Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday, December 19

Science: Discussed MLA guidelines for in-text citations as well as formatting the works cited page. Students analyzed a sample paper and identified the in-text citations along with the matching citations on the works cited page. They then practiced writing in-text citations. As long as students have all the information and citation details necessary to write their Energy Research Paper there is no homework over break.

Geometry: 4.1-4.3 Quiz. No homework!

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 5, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
None, however some students are missing
assignments that could be completed over
break. The end of the semester is
January 23, 2015

Humanities: Students checked 7.3 guided reading and began to work on 7.4 guided notes (found in book) in class today. Hopefully, students finished 7.4 in class. If not, it is due when we return from break.

Pre-Algebra: Today we created a flip-chart of rules of divisibility and used it to decided if four-digit or larger numbers are divisible be these numbers without a calculator. There is no homework. Enjoy your break :)

Chinese:  圣诞快乐!Hope everyone have a wonderful holidays!! Meanwhile, please check the class blog for the assignments. 

ELA - Students used the research they produced in Science, the source worksheet, and their outline to produce a rough draft of their Position Paper in their journal for Day 2 of their Writer's Workshop. We will be working on these as soon as we return, please have your first draft of your essay done! How to write an argument & How to write a position are attached. Homework- Have a great break! 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday, December 18

Humanities: Students continued to work on 7.3 guided questions. 7.3 guided questions worksheet is due tomorrow.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 5, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Friday, December 19
TEST: Friday, December 19

Pre-Algebra: We worked on 4.2, working with GCF using prime factorization and story problems. The homework is 4.2, 2-28 even, 29, 30. The notes and homework are available at .
Please bring the following items to class tomorrow, if you have them:
-colored pencils or highlighter
-glue stick

Science: Continued taking notes from Discovery Education videos. Tomorrow we will be discussing citations.

Geometry: Finished 4.3 and did the 4.3 handout. Students need to take the time to go over the 4.3 handout more carefully for homework. Quiz tomorrow. 

ELA - Students began their Writer's Workshop with Position Paper Day 1. This cross curricular project was started with our Informational Reading Reader's Workshop, continued in Science with research and organizational lessons, and is now coming to completion with writing the paper and practicing a presentation of the information. Today we took the research completed in Science class and organized it in an outline & used the argument checklist to analyze their progress.  I checked thesis statements and gave remarks on adjustments. Tomorrow we will be using this outline to flash draft our first draft of this paper. If your student has any missing information for their outline please have him or her complete it tonight. Homework: Grammar take home quiz, Journal entry #2.44, Read.

Spanish: WHAT WE DID: We took Part 2 of the Chapter 2 Test. We started Chapter 3 by reviewing the vocabulary, and completing exercises 3 and 4 on page 79. This is homework if it was not completed in class.  

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday, December 17

Science: Students received individual feedback on the research they have done so far (5 days in class!) and some suggestions on what they still need to work on. They need to bring all of this info with them to language arts tomorrow! We then discussed different citation/formatting styles (MLA, APA, ASA, Chicago Style, Oh My!), we are using MLA for this paper with Language Arts, as well as how to properly cite a video. We then watched a portion of Powering The Future: The Green Revolution from The Science Channel and students took notes that can be used in their research paper. We will finish this video tomorrow and potentially watch a few others. On  Friday we will wrap up the science portion of this project by discussing other formatting guidelines (in-text citations and Works Cited pages using MLA). 

ELA - Students corrected their Grammar 6.2 and we moved on to 6.3-6.4 Conjunctions and Interjections (yes, of course we watched Schoolhouse Rock for both). Rewrites should be done tomorrow if not by Friday. Most have received theirs back. This will help them with their argument writing in the future. Be sure to have all research and worksheets from Science in ELA tomorrow, we will be starting our Position Paper. Homework: Grammar 6.3-6.4, Journal Entry #2.42, and READ.

Geometry: We CRUISED through section 4.3 on similarity, no homework. 4.1-4.3 quiz on Friday.

