Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday, November 30

Science: Completed our discussion of Investigation 3-A and went over the momentum homework. Next week we will go begin the next IB Inquiry lab "Is The Force With You?". 

Geometry: Went over the 5.5 homework and notes from yesterday and the 5.4 notes (medians and altitudes). 5.4 worksheet is homework. 

Pre-Algebra: We reviewed equation solving and GCF.  We worked on section 4.4.  Homework:  4.4 (odds).  Our next quiz will be next Tuesday! (sections 4.1-4.4)

Algebra: We finished up section 4.4 on finding slope.  We worked in class on worksheet 4.4 and the Problem Solving Workshop #4.  Any unfinished work is homework!

Spanish I: finish exercises 10 & 11, pgs 80-81 due Monday. Rough draft of family project due Monday.

Humanities: Students shared 4.3 free choice and current events in class today. Homework is to begin to study for our chapter 4 test next Wednesday. We will have a test review on Tuesday.

Choir:  Emily Muench, has a role in Meadow Brook Theater's production of "A Christmas Carol" this year, and everyone is invited to take advantage of a discounted ticket opportunity to see the show. The show is on Friday, December 21st at 8PM and tickets are $31.20/person (regularly over $40). Anyone who is interested should turn in their order form and money to me by Monday (December 3rd).. We're hoping to get a big group from Norup, so please feel free to invite friends, family, anyone who would like to come!

Course 3: Today we reviewed for our chapter 5 test on Monday.

Today Mrs. Weiss visited all 8th grade Science classes to discuss the upcoming EXPLORE test. Her power point can be reviewed here.  All 8th graders will start the EXPLORE on Monday. In their Humanities class, they will complete the Student Interest portion.  On Tuesday, academic testing will occur during 1st, 2nd and 3rd hours. Please do your best to be in school both Monday and Tuesday for testing. 

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29

Geometry: Went over the 5.3 homework and took notes on 5.5 (we will go back to 5.4 tomorrow). Homework is the 5.5 worksheet, chapter 5 quiz is on Monday.

Science: Students in Mrs. Petersen's class completed the notes on Newton's 3rd Law of Motion and Mrs. Kettner's class worked on the momentum investigation. Homework is the momentum worksheet.

Pre-AlgebraWe are continuing to work on equation solving.  It is so important for students to be proficient with this skill in order for them to be successful in Algebra next year.  We are also working on GCF and LCM.  Our homework is 4.3 (evens).  Our next quiz will be next Tuesday!

Algebra: We worked on our third method for solving linear functions today...slope-intercept form (y=mx+b).  We just got into our discussion, so there is no homework on this section, yet.  I passed out our 4th Problem Solving Workshop (everyone was so excited ;) ).  It will be due on Monday.  Please remember that we are focusing on Perseverance and Precision!  Show your work and explain your answers!

Course 3: Students worked on a review in class.  We will review tomorrow for a test on Monday.
Spanish I: Exs 10 & 11, pgs 80-81. Due Monday. Family project rough draft due Monday.
ELA - Students held "Vocabulary Bees" at their tables and then the table winners competed in a "Vocab Off" for class title of Vocabulary Master (and WOW tickets).  This was to help review for the Vocabulary Test tomorrow.  The remained of the hour was dedicated to project work with a few students going to the Tech Lab or working on the classroom computers.  Remember all projects are due Monday, December 3rd - presentations ready to present, music ready to play, and all rubrics turned in with projects.
Please remember to vote for a Technology Grant for our school, either via
texting To: 95248 Message: 1023pbf
or logging into a computer at
Homework - STUDY VOCABULARY.  Work on Project.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28

Geometry: Went over the 5.2 worksheet and took notes on 5.3 (angle bisectors and incenter). Homework is the 5.3 worksheet, quiz on chapter 5 will be Monday, December 3. 

Science: Mrs. Kettner's class took notes on Newton's 3rd Law. Mrs. Petersen's classes started an investigation into the 3rd law and momentum. We also watched a quick cartoon to help us understand mass and weight (click here!). Quiz corrections are due on Friday. We are almost finished with this unit! Next week we will begin the "Is the Force With You?" IB inquiry lab. The test for unit 2 is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 18. If students will be leaving early for vacation they should take the test prior to leaving! 

Spanish I: Exercises 10 & 11, pgs 80-81. due Monday, Dec 3rd.

ELA - Students were given instruction on Bibliography requirements (not only for the current ELA project, but for all projects).  They were then given time to work on their The Giver Reader's Journals (final draft due tomorrow with all chapter sections filled in and cover illustrations complete in final draft format) and their projects. Homework: READ! Reader's Journal due Thursday, November 29   Study for Vocabulary Assessment on Friday, November 30.  Work on Project due Monday, December 3rd

Course 3: Today we worked on mean, median, mode, and range. Homework is worksheet 5.8, all.

