Friday, December 20, 2013

Friday, December 20

Science: Student's participated in a "search for the truth" silent debate on their topic (nuclear energy or hydraulic fracturing). This exercise required them to argue from an assigned point of view (not necessarily the one they agree with) by using the information they have learned while researching this past week. I think they surprised themselves with how much they know! If students have already found and printed  4 articles from multiple points of view on their topic then they have no homework over break!

Geometry: Began our unit on similarity by investigating dilation using GeoGebra's free software. Homework is to complete Drawing Dilations, page 133-136 in our Properties of Dilations packet.

C/Reading: Reminder, for those students who did not turn in a reading log this week, you have to do them over vacation (two of them).  Please continue reading even if you did not get a reading log to do.

RR Math: Study multiplication facts.  I will assign another official homework packet after vacation.

Humanities: Students finished presenting projects in class today. No homework. Have a wonderful break!

Spanish II: Study the vocab sheets passed out today. The 4.2 vocab quiz will be on Mon Jan 6th. The 4.3 vocab quiz will be two weeks later. ¡Felices fiestas! 4.2 worksheet due Jan. 2.

French I: Study the purple words on pg 101 for a vocab quiz on Mon, Jan 6th. The 3.1 worksheet is due Jan. 2.

Pre-Algebra: Today we had a bracket tournament of math games on the iPads (Make 24 and Slide 1000) that reviewed a variety of skills. These are free apps that can be downloaded at home for extra practice, as well. Have a safe and fun break! See you in 2014!


See everyone in 2014!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Thursday, December 19

Science: Today students watched a PBS video on hydraulic fracturing and had a chance to do some additional research on their topic (Nuclear Energy or Hydraulic Fracturing). Tomorrow we will have a silent debate so that students can practice using what they've learned about these topics. When we return from break in January students must have 4 articles on their topic to use in language arts. These articles should be from a variety of sources and cover multiple points of view. 

Geometry:Took our triangle congruence test.

C/Reading Reminder, for those students who did not turn in a reading log this week, you have to do them over vacation (two of them).  Please continue reading even if you did not get a reading log to do.

RR Math Study multiplication facts.  I will assign another official homework packet after vacation.

5th and 6th HR LRC:: Please remember we are having a holiday party this Friday.  If you are in 5th hour, please bring a treat or drinks/cups- enough for 10 people.  If you are in 6th hour, please bring a treat or drinks/cups- enough for 13 people.  I will be providing a cookie decorating station.  It should be a fun time!

Spanish (Tomlinson):  1.3 Chapter walk due tomorrow

Humanities: Students continued to present projects in class today. No homework.

ELA - Students read and took notes on one of their sources, they then "taught" the information to another student for Day 4 of Reader's Workshop. Homework: READ! Journal entry #37

Pre-Algebra: More practice with transformations - translations (slides) and reflections (flips). HW: finish one transformation packet (you may choose either translations or reflections)

Course 3: homework-worksheet 6.3, odds.  This stuff is hard.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Wednesday, December 18

Science: Students who selected Nuclear Energy as their topic watched "The Eyes of Nye: Nuclear Energy" and practiced taking notes from a video. Hydraulic fracturing students had the hour to work on research. Tomorrow we will reverse. Students must have 4 articles when we return from break to use in language arts and the writer's workshop for our cross curricular project.

Geometry: Went over the test review and congruence quiz. Triangle congruence test tomorrow!

C/Reading: Reminder, for those students who did not turn in a reading log this week, you have to do them over vacation.  Please continue reading even if you did not get a reading log to do.

RR Math: Study multiplication facts.

Spanish (Tomlinson): 1.3 "Chapter Walk" --write 1 thing you want to review or practice more before the test

Humanities: Students began to present Amendment projects in class today. No homework.

Course 3: Worksheet 6.3, evens.

