Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thursday, May 31

Mrs. Weiss introduced the 8th Grade Graduation Speech Contest in Language Arts today. Information attached. Speeches are due by the end of lunch on Monday, June 4th.

Science: Played final review jeapordy. Final exam review is due on Monday, June 4 (students will work on the review in class tomorrow). The final exam is Tuesday, June 5.

Geometry: Worked on the formula sheet and review packet part 2. The final exam is Wednesday, June 6.

Spanish I: Study for the 2nd part of the 3.2 vocab quiz tomorrow and for the first part of the 3.2 test tomorrow.

Pre-Algebra: We are reviewing for our final exam. The final exam is scheduled for June 6th.

Humanities: Students presented projects in class today. Homework is to complete a current event.

ELA: We heard about the 8th grade dance, 8th grade Graduation Speech Contest, and the 9th grade summer reading requirements! We will go over the Final tomorrow. Tomorrow is also the last day for taking AR quizzes.Tech: NOT DONE YET! Tomorrow we have to be done in order to have the videos produced on to DVDs. Almost there.

Algebra (Graham): Complete chapters 8 and 9 of review for tomorrow. Final Exam Wednesday, June 6

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wednesday, May 30

Science: Quests were returned and students had an opportunity to work on Quest corrections in class. Quest corrections are due tomorrow, click here for more copies of the corrections sheet! If students finished corrections they began working on the review, which will be due on Monday. Final exam is Tuesday, June 5.

Geometry: Went over the review packets and started filling out the formula sheets which we will continue tomorrow. Final exam is now on Wednesday, June 6.

Pre-Algebra: We started to go over our final exam review.  They have 12 questions for review for the final for homework.  Many finished in class. The final exam is Wednesday, June 6.

ELA: Students took the 8th Grade Final (a common assessment both NIS and Anderson administered). Tomorrow students will hear about the 8th grade Graduation Speech Contest and the HS Summer Reading Program.  Friday is the last day for AR quizzes!

Tech: One or two more edits to be completed and we will be ready to send our video into production!

Humanities: Students presented projects in class. No homework. Current events due Friday.

Spanish I: Practice oral and writing prompts for 3.2 test on June 4th. Study vocab - part 2 for quiz on June 1st. Finish sentences for vocab parts 1 and 2 (first part was due today and second part is due this Friday)

Algebra (Graham) I have attached the review for the final exam. We start reviewing tomorrow!

Technology (Graham): Typing and Newsletter are due June 8.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday, May 29

Geometry: Continued to work on the final exam review, it is due tomorrow. Final exam is scheduled for Monday, June 4.

Science: Went over the Refraction homework and took the Light Quest. We will begin reviewing for the final tomorrow. Final exam is Tuesday, June 5.

Humanities: Students presented projects in class today. No homework.

Pre-Algebra: Students had some time to work on their final exam review.  We also worked on graphing linear equations that are in slope intercept form.  Homework is worksheet on slope-intercept form. Final exam is Wednesday, June 6

Spanish I: Study for vocab quiz tomorrow (the first part. The second part is this Friday) First set of sentences for the vocab quiz part 1 are due tomorrow.  Second set of sentences for the vocab quiz part 2 are due this Friday. Worksheet done today is NOT homework. It is just practice for the test.

Algebra (Graham): Our last Chapter test is tomorrow! We went over the practice test in class today. We will begin reviewing for the final exam. Our final exam will be Wednesday June 6 and Thursday June 7.

Technology (Graham): Students should be working on their newsletters and their

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday, May 24

Science: Discussed refraction, Refraction worksheet is homework if it wasn't completed in class. Light Quest is Tuesday, May 29 and the science final exam is Tuesday, June 5.

Geometry: Chapter 9 tests were returned and we started reviewing for the final exam. Final exam review is due on Wednesday. Final exam is Monday, June 4.