Humanities: Students checked 7.2 and began to work on 7.3 guided questions in class. 7.2 guided questions are due Friday.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 5, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Friday, December 19
TEST: Friday, December 19

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday, December 16

Science: Last day of research for our cross curricular project with Language Arts on Alternative Energy Sources. Students took time to label all of their information according to the paper requirements (How the source generates electricity, Why it's a good choice for Michigan, Where it has been used successfully and Counterclaim rebuttal) and then turned them in to me at the end of the hour. I will be looking over how much information they have so that students know if they are missing anything.

Geometry: 4.2- Drawing dilations discussed in class. Homework is the dilation handout. Quiz o 4.1-4.3 Friday- please be sure to take the quiz early if you're going to be absent on Friday.

Humanities: Students checked 7.1 section assessment and began to work on 7.2 section assessment in class. Homework is to complete 7.2 section assessment.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, January 5, 1015
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Friday, December 19
TEST: Friday, December 19

Pre-Algebra: Today we practiced GCF and working woth prime factorization. The homework is to finish 4.1 from yesterday if not already complete.

Algebra: We took our Chapter 5 test today. No homework

ELA - Students corrected their Grammar 6.1 and we moved on to 6.2 Using Prepositional Phrases. Homework: finish Grammar 6.2, Journal 2.41, READ!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday, December 15

Science: Continued researching energy sources for the cross curricular project with language arts. We only have one more day with the COW- any additional research students need to do will have to be done outside of class! Students must be keeping track of which facts from which sources because they will be required to use in-text citations in this paper. Attached is a copy of the literature review/citation handout provided by Mrs. Petersen last week, it should be completed by the end of class tomorrow! 

Geometry: Continued exploring dilations. 4.1 practice is homework. Quiz on dilations and similarity Friday.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 15
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 16
TEST: Monday, December 16

Pre-Algebra: Today we started 4.1, prime factorization of monomials. The homework is 4.1, all, front and back, due Wednesday. Tomorrow is a lab day, please dress accordingly.

ELA - Students handed in their rewrites for their Literary Analysis. Hoping the feedback helped! We then started Chapter 6 of our Grammar Units with 6.1 - Prepositions. We jumped over Chapters 4 and 5 as this chapter only has 4 lessons, perfect for right before break! Homework: Journal entry #2.40, Read, Grammar.

Algebra: Test tomorrow on chapter 5. No official homework tonight. Look over the 2 chapter reviews and try some problems on

Spanish: WHAT WE DID TODAY: We took Part 1 of the Chapter 2 Test. Part 2 will be given on Thursday, December 18. Make up Vocabulary Quizzes will be given on Wednesday. Please see me if you would like to take the make up Quiz. 

Friday, December 12, 2014

Friday, December 12

Humanities: Students shared Bill of Rights current events in class. No homework.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 15
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Friday, December 19
TEST: Friday, December 19

Pre-Algebra: Today we finished the Chapter 3 Test and students that were done work on a Chapters 1 - 3 Cumulative Review. No homework.

Science: Unit 2 tests were returned and we discussed them, then students had the hour to continue researching for our energy source cross-curricular project with language arts. Resources have also been posted to the blog- students need to focus on keeping track of their sources while researching. 

Geometry: Began unit 4: dilation & symmetry. 

Algebra: I have posted the answers to Review #1 that we went over today in class. Homework: Chapter 5 Review.

Chinese: We have homework this weekend. Please check the class blog.

ELA - Students received their Literary Essays back with the opportunity to rewrite and resubmit by Monday, December 15th. A checklist was given to help guide rewrites and class time available today through Friday. Rewrites will only be graded if accompanied by first paper and rubric. Homework: Journal entry #2.39 & READ!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Links for Research Project

Science Links for Research Project:

General Links
DTE- Green Energy


Solar Power

Nuclear Power
Detroit Edison
Detroit Edison 2

Wind Power




Fossil Fuels

Thursday, December 11

Science: Continued researching energy sources for our cross curricular project with language arts. Today we focused on researching how the energy source is used to generate electricity and how well it would work in Michigan. 

Geometry: Took the 3.5 & 3.6 quiz.

Pre-Algebra: Today we took the Chapter 3 test. No homework.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 15
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 16
TEST: Monday, December 16

ELA - Students received their Literary Essays back with the opportunity to rewrite and resubmit by Monday, December 15th. A checklist was given to help guide rewrites and class time available today through Friday. Rewrites will only be graded if accompanied by first paper and rubric. Homework: Journal entry #2.39 & READ!!!!

