kept organized.  Tough Questions was our sign post for the day, this sheet should be placed in the portfolio. Homework: finish TKM and work on Portfolio
Tech-Kennedy- We began our use of Moodle in our online classroom for Using Technology in Careers Exploration.  We discussed nettiquette and using technology responsibly.  Students will get their login for our online classroom on Monday.

Spanish (Tomlinson): "el horario de maria"-due Monday, vocab quiz-Wed, 10 questions-due Thursday (for your character)

Humanities: Friday, students will be working on 11.2 guided notes.  Guided notes will be due Monday. If students are absent on Friday, and unable to get the guided notes, they can complete a section assessment for 11.2.

Algebra-  We graphed systems of inequalities today.  Homework: worksheet 7.6 (all)

Chinese: We are writing a passage of self introduction in characters.

Pre-algebra: Students worked on graphing lines and writing linear equations. They were also assigned the Stained Glass Window mini-project in which they graph linear equations to create a stained glass window design. The final project will be due Wednesday, February 12th. No homework was assigned.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Thursday, February 6

Science: Continued Investigation 13-A and learned how to use a multimeter to measure current and voltage.

Geometry: Continued practicing trigonometric functions. Homework is the trig handout. Trig quiz tomorrow!

Chinese: We are learning to write the character spring, and do a paper-cut decoration of this character.

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.  I will not be giving a reading log over vacation unless you do not turn one in on Monday.

R. Room Math:  Your test is a week from today.  Also, your homework packet will be due Thursday as well.

Spanish (Tomlinson): #3 p. 128 and #6 p. 130. Write in COMPLETE SPANISH SENTENCES. Due TOMORROW (FRIDAY 2/7)

Algebra- Check skyward for grades on the last quiz.  Awesome job!!  Today we worked with linear systems that had no solution or an infinite amount of solutions.  Homework: 7.5(all) [attached]

Course3: We started to graph linear equations.  Our homework is labeled 11-3, both sides.

ELA - Students continued their study of Realistic Fiction in the reading of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.  In Reader's Workshop Day 8 we discussed another Signpost. Homework: Read to the end of the book!  Journal entry# 16
Technology- Kennedy - Students finished their survey and posted in the hall.  We then continued our keyboarding practice.  Tomorrow we will start our Moodle/online classroom experience. 

Pre-Algebra: More practice with finding intercepts and slope from a graph. We also discussed how to write an equation in Slope-Intercept form when given a graph. Students listened to a math rap to help them remember the steps for graphing a line. Finally, we finished our ISN foldable to that displays how we can find slope from: graphs, tables, ordered pairs and equations. HW: 8.3 evens (on the back of last night's homework) 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wednesday, February 5

Science: Started our unit on electricity by building simple circuits and testing conductors and insulators.

Geometry: Continued our unit on trigonometry with a discussion of using inverse sine, cosine and tangent ratios to solve for angle measures. Homework is to complete worksheet 7.7.

Spanish II: Write 6 sentences using reflexive verbs that they will use in a children's story. The sentences are due tomorrow. We will illustrate the book next week in the lab using clip art or drawing.

French I: Study for the midterm on Monday and Tuesday.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Flashcards due Friday. Study for 2.2 Vocab quiz--next Wed (2/12)

C. Reading:  Logs are due Monday.  ALL FIVE DAYS need to be complete.

R. Room Math:  Test next Thursday when your homework packet is due.  2/13/14.

Humanities: Students took the chapters 9/10 test in class today.  If students were absent, they will make up the test on Monday, as I will be at a conference, out of the district, Thursday and Friday. There is no homework for this evening. Thursday, students will be working on 11.1 section assessment.  This assessment will be due Friday. Friday, students will be working on 11.2 guided notes.  Guided notes will be due Monday. If students are absent on Friday, and unable to get the guided notes, they can complete a section assessment for 11.2.

Algebra - We took a quiz today.  Homework: notes for 7.5 and review sheet on graphing linear inequalities.

Course 3: We changed equations from standard form into function form.  12 questions for homework.

Chinese: We started learning Lesson 8 by introducing the new words, and our classwork is write the characters in this lesson 3 times.

Pre-Algebra: Today we discussed how lines can easily be graphed using Slope-Intercept Form.  HW: Linear Graphs (4) Worksheet. Please also write an equation for each line in Slope-Intercept form.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Tuesday, February 4

Science: Took the midterm exam!

Geometry: Investigated sine, cosine and tangent ratios. Homework is to complete practice pages 160 & 164.