ELA - Students continued their research and study of informational text with Reader's Workshop day 3 (sorting of information) I read an article to the students and they thought up headings for the information
Then we watched a quick video on renewable energy and practiced taking notes. Homework: Journal entry #35, read, research

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Tuesday, December 17

Science: Tests were returned. Students had a second day to do research for our cross curricular unit with language arts. Students will need to have 4 articles on either Nuclear Energy or Hydraulic Fracturing by the time they return from winter break. The four articles should cover both the positive and negatives of the topic in addition to general  information.

Geometry: Reviewed for the triangle congruence test. Review is due tomorrow. Test is Thursday.

ELA - Students continued their study of Informational Text with Reader's Workshop Day 2.  We watched a video on how to interpret the videos and articles we view and read and then applied this to our own articles about global energy issues. Homework: Read, Journal entry # 33, research

Spanish II: Study vocab on pg 291
French I: Study purple words on pg 101

C. Reading:  Logs were due yesterday.  If you did not turn in your log, make sure you turn it in tomorrow for late points-last day I will accept.  You should be reading daily this week,  but I will not assign a new reading log UNLESS you did not turn one in today or tomorrow from last week.  I gave you the heads up about this last week.

R. Room Math:
  No assigned homework this week unless you did not turn your homework in on Friday.  You need to finish it and turn it in to me for late points.  Also, even though you do not have a math packet this week, you should continue to study and practice your multiplication facts/songs.

Humanities: Students checked in current events and worked on the final part of our Amendment projects in class. Amendment projects are due tomorrow.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Due Thursday---Dec. 19 p.79 exercises #7 and 9 (for #9 write out BOTH the question you would ask and the answer your "friend" would give)

Algebra - Test today.  no homework

Pre-Algebra: Today we began our mini Geometry unit. We began an exploration of transformations. We specifically practiced translations today. HW: Translation practice page (found in notes packet)

Creative Writing: Today in Creative Writing we took an AR quiz in the media center, watched a short video about nonfiction topics, and completed Reader's workshop: Lesson 2. Homework: Read

Monday, December 16, 2013

Monday, December 16

Science: Students had the day to research articles on nuclear energy or hydraulic fracturing for our cross-curricular project with language arts. Students MUST have an article with them in language arts tomorrow!

Geometry: Did some additional practice with triangle congruence proofs. The triangle congruence quiz was started in class and is homework. Triangle congruence test is Thursday.

C. Reading:  Logs are due today.  If you did not turn in your log, make sure you turn it in tomorrow for late points.  You should be reading daily this week,  but I will not assign a new reading log UNLESS you did not turn one in today or tomorrow from last week.  I gave you the heads up about this last week.

R. Room Math:  No assigned homework this week unless you did not turn your homework in on Friday.  You need to finish it and turn it in to me for late points.  Also, even though you do not have a math packet this week, you should continue to study and practice your multiplication facts/songs.

Humanities: Students checked in definitions and history for our Amendment project in class. Students worked on current events and "own" Amendments for our projects. Homework is to finish the current event part of the project for tomorrow. All projects are due Wednesday.

Algebra - Chapter 5 test tomorrow

Spanish (Tomlinson): See Spanish downloads folder on Blog and last Thursday's blog post for copies. QUIZ tomorrow on 1.3 Vocab. La Familia and Tener DUE WEDNESDAY

ELA - Students reviewed how to read/analyze Informational Text in Reader's Workshop Day 1.  We looked at the format in which Informational Texts are written using text that involved the topic of study for our cross curricular project with Science.  Homework: Journal Entry #31, Read (3rd book should be done by the time we are back from break). Research for project

Course 3: We had a quiz today.  No homework.

Chinese: We learned how to ask and answer about telephone number, and the homework is on p.39 from textbook: write a sentence according to the pictures.

Spanish II: Your only homework is to make flash cards for pg 291 and start studying the words.

French I: Your only homework is to make flash cards for pg 101 and start studying the words.