Algebra: We completed Review #1. No official homework today. Our test on Chapter 5 will be on Tuesday, December 16.  

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday, December 10

Science: Began researching alternative energy sources for the cross-curricular research project with language arts. Students should have one article (can be electronic or physical) to bring with them to L.A. tomorrow.

Geometry: Reviewed for the 3.5 & 3.6 "Quest" tomorrow. 

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 15
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 16
TEST: Monday, December 16

Humanities: Students checked 6.3 of the text and began to work on 6.2 section assessment in class. Students should work on number five first, then work through numbers one through four. Number six is not required.

Algebra: We are at the end of our chapter. Chapter 5 test will be given next Tuesday (12/16). Homework: Ch 5 review packet is due the end of the hour tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: Today we completed a Chapter 3 Review. The students were able to check their answers in class. If the review was not complete, it is homework. The answers will be on my website . Please have your child check the answers.

Spanish: WHAT WE DID TODAY: We began reviewing for the Part 1 of the Chapter 2 Test which will be on Monday, December 15. Students received Test Review Packets, and worked on them in class. TAREA:
Study for the Test. Students should have pages 11 - 14 completed in the Test Review Packet for tomorrow's class. 

Band:  Here's a video pre-view for tomorrow's band concert! 

Links for Science & Language Arts Project

Science Links for Research Project:

General Links
DTE- Green Energy


Solar Power

Nuclear Power
Detroit Edison
Detroit Edison 2

Wind Power




Fossil Fuels

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tuesday, December 9

Science: Began our unit on Energy by reviewing what students know about states and forms of energy as well as discussing the pros and cons of different energy sources. Tomorrow students will begin researching energy sources for our cross-curricular project with language arts.

Geometry: Extended our use of triangle congruence in proofs by analyzing "detour" proofs and missing diagram proofs. Homework is to complete the Isosceles triangle theorem practice, #10-12. 3.5-3.6 Quest on Thursday.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 15
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 16
TEST: Monday, December 16

ELA - Reader's Workshop Day 4 - Students read an article about varied alternative energy sources (skeptic, bizarre sources, good news & energy sources) and then taught their elbow partners and one other student about the topics. Homework: Journal entry #2.36 & READ!!!!

French 2: 11.2 worksheet is due on Monday, Dec 15th

Humanities: Students checked 6.1 in class today. Homework is to work on numbers 1, 2, 3 and 5 of 6.3 section assessment.

Algebra: We worked on line of best fit. We modeled how to find it using our own data we collected in class. Homework: Finding Line of Best Fit worksheet

Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday, December 8

Science: Took the Unit 2- Newton's Laws of Motion- Test. Lab corrections are due tomorrow.

Geometry: Discussed the isosceles triangle theorem (base angle theorem and converse). No homework. Quiz on 3.5 & 3.6 Thursday.

Lyskawa: Students were introduced to 6.1 of the text and began to work on 6.1 guided questions and a graphic organizer found in 6.1 section assessment. Homework is to complete the work for 6.1.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 15
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 16
TEST: Monday, December 16

Pre-Algebra: Today we continued working on solving and graphing two-step inequalities. Here is what we are doing the rest of the week: Tuesday: Chapter 3 Review in the lab - NO COAT, NO LAB. Wednesday: Chapter 3 Review in class, Thursday: Chapter 3 Test, Friday: Finish test

Algebra: more practice with parallel and perpendicular lines. Homework: worksheet (1-20)

ELA - Day 3 of Reader's Workshop Informational Text - Students learned about headings and practiced adding headings to an article I read out loud to them and a video they viewed (links for both are in the notes of the Power Point Slide). We then practiced taking like information from multiple sources and organizing them in an outline. Practice for when we get to writing our Position Paper after break. Homework: Journal entry # 2.34 READ! 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday, December 5

Geometry: Finished discussing triangle sum theorem. Homework is to complete the triangle sum theorem practice.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 8
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 8
TEST: Monday, December 8 

ELA - Day 2 of Reader's Workshop Informational Text - Students viewed a video on Informational text and the way author's use point of view to sway their audiences. We talked about the article we read yesterday and how that author used the images and his or her words to create a bias in the article. Homework: READ! 