C. Reading:  Logs are due 2/3/14- ALL FIVE DAYS need to be filled out in full.

R. Room Math:  Homework packets will be due 2/13/14. 

Humanities: Students had our final day of review for chapters 9/10 test in class today. Homework is to study for the test that is tomorrow.

ELA - Students continued with their Realistic Fiction Reader's Workshop with Day 6.  We learned another sign-post "Words of the Wiser" and filled out a worksheet, this worksheet should go in their portfolio.  We discussed any problems students had with last night's chapters and then they were given time to read tonight's chapters. Portfolios should be an ongoing process.  Jotting down quotes as they find them in the reading, keeping track of characters and their characteristics as they are mentioned in the book. Keeping track of theme indicators as we proceed.  I have been mentioning these during our class discussions and have pointed out how our signposts are clues to the theme or they SHOULD be having those little "aha" moments themselves as they read.I gave more hard nosed due dates for the AR quizzes.  I will enter any quizzes the day after the due dates for this marking period.  Hoping this keeps students more on track than saying that they should be reading a book every two weeks, they can see the pacing in their grade-book through student access. Homework: Read Chapters 20-22 Journal #12

Tech - Students worked on their survey and created a bar chart to represent this survey, due tomorrow.

Algebra - Tomorrow is our 7.1-7.4 Quiz.  Homework: Systems practice (attached)

Course 3: We continued to work on lesson 11.3.  Homework is worksheet 11.3, #13 - 23.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Due Wednesday -- p128 Ex 1 and 2 (full Spanish sentences). Due Friday--2.2 vocab (p.143) flashcards. Sopa de Letras and Árbol de familia due by Friday as well

Stein Health 8What we did today: Students finished the webquest from yesterday and we discussed the answers as a class. Students were able to manipulate an online age simulator for people who smoked to show how smoking can affect a person's outward appearance drastically. Homework: Edmodo permission slips were due Friday, January 31. Please have your student's slip in as soon as possible.

Chinese: Today we went over the assignment from yesterday, and reviewed how to inquire people and item. Homework is on Workbook P.70 16&17.

Pre-Algebra: An exploration of Slope. Describing slop as positive, negative, zero and undefined ("Adventure of Slope Dude"). Finding slope from a graph and two given points. HW: I Can Find Slope From...Worksheet (front only)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday, February 3

Science: Went over the review for the midterm. Midterm is tomorrow!

Geometry: Took a quiz on the unit circle, homework is to complete the trig activity.

Course 3: Students took the quarterly assessment.  No homework.

Humanities: Students reviewed for the chapter 9/10 test in class today. Chapter 9/10 test is on Wednesday. Homework is to study for the test.

Corrective Reading:  Logs are due today.  If you forgot, you can turn it in tomorrow for late points.  Better than a 0!!  Your new log is due 2/10/14 (Monday).

R. Room Math:  Homework is due today.  If you forgot, you can turn it in tomorrow for late points.  Better than a 0!!  Your next test will most likely be on Thursday 2/13/14 when your new homework packet is due.

Algebra - continued working on systems of equations.  We have a quiz on Wednesday (7.1-7.4).  Homework: story problem practice (attached)

Stein Health 8: What we did today: Students completed a webquest in partners researching nicotine, addiction, health problems and withdrawal. Homework: Edmodo permission slips were due Friday, January 31. Please have your student's slip in as soon as possible.

Spanish (Tomlinson): 2.2 Flashcards (vocab. p. 143)--due Friday. p.128 exercises 1 and 2 -ANSWER IN COMPLETE SPANISH SENTENCES (due Wed.)

Spanish II: Study 5.1 vocab for a quiz on Monday.
French II: Study all study guides and vocab for the midterm on Monday and Tuesday next week.

Chinese: Students are translating from English to Chinese in pinyin regarding people and item inquiry. Last Friday we watched selected sections of 2014 Spring festival gala by CCTV.

ELA - Students continued with their Realistic Fiction Reader's Workshop with Day 5.  We discussed any problems students  had with the weekend's chapters and then they were given time to read tonight's chapters. Homework: Read Chapters 17-19 Journal #10
Tech - Students learned how to make a pictogram...using "old" directions from a previous version of Excel.  This helped teach them how to transfer knowledge of one version of a program to another.  They then created their own survey and created a bar chart to represent this survey, due Wednesday.

Pre-Algebra: Graphing Linear Equations using intercepts. Naming a point on the line and proving that it is, in fact, a solution to the equation. HW: Backside of Graphing Linear Equations worksheet