Pre-Algebra: Today we did some catching up in our Interactive Student Notebooks. We also learned about using the Multiplicative Inverse Property to solve equations that involve fractions. HW: Cumulative Practice (1-33 every other odd) [ie.:1,5,9,13..]

Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday, December 13

Science: Continued exploring some of the background information related to nuclear energy and hydraulic fracturing. Monday and Tuesday students will begin researching their chosen topic for our cross curricular project with language arts. 

R. Room Math:  Students took a test today and turned in homework.  If you forgot your homework, turn it in Monday for late credit.

C. Reading:  Logs with five completed responses is due on Monday.  This is NOT optional.

Geometry: Discussed using triangle congruence. Homework is to finish the last two practice pages. We will have the test on this unit on Thursday next week.

Algebra - We finished up "Line of Best Fit" today.  Homework: Chapter 5 Review

Humanites: Students worked on Constitution projects in class today. Homework is to complete part one of the project (definition and history of an Amendment). All projects are due Wednesday.  

Chinese: We reviewed Lesson 5 by doing a few exercises, and then have a dictation on words and phrases in characters.

Spanish 2: Study vocab on pg 291 for a quiz after the holiday break.
French I: Study the purple words on your new vocab page for a quiz after the holiday break

ELA - Students should have read and quizzed on three books by now if they are keeping with the "one book every two weeks" schedule. Take home Grammar Summative Assessment was started in class and is due on Monday.  Students may use their homework sheets, they may not get help from the internet or from classmates. We will begin a quick, one week, Reader's Workshop on Informational Text on Monday.  This will help in analyzing our sources for the cross curricular project with Science.

Pre-Algebra: More review of Scientific Notation. 4.5-4.7 Slate Review. 4.5-4.7 "Check Up". No homework

Course 3: Today we reviewed for our quiz.  We have a quiz on lessons 6.1 and 6.2 on Monday. 

Spanish: All documents are in Spanish uploads folder on blog and were posted yesterday as well.  Due Monday-- 1.3 vocabulary practice. Due Wednesday-- Tener sheet; La Familia packet

Quiz- Tuesday, 1.3 vocabulary    

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Thursday, December 12

Science: Began Unit 3:Energy with a discussion of what we know about energy. We will be spending the rest of this week and next week conducting research and learning about hydraulic fracturing and nuclear energy as part of our cross-curricular project with language arts. 

Geometry: Continue the exploration into criteria for congruence in triangles. Homework is to complete the triangle congruence worksheet.

R. Room Math:  Math test will be tomorrow.  If you are OK on your homework, you will do great!  Please see me during Lunch tomorrow if you have questions.  Your homework will also be due tomorrow. 

Corrective Reading:  Reading logs are due Monday.  Do not forget to have your parents sign them.  Also, you need to have five different reader responses attached to your log.  This is not optional, it is your homework!

ELA - Students finished this portion of their Grammar study (oh yes, there will be more :). Verb packet 4.5-4.6 was given out yesterday, and 4.7-4.9 today.  Tomorrow I will be giving the students a take home test to be started in class, and then completed at home due Monday.  This will encompass all 4 Chapters we have worked on over the last month.  Students are allowed to use their notes and worksheets for this test.  They ARE NOT allowed to work together. Please ensure that your student only uses classwork for this test. Homework - Read, Journal entry #29, Grammar

Spanish (Tomlinson): Vocab Practice sheets--Due Monday. Finish back of yellow sheet ("tener with possessives") due Wed and La Familia packet (due Wed)

Spanish II: Start making flash cards for the new words on pg 291.
French I: Start making flash cards, the purple ones on pg 101

We are working on L5 Text 2's characters today. We also begin to watch Monkey King.

Humanities: Students checked Constitution reviews and were introduced to a summative assessment project in class. Please review project instructions and rubrics this evening. Please be sure to ask if you have any questions.

Pre-Algebra: Today we talked about how exponents, and the laws of exponents, can be used to: write numbers in scientific notation, convert scientific notation to standard form and to compare/order numbers in scientific notation. HW: Scientific Notation worksheet (odds, both sides) 

Algebra - worksheet 5.6 (1-6, 8, 10)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wednesday, December 11

Science: Took the unit 2 test! 