Spanish: WHAT WE DID THIS WEEK: We participated in communicative activities- asking and answering scripted questions with our classmates.
We learned about-
Prepositions of Location
  • p. 60, Exercises 1 & 2
  • p. 62, Ex. 1 & 2
  • p. 65, Ex. 1 & 2
We will spend time reviewing all we've learned in preparation for the tests beginning on Thursday (the chapter test will be divided into sections for testing)

Chinese: Please read the story to your parents or any members in your household and ask them to sign on the last page of the story. Test is scheduled on Dec 12, Friday and it covers Mini Story 1.3 & 1.4

Humanities: Students reviewed 5.4 and shared current events in class. No homework.

Algebra: Homework: Problem Solving Workshop (copies posted on the blog yesterday) is due on Monday and wkst 5.5 (evens only)

Science: Went over the review for Monday's test, below is a video of the answers shared by 6th hour.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Thursday, November 4

Science: Played Jeopardy to review for Monday's test. The review from yesterday is due tomorrow.

Geometry: Discussed the triangle sum theorem.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 8
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 8
TEST: Monday, December 8 

Humanities: Students presented Constitution projects, and began to work on 5.4 section assessment in class. 5.4 section assessment and current events are due Friday.

ELA - Students began learning the skills used when reading Informational Texts during our Day 1 Session of Reader's Workshop. We looked at an article on Nuclear Power and discussed the headings and bold text. We took notes on the important information in the article. Homework: Journal # 2.31 & READ

Algebra: We answered questions about the Problem Solving Workshop (due on Monday) and discussed section 5.4. Homework: worksheet 5.4B (odds only)

Pre-Algebra: Today we worked on 3.5, solving inequalities using the multiplying and dividing properties. The homework is 3.5, 1-29 odd. The notes and homework are available at .

Humanities: Here's a video from Mr. Lyskawa's class

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Wednesday, November 3

Science: Went over last night's mass v weight and momentum practice. Students then began reviewing for Monday's test on Newton's laws of motion. The review is due on Friday.

Geometry: Took the Unit 3 (triangle congruence) test.

Humanities: Students worked on Constitution projects and 5.4 section assessment in class today. Project presentations will be tomorrow. Homework is to complete 5.4 section assessment and a current event for Friday.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 1
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 8
TEST: Monday, December 8

ELA- Students published their Literary Analysis, read, took AR quizzes. Literary Analysis papers due in final published form today by the end of class.Tomorrow we will start a Reader's Workshop on Informational/Non-fiction reading. This Reader's Workshop will lead into our cross curricular project with Science on alternative energy sources.  Homework: Journal #2.29 & Read (students should have at least half of their points read and quizzed for the marking period)

Algebra: We took a short quiz on sections 5.1 and 5.2 (scores are posted on Family Access), I assigned a Problem Solving Workshop (the workshop and answer sheet are attached). It is due on Monday. Bring clarifying questions tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tuesday, December 2

Science: Used what we've learned about momentum to analyze the momentum involved with the collision data collected before break. We also talked about lab corrections, which are due Tuesday, December 9. Homework is the momentum and mass v. weight practice. We will begin reviewing for the unit 2 test tomorrow, the test is Monday, December 8.

Geometry: Went over the review for tomorrow's test. Homework is to study for the test. Here's a video of Max summarizing triangle congruence: 

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 8
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 8
TEST: Monday, December 8 

ELA- Students published their Literary Analysis, read, took AR quizzes. Tomorrow will be the same, so check and see where your student needs to catch up and utilize this time wisely! Literary Analysis papers due in final published form tomorrow by the end of class. Homework: Journal #2.28, Read, Lit Analysis paper

Pre-Algebra: Today we went to the computer lab and practiced solving and graphing inequalities, as well as writing one and two-step equations to solve story problems.

Humanities: Students reviewed 5.3 and worked on group presentations in class. Students will have 20 to 30 minutes to work on presentations tomorrow. If you need more time, please work at home. Current events are due Friday. Watch Mr. Lyskawa's summary video!

