Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday, March 26

Science: Continued discussing properties of waves, and how the formula we used to find speed earlier in the year (V=D/T) is related to the formula for speed of a wave (S=WxF) by substituting (Yeah Algebra!) for frequency. Students then worked on the Properties of Waves & Waves handout. This is due on Monday. 

Geometry: Began unit 7 on Circles by investigating central angles. Homework is the central angles handout. 

RR Math: Homework packets due after vacation.

RR English: Read daily- logs are due on Monday.

ELA - Students worked on their posters, read, and took AR quizzes. With all of the March Miracles mayhem it was good that we only had a work day. 1/2 day flip day tomorrow. I will be in the PYP lab until 12:00 for those last minute AR quizzes.

Technology - last day for Tech :( We finished up Warhol images and any late work. Next week this group moves on to Health and a new Technology group comes to me. If there is any late/missing work remaining it needs to be to me by Wednesday at the latest.

Algebra: Hours 4-7 your homework of 10.5B (1-9, 10-18 evens, 19) is due tomorrow.

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