Geometry: Investigated criteria for proving triangle congruence. Homework is triangle congruence sheet. We will take our test on congruence next week either Thursday or Friday.

Corrective Reading:  Logs are due Monday.

Resource Room Math:  Test will be on Friday.  Homework will be due Friday. If you get your homework in early, I will check it and review anything you got wrong so you do wonderful on the test.

Spanish 2: Study for the chapter 2 test tomorrow. Practice prepositions and tú commands and the Vin Diesel verbs by going on my blog
French I: Study for the chapter 2 test tomorrow. Practice days of the week, telling time of classes and the verb avoir by going on my blog

Chinese: We are practicing writing characters and radicals of Lesson 5.

Humanities: Students shared current events and worked on the Constitution review in class. Homework is to finish the Constitution review for tomorrow.

Course 3: Worksheet 6.2, #1 - 17 odds.

Pre-Algebra: Today we practiced more with Laws of Exponenets. We completed more complex problems that involve the use of several rules.

Algebra-  more practice with parallel and perpendicular lines.  homework worksheet (all)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Tuesday, December 10

Science: Students went over the review for tomorrow's test. Homework is to STUDY! Labs were returned, lab corrections won't be due until next week.

Geometry: Investigated congruent triangles and the corresponding parts of congruent triangles postulate. Homework is the 4.2 worksheet. 

Spanish (Tomlinson): No HW. Continue to prepare for vocab quiz, Dec. 17.

Humanities: Students were introduced to, and began to work on, the second part of our Constitution review in class. Please note that students will have had three nights and two class periods to work on these two worksheets. The Constitution review is due Thursday. Current events are due tomorrow.

ELA - Students continued their Verb study with Grammar 4.3-4.4.  This week is the last week of this Grammar study, there will be a test at the end of the week.  All four chapters will be included in the test, all packets have been handed back to aid in studying for the test. Please remember that there are 5 books due by the end of the marking period.   Students should be halfway through their 3rd book in order to be on track...please check Family Access to be sure your student is keeping up.  I updated the grade book yesterday with AR quizzes. Homework - READ!, Journal entry #27, Grammar

Corrective Reading:  I hope everyone turned in their reading log from last week.  Your next reading log is due Monday.  Five responses. Math:  Test Friday.  Homework due Friday.  If you turn your homework in early, I will check it and return it to you before the test!  

Chinese: We learned how to ask and answer about age according to age group. Homework is on textbook page 36:9.

Course 3: No homework.

Spanish 2: Quiz on commands tomorrow. Chapter test on Thursday.

French I: 2.3 Unit quiz tomorrow. Chapter test on Thursday.

Pre-Algebra: More practice with Laws of Exponents. A look into negative and zero exponents. HW: 4.6 (2-28 evens)

Physical Education: Answer the following questions: What is your favorite sport/activity? How long have you been involved with this sport/activity? How often do you participate? Give a brief description. What is it about the sport/activity that makes it your favorite? Why? How has this sport/activity positively impacted your life? Criteria: 1 – 2 pages in length, double check your spelling. A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it. Must be legible. This homework is due on Wed., Dec. 11th You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, December 9

Science: Mrs. Petersen is out ill today. Students watched Bill Nye: Motion as part of their review for Wednesday's test. They were also able to work on the review (which they received Friday). The review is due tomorrow.

Geometry: Students began our unit on congruence by taking notes on section 4.2. Homework is to complete pages 67-70 in the congruence packet.

Course 3: Today we started solving multi-step equations.  Homework is all of the odds on the worksheet given.

