Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday, May 27

Science: Today we took the 8th grade "Tech Assessment" with Mrs. Savich. Homework is to study for Tuesday's "Waves & Light Quest". Suggestions for studying include a) making flashcards b) practicing solving problems c) doing the section review question in the book and d) explaining the scientific concepts to an adult.

Geometry: Worked on reviewing for the final exam. Cumulative review test is homework.

Algebra: Homework due on Tuesdsay Pg. 723 #40-45, Pg. 732 #6-20 evens, Pg. 740 #4-14 even, 20, 26. Final exam on June 8 and 9th.

Algebra 2: Chapter 14 test on Wednesday. Final Exam on June 9 and 10.

Pre Algebra: Linear equations. No homework over the weekend.

Course 3: Graphing linear equations activity. 11.5/11.6 worksheet.

LA - students turned in their grammar packets and took their "quotation" and italics quiz. We discussed the Snow Falling on Cedars excerpt and started a new story Raymond's Run. HW - their novel should be completed by Tuesday June 6 for book discussion. Final Drafts are also due Tuesday June 6. There is a penalty for late submissions of papers.

Journalism - Final drafts of "Watergate" are due at the end of the hour today. HW - none.

Social Studies: Students reviewed homework folders, corrected tests and shared current events in class. No homework.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Wednesday, May 26

Science: Went over Law of Reflection homework and watched Bill Nye "Light & Optics". Began working on Refraction & Ray Diagram homework.

Geometry: Took the chapter 12 test & began reviewing for the final exam. Page 908-909 (odds) for homework.

Algebra: Simplifying radical expressions notes. Homework: Pg. 723 # 4-18 even, 26-32 even, 34-38 even, 46, 48. Final exam on June 8th and 9th

Algebra 2: 14.5 Notes and homework. Chapter 14 test on Tuesday. Final exam on June 10th and 11th.

Pre Algebra: Slope activity and discussion.

Course 3: Solving algebraic equations and linear equation discussion.

LA - Checked grammar homework "quotations" and italics. Quiz is tomorrow. Students read an excerpt from Snow Falling on Cedars, and they had to do a plot plan. HW - Study for quiz. First date to turn in final drafts 5/27. Finish novels (due Tuesday 6/1).

Journalism - finish final drafts. HW - none

Social Studies: Students took Civil War test and turned in homework folders in class. Current events due tomorrow (Thursday).

Career Tech - Students are in the "Create" portion of the Design Cycle. Presentations will begin tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday, May 25

Science: Worked on notes for images & lenses. Waves & Light "Quest" is Tuesday, June 1. The quest is open note and corrections for 1/2 credit will be available, much like a quiz, but it counts as a test.

Geometry: Went over the practice test, students need to be extra vigilant showing their work! Chapter 12 review is homework. Chapter 12 test tomorrow.

Algebra: 11.1 Notes and Homework Pg. 713-714 #4, 8, 10, 18. 22, 24, 26, 32, 34, 41

Algebra 2: 11.4 Notes and homework

Pre Algebra: Checked slope worksheet and went over linear equations

Course 3: Went over 11.5. Quiz tomorrow. Austin- We went over 11.6 homework. We took a homework quiz. No homework.

LA - rough drafts were due today and counted as a homework grade. Student's peer edited each other's papers. HW - grammar packet is due tomorrow and student's should be working on their final drafts. Final papers are due 5/27 or 6/1.

Journalism - students peer edited their papers. Final drafts are due Thursday 5/28. HW - none

Social Studies: Students reviewed 17.4 section assessment and reviewed for chapters 16/17 quiz. Quiz and homework folders are due Wednesday, May 26, 2010.

Career Tech - Family Budget is in the Create stage of the Design Cycle. Presentations will begin on Thursday, My 27th.

Integrated Tech - Battle Bots due for first heat June 2nd.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Monday, May 24

Final Exam Schedule
* Science Final Thursday June 10
* Geometry Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
* Algebra Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
*Algebra II Final Thursday & Friday June 10 & 11

Science: Today we did visited four stations in class to work on notes and demonstrations with lenses and focus. Law of Reflection (#1-4) is homework. Light "Quest" Tuesday, June 1. The quest will count as a test grade but will be open note like a quiz.