Algebra: We will take a short quiz tomorrow (sections 5.1-5.2). Homework: Story problems for sections 5.1-5.2

Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday, December 1

We have Caring and Sharing going the next few weeks:

Dec. 1 – Dec. 5 Breakfast Food
Donate cereal, pancake mix, syrup, granola bars, and muffin mixes.
Dec. 5 Hat Day
Donate a $1.00 to Caring & Sharing to wear a hat to school.
Dec. 8 – Dec. 12 Caring & Sharing
Donate non-perishable food and or money to feed families.
Dec. 12 Hat Day
Donate a $1.00 to Caring & Sharing to wear a hat to school.

Students can bring these donations to school to be collected and earn spirit points!

Science: Completed notes on Newton's 3rd Law and momentum and labs were returned (except for a few groups in 7th hour that I still have to finish). Lab corrections are due next week Tuesday, December 9. The Newton's Laws unit test is Monday, December 8.

Geometry: Began reviewing for the Unit 3 test. Review is due tomorrow, test is Wednesday. 

Humanities: Students reviewed 5.2 of the text and began working on group questions for 5.3. Questions for 5.3 are attached. "Advertisements" for 5.3 are due Wednesday. Current events are due Friday.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 1
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 8
TEST: Monday, December 8

French 2: 11.1 worksheet is due on Monday.

Pre-Algebra: Today we started 3.4. The homework is 3.4, both sides of the worksheet, odds only. The notes and homework are available at**Tuesdays we go to the Avery lab, unless it is below 20 degrees. Students without a coat will NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO TO THE LAB. Please dress accordingly.

Algebra: Handed back test and IB assessments, checked homework and took notes on section 5.2. Homework: 5.2B worksheet (all) 

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday, November 25

Science: Continued investigating the 3rd law and momentum through collisions.

Geometry: Continued using congruence criteria in proofs, homework is proof handout #2.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, December 1
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Monday, December 8
TEST: Monday, December 8

Humanities: Students finished the geography bee in class today. No homework. Happy Thanksgiving.

Pre-Algebra: Today we went to the computer lab and practiced solving one-step and two-step equations, as well as equations with variables on both sides of the equal sign. There is no homework. Have a WONDERFUL break! :)

ELA - Students reviewed the requirements for academic writing and MLA format in Day 12. We will begin publishing next week as the earliest we could get to a lab (on wheels) is Tuesday. If your student has a moment over the weekend, please have them type their final draft so this is off of their plate. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Homework: Journal entry #2.26 Read.

Algebra: We took notes on section 5.1. Homework: wkst 5.1B (all)

Spanish: WHAT WE DID TODAY: We took a Vocabulary Quiz (Materias y Verbos). Students who finished early worked on a Thanksgiving Day Packet (en español). TAREA: Study the vocabulary and grammar that we've worked on in Chapter 2. There will be a Unit 2 Test not long after we return from break. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday, November 24

Science Students turned in the "Is the Force With You?" lab and began investigating Newton's 3rd law by observing what happens when cars of different masses collide.

Geometry: Began doing proofs using congruence and CPCTC, homework is the proofs handout #1. Unit 3 test is Wednesday, December 3.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, November 3
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Tuesday, November 4
TEST: Tuesday, November 4

Algebra: We took our chapter 4 graphing test today. No homework.

ELA - Students Peer Edited their Literary Essays during Writer's Workshop Day 11. We then worked on revisions and/or read. Tomorrow we will see MLA format for our final drafts. Homework: Journal entry 2.24 and read

Humanities: Students turned in 5.2 section assessments and took the first round of the Geography Bee in class. No homework.

Chinese:  If you couldn't finish writing the story piece today in class, please finish it and turn in tomorrow.

We reviewed Thursday night's homework (page 61, exercise 1). If you did not do it, make sure to hand it in tomorrow. We also learned about Prepositions of Location (page 60), and completed exercises 2 and 3 (page 61). For exercise 3, write 5 questions only. TAREA:
(Homework) If you didn't finish exercises 2 and 3 in class, finish them at home. Study for Vocabulary Quiz tomorrow. (Sections 'Materias,' and 'Verbos' page 76).

Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday, November 21

We have Caring and Sharing going the next few weeks:
Nov. 17 – Nov. 25 Peanut Butter & Jelly
Donate jars of peanut butter & jelly.
Dec. 1 – Dec. 5 Breakfast Food
Donate cereal, pancake mix, syrup, granola bars, and muffin mixes.
Dec. 5 Hat Day
Donate a $1.00 to Caring & Sharing to wear a hat to school.
Dec. 8 – Dec. 12 Caring & Sharing
Donate non-perishable food and or money to feed families.
Dec. 12 Hat Day
Donate a $1.00 to Caring & Sharing to wear a hat to school.
Students can bring these donations to school to be collected and earn spirit points!

Science: Students played with dropping objects of various masses from the same height and observed which hit the ground first. We then took notes on gravity and free fall, including a brief video on mass vs. weight.  "Is the Force With You?" lab is due on Monday, the final draft rubric is attached. Here's a video of one group collecting data last week: 

Geometry: Continued discussing congruence and triangles, homework is to find a counterexample for card #8 

Pre-Algebra: Today we took the 3.1 - 3.3 Quiz. No homework. Have a great weekend!

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, November 24
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night
Math packet is due Tuesday, December 8
TEST: Tuesday, December 8

Humanities: Students concluded our discussion of 5.1 of the text and began to work on 5.2 section assessment in class. 5.2 section assessment is due Monday.

Chinese: We have homework this weekend, please check the class blog.

French 2: Study for the second part of the test on Monday

ELA - We are in the home stretch! Today during Writer's Workshop Day 10 we discussed the parts of a good introduction and a good conclusion. We viewed examples from our mentor paper using the mentor text "All Summer in a Day" by Ray Bradbury. Homework: Write or type all paragraphs as rough draft for Peer Editing on Monday. READ!!!

Algebra: We worked on a review packet for our graphing test on Monday, the answers are attached. 

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20

Science: Peer-reviewed rough drafts of our lab. Final drafts are due on Monday, November 24- anyone who knows they are going to be absent should turn their lab in on Friday. The peer review rubric and final draft rubric are attached. 

Geometry: Took the 3.1-3.3 quiz.

RR English: Read every evening
Add to reading log
parents must sign

RR Math: work on math packet every evening

Humanities: Students checked 5.1 and worked in groups to debate the most important political and social influences on modern America. No homework.

Humanities: Students checked 5.1 and worked in groups to debate the most important political and social influences on modern America. No homework.

Algebra: homework: wkst 6.7/4.5

French 2: Unit test tomorrow and Monday

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday, November 19

Science: Students continued working on the  "Is The Force With You?" lab rough drafts. Rough drafts for peer review are due tomorrow. Students do NOT have to print their paper as students can peer review with electronic copies to save paper. Students with google accounts will also be able to "share" their final drafts with me in lieu of printing out a paper copy. Final drafts are due on Monday, November 24.

Geometry: Continued our discussion of congruence by analyzing various congruence proofs. Quiz on concurrency is tomorrow. 

French 2: Unit 10 quiz tomorrow. Unit 10 test on Friday and Monday

Pre-Algebra: Today we finished notes over 3.3. The homework is 3.3, 1-21 odd and 23-24 due tomorrow. I have added a challenge worksheet on the back if a student wants to substitute a challenge question for a regular assigned problem, or just as extra practice. There will be a 3.1 - 3.3 quiz this Friday, November 21. The notes and homework are available at

Humanities: Students reviewed 4.4 and began to work on 5.1 of the text in class. Homework is to complete 5.1 guided questions.

RR English:
Read every evening
Reading log is due Monday, November 24
parents must sign reading logs

RR Math:
A section of math should be completed each night

ELA - On Day 8 students debated each other's themes. We read over the three paragraphs written so far and found any different points of view and debated this. The idea is that the author should win because they have so many pieces of evidence to back up their thesis. Students then worked to incorporate the counterargument in to their paper, be it included in an already written paragraph or writing a new paragraph dedicated to the refuting of the counterargument. Homework: Journal entry 2.19 (counterargument paragraph) and READ!!! We are close to 1/3 way through the 2nd marking period we should have at least one quiz taken by now and well on our way to 1/2 way through our point goals!