Algebra: Algebra - Problem Solving Workshop is due tomorrow!! (See Friday's blog post for copies)

Pre-Algebra: Today students participated in an inquiry-based activity in which they discovered the rules we can use when multiplying and dividing powers. We also completed an Interactive Student Notebook page that spells out how and why we can use the "Rules of Exponents" to solve problems. HW: 4.5 (1-27 odd)

Spanish (Tomlinson): No homework.  Continue to study vocab for Quiz on 12/17.

Humanities: Students were introduced to the Constitution handbook (p. 226 of textbook) in class. Students were given time to work on a guided reading for the Constitution handbook in class. Homework is to work on the guided reading.  Guided readings are due Wednesday.

ELA- Students continued their grammar study with Chapter 4 - Verbs.  Grammar 4.1-4.2 was worked on in class as AR quiz grades for the last two weeks were entered. There will be a Summative Assessment on Friday.  This will encompass Grammar Chapters 1-4, all packets have been handed back, these should be used as study guides. Homework:  READ! Journal Entry #26, Grammar.

Spanish 2: Exs 13,15,16 pgs 260-261. Due tomorrow
French I: Study vocab on pg 73 and grammar for 2.3 unit quiz tomorrow.

Corrective Reading:  Logs are due today.  If you did not turn a log in, please make sure you turn it in tomorrow for late credit.

Resource Room Math:  Test will be on Friday.  Homework will be due Friday. If you get your homework in early, I will check it and review anything you got wrong so you do wonderful on the test.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday, December 6

Science: Today we played jeopardy to review for the unit 2 test. Students also were given the review for the test. The review will be due on Tuesday, the test is on Wednesday.

Geometry: Took the quiz on parallel lines and transverals. Homework is to complete the quiz. Students should complete the quiz without help and on their own. 

Chinese: We are making 2014 calendar in Chinese according to student birthday.

Humanities: Students took the chapter 8 summative assessment in class. No homework.

Spanish 2: 4.1 Chapter test on Thursday, Dec 12th.

French I:
  • The worksheet passed out today is due on Monday, Dec 9th.
  • Flash cards for the brown words on pg 73  are due on Monday. 
  • 2.3 vocab quiz on Monday, on the brown words on pg 73.
  • There will be a practice 2.3 unit quiz on Monday, and the real one on Tuesday.
  •  Also the Chapter test 2 will be next week on Thursday, Dec 12th, as this next unit is a very short unit.
  •  Make sure that you are studying all the vocab on pg 73, and the verb "avoir".

Course 3: Chapter 3 test today.  No homework.

Reading Log:  Due Monday- five different responses.

R.R. Math:  Homework is due next Friday, a week from today.  Practice X daily.

Algebra- We will check 5-4B odds on Monday (students should already have that done) Attached is the Problem Solving Workshop & answer sheet for this chapter.  It is due next Tuesday.

Spanish (Tomlinson): No homework. Review Family Access to see if you have missing assignments.

Pre-Algebra: 4.1-4.1 "Check Up". No Homework. Some students need to finish their "Check Up" on Monday.

Creative Writing: Today in creative writing students turned in their signpost sheet for their dystopian novel and also handed in their persuasive essay. Students silently read their realistic fiction novel for a good portion of the hour. AR quiz is on Dec 17th. Homework: Read.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Thursday, December 5

Science: Students had the option today to either work on the final draft of their lab or to work on the review for the Unit 2 test. Final drafts of labs are due tomorrow, the unit 2 test will be on Wednesday, December 11.

Geometry: Today we continued our practice with parallel lines and transversals. Homework is to complete the 3.3 challenge practice. Parallel line/transversal quiz is tomorrow.

Humanities: Students had a second day of review in class today.  The review was for our chapter 8 summative assessment, which will be given tomorrow. Homework is to study for the assessment.

ELA - Students continued their Pronoun study with Grammar 3.7 Pronoun Antecedent Agreement and 3.8 Indefinite Pronoun Agreement.  Students were given time in class (with me helping) to work on the worksheets and/or read and take AR quizzes. Homework: Grammar 3.7-3.8, Journal #25, READ!