Geometry: Worked on the chapter 12 practice test in class. Chapter 12 test Wednesday, May 26.

Course 3: Austin- We took notes on lesson 11.6, finding the slope of a line. Homework- worksheet 11.6, # 1 - 16.

Social Studies: Students checked 17.3 and read 17.4 in class. 17.4 section assessment due tomorrow. Quiz and homework folder due Wednesday.

LA - Book discussion WEDOB - Ch8-10, SH 8-9. Students started new grammar packet, "quotations" and italics. No reading for this evening. HW - rough drafts due tomorrow, all four paragraphs must be completed for credit. Grammar packet due Wednesday 5/26.

Journalism - finishing up Watergate rough drafts, due at the end of the hour.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Friday, May 21

Final Exam Schedule
* Science Final Thursday June 10
* Geometry Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
* Algebra Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
*Algebra II Final Thursday & Friday June 10 & 11

Science: Completed lab 22B (Law of Reflection & Observing Refraction) and worked on notes.

Geometry: 12.7 notes (THE LAST NOTES OF THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!). 12.7 worksheet is homework. Chapter 12 test on Wednesday, May 26.

Algebra: Finished Chapter 10 Test. No homework

Algebra 2: Took notes on 14.2 and started 14.4. Students have 14.2 homework and partial 14.4 Homework.

Course 3: We did a linear equation activity. Austin- We went over homework and did more practice in class. No homework.

Pre Algebra: Took notes on 8.5 and had time for homework.

LA - Cause and Effect paper was introduced and discussed. Book talk on Ch. 8 in both novels. HW - S.H. read Ch. 9 and WEDOB read Ch 9 and 10. Rough drafts are due Tuesday 5/25 - will count as a homework assignment. Please note: Attached is the paper assignment and rubric. Late papers will result in a 10 point deduction.

Journalism - student's attended an assembly. Watergate rough drafts are due at the end of the hour Monday 5/24. HW - none

Social Studies: Students reviewed 17.3 and worked on 17.3 guided reading in class. 17.3 guided reading due Monday. Folders due and chapter 17 quiz on Wednesday.

Spanish 1: Today we took part 2 of the 3-1 test. Homework for Tuesday is to make an insert about chapter 3-2 on which each student summarizes the important information and vocabulary. Leave space for notes as we study the chapter.

Spanish 8: Today we finished El libro de la selva. Next week students will work on the summary and do some speaking and writing about the movie.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday, May 20

Science: Lab 22b #1-3 (The Law of Reflection). I-Search re-do's are due tomorrow.

Geometry: 12.6 notes (surface area of volume and spheres), 12.6 worksheet is homework. Chapter 12 test Wednesday, May 26.

Algebra: Reviewed for Chapter 10 Test and started it today. We will finish tomorrow.

Algebra II: Continued our discussion on trigonometric functions in Chapter 14. Students have 14.1 for homework.

Pre Algebra: Took notes on 8.3. Graphing Linear equations activities.

Course 3: Graphing linear equations activities and notes. Austin- We took notes on lesson 11.5 (x-intercept and y-intercept). Homework-ws 11.5 1,2, 3-13 odds, 31-33.

Social Studies: Students corrected 17.2 and shared current events in class. Homework is to read 17.3.

LA - Students took their novel quiz and we corrected it in class. Book discussion followed. HW - read Ch 8 in both novels for discussion on Friday.

Journalism - students are choosing a topic regarding Watergate to report on. Rough drafts are due tomorrow. HW - rough drafts are due at the end of the hour tomorrow.

Spanish 1: The 3-1 test, part 2 is tomorrow. Please study off the resumen (summary) as well as the answers to the chapter review.

Spanish 8: Please copy párrafo 8 in English and Spanish of El libro de la selva.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Friday, May 14

Science: Amusement Park Physics with a NASA twist! Eye packets were due today.

Geometry: 12.4 notes (volume of prisms & cylinders). 12.4 worksheet is homework. 12.1-12.4 quiz on Wednesday.

