Science: Peer reviewed rough drafts of "Is The Force With You?". Final drafts are due on Friday. Tomorrow students will have the option to either work on their final drafts or to begin reviewing for our next test, which will be Wednesday, December 11.
Geometry: Continued working on proofs about parallel and perpendicular lines. Homework is the 3.3 worksheet. Quiz on Friday.
Algebra- section 5.2(4-44 multiples of 4) it is from the
book page 296. We have a Problem Solving Workshop on Friday that will be due on
Tuesday, and a Quiz covering sections 5.1-5.2 on Monday.
Corrective Reading: Logs are due on Monday.
Resource Room Math: Homework
packet due next Friday.
Spanish (Tomlinson): Re-do "estar" sentences--remember TEMPORARY conditions NOT
characteristics. Cumpleaños sheet. Quiz -1.3 vocab: changed to Tues Dec. 17
Spanish (Farah): WHAT WE'VE DONE SO FAR: This unit (1.3), we're focusing on family vocabulary, possessive
adjectives, dates, the verb 'tener,' and saying our age. Students have received
the vocabulary list, and we've practiced our vocabulary words while at the lab.
Yesterday, students received a packet on 'the date.' Those who did not complete
it yesterday, should hand it in today. Monday, December 9 we will have our
first Vocabulary Quiz. HOMEWORK: Students should be studying Spanish at least 15 -20
minutes EVERYDAY, even if they don't have a specific homework assignment
to complete. WHAT'S COMING UP:
Vocabulary Quiz - Monday, December 9
Unit 1.3 Vocabulary/Grammar Quiz - Monday,
December 16
Retakes - Tuesday, December 17
On December 18, 19, 20 we'll watch the
movie 'La Quinceañera.' We'll spend time each day discussing and participating
in activities centered on the cultural aspects of the film.
ELA - Students graded their Grammar 3.1-3.3 and continued their Pronoun
study with Grammar 3.4-3.6. Homework: Grammar, Journal entry #24, READ!
Humanities: Students reviewed for our chapter 8 summative assessment. The assessment is on Friday. Homework is to review for the test.
Spanish 2: Study vocab words on pg 269. The chapter test will be next Thursday. The
study guide will be on the blog tomorrow.
French I: Study the brown words on pg 73 for the 2.3 vocab quiz on Monday, and 2.3
unit quiz on Tuesday. Study all the vocab words on pg 73 for a chapter test next
Physical Education: Answer the following questions
What is your favorite
- How long have you been involved with this
- How often do you participate?
- Give a brief description.
What is it about the sport/activity
that makes it your favorite?
How has this sport/activity
positively impacted your life?
- 1 – 2 pages in length.
- Double check your spelling.
- A typed paper is preferred but you may hand write it.
Must be legible.
This homework is due on Wed., Dec. 11th
You may turn it in before the due
date, but it will be late (lower grade) if not turned in when you come to