Humanities: Guest speaker, Kevin Howley, helped Student learn about the social influences of Quakerism in class today. No homework. Current events are due Friday.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Tuesday, November 27

Science: Today we continued examining speed vs. time graphs and quizzes were returned. Quiz corrections are due on Friday (quiz correction sheet is attached). Mrs. Kettner's class needs to finish graphing assignment. 

Geometry: Went over the 5.1 homework and 5.2 notes (perpendicular bisectors). 5.2 worksheet is homework. Chapter 5 quiz will be Monday, December 3. 

Pre-Algebra: We went over our tests from chapter 3.  Grades are posted on Family Access.  We started Chapter 4 today.  We discussed factors and prime factorization.  Homework:4.1B (evens)

Algebra: We finished our discussion of section 4.2.  Homework:  worksheet 4.2

Spanish I: Practice the 20 question and 7 verbs for the test on Mon Dec 10th

ELA - students were given a reminder lesson on how to pick "Just Right Books" and then guidance on picking their next AR book. Project choices are due tomorrow and final projects are due Monday.

Course 3: Today we talked about adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing decimals.  They may use calculators.  Homework is 5.6, #1 - 12,4-26 and 5.7, #4 - 18.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 26

Science: Took notes on speed vs. time graphs and accelerated motion. Homework is Mass vs. Weight worksheet, students need to either make problem solving boxes or write great short answers on the back of the worksheet for each answer. #6 is extra credit. Quizzes will be returned tomorrow, all grades are posted.

Geometry: Completed an investigation relating to midsegments and the 5.1 notes. 5.1 worksheet is homework. Quiz on 5.1-5.4 is Friday.

Spanish I: Make flashcards for the 2.1 vocabulary on page 121

Humanities: Students worked on a daily write (name the 13 English colonies), were introduced to chapter 4 and began to work on 4.1 summaries in class. Homework is to complete 4.1 summaries. Current events are due Friday.

Pre-Algebra: We did an in-class activity on problem solving and equation solving.  No homework.

Algebra: We went over sections 4.1/4.7/3.8 homework today.  We started lesson 4.2.  There is no homework.

Language Arts: Today we discussed chapters 20-23 (the final chapters) of The Giver
and looked at some of the "big ideas" and themes in the novel. Students wrote in their writer's journals (journal entry #20) about what they think the author might be trying to teach us about our
society (journal prompt attached). We then discussed this as a class and made a list of our ideas. Reader's Journal for chapters 20-23 was checked for completion. Homework: Journal entry #21, READ!

Course 3: We finished going over lesson 5.5.  Homework is worksheet 5.5, #1-7,24,26.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday, November 20

Next week is begins the breakfast food drive for Caring & Sharing, please try to bring in some items for this worthy cause!

Science: Took our unit 2 quiz, no homework!

Geometry: Took our chapter 4 test and scored on average 98.3%, no homework!

Pre-Algebra: We finished our Chapter 3 tests and started and activity that we will finish on the Monday we return.  Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Algebra: We discussed Standard Form and Function Form (slope-intercept form).  We spent lots of time re-writing equations/solving for different variables.  This is really useful in future math classes and for science.  No homework.  Happy Thanksgiving!

 Humanities: Students finished round two of the Geography Bee.  Congratulations to all contestants. Finalists will be announced after the Thanksgiving break. No homework. Happy Thanksgiving.

 ELA - Students reviewed their last vocabulary for The Giver and were given their final projects (project and rubric are attached).  The rest of the hour was devoted to AR quizzes, working on cover illustrations for Reader's Journals, and reading.  There will be no vocabulary quiz on this last section, it will be included in the final vocabulary test.Homework - EAT A LOT! Read!

Spanish I: Study for quiz 1.3 (part 2) on Mon, Nov 26

Course 3: We did fraction and decimal work today.  Homework is worksheet 5.5, #8-31, skip 24 and 26.  Students had plenty of time to complete in class.  They should have no homework.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday, November 19

Science: Went over Newton's 2nd Law homework and took notes on gravity and free fall, click here for the presentation. Quiz tomorrow! Study notes and homework assignments (acceleration and Newton's 2nd Law).

Geometry: Went over the practice test and worked on the chapter review odds, the review is homework. Chapter 4 test tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: We took our Chapter 3 test today. No homework!