Humanities: Students worked on, and presented, projects in class today. Homework is to finish projects if they are not complete. Presentations begin Tuesday.

Spanish I: Vocab packet for the quizzes next week: Part 1 on Wednesday and part 2 on Friday. This packet is due by next Friday. Study your oral and written prompts (examples are on my blog: and remember that you have the first part if 3.2 test on Friday, June 1st (the reading and listening comprehension) and the 2nd part (the oral and written prompts) on Monday June 4th)

Pre-Algebra: Students took a quiz on lesson 8.1 - 8.4. Students were given their practice final to work on. They will be given additional time in class to work on it.

ELA: Students worked on their ELA/Humanities projects, worked on AR quizzes.

Tech: We are still working on final edits and finalizing the 8th grade video, it is looking good!

Algebra (Graham): Last Chapter Test next Wednesday. Attached is the review that students have already received.

Technology (Graham): Students should be working on typing and 8th grade newsletter.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wednesday, May 23

Science: Completed the Unit 6-Light notes. Light quest is Tuesday, May 29 and the final exam is Tuesday, May 5. 7th hour was given the refraction assignment which is tomorrow's work (7th hour doesn't meet tomorrow due to the spirt assembly).

Geometry: Took the chapter 9 test. Students need to make sure that they are doing assignment to COMPLETION if they want to earn credit. No homework tonight, we will start reviewing for the final exam tomorrow. The final exam is Monday, May 4.

Humanities: Students began to present Civil War projects, continued to work on projects and discussed current events in class. Homework is to work on Civil War projects.

Pre-Algebra: We reviewed for our quiz tomorrow on lessons 8.1 - 8.4.  They can review more tonight on pages 442 - 444, #1 - 14.

Art 7/8: Students continue painting Piet Mondrian inspired monochromatic paintings.

Advanced Art 8: Students are beginning their final daily still life drawing of the year today and tomorrow. They will re-draw their very first still life item from the beginning of the year. We will compare the results!! Most students have completed their chair collages for the Picasso inspired monochromatic painting. Demo on mixing tints and shades was given yesterday. Students will begin painting theirs today.

Algebra (Graham): We finished our last lesson in Algebra today!! The assignment was a worksheet which is due tomorrow, and I also gave them the chapter review due on the Tuesday we return. Our last chapter test will be Wednesday.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday, May 22

Science: Went over the law of reflection and yesterday's notes. Law of reflection worksheet is homework. Light Quest is Tuesday, May 29, Science final is Tuesday, June 5.

Geometry: Used the TI Inspire's to do a graphing calculator activity. Homework is the chapter 9 review, odds. Chapter 9 test is tomorrow. Final exam is Monday, June 4.

Pre-Algebra: worked on a quiz review.  We will have a quiz on lesson 8.1 - 8.4 on Thursday.  Homework is to finish the review if you didn't in class.

Humanities: Continued to work on Civil War projects in class. Projects are due Tuesday, May 29, 2012. If students wish to have no homework over the weekend, they have the option of presenting Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

Spanish I Ex 17 pg 210, Ex 4 pg 215. due tomorrow. Start studying vocab quiz words - part 1 is next Wednesday and the 2nd part is next Friday.

Algebra (Hill): Please complete page three in your chapter 11/12 pretest.

Algebra (Graham): Almost finished 12.1. Homework: 12.1 half-sheet. Attached is the Final Exam Review

Technology (Graham): Students' webpages are excellent. Ask to see your son or daughter's!!

ELA: We finished the PBS movie "Slavery by Another Name" to wrap up our year of the African American experience. We will be working on our Humanities/ELA project tomorrow.

Tech: We had our H: drives back for part of the hour! Kudos to the students for rolling with the punches. I'm hoping that a minimum of work was lost when the servers suddenly shut down. We will finish this project!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday, May 21

Science: Completed notes on pages 498-502 and discussed the law of reflection.