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed the concepts taught in 4.1-4.3. We also learned how to use the skills we have learned to help us find the Least Common Multiple of terms, specifically monomials. Tomorrow students will have a "Check Up" Activity that will be open note. It will be graded for accuracy and entered as a quiz grade. HW: 4.4 (7-12) **Organize notes and homework assignments from chapter 4 to be used on tomorrow's "Check Up" Activity

Pre-Algebra: Today we reviewed the concepts taught in 4.1-4.3. We also learned how to use the skills we have learned to help us find the Least Common Multiple of terms, specifically monomials. Tomorrow students will have a "Check Up" Activity that will be open note. It will be graded for accuracy and entered as a quiz grade. HW: 4.4 (7-12) **Organize notes and homework assignments from chapter 4 to be used on tomorrow's "Check Up" Activity

Spanish  (Tomlinson): No new HW.  Finish "ser" and "estar" sentences from Monday and Tuesday.  Finish "cumpleaños" sheet.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Wednesday, December

Science: Peer reviewed rough drafts of "Is The Force With You?". Final drafts are due on Friday. Tomorrow students will have the option to either work on their final drafts or to begin reviewing for our next test, which will be Wednesday, December 11.

Geometry: Continued working on proofs about parallel and perpendicular lines. Homework is the 3.3 worksheet. Quiz on Friday.

Algebra- section 5.2(4-44 multiples of 4)  it is from the book page 296.  We have a Problem Solving Workshop on Friday that will be due on Tuesday, and a Quiz covering sections 5.1-5.2 on Monday.

Corrective Reading:  Logs are due on Monday.

Resource Room Math:  Homework packet due next Friday.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Re-do "estar" sentences--remember TEMPORARY conditions NOT characteristics. Cumpleaños sheet. Quiz -1.3 vocab:  changed to Tues Dec. 17

Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE'VE DONE SO FAR: This unit (1.3), we're focusing on family vocabulary, possessive adjectives, dates, the verb 'tener,' and saying our age. Students have received the vocabulary list, and we've practiced our vocabulary words while at the lab. Yesterday, students received a packet on 'the date.' Those who did not complete it yesterday, should hand it in today. Monday, December 9 we will have our first Vocabulary QuizHOMEWORK: Students should be studying Spanish at least 15 -20 minutes EVERYDAY, even if they don't have a specific homework assignment to complete.  WHAT'S COMING UP:
Vocabulary Quiz - Monday, December 9
Unit 1.3 Vocabulary/Grammar Quiz - Monday, December 16
Retakes - Tuesday, December 17

On December 18, 19, 20 we'll watch the movie 'La Quinceañera.' We'll spend time each day discussing and participating in activities centered on the cultural aspects of the film. 

ELA - Students graded their Grammar 3.1-3.3 and continued their Pronoun study with Grammar 3.4-3.6. Homework: Grammar, Journal entry #24, READ!

Humanities: Students reviewed for our chapter 8 summative assessment. The assessment is on Friday. Homework is to review for the test.

Spanish 2: Study vocab words on pg 269. The chapter test will be next Thursday. The study guide will be on the blog tomorrow.
French I: Study the brown words on pg 73 for the 2.3 vocab quiz on Monday, and 2.3 unit quiz on Tuesday. Study all the vocab words on pg 73 for a chapter test next Thursday. 

Physical Education: Answer the following questions
What is your favorite sport/activity?
  • How long have you been involved with this sport/activity?
  • How often do you participate?
  • Give a brief description.
What is it about the sport/activity that makes it your favorite?
  • Why
How has this sport/activity positively impacted your life?
  • 1 – 2 pages in length.
  • Double check your spelling.
  • A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it. Must be legible.
This homework is due on Wed., Dec. 11th
You may turn it in before the due date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to class.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday, December 3

8th Graders took the ACT Explore test today 5th-7th hour.

Humanities: Students continued to work on questions from chapter 8 in class today. Chapter 8 questions are due Wednesday. No current events this week.