Algebra: Continued our discussion of Domain and Range of Functions. Homework: Finish whatever you did not finish in class from 4.1 and 4.7 worksheets.

Spanish I: Study for next vocab quiz on 1.3 (part 2) on Monday, Nov 26

Course 3: Students in course 3 took a quarter I math assessment.  No homework.

Humanities: Students will be taking the Geography Bee today and tomorrow. No homework.

 ELA - students were given the hour to work on their final Reader's Journal and illustrate the cover, look up Vocab #10 definitions, read, or take AR quizzes.  As this is a short week and the last chapter section of The Giver we will not have a vocabulary quiz this week, it will be rolled in to the final vocabulary test next week.Homework - READ, Vocabulary Definitions.

PE: Click here for November's PE homework

Friday, November 16, 2012

Friday, November 16

Geometry: Went over the 4.8 homework and began working on the practice test. Practice test is homework. Chapter 4 test is Tuesday.

Science: Practiced doing calculations using Newton's 2nd Law of Motion. Homework is the Newton's 2nd Law worksheet. Quiz on Newton's 1st and 2nd Laws is Tuesday. Quizzes are open note/worksheet and there will be corrections.

Humanities: Students finished current event conversations and practiced for next week's Geography Bee. No homework. Have a great weekend.

Spanish I: Study for the 1.3 vocab quiz (part 2) on Monday, November 26th

Pre-Algebra: We spent the day reviewing chapter 3 in preparation for our test on Monday.  Attached is the review that was given for homework.  Have a great weekend.

Algebra: We discussed sections 4.1 and 4.7 which cover plotting points on the coordinate plane and function families.  This is a nice break from the tough absolute value functions we just finished.  Homework:  wkst 4.1.  Have a great weekend! Homework:  Last 2 problems of the notes.  Please remember to graph f(x) on both graphs in order to compare the 2 functions.

Course: I am out today.  Students were given a review of adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.  It is all due Monday.  They must show their work to get credit.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thursday, November 15

Dear NIS Families and Staff,
Norup International is being considered for a $50,000 technology grant! To earn this grant, all we need are votes and we need them daily! You can vote by texting or by visiting the grant website. To text, put in the number 95248 (where it's being sent) and, in the message, type in 1023pbf and send. For the website, which takes a bit longer, you will need to go to . You will then need to search Norup. Once there, vote for Norup than confirm. PLEASE VOTE OFTEN! Voting ends on December 18. You must be 13 or older to vote. Please post this information on blogs, facebook, and twitter to get the word out. Computers are set up in Norup's Media Center, if you need a place to vote. Thank you for supporting Norup!

Science: Mrs. Kettner's class finished investigation 2B, comparing speeds on the flat and incline track and using the data to create and analyze a speed/time graph. Mrs. Petersen's classes took notes on pages 35-38 (Newton's 2nd Law of Motion). No homework. Quiz on Newton's 1st & 2nd Law Tuesday, November 20.

Geometry: Went over the 4.7 homework and took notes on 4.8 (congruence transformations). Homework is the 4.8 worksheet. Test on chapter 4 is Tuesday, November 20.

Course 3: Students took a quiz today on lessons 5.1 - 5.4.  No homework.
Spanish I: Study for the 1.3 quiz (part 2) for tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday, November 14

ELA - Attached are the templates for School Journal entries from Monday and Tuesday. Today students were given time to read or take AR quizzes we then worked on Grammar with lessons 3.1 What is a Pronoun?, 3.2 Subject Pronouns, and 3.3 Object Pronouns. Each lesson was presented and then students were given the opportunity to work on the independent practice before the next lesson was presented. Students are always welcome at lunch if they are struggling with any concept. Homework: Finish Grammar packet, Journal entry #13, Vocab Definitions due, Reader's Journal due.

Spanish I: Study for the quiz 1.3 (part 1) on Friday. Final draft of the commercial skit is due by tomorrow.

Science: Continued working on Investigation 2-B, analyzing how speed on the track changes over time. Quiz on Newton's 1st and 2nd laws Tuesday, November 20.

Geometry: Went over the 4.6 homework and showed examples of why SSA (or donkey's) don't work. Completed the 4.7 notes (isosceles and equilateral triangles). 4.7 worksheet is homework. Chapter 4 test is Tuesday, November 20.

Pre-Algebra: We worked on our last section of Chapter 3 - solving 2 step inequalities. The students voted to have their Chapter test on Monday. Homework today: Inequality solving (evens only)

Algebra: We took our Chapter test today. We are flipping the classroom tomorrow. Students received the notes to do at home and we will do the homework in class tomorrow. This intro lesson lends itself to this teaching strategy because of the vocabulary and their prior knowledge that is used in this lesson. Students should be prepared to explain the meaning of the vocab words and explain the examples. Their textbook will be a great resource for the completion of the notes

Humanities: 4.1 section assessment and current events are due tomorrow.