Geometry: Went over the practice test, homework is pages 912-913 evens. Test is Wednesday

Pre-Algebra: We worked on finding slope when given two sets of ordered pairs.  Homework is worksheet 8.4, # 1 - 3 all and 10 - 22, evens.

Spanish I: Ex 15 & 16 on pg 209 -due 5/22

Humanities: Students reviewed project expectations, received detailed project rubrics and used the "cow" and computer lab to investigate the PBS website and research topics. Homework is to work on Civil War projects.

ELA: We finished up our Historical Fiction Unit today and are wrapping it up with a video from PBS called "Slavery by Another Name" taking our students from the Civil War through Reconstruction.

Tech: We had access to our H: drives and our J: drive today so we continued with final revisions for the 8th grade video. Plans are for all final cuts to be in on Thursday.

Algebra (Graham): We covered section 11.3 today (equation solving with square roots). We have one more section to cover. Our test is next Wednesday 5/30. I have attached the review for the final exam in case anyone needs one. Our final exam will be June 6 and 7th.

Technology (Graham): We started working on our final project...Newsletters. Remember to continue working on typing.

Algebra (Hill): For homework finish page 1 of your chapter 11/12 pretest (front page only)

Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday, May 18

Science: Investigated the reflection and refraction using the light and optics equipment.

Geometry: Went over the 9.7 homework and made a study sheet for the coordinate rules and matrix mulitiplication for reflections and rotations. Practice test is homework, the chapter 9 test is Wednesday.

ELA: Students held their final book clubs for the Historical Fiction today!  We then had a whole class discussion of the differences and similarities between the two books. Monday Reader's Journals are due at the beginning of the hour.

Tech: Our H: drives and Shared drives were still down, students were given "a day off" and allowed to relax, hopefully the drives are fixed by Monday and we can finish up our 8th Grade Video.

Humanities: Students turned in homework folders, shared project ideas/signatures and shared current events in class. Homework is to work on the Civil War project.

Spanish I: no homework

Pre-Algebra: We started to talk about slope.  No homework.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday, May 17

Geometry: Went over the 9.6 worksheet and took notes on 9.7 (dilations). Homework is the 9.7 worksheet, chapter 9 test will be on Wednesday, May 23.

Science: Today we started our last unit on Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum with a jigsaw note-taking activity on pages 478 & 480-483.

ELA: The copier was broken yesterday, so we did a little extra in our Grammar Unit. Grammar 6.2-6.4 were covered in class. The last journal section was checked and our last Book Club will be tomorrow. The year feels like it is flying by at mach 10!  Completed Reader's Journals are due on Monday for a Project/Test Grade.

Tech: All individual and shared drives are down and are expected to be down until some time tomorrow. A devastation to any tech project being completed! We worked on finding educational game sites and evaluating them.

Algebra (Hill): Homework finish the section 11.2 worksheet all problems

Art 7/8:  Students have started a Piet Mondrian inspired painting. The layout is geometric like Mondrian's. The students painting will be monochromatic (tints and shades of one color.)

Advanced Art grade 8: Portfolios are at the high school for review by high school art teachers. Students have started a Picasso inspired monochromatic (tints and shades of one color) painting. Students did 5 simple line drawings of 5 different chairs. Currently, students are cutting the chair drawings into pieces and creating a collage of chairs. Once the collage is complete, the monochromatic painting will begin.

Spanish I: The 28 answers to the reading comprehension on Jose Ordonez are due tomorrow. We will go over the answers in class.

Algebra (Graham): Added, subtracted, multiplied and divided square roots today. Homework: 11.2A (4-28 multiples of 4)

Pre-Algebra: We worked on the y-intercept and the x-intercept. Homework is worksheet 8.3, # 1-7 odds and # 11 - 15 odds.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday, May 16

** Awesome, awesome job yesterday boys and girls, I have to say it was the best class trip I have ever been on in all my years teaching. The students were a stellar example of what Berkley Schools' expects.- Mrs. Kennedy

Algebra (Graham): Finished the notes on 11-2. Homework: worksheet 11.2A [attached]

Technology (Graham): Websites are due this Friday!!

