Thursday, June 10, 2010

Thursday, June 8

Science: Took the final exam.

Geometry: Reviewed factoring and solving systems of equations.

Algebra: Last day of final exam

Algebra 2: Taking final exam. Last day is tomorrow.

Pre Algebra: Chapter 8 Test

Course 3: End of year test. Austin- Reviewed for our final exam tomorrow.

LA - Students read aloud and discussed The Million Pound Bank Note - by Mark Twain. HW - none

Journalism - activity packets, the need to be completed by the end of the hour. If not it is homework. HW - activity sheets.

Social Studies: Students reviewed 19.3, shared current events and turned in homework folders and textbooks in class today. No homework.

Spanish 1: We finished the final exam today. The results will be in the computer today if you want to look at Family Access to see. Thanks for a great year.

Spanish 8: We are finishing our review of the basics today. No homework!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday, June 8

Pool Permission slip was due today!

Finished reviewing for the final exam. Final is tomorrow and books are also due tomorrow. Study guide is attached, it is suggested that students study their previous tests and quizzes.

Geometry: Took the second 1/2 of the final exam!

Algebra: Day 1 of Final Exam. Books are due on Thursday or Friday.

Algebra 2: Last day of review before final exam. Books are due on Friday.

Pre Algebra: Review for Chapter 8 test on Friday.

Course 3: Review for end of the year exam. 8th graders on Thursday, 7th graders on Friday.

Social Studies: Students reviewed 19.2 and were introduced to 19.3 in class. 19.3 free choice is due tomorrow. Current events, homework folders and books are due tomorrow.

LA - I let the students study for their finals. If they decided not to take this opportunity a reading and writing assignment was given. HW - none.

Journalism - video on "Careers in Television" HW - none

Career Tech - All projects have been presented. Students are "cleaning up" their H: drives in preparation of High School.

Integrated Tech - Battle Bots will complete the final heat today.....straightening up the Lego cabinet will follow.

Spanish 1: The studetns took part one of the final. Tomorrwo will be part two. We will collect textbooks tomorrow.

Spanish 8: We are finishing our review of basic Spanish.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Monday, July 7

* Permission Slips for the Student Council Spirit Trip to the Huntington Woods Pool are due on Wednesday

* 8th Grade Dance is Friday, June 11 from 6:00-8:00. Please contact either Mrs. Petersen or Mrs. LaRaia for details or if you are interested in helping. Those who volunteered to bring pop are asked to bring only Sprite and Hawaiian Punch for our fountain!

Worked on final review, must be complete tomorrow. Final exam is Thursday, June 10. All books/cd's must be returned on Thursday.

Geometry: Went over the last of the review. Homework is to study for tomorrow's final exam.

Algebra: Chapter 9, 10 and 12 review. Final Exam on Wednesday and Thursday. Please make sure you find your text book and bring it to class to turn in on Thursday.

Algebra 2: Reviewed conic sections, law of sines and cosines, trigonometric functions, arithmetic and geometric sequences/series. Final exam is Thursday/Friday of this week.

Course 3: Review for final year test.

Pre Algebra: Quarterly exam. No homework.

Social Studies: -Students were introduced to chapter 19, read 19.1 and worked on 19.1 section assessment in class. 19.1 section assessment is due tomorrow. Current events, folders and books are due Thursday.

Spanish 1: Today we spent time on oral skills and went over the sections of the final. It will be broken into two days; Wednesday and Thursday. For tomorrow, please review the past tense from page R29 and re-read the opening reading sections for unit 2 and 3-1 and 3-2.

Spanish 8: We reviewed days, months and numbers today. The packet about the three categories is due at the end of class tomorrow.

LA - students took their final today. HW - none
Journalism - rough drafts due on Tues. June 8 at the end of the hour. HW - none.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday, June 4

Science: Began reviewing for the final exam. #1-12 on the review is homework.

Geometry: Went over chapters 9 & 10 on the final review. Chapters 11 & 12 are homework.

Algebra: Final Exam Review Chapter 7 and 8. 9, 10 and 11 are homework.

Algebra 2: Final Exam review due on Monday

Course 3: Stem and leaf plot activity.