Corrective Reading:  Reading Logs are due Monday 12.9.13.  All five days need to be completed, parents need to sign logs and five different reader responses need to be complete.

Resource Room Math:  Homework is not due until 12.13.13, but students can start their homework packet today and multiplication practice at home should be daily.

Science: 1st & 3rd hours worked on rough drafts of the "Is The Force With You?" lab. All classes rough drafts are due tomorrow for peer review. Final drafts are due on Friday.

Geometry: Began proofs about parallel and perpendicular lines. Homework is to complete the 3.2-B worksheet.

Spanish (Tomlinson): Write 1 sentence for each of the present tense forms of "estar" (6 sentences total)--make sure that the pronouns and adjectives match in gender and number.  These sentences should be about how people FEEL today (not something permanent, like being short or smart).
estoy   estamos
estás    estáis

está      están

Spanish 2: Quiz on prepositions tomorrow. Also do #5 and #6 on the bell work packet for tomorrow. I will post the answers on my blog today. Please check your answers.

French I: Make flash cards for the brown words on pg 73 for a vocab quiz on Monday. Also the chapter test will all be next week, as the next unit is a very short unit. Make sure that you are studying all the vocab on pg 73, and the verb "avoir".

Chinese: We learned to write characters from L4 Text 2, and write down everyone's birthday in characters.

ELA- 4th hour had a reading hour due to the ACT Explore test during 5-7th hours. Yesterday's Grammar 3.1-3.3 Pronouns  is due tomorrow. Homework: Read, Journal #23, Grammar

Course 3: Today we are writing 2-step equations.  The homework is 14 questions on a worksheet.  Write 2-step equations if you can.  If not, solve logically.

Pre-Algebra: 4.2 - Today we looked at how we can use different methods of factoring to find the Greatest Common Factors of numbers or whether to tell whether numbers are relatively prime. We also practiced finding the GCF of given monomials. HW: 4.2 (odd) ** Please take a moment to look at missing assignments on Family Access. Many students have missing assignments or absent work that should be turned in as soon as possible. If you need copies of the assignments, please see me.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Monday, December 2

Science: Today was a rough draft work day for the "Is the Force With You?" lab. Rough drafts for peer review are due on Wednesday, final drafts are due on Friday. We will also begin reviewing for the unit 2 test this week.

Geometry:Quiz proving composite of reflections over two intersecting lines. Homework is to complete the 3.1 notes.

Spanish (Tomlinson):Write a sentence using each of the 6 forms of "ser"  (the present tense conjugation) to describe the personality or characteristics of people.  Refer to page 35 in the test for the conjugation and corresponding subject pronouns.  Due tomorrow (Tuesday).

Spanish 2: Exs 10,11, & 12 pg 358-359 are due tomorrow. Quiz on prepositions this Wednesday.
French I: 2.2 Unit quiz tomorrow

Humanities: Students were introduced to, and began to work on questions for, chapter 8 in class. Guided questions for chapter 8 are due Wednesday. No current events this week

Corrective Reading:  Reading Logs are due Monday 12.9.13.  All five days need to be completed, parents need to sign logs and five different reader responses need to be complete.

Resource Room Math:  Homework is not due until 12.13.13, but students can start their homework packet today and multiplication practice at home should be daily.

Chinese: We learned to say and write year, month, and day. homework: TB p. 27: 6 write 3 sentences for each picture.

Course 3: Today we worked on 2-step equations.  Homework is worksheet 3.3, evens

Pre-Algebra: Today we tied-up some loose ends in Solving Inequalities, and began chapter 4 where we discussed prime/composite numbers, prime factorization, and factoring monomials. HW: 4.1 odds  

Algebra-Great job on the Chapter 4 test.  A- average!!!  We started chapter 5 today.  Attached is the homework (2-44 evens)

Today in creative writing we continued to work on the persuasive essays and those that have finished early peer edited. Final papers are due Thursday. Homework: Work on Persuasive essays.