Course 3:  Quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday, November 13

Science: Completed investigation 2B, Newton's 2nd Law of Motion. Mrs. Kettner's class took notes on pages 35-38. No homework. Quiz on Newton's Laws of Motion is Tuesday, November 20

Geometry: Took notes on section 4.6 (using corresponding parts of congruent triangles) and had a BLAST with some challenging proofs (at least Mrs. Petersen did!). Homework is the 4.6 worksheet and continuing to perservere and look forward to challenges. Challenges are exciting and rewarding!

Humanities: Students took chapters 1-3 test in class today.  Homework is to complete a current event for tomorrow.

Algebra: Tomorrow is our Chapter 3/6 Part II test (sections 6.4-6.6). Students have 2 review packets (both posted on yesterday's blog). We reviewed in class today. I have attached a link to a YouTube clip covering solving absolute value equations and inequalities. Good luck studying! Email me if you have any questions and come see me at lunch!

Pre-Algebra: We continued working on section 3.5. Homework: 3.5 Practice B (#13-25)

Spanish I Study for the 1.3 quiz (part 1) this Friday.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday, November 12

Click here to listen to: Struggle for Smarts? How Easter and Western Cultures Tackle Learning on NPR's morning edition for an interesting perspective on student perseverance.

Science: Went over the acceleration homework and finished our discussion of investigation 2-A (comparing how mass affects speed on a flat track compared to a downhill). We then began collecting data for investigation 2-B (Newton's 2nd Law of motion). We will spend the rest of this week learning about the 2nd law. Quiz on Newton's 1st & 2nd Law on Tuesday, November 20.

Geometry: Went over the 4.5 homework and took the 4.1-4.5 quiz. Chapter 4 test is Tuesday, November 20.

ELA - Students began reading their next chapter section and worked on finding their vocabulary definitions and locating the words within the novel.  We then moved on to analyze the main character Jonas and plot a life map in our Writer's Journals. This entry is the 9th entry for the second marking period.  (We altered the numbering system as students were at different points in their journals and it was getting confusing continuing the numbers from last marking period.) Homework: Vocabulary Definitions.  Journal entry #10, READ!!!!

Course 3: We continued to work on dividing fractions.  Homework is worksheet 5.4, #1-18, 20 - 22, 25. We have a quiz on Wednesday on lessons 5.1 - 5.4.

Humanities: Students discussed Veterans Day and reviewed for tomorrow's test. Homework is to study for the test. Current events are due Wednesday.

Spanish I: study for 1.3 quiz (part 1) on Friday Nov 16

Algebra: We did review stations for our test on Wednesday.  I have attached the questions in case you did not finish in class. Review part 2, review stations
 Pre-Algebra: Homework: 3.5B (1-12)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday, November 9

ELA - Students took their Vocab #8 and Giver Chap 11-16 comprehension quiz. They then learned about the forces in our society and compared them to the forces in the community of The Giver. We discussed the attached teaching point by writing in their Writer's Journals (entry #48 or the 8th of the second marking period) and then discussing with their table mates. Have a great weekend.

Course 3: We started to talk about dividing fractions.  No homework.

Geometry: Went over the 4.5 notes (ASA and AAS), 4.5 worksheet is homework.

Science: Completed investigation 2-A by comparing speed of car on a incline track compared to the flat track and went over the acceleration homework from last night.

Humanities: Students checked chapter 3 assessment, reviewed for a quiz and shared current events in class. Homework is to study for our quiz on Tuesday.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thursday, November 8

Science: Practiced calculating acceleration. Homework is the acceleration worksheet.

Geometry: Went over the 4.3 worksheet and took notes on 4.4 (proving triangles congruent by SAS and HL). Homework is the 4.4 worksheet.

Humanities: Students worked on chapter 3 assessment (pp. 88-89) in class. Homework is to complete chapter 3 assessment and a current event for tomorrow.

Spanish I: Exercises 8, 9, 10 and 11 pgs 58-60. Due Monday Nov 12th. Study for your vocab quiz on 1.3 (part 1) on Friday, Nov 16th.

Course 3: Today we continued to talk about multiplying fractions and mixed numbers.  All students should have worksheet 5.3, #1-13 odds, 14 - 18, 21 done by tomorrow.