Course 3- Austin Quiz review. Quiz Tuesday.

LA - Continued with Historical Fiction Unit. Students received Civil War notes to assist them with their novels and in Social Studies. Student's worked on their Legacy Day reflection piece, "I Believe....." Comma quiz was passed back and those that received anything below a 70% may retake the quiz on Monday at lunch. The two grades will be averaged together. HW - S.H. read Ch 4 and 5. WEDOB read Ch 5

Journalism - students are to complete their final articles on "Cinco De Mayo". Due at the end of the hour today for credit. HW - none

Career Tech - Investigate was checked and commented on. Students are now to move on to the Plan stage of the Design Cycle. Plan entails a rough draft...yes....with pen or pencil and paper (I know how 10 years ago). Students should be keeping up with their Process Journal.

Integrated Tech - Finishing up Gears

Spanish 1: Today we took part one of the 3-1 test. Part 2 will be next Friday.

Spanish 8; The kids completed their political posters agaisnt bullfighitng and we began El Libro de la Selva (The Jungle Book) in Spanish.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tuesday, May 11

* Legacy Day is Thursday, May 13. Students should come prepared to work at their assigned location and wear their "Norup Class of 2010" t-shirts.

* 8th Grade Trip to Math & Physics Day @ Cedar Point is Tuesday, May 18

Tentative Final Exam Schedule
* Science Final Thursday June 10
* Geometry Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
* Algebra Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
*Algebra II Final Thursday & Friday June 10 & 11

Science: Eye Dissection! Eye Packet is due on Friday. I-Search papers will be returned by Monday, May 17

Geometry: 12.2 Notes (Surface Area of Prisms & Cylinders), 12.2 worksheet is homework. 12.1-12.4 Quiz Wednesday, May 19.

Course 3 Austin-
We worked on equations with two variables. No homework.

Social Studies: Students read 16.1 in class. 16.1 section assessment due Wednesday. 16.2 section assessment due Friday. Current event due Friday.

LA - students took their short story unit test. Homework: novel reading WEDOB Ch2-4 and SH 2-3 due Friday for discussion. HW - read novels
Journalism - work on final drafts. Due Friday. HW - none

Spanish 1: We worked on 3-1 today. On Friday the class will take 3 sections of the chapter test and finish it next week. For Friday, please rewrite 187#15 perfectly, color-coding the gustar expressions (they are four words each).

Spanish 8: Today the kids worked on their political posters against bullfighting. They are due Friday.

Career Tech - Investigate section of Design Folder due Tomorrow; that includes the completed spreadsheet and print evidence of where the student got the numbers for their budget.
Integrated Tech - continued our Gears work.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 10

Tentative Final Exam Schedule
* Science Final Thursday June 10
* Geometry Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
* Algebra Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
*Algebra II Final Thursday & Friday June 10 & 11

Science: Worked on completing the eye packet and demonstrated the eye dissection. Eye dissection is tomorrow.

Geometry: 12.1 notes, 12.1 worksheet is homework.

Algebra: Pg. 681 # 3, 4, 16 and Pg. 688# 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20. DUE ON Wednesday! Also, tomorrow please do: Pg. 692-693 Calculator Activity and Pg. 696# 1-37 odds. Chapter 10 Test is on Tuesday, May 18 for 7th graders and 8th graders have a choice of Friday, May 14 or Monday, May 17th for Chapter 10 Test.

Algebra 2: Chapter 13 Test tomorrow

Pre Algebra: 8.2 Graphing Calculator Assignment and 8.3 Day 1 Notes. NO homework.

Course 3: 11.3 Notes. #1-11 on worksheet.
Austin- 11.3 Notes. #1-11, 13 on worksheet.

LA - We finished reviewing for the short story unit test tomorrow. They were given time in class to study and make flash cards. Students started reading their novels for their Civil War unit.
With Every Drop of Blood - Ch1. A Soldier's Heart - Ch1. HW - study for the unit test. Finish Ch1 in novel.
Journalism - Students peer edited each others Cinco De Mayo rough drafts. They started on their final drafts which are due Friday. HW - none

Social Studies: Students watched a video and took notes on the Civil War. No homework.