ELA: Much to the students enjoyment it was a reading/AR quiz/quiet day. The copier is on the fritz so no Grammar Packet, it will be pushed out until the copier is once again working. Last Historical Fiction Reader's Journal Check tomorrow. Last Historical Fiction Book Clubs Friday.

Tech: Piecing together, reviewing, and re-editing the 8th grade video. We are in the home stretch now!

Pre-Algebra: We began to work on y-intercept and x-intercept.  No homework.

Science: Completed our mini-unit on amusement park physics. Thank you from the bottom of my heart students, parents and teachers for making yesterday one of the best 8th grade trips EVER!

Geometry: Went over the 9.5 homework and took notes on section 9.6 (symmetry). Homework is the 9.6 worksheet.

Humanities: Students checked 18.3, were introduced to a project and watched student news in class today. Homework is to have parents/guardians read and sign project expectations.

Spanish I: Reading comprehension paper due tomorrow.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, May 14

Tomorrow is the 8th grade trip to Cedar Point, be here by 7:30!

Science: Discussed amusement physics and the requirements for tomorrow's trip.

Geometry: Went over the 9.4 homework and took notes on 9.5 (compositions). Homework is the 9.5 worksheet.

ELA: Students turned in Grammar 3.9 Pronoun Problems (distributed on Thursday 5/10) and were given time to complete their Historical Fiction reading. Emphasis was placed on reading the after words in the books, both give great insight into the historical figures and facts that were included in the novels Last Chapter section check of the Journals will be this Thursday, 5/17.  The final packet (all sections completed including the vocabulary and the questions at the end) is due for a Project Grade on Monday May 21st ( a week from today). Humanities/ELA Compare and Contrast Project will be presented this week in Humanities, the grade for the is project will count for both classes.  Looking forward to Cedar Point tomorrow! It should be great weather.

Tech: We took the 8th grade Tech Assessment today and then worked on finalizing the 8th Grade video. It will be delivered to the production house by the end of the week!

Humanities: Students reviewed Civil War quizzes, discussed 18.2 and were introduced to 18.3 in class. Homework is to complete 18.3 for Wednesday. I hope everybody has a wonderful trip to Cedar Point!

Spanish I: Check your new class work/homework log and make sure you have completed the following work:
Due Monday May 14th:

1) Flash cards for 3.2 (either on paper, using phone apps or using - you need to email me the flash cards to
2) rough draft of your All About Me
3) verb cards
Due Wednesday, May 16th

1) flash cards on the questions words on pg 143 (the who, what, when, where, why, which, where, to where)

Pre-Algebra: Students took a quiz on lessons 8.1 and 8.2.

Algebra (Graham): Problems #1 and #2 from the notes.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thursday, May 10

Tomorrow is Legacy Day! Don't forget to wear your 8th grade shirts and bring a lunch!

Science: All I-Search papers were returned and we discussed corrections.

Geometry: Completed the notes for section 9.4, the homework is the complete the 9.4 worksheet from yesterday.

Spanish I: Students need to have a rough copy of their All About Me Ib unit done... in Spanish, by this Monday.

Humanities: Students completed our Civil War test in class today. No homework.

ELA: Worked on Grammar Packet 3.9-3.10 Pronoun Problems. We then held Book Clubs, only one week left of this Historical Fiction Unit. Next week Mr. Lyskawa will be introducing the joint ELA/Humanities project for our Civil War units.Tech: Almost done the 8th grade video...a few more adjustments and we should be ready to send it off to the production house. We will do an end of Middle School Newsletter next.

Algebra (Graham): Students were assigned 11.1 notes to fill out. The notes are due on Monday. I have attached the notes.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Wednesday, May 9

Pre-Algebra: Students worked on a problem solving question in groups. No homework. We will have a quiz on lessons 8.1 and 8.2 on Wednesday, May 16th.