ELA - Students began class by contemplating rules - prompt attached - in their 6th journal entry of the 2nd card marking. They discussed their responses with their table mates while their Reader's Journals and Vocabulary Definitions for Chapters 11-16 were checked for completeness. The class then discussed the vocabulary words and how they are used in the context of the text, which lead to some interesting discussions regarding the "community" and how things are done in Jonas' world. Homework- Study for Chap 11-16 Vocab and Comprehension Quiz. Writer's Journal entry #47 (7th of 2nd marking period) and READ!!!!

Pre-Algebra: Most students finished their assignment in class. If you didn't, it is a 1/2 sheet of solving inequalities and graphing them. Due tomorrow.

Algebra: Worksheet 6.6 all

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday, November 7

Science: Today we started taking notes on our 2nd unit, Newton's laws of motion. No homework.

Geometry: Completed an activity to demonstrate triangle congruence, went over the 4.2 worksheet and took notes on 4.3 (SSS congruence postulate). The 4.3 worksheet is homework. 4.1-4.5 quiz is on Monday.

ELA- Students were given the hour to work independently on reading The Giver chapters 11-15, work on their Reader's Journals, find definitions for this week's vocabulary, or take AR quizzes for this marking period. FYI, when we finish The Giver I will be taking the classes to the Media Center for lessons on picking a "just right book", and requiring them to have a "just right" Science Fiction novel to read. They may bring in their own or check one out that day, but all must read another Science Fiction novel. The Lois Lowry series seems to be catching many student's interest :) Homework - Definitions, Reader's Journal, and Writer's Journal Entry #45 (or 5 for this marking period)

Humanities: Students completed daily writing and analyzed the election results. Chapter 3 Assessment and current events are due Friday.

course 3: We started to talk about multiplying fractions.  Homework- worksheet 5.3, # 1 - 6.

Pre-Algebra: Handed in our quizzes. They should be graded in time to go on the report cards. Homework: Graphing inequalities evens only.

Algebra: Homework: last 2 problems of the notes. We are having a test a week from today (11/14) over sections 6.4-6.6

Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday, November 2

Science: Completed investigation 2-A by graphing our mass versus speed data. Students also completed their multiple intelligences posters and presented them to the class.

Geometry: Went over the 4.1 homework and 4.2 notes (congruent triangles). Homework is the 4.2 worksheet. Quiz on 4.1-4.5 will be on Monday, November 12.

Spanish I: Quiz on 1.2 (part 2) on Wednesday, Nov 7th.

Pre-Algebra: We took an in-class group quiz today. They did not finish and voted to take it home to complete as opposed to finishing it in their groups on Wednesday. So their homework is to finish their quiz. They may use their books, notes, friends, and/or parents to complete. Please e-mail me if you have any questions.
Algebra: We finished talking about solving absolute value equations. This is new, and this is tough! Keep working, you can do it! Homework: worksheet 6.5 (2-24 evens only)

ELA - Students took their Vocabulry #7 / The Giver Chapter 6-10 Quiz. They were then given one last chance to get their AR quizzes done for this marking period. FYI - even with the short week next week, students have a chapter section and vocabulary due for the Chapters 11-15 section. Attached is the vocabulary sheet if you would like to get a head start. Have a good weekend!

Course 3: We worked on adding fractions and mixed numbers with different denominators.  Homework-worksheet 5.2, # 1 - 17 odds, 18-21, 25.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday, November 1

Geometry: Started chapter 4 with notes on (1.4, relationships in triangles). Homework is the 1.4 worksheet.

Science: Began our unit on Newton's laws of motion with an investigation of how mass affects speed of a car on the track while maintaining constant force. If any students did NOT turn in lab corrections yet they must be turned in tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: We are having a short quiz tomorrow on 2 step equation solving. Homework is Mid Chapter Quiz review (worksheet-copied from textbook)

Algebra: We passed back the tests today and went over them. Scores were great!! We started investigating absolute value equations. The only "assignments" for today are the extra credit assignment and the PSW #3 corrections. Both are optional-but strongly suggested.

Humanities: Students reviewed 3.1 and 3.2 in class. Students also began to work on 3.3 summaries. Homework is to complete 3.3 summaries. Homework folders are due Friday. ]

Spanish I: If you are writing the poem, it must be written neatly on white or colored paper tonight, or you can type it out in the lab tomorrow. Study for the 1.2 (part 20 quiz on Wed Nov 7

ELA - Students wrote to the attached prompt - then discussed the rules they wrote with their table mates. Each table decided on a few rules that they could all agree were important, and then reported out to the class. Chapters 6-10 Reader's Journals were discussed and the class discussed the important concepts in this chapter section.  Homework: Study for Chap 6-10/Vocab Quiz. READ!