Spanish 1: We continue to work on 3-1. The chapter test is Friday. Please do 187#15 tomorrow and study your vocabulary and verbs.

Spanish 8: Please keep working on your political posters against bullfighting. They are due on Friday.

Career Tech - "Family Budget" is in full swing. Investigate is due Wednesday, May 12th.
Integrated Technology - Learning more about Gears - Homework tonight is a Gears Handout.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday, May 7

Tentative Final Exam Schedule
* Science Final Thursday June 10
* Geometry Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
* Algebra Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9
*Algebra II Final Thursday & Friday June 10 & 11

Worked on the Eye Packet, dissection is Tuesday!

Geometry: Took the chapter 11 test (88% Average). 12.1 notes for homework.

Algebra: 10.6 # 3, 6, 10, 16, 20, 24, 28, 30, 31, 34, 36, 38, 48. Chapter 10 Test - You may take the Chapter 10 Test on May 14, 17 or 18. However, 8th graders cannot take the exam on the 18th due to Cedar Point Trip.

Algebra II: 13.6 # 1, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 28, 32, 39, 43. Chapter 13 Test is on Tuesday

Course 3: Checked 11.2 homework. Chapter 11.3 Notes. Homework: 11.3 Worksheet ODDS. Austin- We went over last nights homework. No homework.

Pre Algebra: 8.2 Day 2 Notes and Homework.

LA - We went over The Necklace vocabulary and I checked for completion. Students took the comma quiz and the packet was collect for credit. We reviewed for the short story unit test which will be given on Tuesday May 11. HW - study for the test.

Journalism - rough draft articles on "Cinco de Mayo" are due at the end of the hour. Students will peer edit on Monday. HW - none.

Social Studies: Students corrected chapter 15 tests, organized homework folders and shared current events in class. Folders due Monday.

Spanish 1: Please finish the work given in class; 184#10, 186#12, 186#14 and the photocopy of the workbook, pages 60-61. Also, drill irregular verbs and vocabulary!

Spanish 8; The kids worked with a partner to start to either defend bullfighting or argue against it.

Career Tech - Worked on Investigate section of the design cycle. Students should have at least their income and their spouse's income, rent, and three other expenses printed, cited in a bibliography, and entered into their spreadsheet. The entire Investigate section of the Design Folder is due Wednesday, May 12.

Integrated Technology - students are working on finishing up their scavenger hunts as well as being sure their grades in other classes are up to par.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday, May 6

Tentative Final Exam Announcements:
* Science Final Thursday, June 10
* Geometry Final Tuesday & Wednesday June 8 & 9

Science: Student's turned in their I-Search Projects. We began working on the "Eye Packet" and will be dissecting on Tuesday, May 11!

Geometry: Went over the practice test. Chapter 11 test is Friday.

Algebra: 10.5 Homework #3, 4, 10, 16, 19, 28, 31, 34, 45, 52, 55, 61

Pre Algebra: Checked the homework 11.1 from last night. All missing assignments are due on Monday. Make sure you are caught up on all missing work!

Algebra 2: 13.5 #4, 8, 10, 14, 22. Chapter 13 Test is Wednesday, May 12th.

Course 3: 11.2 Notes and check homework.

Social Studies: Students took chapter 15 quiz/test. Current events due tomorrow (Friday).

LA - Students discussed The Necklace short story. We reviewed for their quiz tomorrow (commas, semi colons, colons and apostrophe's). The Necklace vocabulary: dowry, tureen, bewildered, chic, vestibule, franc, convent, harrowed, chemise, chagrin. HW - study for quiz, finish vocabulary (due tomorrow), grammar packet will be collected as well.

Journalism - finishing up rough drafts on Cinco De Mayo. Articles are due tomorrow for peer review. HW - none.

Spanish 1: We continue working on 3-1. There is a lot of grammar and vocabulary, so stay on top of it. The homework is 184#9. After you have written the sentences, take a bit more time and re-read them, checking for mistakes and solidifying the sentences in your memory.