Geometry: Went over the 9.3 homework and took notes on 9.4 (reflections). Students will need their protractors to complete the 9.4 homework, only the front is assigned.

Science: Only met with 6th & 7th hour today, tests were returned and discussed.

Spanish I: working on IB unit All About Me

Humanities: Students shared current events in class today. Homework is to study for tomorrow's quiz. Quiz review is attached.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Tuesday, May 8

Geometry: Went over the 9.2 homework and took notes on 9.3 (reflections). Homework is the 9.3 worksheet. Quiz on 9.1-9.4 is Thursday.

Science: Today we began discussing amusement physics with a pre-test and reading about how amusement park physics can help us understand what astronauts experience. Permission slips for Legacy Day were also passed out and need to be returned ASAP!

Algebra (Graham): Test today on Chapter 10. No homework.

Technology (Graham): Reminder that Web pages are due on May 18. Typing Web through Advanced is due the first week in June.

Spanish I: No homework. We worked on making verb cards and will finish them tomorrow.

ELA: Students worked on Grammar Chapter 3 Lessons 7&8. This packet is due tomorrow. Please be sure they read the directions, many are making silly mistakes and it is costing them in their grade. Wednesday: 1/2 Day hours 1, 2 ,6, & 7. Thursday: Week 4 Historical Fiction Reader's Journal chapters due and Book Clubs. Friday: Legacy Day

Tech: Students are working on their 8th grade video. A few industrious students have come to me with ideas for more sections, we will be distributing these on Monday, June 11th.

Humanities: Students reviewed 18.1, were introduced to 18.2 and had a civil war quiz review in class. The quiz review sheet is attached. Homework is to complete a current event for Wednesday and to study for the civil war quiz to be given Thursday.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Monday, may 7

Science: Took the Sound & Waves Test. No homework!

Geometry: Completed several reflection activities using geometry applets.

Humanities: Students worked on 18.1 section assessment in class. 18.1 section assessment is due Tuesday.

ELA: Students were given time to read and/or take AR quizzes. There are a total of 3 quizzes due for this marking period and not many students have taken them. Please check your student's Family Access, I am entering the grades for quizzes taken this marking period today. Grammar 3.6 "Interrogative and Demonstrative Pronouns" was taught and due by the end of the hour.  Remember: Wednesday is 5th Grade Orientation so we will have a half day - hours 1,2,6,7.  Friday is Legacy Day - so Journals are due (as stated on the assignment list) Thursday.

Tech: Students worked on smoothing out their 8th grade video, there is some amazing editing work going on! I can't wait to see the final product. Thanks to Ringside Creative we will have this burned to DVD.

Algebra (Graham): Test over chapter 10 tomorrow!!! Students should be looking over their notes, memorizing the different equation forms, and practice problems. Good luck!

Spanish I: 3.1 test is today - with the listening part tomorrow, and finishing the oral prompts tomorrow if necessary. Flash cards for 3.2 are due by next Monday - either in paper form, or using or using a flash card app on your phones. If you use or your phones, you will have to email it to me (, or show me.

Pre-Algebra: We continued to put equations in function form.  This stuff is HARD:)  Hang in there.  Homework is worksheet 8.2, #23 - 28.

Algebra (Hill): Chapter 10.4-10.8 test tomorrow. Homework: Study your practice exams and your class notes, also practice test 10b due tomorrow.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday, May 4

Don't forget about the math department's book drive!

Science: Went over the review for Monday's test.

Geometry: Went over the 9.1 homework and 9.2 notes (matrices, fun!). Homework is 9.2 worksheet, and students MUST show work on a separate piece of paper for the multiplication matrices. Quiz is Thursday, May 10.