Pre Algebra: Quarterly Assessment. No homework!

LA - students turned in their "Letters to themselves." We read The Ransom of Red Chief, by O'Henry and discussed irony. Students will be taking their final exam on Monday June 7th. (this exam will count as a quiz grade). HW - none.

Journalism - students peer edited their rough drafts. HW - none

Social Studies: Students reviewed 18.2 and 18.3 in class. Current events were also shared today. No homework. Folders and textbooks are due Thursday, June 10, 2010.

Spanish 1: Today we played a review game and I went over the materials to prepare for the final exam. It will be broken into two parts, on Wednesday and Thursday. The homework is to review vocabulary from all year and work on past tense verbs (refer to R29). We will correct workbook pages 71 and 72 on Monday.

Spanish 8: Today we reviewed the Spanish-speaking countries and the students made crossword puzzles based on the map of South and Central America. There is no homework over the weekend.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday, June 3

Science: Lab 24 A (Frequency & Wavelength of Light). Quest corrections are homework. Students can earn 1/2 credit back for each correction accurately completed.
1) Separate piece of paper
2) Copy entire question
3) Write correct answer (not just the letter)
4) Write 2 sentences explaining the answer scientifically (not the an excuse for what you did wrong). A good idea is to copy definitions or explanations/examples out of the book.

Geometry: Went over final review chapters 7 & 8. Final review chapters 9 & 10 are homework.

Algebra: Final Exam Review

Algebra 2: Final Exam Review

Pre Algebra: Chapter 8 Test Review (8.1 Worksheet)

Course 3 Austin- We took the chapter 11 test. No homework.
Baker- Final Exam Review

LA - students took their novel test. They also finished their final letters to themselves. They self addressed envelopes so I can make sure that they will get their letters in 2014, if I miss them at their graduation. HW - turn in their novels and their final letters if they did not complete them in class.

Journalism - rough drafts are due at the end of the hour today.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wednesday, June 2

Science: Completed the Unit 6 notes. "WavesTown" worksheet is homework.

Geometry: Went over the cumulative review. Began Final review packet, chapter 7 & 8 is homework.

Algebra: Final Review. The final has been changed to June 9th and 10th!

Algebra 2: Final Exam Review. Students received a review packet that is due on Friday.

Pre Algebra: Students reviewed linear equations. Chapter 14 Test on June 11th.

Course 3: Students received a Course 3 Review Packet. Austin- we reviewed for the chapter 11 test tomorrow.

Social Studies: Students shared notes from 18.1 and worked on the section assessment for 18.2 in class. 18.2 section assessment is due tomorrow. Current events are due Friday.

LA - Novel test tomorrow. Students worked on their rough drafts of their letter to themselves.
HW - study for test. Students wrote letters to themselves talking about what they think they will be doing once they graduate from BHS. Will they go off to college? Travel the world? Take a year off? Move? Get married, join the military, etc. I will then give them these letters at graduation 2014!

Journalism - finish rough drafts, which are due 6/3 at the end of the hour. HW - none

Spanish 1: Today the class took at spelling quiz and went to the lab to drill vocabulary at The final exam will be next Wednesday and Thursday.

Spanish 8: Today the students took a pronunciation quiz and worked on the sentences they need to know for tomorrow's quiz in which they unscramble sentences.

Career Tech - Final projects are being presented and evaluated.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday, Jun1

Final Exam Schedule
* Science Final Thursday June 10
* Geometry Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
* Algebra Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
*Algebra II Final Thursday & Friday June 10 & 11

Science: Students took the "Light Quest". Notes pages 522-524 must be completed for homework.

Geometry: Completed the cumulative test.

Algebra: Reviewed Chapter 11 and started 12.1.

Algebra 2: Final Exam review

Course 3: Linear equations review and practice

Pre Algebra: Linear equations review.

Social Studies: Students reviewed chapter 17 and were introduced to chapter 18 in class. Homework is to complete notes (three sentence minimum per sub-section) for 18.1.

LA - students turned in their final papers. They discussed the end of their novels and a test will be given on June 3rd. Finished and discussed Raymond's Run. HW - none

Journalism - write an article of their choice. Rough draft due Thursday at the end of the hour. HW - none.