Spanish 8: Today we saw a video about a female bullfighter. The homework for tomorrow is to memorize these sentences: Seis toros y tres matadores participan en la corrida de toros tradicional. Cada matador se enfrenta con dos toros. (Six bulls and three matadors participate in the traditional bullfight. Each matador faces two bulls.)

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wednesday, May 5

Science: Completed notes on Sound & Waves. I-Search instrument research project is due tomorrow.

Geometry: We spent a long time going over the 11.6 homework and did the 11.7 notes. Practice test is homework. Chapter 11 test is Friday.

Algebra: 10.4 #3-8 all, 15, 17-21all, 32, 36, 41, 56, 68

Algebra II: Unit Circle speed practice and 13.4 homework.

Pre Algebra: 8.1 Homework: Pg. 388-390 #8-16, 18-21, 27-37

Course 3: 11.2 Notes and worksheet for homework. Austin- We reviewed writing an equation from a table. Homework-ws 11.1 # 18,19.

LA - students checked their punctuation packet and need to study for the quiz on Friday 5/7. The quiz will cover; commas, colons/semicolons, and apostrophes. Students read the short story The Necklace on their own and answered follow-up questions that were provided to them. HW - study for their quiz on Friday.

**Please note: I am offering Amnesty to those student's who have missing assignments. This will be offered Friday 5/7 at lunch and they will receive partial credit for that particular assignment. If students choose to not show up, their assignment remains incomplete.

Journalism - students are researching and typing their Cinco De Mayo articles. The rough drafts are due for credit on Friday 5/7. HW - none.

Social Studies: Students finished chapter 15 assessment and studied for chapter 15 quiz in class. Homework is to study for chapter 15 quiz which is tomorrow.

Spanish 1: Today the students presented the dialogues from pages 178-179 and we went over "Vistazo de 3-1." For tomorrow, please continue to study the chapter vocabulary and think through a phone conversation that you will write in Spanish tomorrow.

Spanish 8: Today we continued to learn about Spain. For tomorrow, please learn the sentences from"La corrida de toros."

Career Tech - Created "Family Budget" spreadsheet together. Students are beginning the Investigate portion of the project. Three things need to happen as each cost or income is found: print evidence, enter amount into spreadsheet, and enter info into Easybib.

Integrated Technology - students will redo the assignments left with the sub.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday, May 3

Choir Concert Wednesday, 7:30 pm at the BHS Auditorium. It will last approximately 30 - 40 minutes and is free and open to the public. This concert features the 6, 7, and 8th grade choirs.

Today was the last in class work day for the "I-Search Instruments" research project. Peer review is Tuesday, May 4 & papers are due Thursday, May 6. Please see previous posts for rubrics and directions on this paper. We will begin our final unit on Light & The Electromagnet Spectrum this week.

Geometry: Began the 11.6 notes but did not finish. 11.6 worksheet #1-10 for homework. Chapter 11 test Friday.

Algebra 2: Pg. 870-872 #4, 11, 14, 17, 22, 25, 26, 36, 38.

Algebra: No homework. Started 10.3.

Pre Algebra: Checked our menu worksheets and went over sales tax and tip.

Course 3: We checked 11.2 and did practice problems. No homework.

Social Studies: Students reviewed 15.3 and were introduced to 15.4 in class. Homework is to complete 15.4 guided notes. Current events due Wednesday.

LA - students spent the first 10-15 minutes of class writing a paragraph on one of the themes from their short stories. It was collected for credit and assessment. Students discussed commas, colons, semicolons, and apostrophes - the grammar packet is due Wednesday 5/5. Tell-Tale Heart, vocabulary is due on Tuesday 5/4 for credit. acute, vehemently, profound, hypocritical, marrow, suavity, audacity, sagacity, fluently, stealthily. HW - vocabulary due tomorrow 5/4 and the grammar packet is due Wednesday 5/5.

Journalism: Student's will be watching videos on Mexico's history and Cinco de Mayo. They will be taking notes and will do a follow up article on what they observed. They will also be asked to research the Battle of Pueblo. HW - none