Spanish I: 3.1 test on Monday, May 7th. use your study guides, worksheets, and reading comprehension packet to study. practice your oral prompts and your writing prompts. Copies of everything is on my blog (If you go back for a few weeks you will find everything you need for 3.1 test: notes, prompts and answers)

Algebra (Graham): Chapter 10 test next Tuesday (5/8). I have attached the study guide that the students received yesterday.

ELA: We had our first cross-text book clubs today. We split up into groups and gave summaries of our Historical Fiction novels and then talked about the historical links, characters, and conflicts in each of the novels. After notes were taken we gathered as a whole class and discussed what we discovered. The similarities and differences in the books.

Tech: Team Evaluations were due again today, this is a great self check as to how each group is working together and who is contributing to the team effort. The video is coming together, we have a few holes in sections, but we will get there.

Pre-Algebra: We started to work on putting equations in y=mx + b form. This is very difficult:) No homework.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday, May 3

Science: Finished working on the Unit 5-Sound and Waves Test review (see yesterday's post for a copy of the review). If students did not finish it in class then it is homework. Unit 5 test is Monday.

Geometry: Tests were returned & discussed and we took notes on 9.1 (transformations and vector notation). Homework is the 9.1 worksheet. Quiz on 9.1-9.4 is planned for Thursday, May 10.

Humanities: Students checked 17.3 and were introduced to 17.4 in class. Homework is to complete 17.4 section assessment. Civil War test on Tuesday, May 8.

Spanish I: The worksheet from Tuesday is now due on Friday. The reading comprehension packet I passed out today will be finished in class tomorrow or as homework for Monday. Tomorrow is the 3.1 vocab quiz, and the 3.1 test is on Monday.

Algebra (Hill): Homework: Finish the pre-test you began working in today in class.

ELA: Students learned about Reflexive and Intensive Pronouns and completed worksheet 3.5 before moving in to Book Clubs. We were lucky enough to have booked the Media Center on this hot day, phew!

Tech: All teams have their lyrics and music approved and are moving on to the completion of their sections.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday, May 2

Geometry: Took the chapter 12 test. No homework!

Science: Started working on the review for the Unit 5: Sound & Waves test. I-Search research papers are due tomorrow!

Spanish I: Students had review worksheets for the test on Monday. These are to be started in class and finished for homework.

Pre-Algebra: We continued to work on linear equations.  Homework is worksheet 8.2, #14 - 22.

Algebra (Graham): We finished up the chapter with 10.8. Our homework is 10.8 practice B (#10,15,16)

Technology (Graham): Worked with 5th graders on their research projects.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Tuesday, May 1

Geometry: Went over the chapter 12 practice test. Chapter 12 review, odds, is homework (check out the awesome solution to #11, it's beautiful!). Chapter 12 test is tomorrow!

Science: Today we completed the Unit 4-Sound & Waves notes. Tomorrow we will begin reviewing for the unit test, which is Monday, May 7. I-Search papers are due on Thursday, May 3.

Pre-Algebra: We started to talk about graphing linear equations.  No homework.

ELA: Students continued their grammar exploration with Lesson 3.3: Object Pronouns. We recognized pronouns used as Direct Objects, Indirect Objects, and Objects of Prepositions. The packet was due by the end of the period. Students were given time to take AR quizzes or read silently when they were done.

Tech: The 8th grade video is well underway. ALL 8TH GRADERS PLEASE SEND PICTURES AND VIDEOS TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING EMAILS: - For all sections except: - Events or pictures from this year - Events or pictures from last year
We really need pictures from Elementary at Norup and 6th grade

Humanities: Students checked 17.2 and were introduced to 17.3 in class. Homework is to complete 17.3 notes/section assessment by Thursday and a current event for Wednesday.

Algebra (Graham) We summarized how to graph and solve quadratics. Homework is to finish problems on the notes about using the discriminant.

Technology (Graham): Almost done with their websites.

 Algebra (Hill): Homework pg 688 problems 7-12